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Our county, and .itsjgeojBJK^a
I descriptr
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Cornell University
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Descriptive and Biographical Record of
The Saratogian
The Boston History Company, Publishers
To record all the interesting events transpiring in a county so rich
in history as Saratoga; to note the development of all its industries, to
follow the career of each of its various institutions, would be impossible
in a single volume. In " Our County and Its People" it has been the
aim of the writer and those associated with him to preserve for future
generations a record of such occurrences as will tend to illustrate the
development of the community along its various lines, and to leave un-
written many of the minor details in this story of development which,
however interesting they might prove to a few individuals in each
locality, are not of sufficient importance to the county at large or even
to a large portion of the population of any town or village.
It has also been the plan to carry the history of the county as a
whole down through the various periods of its existence, with simply
a gazetteer of the towns — wherein this work differs from most local
historical publications.
The chapter dealing with the battles fought in Saratoga county
during the war of the Revolution, and the history of the Saratoga
monument and the Saratoga Monument Association, have been revised
by Mrs. Ellen Hardin Walworth of Saratoga Springs, the highest local
authority on Revolutionary history ; and the chapter on the Bench and
Bar of Saratoga county has been revised by the Hon. John R. Putnam
of the New York Supreme Court. The invaluable assistance rendered
by these distinguished persons contributes to give to this work a stand-
ing wliich should guarantee for it not only a hearty reception on the
part of the large number of persons who have shown an interest in its
compilation, but also should cause it to be recognized, in these partic-
ulars at least, as the most valuable historical work which has ever
been laid before the inhabitants of Saratoga county.
The compiler of " Our County and Its People" further desires to
acknowledge the services of lanthus G. Johnson, M. D., of Greenfield
Centre, George R. Moore of Mechanicville, Major James W. Lester
and Captain Frederick M. Waterbury of Saratoga Springs, Captain
John D. Rogers of Round Lake, Edward F. Grose, James L. Scott,
David Frisbie and William Spencer of Ballston Spa, James T. Sweet-
man, M. D., of Charlton, the various town and village clerks, officers
of various societies, principals of the leading schools, the pastors of the
churches, the editors of the county newspapers and others who have
contributed to the success of the undertaking by the great volume of
information which they have supplied. Among the references em-
ployed in the preparation of the work we desire to give full credit to
N. B. Sylvester's History of Saratoga County (1878); Enos R. Mann's
History of the Bench and Bar of Saratoga County (1876); O'Callaghan's
Documentary Colonial History of New York; Reports of the Adjutant-
General of the State of New York ; Hon. George G. Scott's historical
address delivered at Ballston Spa July 4, 1876; Jeptha R. Simms's Bor-
der Wars of New York (1845) ; William L. Stone's Reminiscences of
Saratoga and Ballston (1880); David Cusick's Ancient History of the
Six Nations; French's Gazetteer of New York; Centennial Celebrations
of the State of New York, and numerous other works. Material for
the sketches in the biographical department has been gleaned by agents
of the publishers, and the matter as prepared has been reviewed by
those persons best able to guarantee its accuracy.
Doubtless some mistakes will be found in the succeeding pages ; but
as all statements of more than ordinary importance, and those regard-
ing which serious questions have arisen, have been referred to the best
authorities accessible, the volume is submitted in the belief that it will
be found to be, on the whple, a trustworthy record of the origin and
development of the county and the doings of its inhabitants.
George Baker Anderson.
Ballston Spa, N. Y., September 1, 1898.
Organization of Saratoga County — Its Geography and Topography —Its Rivers,
Lakes and Mountains — Geological Formation — Original Patents Embraced
Entirelj- or Partly Within the Limits of the County — Origin of the Word
"Saratoga" — Railroads and Canals — Organization of the Districts and
Towns _ 1-13
The Indian Occupancy of the Territory now Known as Saratoga County — The
Great Iroquois Confederacy and the Mohawks, Its Most Ferocious Nation — •
Their Wars Against Other Tribes — The Famous Hunting Grounds of the
Mohawks, Sarah-to-ga and Kay-ad-ros-sera — Sale of Both Properties to the
White Men _ _ 12-20
The French and Indian Wars — The Frequent Incursions of the French from
Canada Into the Land of the Mohawks — Saratoga County a Bloody Battle
Ground — The Iroquois and English Ever on Friendly Terms — Fate of Father
Isaac Jogues — The Massacre at Schenectady — Battles in Saratoga County—
The Old Saratoga Massacre — The Final Struggle— Sir William Johnson's
Campaign — Fort George, Fort William Henry, Ticonderoga and Crown
Point ._ __ 30-30
Settlements in Saratoga County Prior to the War of the Revolution — The Ear-
liest Permanent Settlement Made Along the Banks of the Hudson North of
Half Moon Point, and Across the River from Schenectady — The March of
Progress Northward Along the Hudson — Some of the Early Pioneers.^. ..30-47
Events Leading up to the Famous Campaign of 1777, Made by Gen. John Bur-
goyne — His Magnificent Army — General Schuyler in Command of the
Northern Army — His Futile Attempts to Get Reinforcements — Burgoyne
Takes Forts Ticonderoga and Independence — Baum's Expedition against
Bennington — Defeated by Gen. John Stark — British Failure at Fort Stanwix
— Schuyler Superseded by Gates — The Battles of Saratoga — Death of the
Valiant Frazer — Arnold's Gallant, though Unauthorized, Victory — Bur-
goyne's Surrender 47-64
The Attack on the Ballston Settlement by Munroe and His Band of Tories and
Indians — Capture of Col. James Gordon and Others and Their Imprison-
ment in Canada — Escape of the Captives and Their Return to Their Homes
— The Invasion Under the Command of Joseph Bettys, the Notorious Rene-
gade— His Valiant Services to the American Government — Piqued at Being
Unrewarded for His Valor, He Turns Spy in the Service of the British — His
Capture — Tried and Executed as a Spy — Major Mitchell's Peril — End of the
War _ _ _ -..65-75
Condition of the Pioneers at the Close of the Revolutionary War — Many Homes
Devastated, and Many Families Bereft of Their Means of Support— Slow
Progress of Civilization in the County During the War — Development of
the Various Communities from the War Period to the Close of the Eighteenth
Century — The March of Civilization Northward Along the Valley of the
Hudson— Some of the Early Inhabitants of the Various Towns, and Their
Share in the Development and Prosperity of the County 75-123
The Division of the Districts Comprised Within the Limits of the County and
the Organization of the Early Towns— Erection of the County of Saratoga
The First Courts— First County, State and Federal Officials— Erection of the
First Court House— The Northern Canal, Known as "Schuyler's Ditch"
The First Newspaper, One Hundred Years Ago, and the First Books Printed
in the County— Other Events Transpiring Prior to the Year 1800_ 124-130
FROM 1800 to 1831.
History of the County from the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century to the Con-
struction of the First Steam Railroad within its Borders — Wonderful Devel-
opment of Saratoga Springs and Ballston Spa — Gideon Putnam and His
Beneficent Labors — Early Hotels at the Springs — Some of the More Impor-
tant Manufactures — Water Power of the Kayaderosseras — Churches Estab-
lished in the County During this Period — History of the Erie and Champlain
Canals — Semi-Centennial Celebrations of 1826 — County Medical Society and
County Bible Societ}' — Men who Served as Officers in the Early Militia.. 131-175
Construction of the Railroad from Schenectady to Saratoga Springs, the First in
Saratoga County — The Rensselaer and Saratoga Road Built Soon After —
Rivalry Between the Two Concerns— Other Roads Merged in the Rensselaer
and Saratoga — All Pass Under the Control of the Delaware and Hudson
Canal Company — The Old Albany, Vermont and Canada — The Adirondack
— The Fitchburg and the Mount McGregor Lines— Projected Lines Which
Were Never Constructed — Modern Electric Railways in Saratoga County. 176-184
Second Period of the Century, 1831 to the War of the Rebellion — Days of Great
Prosperity of Saratoga Springs — Reconstruction of the Early Hotels and
the Building of Many Handsome New Ones — Dr. Clark's Waterworks Sys-
tem— Banks, Churches and Schools — Foundation of Temple Grove Seminary
— Societies Organized — The Numerous and Important Manufactures of
Ballston Spa Established During this Period — The Ballston Spa National
Bank — Religious and Secret Societies — Academies, Schools and Churches
Throughout the County — The Development of the Water Power of the Hud-
son and the Kayaderosseras 184-216
Participation of Saratoga County in the War of the Rebellion— The Seventy-
Seventh and Thirtieth Regiments of Infantry and Their Career During the
War— Morgan H. Chrysler's Second Veteran Cavalry— The One Hundred
and Fifteenth — Other Regiments in which Inhabitants of the County Fought
— Officers of the Seventy-Seventy and Thirtieth, with Promotions. Dis-
charges, Resignations and Deaths — Names of the Men from Saratoga County
Who Fought in the War, and the Towns Which Furnished Them 216-273
The Latter Years of the County's History, and the Causes of Its Prosperity Since
the Days of the Civil War— The Development of the Older Industries and
the Establishment of New Ones — The Manufacturing Centres — New Churches
— Growth of the Educational System — Newspapers, Past and Present — Fi-
nancial Institutions — Some of the Leading Public Institutions — Clubs, So-
cieties, etc., — Centennial Celebrations of 1876 and 1877— Anniversaries of
the Battle of Bemis Heights and the Surrender of General Burgoyne — The
Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument at Ballston Spa — Death of General U. S.
Grant— Other Happenings of Interest - 272-312
The War with Spain, and the Participation of Saratoga County Therein — En-
listment of the Twenty-second Separate Co. of Saratoga Springs — Assigned to
the Second New York Provisional Regiment — Its Gradual Movement to
Hempstead Plains, L. I., Thence to Chickamauga Park and Tampa, Fla. —
Promotions in the Regiment — Those Who Volunteered — Others from This
County Who Volunteered in Other Commands — Relief Measures — The One
Hundred and Twenty-second Separate Company - 313-329
The Discovery and Development of the Celebrated Mineral Springs of Saratoga
County — High Rock, " the Medicine Spring of the Great Spirit," First Seen
by a French Officer — Sir William Johnson's Visit — George Washington,
Philip Schuyler and Joseph Bonaparte Also Early Visitors — Analysis of the
Principal Springs of Saratoga— Discovery of the First Spring at Ballston Spa
in 1711 — Development of the Resort— Saratoga Gains the Lead as a Resort
and Holds it— Analysis of the Ballston Springs 390-410
History of the Bench and Bar of Saratoga County— The Early Courts of the
County and the Changes in Them Wrought by the Revised Constitutions-
First Sessions of the Original Courts— Building of the First Court House at
Court House Hill— Destroyed by Fire— The First Court House at Ballston
Spa— The Modern Structure— Leading Lawyers of the Early Days of the
Century— Men in the Profession Who Have Become Eminent 410-440
_ 455-478
Ainsworth, Seymour _,515
Anderson, John K. , Dr .565
Anthony, Joshua _ 579
Barbour, Oliver L _533
Batcheller Family, The 550
Beach, William A 518
Bellinger, Peter Dr 579
Bockes, Augustus 513
Brackett, Eclgar T _. 498
Brady, Edward M., Rev 576
Brennan, Joseph F 572
Bullard, Daniel A.. _ 522
Bullard, Daniel A., 2d 525
Bullard, Edward C 524
Burke, John H..___ 544
Cady, Clifford E 568
Carey, Joseph, Rev 566
Closson, C. S 564
Comstock, George F., Dr 516
Cook, Ransom 541
Cowen, Esek ._ 507
Cramer, John ___ 538
Crane, John W 569
Curtis, Warren. _ 575
Davidson, Lucretia and Margaret... 558
Davison, Charles Mason. 532
Davison, Gideon M. 547
Delaney, William J 538
De Ridder, John Henry 537
Deuell. Edwar(3 Valencourt, Dr. 511
Earley, James 570
Ellsworth, Ephraim E., Col 240
Farrow, Edwin 581
Finley, Thomas 582
French, Winsor Brown .493
Gage, William B ...518
Hamilton, Theodore Frank 511
Hanson, William Hendricks 527
Hay, William. 526
Horton, James W.. 570
Houghton, James W - 514
Howe, John W 539
Hill, Nicholas 505
Jenkins, Benjamin R 584
L'Araoreaux, Jesse S 574
Lester, Charles Cooke 563
Lester, Charles Smith . 561
McCarty, R. H., Dr... 546
McDonough, Bernard J., Rev. 535
McKean, 'James B. 531
McKittrick, William Henry, Capt,, ..534
McNair, A. R 554
McNair, Frederick P., Lieut 555
McNulty, William Douglass 577
Martin, William M. .552
Marvin, James M .504
Marvin, Thomas J 502
Masten, Jeremiah 583
Murray, Byron J., Dr 542
Newell. Hiram .530
Perry, John L., Dr... .519
Porter, John K 505
Porter, Joshua, Dr 553
Putnam, John R 420
Redmond, William J 535
Sackett, William A 499
Schuyler, Harmanus 545
Scott, James Lee 508
Sherman, Rav S 582
Snyder, Michael P 558
Steel, John H., Dr 549
Strang, Edward H 550
Sutfin, Ransom 559
Taylor. John W... 517
Thompson Family, The -..481
Todd, Edward R 578
Tompkins, Hiram 506
Turpit, George F 578
Varney, Miles Egbert, Dr 571
Walton, Henry -531
Walworth, Reuben Hyde 490
Warren, William L. F - 545
Wayland, Francis, Rev - 547
West, George - 538
Wiggins, Peter V 550
Willard, John 531
Willcox, Albert O - 548
Worden, William W 560
Young, Jesse 584
Young, Samuel, Col 509
GENERAL ._ - 177-198
BIOGRAPHICAL _._- - __198
Anthony, Joshua racing 579
Bellinger, Peter, Dr facing 341
Brackett, Edgar T. ; facing 436
Brady, Edward M., Rev facing 576
Brennan, Joseph P. ._ .facing 572
BuUard, Daniel A facing 532
Bullard, Daniel A., 2d facing 525
Bullard, Edward C facing 524
Burke, John H facing 544
Cady, Clifford E facing 881
Gary, Joseph, Rev facing 137
Closson, C. S __ facing 564
Comstock, George F., Dr facing 449
Curtis, Warren facing 368
Davison, Charles Mason facing' 532
Delaney, William J facing 538
De Ridder, John Henry .facing 290
Deuell, Edward V. , Dr facing 448
Earley, James facing 570
Farrow, Edwin facing 581
Finley, Thomas. facing 582
French, Winsor Brown facing 438
Gage, William B facing 518
Hamilton, Theodore Frank,.. facing 437
Hanson, William Hendricks.. facing 537
Houghton, James W facing 439
Howe, John W facing 388
Jenkins, Benjamin R facing 376
L'Amoreaux, Jesse S facing 574
Lester, Charles Cooke facing 396
Lester, Charles Smith facing 433
McCarty, R. H., Dr facing 546
McDonough, Bernard J., Rev. facing 197
McKittrick, William H., Capt. facing 337
McNair, Frederick P., Lieut, .facing 555
McNulty, William Douglass . .facing 577
,Martin, William M facing 553
Marvin, James M facing 504
Marvin, Thomas J facing 428
Hasten, Jeremiah facing 583
Murray, Byron J. , Dr facing 451
Newell, Hiram... facing 530
Perry. John L. . Dr facing 519
Putnam, John R facing 431
Sackett, William A facing 499
Scott, James Lee facing 508
Sherrpan, Ray S facing 366
Snyder, Michael P. facing 558
Strang, Edward H facing 355
Sutfin, Ransom facing 348
Thompson, James 487
Thompson, John W facing 36
Todd, Edward R facing 578
Tompkins, Hiram facing 5U6
Turpit, George F facing 360
Varney, Miles Egbert, Dr. ...facing 450
Walworth, Reuben Hyde facing 417
West, George facing 373
Willcox, Alberto facing 548
Worden, William W facing 560
Young, Jesse .' facing 584
Organization of Saratoga County — Its Geography and Topography — Its Rivers,
Lakes and Mountains — Geological Formation — Original Patents Embraced Entirely
or Partly Within the Limits of the County — Origin of the Word "Saratoga " — Rail-
roads and Canals — Organization of the Districts and Towns.
The original ten counties of what is now the State of New York
were created November 1, 1683, by the English Colonial Government
and named New York, Kings, Queens, Suffolk, Richmond, Westchester,
Orange, Ulster, Dutchess and Albany. The British Government con-
firmed the act of the Colonial Government October 1, 1691. By these
acts the county of Albany embraced "the manor of Rensselaerwyck,
Schenectady, and all the villages, neighborhoods, and Christian planta-
tions on the east side of Hudson's River, from Roeloffe Jansen's Creek ;
and on the west side, from Sawyer's Creek to the outermost end of
Saraghtoga." ' Tryon and Charlotte counties were taken from Albany
county in 1772, Columbia in 1786, Rensselaer and Saratoga in 1791, a
part of Schoharie in 1795, a part of Greene in 1800 and Schenectady in
1809. The date of the legal formation of Saratoga county was Febru-
ary 7, 1791.
Saratoga county lies in the north angle formed by the junction of the
Mohawk and Hudson rivers. It is centrally distant thirty-one miles
from Albany, and has an area of eight hundred and sixty-two square
miles. It is bounded on the north by Warren county, on the east by
Washington and Rensselaer, on the south by Albany and Schenectady
and on the west by Montgomery, Fulton and Hamilton. Until about
a score of years ago it was essentially an agricultural county; but dur-
' The manor of Livingston was annexed to Dutchess county May 37, 1717, and by subsequent
statutes the county of Albany was also made to comprise everything within the colony of New
York north and west of the presetlt limits of the county, and at one time the whole of Vermont.
ing the last two decades of the nineteenth century, the development of
a considerable number and variety of manufactures within its borders,
principally in its most populous villages, has placed it in the rank of
leading manufacturing as well as agricultural counties of the Empire
The topography of Saratoga county is easily described. In the south
its surface is for the most part gently undulating, though compara-
tively level along the Hudson valley and in other places. The northern
half of the county is very hilly and mountainous. Two ranges of
mountains, from eight hundred to one thousand feet high, traverse the
county from northeast to southwest.
The eastern and southern range is known as the Palmerton moun-
tains.' This range enters Saratoga county from Warren county, and
extends through the western parts of the towns of Moreau and Wilton,
and the eastern part of Corinth into GreenfieH, where it terminates
in a series of low, irregular hills sloping toward the south. This range
extends into Saratoga Springs and terminates at the Congress Springs.
Broadway ascends the slope of the southernmost hill in the chain, and
Judge Hilton's park includes its summit. On the northern border of
the county the Hudson river — at that point a narrow, rapidly flowing
and most picturesque stream — forces its way through this range in a
deep ravine three miles in extent. From the river's banks the rugged
mountains rise precipitously to a height of eight hundred feet.- As a
rule the elevations of this range have steep and rocky sides, with broad,
rough uplands covered with forests. In late years, however, much of
the forest land has been denuded.
The northern range extends through the towns of Corinth, Edin-
burgh, Day and Hadley, and is known as the Kayaderosseras range.
As a rule the declivities of these mountains are precipitous, and their
summits spread out into broad, rocky uplands broken by ledges and
craggy peaks. The Kayaderosseras range extends also through the
towns of Providence, Galway and Charlton to the Mohawk, where it
confronts the northern slopes of the Helderbergs that rise on the other
side of the valley.
Through the western part of Stillwater and Saratoga extend a group
of isolated hills — the most conspicuous of which is Snake hill, a prom-
ontory on the eastern shore of Saratoga lake — some of which are four
hundred and fifty feet high, having rounded summits and terraced de-
' gometimes also callod ttie Luzerne mountains.
clivities. Along the Hudson extends a broad intervale, bordered by a
range of clay bluffs from forty to two hundred feet in height. From
the summits of these bluffs an extensive sand plain extends westward
to the foot of the mountains, covering the greater part of the towns of
Moreau, Wilton, Northumberland, Saratoga Springs and a small por-
tion of Milton and Ballston. The southwestern part of the county is
rolling or moderately hilly, well watered and, for the most part, quite
The Hudson river flows for nearly seventy miles along the entire
eastern and northeastern boundaries of the county. Falls, some ex-
tremely picturesque, interrupt its course at frequent intervals, and
several dams and many bridges cross its water. The High Falls are
situated just below the great easterly bend of the river in the north-
west part of the town of Moreau. The water flows in a series of rapids'
for three-quarters of a mile over a declining rocky bottom, and then
rushes through the narrow gorge for a quarter of a mile, at the bottom
of which it plunges down a nearly perpendicular descent of sixty feet.
The ledge of gneiss over which it falls is convex in form, and the water
is thereby broken in perfect sheets of snow white foam. A few rods
above the last leap of the water, and where it rushes with the greatest
velocity, the river may be spanned by a plank thirteen feet in leaigth.
At Glens Falls, which occur about three miles above the great southerly
bend in the river, in the northwest part of Moreau, the river falls over
a broad shelving rock, the total descent being about fifty feet.. The
beauty of this fall is greatly enhanced by two natural piers of black
limestone standing upon the edge of the precipice, which break the fall
into three channels. These two are the greatest falls in that section of
the Hudson traversing the eastern boundary of the county.
The eastern half of the southern boundary of the county runs through
the centre of the Mohawk river. The Sacandaga river, the principal
outlet of the largest lakes in the southern part of Hamilton county,
winds its tortuous way sluggishly through Edinburgh, Day and Had-
ley, emptying its waters into those of the Hudson at Hadley. The
stream is navigable for boats of light draft from Northampton, on the
border of Fulton county, to Conklingville Falls in Hadley, a distance
of twenty miles, but in recent years has seldom been navigated. During
the Revolutionary war the inhabitants of the town of Edinburgh, fear-
ing that the British troops might attempt to ascend the river, placed a
heavy chain across the river, but the British never made the anticipated
attempt. Below the Conklingville Falls the river flows in a series of
rapids, between high, rocky hills, until it reaches the Hudson. Kay-
aderosseras creek drains the central part part of the county, emptying
into Saratoga lake. The water of the lake, in turn, finds its way into
the Hudson through Fish creek, which crosses the town of Saratoga.
The Mourning Kill rises in the southwestern part of the county, and
running easterly empties into the Kayaderosseras a short distance be-
low Ballston. Eel-Place creek, or Aal Plass Kill, rises near the head-
waters of Anthony's Kill, west of Ballston lake, and runs southerly
into the Mohawk a few miles below Schenectady. Gordon creek, Shen-
andahorah creek, Anthony's Kill, Snook Kill and Glowegee creek are
the other principal streams.
There are several lakes and large ponds in the county. Some of the
former are beautiful sheets of clear water, on whose shores are located
popular summer resorts. Among these are Saratoga lake. Round lake
and Ballston lake. Saratoga lake is located in the towns of Saratoga
Springs, Saratoga, Stillwater and Malta. It is six and a half miles
long and two miles broad. Round lake is in the southern part of the
town of Malta, and is about three miles in circumference. Ballston
lake lies principally in the- town of Ballston, the southern extremity
extending into Clifton Park. It is three and a half miles long, with an
average width of nearly half a mile. Livingston lake. Sand lake and
Mud lake are in Day. Lake Desolation lies on the boundary between
Providence and Greenfield. Efnor, Jenny, Hunt and Black lakes are
in Corinth. The lakes in the northern part of the county are surrounded
by a wooded wilderness and are but little known.
Both mountain ranges consist principally of primary rocks. A stratum
of crystalline limestone extends along the foot of the mountains, and
below this is Potsdam sandstone in large quantities. Iron ore has been
obtained in these formations, but not in paying quantities. Among
the other minerals found in this section are agate, chalcedony, chrys-
oberyl, garnet, tourmalin, phosphate of lime, graphite, iron pyrites and
tufa. In 1897 and 1898 gold was discovered in several places in the
towns of Greenfield and Saratoga Springs, and expert geologists and
mineralogists express the conviction that it can be produced in paying
In the southern half of the county the rocks belong to the shales and
slates of the Hudson River group. Below these have been found im-
mense quantities of mineral waters, which, by reason of their medicinal
properties, have become famous the world over. These springs are
described at length in succeeding pages. Drift deposits, consisting of
sand and clay, cover a large part of the county. Among the mountains
the soil is a light, sandy or gravelly loam, adapted to little else than
grazing. On the intervales along the rivers it is a deep, clayey loam
and alluvium, for the most part very productive. In the southwestern
part of the county it is a heavy, clayey loam. The greater part of the
two eastern tiers of towns consists of light sand.
No deposited rocky beds are to be found in the county higher than
the Hudson River group of slates and shales, the fossils of which rise
no higher than the Lower Silurian age. Consequently it will be seen
that, from a geological standpoint, the county is very old. The great
Canadian Laurentian mountain system is well developed in Northern
New York and stretches its rugged outlines well down into Saratoga
count)'. This system constitutes the oldest known strata of the earth's
crust. The Laurentian rocks are mostly of the metamorphic series,
related to granite, gneiss, syenite, etc. Underlying the northwestern
part of the village of Saratoga Springs is found the grayish rock known
as the calciferous sandrock, which rests above the Potsdam sandstone.
The southeastern part of the county is covered by the strata of slates
and shales of the Hudson River group. Betwfeen these and the Lau-
rentian rocks in the northern part of the county lie narrow strips of
the Potsdam and calciferous sandstones and Trenton limestones. In
the central and western part of the cou'nty the Drift period is also well
represented. The sands and the clayhills of the river valley represent
the Chainplain and Terrace epochs. Geologists believe, and apparently
prove, that the long narrow bed of Saratoga sands, running across the
county from northeast to southwest, was the sand of the ocean's beach
in the Post Tertiary period, when the salt waters of the ocean washed
the foothills of the Adirondacks and covered the entire southern half -of
Saratoga county.
The greater part of Saratoga county is embraced within the Half
Moon, Kayaderosseras or Queensborough, Clifton Park or Shannondhoi,
Saratoga and Appel Patents. The Kayaderosseras Patent is the most
exterisive within the confines of the county. The boundaries were so
loosely defined, however, that disputes arose between the proprietors
of the Kayaderosseras on the one hand. and of the Schenectady, Clifton
Park and Half Moon Patents, and these disputes were not settled for
more than a century, or until the close of the Revolutionary war.
Kayaderosseras Patent proper lay partly in Warren county. Its ex-
tent was very great, but uncertain. It was granted under the English
Colonial Government November 2, 1708, to Nanning Hermanse, Rip
Van Dam, Adrian Hoagland, John Tudor, Peter Fanconnier, John
Latham, Samuel Broughton, Ann Bridges, Johannes Fisher, Major
Bickley, Ixris (or Joris) Hoagland and John Stevens. Clifton Park
Patent, the extent of which was uncertain, was granted September 23,
1708, to Nanning Hermanse and others, holders of the Shannondhoi '
Patent. Half Moon Patent, the extent of which was uncertain, like
that of the Kayaderosseras Patent, on account of the long dispute
among the proprietors of the four patents referred to in the foregoing,
was granted October 13, 1665, to Petersen Philip Schuyler and others.
Saratoga Patent," the extent of which was also uncertain, lay partly in
Washington county, and was granted November 4, 1684, to Peter
Schuyler and others.
Besides these were Glen's Purchase, consisting of about 45,000 acres,
granted August 14, 1770, to John Glen and others; Hansen's" Patent
of 2,000 acres, granted July 17, 1713, to Hendrick Hansen and others;
Livingston's Patent of 4,000 acres, lying partly in Fulton county,
granted November 8, 1760, to Philip Livingston and others; Nesti-
gione ' Patent, extent 'uncertain, granted April 22, 1708, to John Rosie
and others; Sawyer's Patent, extent unknown, lying partly in Wash-
ington county, granted October 29, 1708, to Isaac Sawyer; and Van
Rensselaer Patent, 28, 964 acres, lying partly in Fulton county, granted
October 4, 1774, to Jeremiah Van Rensselaer; Van Schaick Patent,
granted May 31, 1687, to Anthony Van Schaick; Palmer's Purchase,
lying principally in Warren and Washington counties; Dartmouth Pat-
ent, partly in Warren county, granted October 4, 1774, to Jeremiah
Van Rensselaer; and Northampton Patent, partly in Fulton county,
six thousand acres, granted in October, 1741, to Jacob Mase and others.
The warrant for the Saratoga Patent read as follows:
Warrant for Saratoga Patent.
By His Excellency, Edward, Viscount Cornbury, Captain-General and Gover-
nor-in-Chief of the Provinces of New York and New Jersey, and Territories
depending on them in America, and Vice-Admiral of the same, etc., in coun-
cil this 2£th day of October, i-jo8.
1 The modern name is written Shenondehowa; also Shenendahora.
2 The Colonial records give the name usually as Saraghtoga.
s Sometimes also written Hanson. * Niskayuna.
To Major Bickley, Esq., Attorney-General of the Province of New York:
You are hereby required and directed to prepare a draft of a patent of confirma-
tion for Colonel Peter Schuyler, Robert Livingston, Esq., Dirck Wessels, Esq., Jan
Jan Bleecker, Esq., Johannes Schuyler, Esq., and to Cornelius Van Dyck, deceased,
for a certain tract of land situate and being to the northward of the city of Albany,
on both sides of the Hudson river, formerly granted unto some of them and others,
under and from whom the rest do at present hold and enjoy by patent from Colonel
Tomas Dongan, sometime Governor- in-Chief of the province of New York, the
limits and boundaries of which land are to be ascertained in the manner, that is to
say: Beginning at the south side of the mouth of a certain creek on the west side of
Hudson's river, commonly called by the Indians Tionoondehows, and by the Christ-
ians Anthony's Kill, which is the uppermost bounds of the land formerly purchased
by Goosie Gerritson and Philip Peterson Schuyler, and from thence descending
westerly into the woods by the said creek, on the south side thereof, as it runs six
English miles ; and if the said creek do not stretch so far into the wood, then from
the end thereof east by a straight line until it shall be six miles distant from the
Hudson's river, upon a measured straight line ; and from thence northerly by a line
parallel to the course of Hudson's river, until it come opposite to and bear east from
the south side from another creek's mouth on the east side of Hudson's river, called
Tionoondehows, which upon Hudson's river is computed to be distant from the .
mout^ of Tionoondehows aforesaid about twenty-two English miles, be it more Or
less, and from the left termination by a straight line to be drawn east to the north
side of the mouth of said creek, Tionoondehows ; and from thence continued east six
miles into the woods on the east side of the Hudson's river, and from thence by a
line southerly parallel to the course of said Hudson's river, and six miles distant
from the same, so far southerly until it come opposite to and bear east six miles dis-
tant from the north side of the mouth of Schardhook Kill, which is the boundary of
Schardhook patent, late belongmg to Henry Van Rensselaer, to hold it thence, in
manner following: that is to say, for so much thereof as by the former patents had
been divided for arable land to Peter Schuyler, lot No. 1, and one half the lot. No. 6,
to and for the use of the said Peter Schuyler, and of his heirs and assigns forever, to
Robert Livingston ; his lot. No. 5, and one half the lot No. 5 to and for the sole use
to Dirck Wessels; his lot, No. 3, to and for the sole use to Jan Jans Bleecker; his
lot. No. 2, to and for the sole use to Johannes ; his lot. No. 4, to and for the sole use
also to Cornelius Van Dyck, the grandchild and heir at law of the said Cornelius
Van Dyck, deceased ; the lot No. 7 in trust nevertheless, to and for the use and uses
for which the farm is devised by the last will and testament of his grandfather, de-
ceased ; failing which use or uses, to the use of himself, and his heirs and assigns
forever, and for so much as remains undivided according to the heir's use of, posi-
tively, that is to say: to Peter Schuyler and Robert Livingston, to each of them
three-fourteenth parts; and to each of the others two fourteenth parts of the whole
undivided land contained in the said patent, the farm being divided into fourteen
equal parts, at and under the yearly quitrent of twenty biishels of winter wheat ; and
for your so doing this shall be your sufficient warrant. Cornbury.
Dated as above.
Before the Crown would issue a patent for the lands included in the
Patent of Kayaderosseras, at that time spelled " Cajaderossary," it re-
quired the title of the native Indian proprietors to be extinguished by
purchase. Lord Cornbury on the 32d of April, 1703, made an order in
council permitting Sampson Shelton Broughton, Esquire, and Company
to purchase the tract of land in question in order to its cultivation and
improvement and to the granting of a patent for the same under the
great seal of the Province of New York, provided the purchase should
be made and returned into the secretary's office and the patent sued
out within the space of one year next ensuing the date thereof. In pur-
suance of this permission the purchase was made and a deed given on
the 6th day of October, 1704. This deed was executed by Joseph,
Henderk, Gideon and Amos, owners, proprietors and native Maquace'
Indians and sachems, in behalf of themselves and of all their nation, to
Sampson Shelton Broughton, Esquire, Attorney General of the Prov-
ince of New York, Peter Fanconnier, Esquire, Commissioner of the
Customs, and Nanning Hermance Visher of the city of New York,
mariner, in company, in consideration of sixty pounds current money
of the Province, and sundry goods. The description of the lands
granted by this deed differs greatly from that contained in the patent
subsequently granted, in its language, but evidently comprehends the
same tract. The deed is signed by the marks of the Indian sachems
with their totems, which are extremely difficult to identify as anything,
" in the heavens above or the earth beneath or the waters under the
The warrant for the Kayaderosseras Patent is as follows:
Warrant for Kayaderosseras.
By His Excellency, Edward, Viscount Cornbury, Captain-General and Gover-
nor-in-Chief of the Provinces of New York, New Jersey and Territories de-
pending thereon in America, and Vice-Admiral of the same, etc., in council,
this 33d day of October, lyoi.
To Major Bickley, Eiq., Attorney-General of the Province of New York:
You are hereby required to prepare a draft of letters-patent for Naning Har-
manse, Johannes Beekmaa, Rip Van Dam, Ann Bridges, Major Bickley, Peter
Fanconnier, Adrian Hoghland, Johannes Fisher, John Tuder, [Tudor], Ixris Hogh-
land, John Stevens, and John Latham, for all that tract of land situate, lying, and
being in the county of Albany, called Kayaderossera, alias Queen's Borough, begin-
ning at a place on Schenectady River, about three miles distant from the south-
westerly corner of the bounds of Nestigion's, the said place being the southiyqsterly
corner of the patent lately granted to Naning Harmanse, Peter Fanconnier, and
' Mohawk.
others; thence along the said Schenectady river westerly to the southeasterly
corner of a patent lately granted to William Apple; thence along the easterly,
northerly, and westerly line of said William Apple's patent down to the above said
river; thence to the Schenectady bounds, or the southeasterly corner of said patent on
said river, so along the easterly, northerly and westerly bounds thereof down to the
said river again ; thence along the said river up westerly to the southeasterly bounds
of a tract of land lately granted to Ebenezer Willson and John Aboot, and so along
the said patent round to the southeasterly corner thereof on said Schenectady river;
thence continuing to run westerly up along said Schenectady river to a place or hill
called Iweatowando, being five miles distant, or thereabouts, from the said south-
westerly corner of said Willson' s and Aboot' s patent; thence northerly to the north-
westmost h6ad of a creek called Kayadarossera, about fourteen miles, — more or less ;
thence eight miles more northerly ; thence easterly or northeasterly to the third falls
on Albany river, about twenty miles, — more or less; thence along the said river
down southerly to the northeasterly bounds of Saratoga; thence along Saratoga's
northerly, westerly and southerly bounds on said river ; thence to the northeasterly
corner of Anthony Van Schaick's land, on said river, so northerly and westerly along
said Van Schaick's patent to the northeast comer of the above said patent granted
to Naning, Fanconnier and others; thence along the northerly and westerly bounds
thereof, down to the above said river of Schenectady, being the place where it first
begun. To hold to the said Naning Harmense, Johannes Beekman, Rip Van Dam,
Ann Bridges, Major Bickley, Peter Fanconnier, Adrian Hoghland, Johannes Fisher,
John Tuder, Joris Hoghland. John Stauen and John Latham, their heirs and assigns
forever, at and under the yearly quitrent of four pounds, . . . and for so doing this
shall be your sufficient warrant.
By order of his Excellency in council. Cornbury.
Saratoga county contains an area of 455,577^ acres. It has twenty
towns, named as follows: Ballstou, Charlton, Clifton Park, Corinth,
Day, Edinburgh, Galway, Greenfield, Hadley, Halfmoon, Malta, Mil-
ton, Moreau, Northumberland, Providence, Saratoga, Saratoga Springs,
Stillwater, Waterford and Wilton.
The origin of the word Saratoga is uncertain. The termination
"oga,"or "aga," is said to signify "place." The first part of the
word has been held by some students of the Indian language to imply
"hillside," and "place of salt springs" by others, "saragh" in some
Indian dialects being the name for salt. Another meaning, not so gen-
erally accepted, is " swift water," and is said to have been applied to
the rapids in the river, in contradistinction to the " still water," just
The county seat is and always has been at or near Bajlston Spa, in
the town of Milton.' The Champlain canal entends along the west
> The first courthouse was located at a place now known as Courthouse Hill, two miles west
of Ballston Spa, in the town of Milton, It was built in 1794.
side of the Hudson River from Waterford to the southern border of
Northumberland, where it crosses the river into Washington county.
The Erie canal enters the county through an aqueduct at Rexfords
Flats in the town of Clifton Park, running nearly parallel with the
Mohawk river, recrossing that stream into Albany county at the south-
erly bend in the river on the southern border of Halfmoon. The rail-
roads of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company pass through the
county from Waterford to Moreau, by way of Mechanicville, Round
Lake, Ballston Spa, Saratoga and Gansevoort, and from a point two
miles west of Rexfords Flats to Ballston Spa, there connecting with the
main line above mentioned. A branch of the Fitchburg railroad also
enters the county in Stillwater, passing through that town, Saratoga
and Saratoga Springs, its western terminus being in the village of Sar-
atoga Springs. Another branch passes through Halfmoon and Clifton
Park, crossing the Mohawk river in Schenectady county. The Adiron-
dack railway runs in a northerly direction from Saratoga Springs. The
Mount McGregor narrow-gauge railway runs northerly from the village
of Saratoga Springs to Mount McGregor, located in the town of Moreau.
The Albany, Vermont and Canada railroad crossed the Mohawk at Co-
hoes, intersected the Rensselaer and Saratoga railroad' at Saratoga
Junction, and crossed the Hudson at Deepikill into Rensselaer county.
This railroad was abandoned and its rails removed many years ago.
There are also several electric railroads in the county.
At the time of the first division of Albany county and the formation
of Tryon (Montgomery) and Charlotte (Washington) counties, on March
24, 1772, that part of Albany county now embraced within the con-
fines of Saratoga county was divided into two districts called respect-
ively the district of Saraghtoga and the district of Half Moon. The
district of Half Moon embraced the territory included in the present
towns of Halfmoon, Waterford and Clifton Park. The district of
Saraghtoga embraced the remainder of the county, including all of the
seventeen towns excepting the three contained in the district of Half
Moon. April 1, 1775, the district of Saraghtoga was divided, part of
it being named Ball's Town. The district of Ball's Town included the
present towns of Ballston, Milton, Charlton, Galway, Providence, Ed-
inburgh and a part of Greenfield. March 7, 1788, Ball's Town, Half
Moon, Saraghtoga and Stillwater were organized as towns of Albany
' Now that part of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company's system extending from Wa-
terford to Saratoga.
county, Saratoga county not yet having been created. When the county
was formed three years later these towns still remained. The towns
in the county, twenty in number, are as follows:
Saratoga ' was formed as a town March 7, 1788. Easton, a town of
Washington county, was taken off in 1789 ; a part of Greenfield in 1793 ;
Northumberland in 1798, a part of Malta in 1802 and Saratoga Springs
in 1819.
Halfmoon" was formed as a town March 7, 1788. Its name was
changed to Orange April 17, 1816, but the original name was restored
January 16, 1830. Waterford was taken off in 1816 and Clifton Park
in 1828.
Ballston ' was formed as a town March 7, 1788. Charlton, Galway
and Milton were taken off in 1792, and the line of Charlton was changed
March 5, 1795.
Stillwater ' was formed March 7, 1788. A part of Easton, in Wash-
ington county, was taken off in 1789, and Malta in 1802.
Milton was formed from Ballston March 7, 1792. A part of Green-
field was taken off in 1793.
Charlton was formed from Ballston March 17, 1792.
Galway ° was formed from Ballston March 7, 1792. Providence was
taken off in 1796.
Greenfield was formed from Saratoga and Milton March 12, 1793.
A part of Hadley was taken off in 1801.
Providence was formed from Galway February 5, 1796. Edinburgh
was taken off in 1801.
Northumberland was formed from Saratoga March 16, 1798. A part
of Hadley was taken off in 1801, Moreau in 1805, and Wilton in 1818.
Edinburgh was formed from Providence March 13, 1801, as North-
field. Its name was changed April 6, 1808. A part of Day was taken
off in 1819.
Hadley was formed from Greenfield and Northumberland February
1 Written " Saraghtoga " until about 1793. Upon the old map of the Kaya(lerosseras Patent
this name is spelled "Seraghtogha," which some believe to be the original Indian name. The
name was iirst applied to a settlement on the Hudson, in the vicinity of the present village of
^ Originally written Half Moon. The town was named from the crescent shape of the land
between the Hudson and the Mohawk.
' Named from Rev. Eliphalet Ball, one of the first settlers.
* Named from the " still water " in the Hudson, on the borders of the town,
^ Named from the native place of the first Scotch settlers.
27, 1801. Its boundaries were amended February 28, 1808. Corinth
was taken off in 1818, and a part of Day in 1819.
Malta was formed from Stillwater March 3, 1803. A part of Sara-
toga was annexed March 28, 1805.
Moreau ' was taken from Northumbesland March 28, 1805. A
part was annexed to Corinth in 1848.
Waterford '■' was formed from Halfmoon April 17, 1816.
Corinth was formed from Hadley April 20, 1818. A part of Moreau
was annexed January 28, 1848.
Wilton was formed from Northumberland April 20, 1818.
Saratoga Springs" was formed from Saratoga April 9, 1819.
Day was formed from Edinburgh and Hadley, as Concord, April 17,
1819. Its name was changed December 3, 1827.
Clifton Park was formed from Halfmoon March 3, 1828, as Clifton.
Its name was changed March 31, 1829.
The Indian Occupancy of the Territory now Known as Saratoga County — The
Great Iroquois Confederacy and the Mohawks, Its Most Ferocious Nation — Their
Wars Against Other Tribes — The Famous Hunting Grounds of the Mohawks, Sa-
raghto-ga and Kay-ad-ros-se ra — Sale of Both Properties to the White Men.
The territory embraced within the limits of the county of Saratoga
was once the habitat of the Mohawk Indians, the most ferocious of the
Iroquois tribes known as the Five Nations of New York. The warriors
of this great Indian republic — the most powerful confederation of In-
dian tribes in America — presented the Indian character in its most fa-
vorable aspect. They were brave, patriotic and eloquen-t. They lived,
for the most part, in villages in which their local laws were closely
observed, and they were more favorably disposed toward useful indus-
1 Named from Marshal Moreavi, the great French warrior, then a resident of New Jersey.
2 The Indians called the country around the mouth of the Mohawk " Nach-te-nack." This
town was formerly known as Half Moon Point, and the semi-circular tract between the Hudson
and the Mohawk was called Half Moon. The present name of the town originated from the fact
that at the village of Waterford a ford crossed to Haver Island, in Albany county.
' Named from the mineral springs located in the town.
try than most Indian tribes, tilling the soil with a fair measure of suc-
cess. They exhibited great fidelity as friends, especially until their
peaceful life was interfered with by the encroachments of the white
man; but on the other hand they were terrible as enemies, pursuing
their foes with that relentless determination which made them so
greatly feared by the white man when the latter had incurred their
The tribes of the Five Nations — commonly known as the Iroquois
Indians — were named the Senecas, Cayugas, Onondagas, Oneidas and
Mohawks.' The Tuscaroras, who inhabited a portion of Virginia and
North Carolina, rose against the colonists in 1711, and after several
years of warfare were nearly destroyed. The remainder subsequently
joined the Iroquois, forming the sixth nation of that confederacy and
amalgamating with the Oneidas in Central New York. After the ad-
mission of the Tuscaroras this confederacy became known as ^he Six
Nations. They occupied all Central New Vork, from Lake Erie to the
Hudson river, in the order named, the Senecas on the western borders
of the State and the Mohawks guarding the eastern limits of the con-
federacy. The Iroquois called themselves the Ho-de-no-sau-nee," and
their magnificent hunting ground they called Hode-nosau-nee-ga.
This hunting ground, which they steadfastly defended from all intrud-
ers, embraced practically all of what is now New York State excepting
the territory east of the Hudson river and a small section of the State
along the southern boundary. This republic was divided among the
several nations by well-defined boundary lines. The Mohawks and
Oneidas jointly owned nearly all the territory of Northern New York,
the eastern half of this section being the domain of the Mohawks. The
boundary line between their properties began on the St. Lawrence
river at the site of the present town of Waddington, ran south along
the line between Lewis and Herkimer counties and crossed the Mohawk
river at the site of Utica. The land east of the line, controlled by the
Mohawks, was called by them Ga-ne-a gao-no-ga. The northern part
of the great wooded mountains was claimed not only by the Mohawks
1 The word "Mohawk" is derived from the Algonquin " Maqua," meaning " bears." The
Hurons called them Agniehronnin. They were the first tribe oE that region to obtain firearms.
Their frontier position made them so conspicuous that their name was often used by the English
and the New England tribes for the whole Iroquois Confederacy. Their Indian name "Ga-ne-
a-ga-o-no," translated means, " People possessors of the flint."
^ Translated means; " People of the long house; " " long house " being intended to describe
the home of the Five Nations. They sometimes called themselves the Agannschioni, meaning
" United People," and also by a name meaning " real men."
and Oneidas, but also by the Adirondacks, a Canadian nation belonging
to the Algonquins, and many fierce battles for supremacy occurred
among the mountains by succeeding generations of the savages. This
region was "the dark and bloody ground " of the ancient Indian tradi-
In the reign of Atotarho XII, one of the kings of the Five Nations,
perhaps about fifty years before the discovery of America by Columbus,
we are told by an authority on Indian history,' the Tehatirihokea, or
Mohawks, were at war with Ranatshaganha, "supposed Mohegans,
who occupied the opposite bank of the river Skannataly, or Hudson.
The warfare was maintained by small expeditions; the Mohawks would
cross the river and attack the enemy ; the canoes were kept in the river
continually to cover their retreat; but after a while the Mohegans ex-
poliated the war ; the chief of the Mohawks received orders from the
king, and invited the two confederate nations, the Oneidas and the On-
ondagas, to unite against the common enemy; the band of the com-
bined forces immediately crossed the river and ravaged a part of the
country, and the enemy were compelled to sue for peace."
It is not positively known where this great Indian Confederacy was
established. In David Cusick's history of the Six Nations he relates
the Indian traditions relative to the origin of the Confederacy, which
was called " a Long House, the Wars, Fierce Animals," etc. He says:
By some inducement a body of people was concealed in the mountain at the falls
named Kuskehsawkich (now Oswego). When the people were released from the
mountain they were visited by Tarenya wagon, i. e. , the Holder of the Heavens,
who had power to change hipiself into various shapes ; he ordered the people to pro-
ceed toward the sunrise as he guided them and come to a river and named Yenon-
anatche, i. e. , going round a mountain (now Mohawk), and went down the bank of
the river and come to where it discharges into a great river running towards the mid-r,
day sun; and Shaw-nay-taw-ty, i. e., beyond the pineries (now Hudson), and went
down the bank of the river and touched bank of a great water. . . . The peo-
ple were yet in one language ; some of the people went to the banks of the great
water towards the midday sun, but the main company returned as they came, on the
bank of the river, under the direction of the Holder of the Heavens. Of this com-
pany there was a particular body which called themselves one household ; of these
were six families, and they entered into a resolution to preserve the chain of alliance
which should not be extinguished in any manner. The company advanced some
distance up the river of Shaw-nay-taw-ty (Hudson), the Holder of the Heavens di-
rects the first family to make their residence near the bank of the river, and the fam-
ily was named Te-haw-re-ho-geh, i. e. , a speech divided (now Mohawk) and their
' David Cusick's " Sketches of Ancient History o£ the Six Nations."
language was soon altered ; the company then turned and went towards the sunset-
ting, and traveled about two days and a half, and come to a creek which was named
Kaw-na-taw te ruh, i. e., Pineries. The second family was directed to make their
residence near the creek, and the family was named Ne-haw-re-tah-go, i. e., Big
Tree, now Oneidas, and likewise their language was altered. The company con-
tinued to proceed toward the sunsetting ; under the direction of the Holder of the
Heavens. The third family was directed to make their residence on a mountain
named Onondaga (now Onondaga) and the family was named Seuh-non-kah-tah,
i. e. , carrying the name, and their language was altered. The company continued
their journey towards the sunsetting. The fourth family was directed to make
their residence near a long lake named Go-yo-goh, i. e., a mountain rising from the
water (now Cayuga) and the family was named Sho-nea-na-we-to-wah, i. e., a great
pipe, their language was altered. The company continued to proceed towards the
sunsetting. The fifth family was directed to make their residence near a high moun-
tain, or rather nole, situated south of the Canandaigua lake, which was named Jen-
neatowake, and the family was named Te-how-nea-nyo-hent, i. e.. Passing a Door,
now Seneca, and their language was altered. The sixth family went with the com-
pany that journeyed toward the sunsetting, and touched the bank of a great lake,
and named Kau-ha-gwa-rah-ka. i. e., A Cap, now Erie, and they went towards be-
tween the midday and sunsetting, and travelled considerable distance and came to
a large river which was named Ouau-we-go-ka, i. e., a principal stream, now Missis-
sippi. . . . The family was directed to make their residence near Cau-ta noh,
i. e., Pine in Water, situated near the mouth of Nuse river, now in North Carolina,
and the family was named Kau-ta-hoh, now Tuscarora and their language was also
altered. . . . The Holder of the Heavens returns to the five families and forms
the mode of confederacy which was named Ggo-nea-seab-neh, i. e., A Long House,
to which are, 1st — Tea-taw-reh-ho-geh ; 2d — New-haw-teh-tah-go; 3d — Seuh-nau-ka-
ta; 4th — Sho-ne'a-na-we-to-wan; 5th — Te-hoo-nea-nyo-hent.
Other authorities state that each nation was divided into eight clans
or tribes, natned respectively: Wolf, Deer, Bear, Snipe, Beaver, Heron,
Turtle and Hawk. One of their rules was that no two of the same clan
could intermarry. Each sachem had a permanent name — the name of
the office he held — and it descended to his successor. There were two
sachemships, however, which forever remained vacant after the death
of the original incumbents of the office. These were Daganoweda of
the Onondagas, and Hiawatha of the Mohawks.' The first was the
founder of the league and the second was his principal assistant. In
honor of the great services, their sachemships were forever held
Their organization is supposed to have taken place between 1900 and
2000 years before Columbus discovered America, or between 400 B. C.
1 Both were supposed to have been of miraculous birth, and sent to the Indians to teach them
the arts of government and peace.
and 500 B. C. While this account is purely traditional, it is the most
authentic in existence.
When the white intruders first discovered that such an alliance ex-
isted, all that was known of the organization of the form of government
so remarkable among a savage people was, as we have stated, a mere
tradition. Each nation of the Confederacy was independent of every
other in all matters of a local character, and in the councils no sachem
was superior to another, except by reason of higher intellectual attain-
ments, such as they might be. The fifty offices created at the organ-
ization of the Confederacy were distributed among the nations according
to their numerical strength. Of these offices the Mohawks had nine,
the Oneidas nine, the Onondagas fourteen, the Cayugas ten and the
Senecas eight. Although these offices were hereditary, no one could
become a ruler or sachem until elevated to such a place by a council of
all the sachems of the Confederacy. The sachems who, in council,
constituted the legislative body of the union were also the local rulers
of their respective nations. While a sachem had civil authority, he
could not be a chieftain in war until elected to that position. Every
sachem went on the warpath as a common warrior unless he had been
doubly honored and made a military leader as well as a civil officer.
The Iroquois nation then was practically a Republic, founded on much
the same lines as the United States of America, marvelous as this may
The policy of the Iroquois nation in war appears to have been not for
the sake of war alone, but for conquest and the extension of the nation's
power and influence. Instead of trying to exterminate their foes, the
Iroquois strove to subjugate and adopt them, and as far as they could in
their weak way, to enlighten them. So successful were they in their
efforts that at the end of the seventeenth century they dominated a very
large portion of what is now the United States. The Iroquois of New
York and the Algonquin tribes of New England were perpetually at
war. The Mohawks and Oneidas occupied the Mohawk valley mainly,
and the three nations west of them were compelled to pass through this
region when starting out upon the eastern warpath. The most natural
and convenient pathway for them to traverse was from the Mohawk
valley eastward, leading them up from the Hudson to the valley of the
Hoosick river, then across the Berkshire hills or the southern spur of
the Green mountains to the valley of the Connecticut river. Over this
trail the Five Nations marched on many occasions, according both to
history and early tradition, and in and near the county of Saratoga
many a bloody battle was fought by the red men of the wilderness.
The Iroquois Indians were the bravest, most hardy, most industrious,
most politic, most intelligent on the American continent. At the same
time they were the most resolute and desperate fighters when an appeal
to arms was made for thepurposeof settling a dispute with another tribe
or nation. They were generally victorious. In 1650 they invaded the
country of the Hurons, to the north and west. The year following they
practically annihilated the Neutral Nation, and the next year they ex-
terminated the Eries. In 1675 they reduced the Andastes or Conesto-
gas, inhabitants of Pennsylvania and Maryland, involved them in war
with Maryland and Virginia, when they abandoned their country and
fled to the Roanoke, but were finally forced to submit to the Iroquois
and return to the valley of the Susquehanna and Chesapeake. They
penetrated as far westward as the Mississippi and as far southward as
Southern Tennessee, compelling all the tribes inhabiting that region to
flee before them. The tribes of New England and the Hudson valley
trembled at their name and paid them tribute. Their fury was
unbounded when in battle. They rightly deserved the title, "Romans
of the West."
Even many years after the first settlement of the country about Fort
Orange, bands of the Iroquois, then of the Algonquins, passed through
Saratoga county on their way to carry out their plans for laying waste
the villages of the enemy. The famous old Wampanoag chieftain.
King Philip, once invaded the county in the winter of 1675-76, at the
head of a band of 500 warriors bound for the north. His followers en-
camped in the northern part of the county and prepared to strike a
decisive blow at the Mohawks. In February, 1676, the Mohawks
assembled and marched northward over the famous Indian trail leading
through the county and, by reason of superior numbers . and a better
acquaintance with the field of the campaign, succeeded in driving the
brave old chieftain and his band back across the Hudson River and
through the Hoosick valley to the other side of the mountains^ The
famous old chief, Greylock, of the Waronoaks, the last chief of his
tribe, also frequently passed through the county with his band of
In 1628 the Mohawks declared war against the Mohegans, whose chief
village was on or near the present site of Troy, and invaded the country
of the latter. Half a century later Uncas and his little body of Mohe-
gans, now greatly reduced numerically, returned from the Connecticut
valley, where they had been driven, crossed the Hudson to the present
sites of Albany, Watervliet and Waterford, and slew many of their
enemies, the Mohawks. Later on, upon the dissolution of the tribe,
some of the Mohegans emigrated westward and joined the Iroquois,
some of them even amalgamating with their ancient enemies, the
The Mohawk Indians, many of whom inhabited the region now known
as Saratoga county, were the most ferocious nation of the Iroquois Con-
federacy. Aside from this characteristic, they were very much like the
other nations of the Iroquois. Their most famous hunting-ground, Sa-
ragh-to ga," was identical with the eastern portion of Saratoga county,
and the western part of Washington county. In all probability, the
land so called extended no further west than Saratoga Lake.
The Mohawks visited in great numbers the mineral spring at Sara-
toga Springs now known as High Rock, and they appreciated the
medicinal properties of its waters ; for as early as 1767 they induced
Sir William Johnson to consent to be carried there from Johnson's Hall
at Johnstown on a litter, having persuaded him that his frequently
recurring sickness would be cured by frequent and regular drinking
thereof. They also came from all over their territory to fish in Sara-
toga lake and the Hudson river.
Another famous hunting ground was Kay-ad-ros-se-ra,° which lay
west of Sa-raghto-ga. Wild animals came in vast numbers, even
from the Adirondacks and the mountains of Vermont, and drank the
mineral vyaters found in Kay-ad-ros se-ra, and the streams were filled
with fish.
Little by little the white men encroached upon the domain of the
savages, and the latter, finally tiring of continual quarrelings with the
intruders and the march of civilization, weakened in numbers and
broken in spirit, began the sale of their possessions piecemeal. In 1684
Peter Philip Schuyler, and six other residents of Albany, purchased the
ground known as Sa-ragh-to-ga, and the grant was confirmed by the
English government. This grant was as follows :'
' Sometimes said to have been written " Se-rach-ta-gue." Dr. Hough, the historian, says
that a Caughnawaga Indian informed him that the original word was "Sa-ra-ta-ke," meaning,
"a place where the track o£ the heel may be seen."
' The original for Kayaderosseras, according to Gauthier's map o£ 1T79.
' This grant is recorded on page 159 of Liber 5 of Deeds and Patents in the office of the Sec-
retary of state at Albany. In connection therewith is recorded a map sho wing^the location of the
Saratoga Patent — Thomas Dongan, Lieutenant and governor and Vice Admiral,
under his Royall Highnesse James, Duke of York, &c., of New Yorke and its De-
pendencyes in America. To all to whom these presents shall come sendeth greet-
ing. Whereas these following Maquaise Sachems, bothe of the first and seconde
castles, viz., Roode Laggodischquesex, Aihagure and Tuskanoenda, did, in the pres-
ence of the Comander and Magistrates of Albany and all the Maquaise Sachems,
give and grant unto Cornelius Van Dyke, John Johnson Bleeker, Peter Phillipps
Schuyler and Johannes Wendall, together with Dyrick Wessell, David Schuyler and
Robert Livingston, who are equally concerned in the purchase of said tract of land.
A certain Tract or Parcell of Land, situate, lyeing and being to the north of Al-
bany, on both sides of Hudsons River beginning at the uppermost limitts of the land
bought formerly by Goose Garretson and Phillip Peterse Schuyler being a creek
called Lioneende houwe, which is the Southermost Bounds of the said lands and from
thence up both sides of the River Northerly to a Creeke or Kill on the East side of
the River called Dionoon de houwe, the land on said Creeke included. Keeping the
same length on the West side of the River and soe Runnes East and West into the
woods as farr as the Indians Right and title to the within menconed Land afore re-
cited as by a certain writing or Indian Deed bearing Date the 36th Day of July in
the thirty-fifth yeare of his Matees Reigne 1683 Relacon being thereunto had doth
more fully and at large appeare Now Know Yee that by virtue of the comicon and
authority unto me given by his Royall Highnesse, James Duke of Yorke and Albany
&c. Lord Proprietor of the Province of New Yorke in consideracon of the Premises
and the Quitt Rents hereinafter reserved, I have given, granted, Ratifyed and con-
firmed and by these presents doe hereby Give, Grant, Ratifye and Confirme unto
the said Cornelius Van Dyke, John Johnson Bleeker, Peter Phillipps Schuyler, Jo-
hannes Wandell, Derick Wessells, David Schuyler and Robert Livingston their heires
and assigns forever all the before recited Tract and Tracts, Parcell and Parcells of
land and islands within the said bounds Together with all and singular Woods, Un-
derwoods, Waters, Runnes, Streames, Ponds, Creekes, Meadows, Marshes, Fishing,
Hawking, Hunting and Fowling and all other Libertyes, Priviledges, Hereditaments,
Appurtts to the said Trapt of land and Premises belonging or in anywise apper-
To Have and to Hold the said Tract of Land and Premises with all and singular
appurtenances before menconed and intended to be Granted, Ratified and Confirmed
unto the said Cornells Van Dyke, John Johnson Bleeker, Peter Phillipps Schuyler,
Johannes Wandell, Derick Wessells, David Schuyler and Robert Livingston their
heires and assignes unto the proper use and behoofe of the said Cornelius Van Dyke,
John Johnson Bleeker, Peter Phillipps Schuyler, Johannes Wandell, Derick Wessells,
David Schuyler and Robert Livingston their heires and assignes forever. To be
holden of his said Royall Highnesse, his heires and assignes in free and common
Soccage according to the tenure of East Greenwich in the county of Kent in his
Matees Kingdome of England, Yielding and Paying therefore Yearlye and every
Yeare as a quit rent for his Royall Highnesse use twenty Bushels of Good Merchant-
property in question. This property extended from the mouth of the Battenkill, near Schuyler-
ville, southward to Tenendaho creek, at Mechanicville, and from point to point, east and west from
the Hudson river, six miles in both directions.
able winter wheate at Albany or before the 2th day of March unto such officer or
Officers as from time to time shall be appointed to Receive the same.
Given under my Hand and Sealed with the Seale of the Province at Fort James
in New Yorke the fourth day of November in the thirty-sixth Yeare of the Raigne
of our Sovereign Lord Charles the Second by the Grace of God of England, Scot-
land, France and Ireland, King Defender of the Faith, &c., Annoq. Dom. 1684.
Thos. Dongan.
October 6, 1784, Kay-ad-ros-se-ra was sold to the province of New
York, and four years later the entire estate came into the possession of
Nanning Hermanse and several other wealthy men of Albany and else-
where, by a patent granted by Queen Anne. But it was not until
1768 that the first Indian deed was confirmed by the tribe. This done,
and the Indian occupancy of Saratoga county was at an end.
The French and Indian Wars — The Frequent Incursions of the French from Can-
ada Into the Land of the Mohawks — Saratoga County a Bloody Battle Ground— The
Iroquois and English Ever on Friendly Terms — Fate of Father Isaac Jogues — The
Massacre at Schenectady — Battles in Saratoga County — The Old Saratoga Massacre
— The Final Struggle — Sir William Johnson's Campaign — Fort George, Fort William
Henry, Ticonderoga and Crown Point.
The prime cause for the unwillingness of immigrants to establish
homes in Saratoga county, and the slow progress made in the develop-
ment of this fertile and advantageously situated tract of land by a civ-
ilized people, lay in the long and seemingly interminable series of
French and Indian wars, as they are known in history. For fully a
century the contest for supremacy between the two powers, Great
Britain and her colonists in America and France and her colonists, was
continued. The early struggles were sporadic and without definite
plan or organization on either side, but particularly so with the British.
The colonists were anxious, on both sides, to have the question of
supremacy settled, but one war followed another without definite re-
sults, wearing out the colonists, exhausting their resources and leaving
the new country in a most unsettled and wretched condition. Size and
population considered, no community suffered more from this long
struggle than did the county of Saratoga. Attempt after attempt to
make permanent settlements within its borders was foiled, as has been
seen in a preceding chapter, and hundreds, perhaps thousands, of the
pioneers of the county were either killed in battle, taken prisoners
and carried to Canada, or massacred. Once Great Britain had driven
the French back to Canada, practically deciding the contest ; but, to
the despair of the wearied colonists, she refused to take advantage of
the victory that she had so gloriously won, and made a treaty conced-
ing to France all that the English colonists had won for her, after sac-
rificing thousands of lives and a vast treasure.
While most histories of the United States, in telling the story of the
French and Indian War, refer only to the culminating conflict which
began in 1754 and ended in 1763, the series of wars undertaken toward
the end accomplished in that struggle began soon after the middle of
the seventeenth century. The cause of the final war was the conflict-
ing territorial claims of the two nations. It was the existence of this
common cause, the integrity of English sovereignty and of the English-
speaking people, that impelled the colonies finally to cease, in a meas-
ure, their inter-colonial wrangles and act together against a common
foe, as they again did in the war of the Revolution. For a long time
prejudice, suspicion and mutual jealousy kept them apart; but when
they came to understand that the great question was whether they
should be subjects of Great Britain or of France, old antagonisms were
thrown into the background or allowed to perish utterly, more charit-
able sentiments prevailed, and the love for and the desire to protect
and advance the interests of the Mother Country predominated.
The sea-coast had been colonized by England ; the interior had been
colonized by France. The Jesuit priests of the latter, from Quebec to
Louisiana, had won the Indians by their grand religious rites and
taught them to hate the English. Thus England had to defend herpelf
against not only the French but their powerful savage; allies as well.
La Salle's explorations had done much to strengthen the claims of the
French to western territory, and correspondingly to weaken the position
of the English. Before the middle of the eighteenth century France
had the English colonists hemmed in their well settled territory along
the Atlantic and was well prepared to defend her claims to the great
unknown West. Of the North she already felt secure. The knowledge
of her successful efforts in the West increased the long-standing ani-
mosities between the colonists of the two nations. Finally, when the
frontiersmen of the two nations had a conflict over the attempt to col-
onize the Ohio valley, in the middle of the eighteenth century, the
signal for the general inauguration of hostilities was hoisted and the
final desperate struggle for national supremacy on the great American-
continent began.
When Father Isaac Jogues made his famous journey into the land of
the Iroquois, penetrating to the Mohawk valley, he invaded territory
over which Holland claimed sovereignty. When, in 1666, the famous
expedition headed by Marquis de Tracy, Sieur de Courcelle and Gov-
ernor Daniel de Remi passed from the St. Lawrence to the Mphawk,
through Saratoga county, over the same trail followed by the martyr
Jogues, for the purpose of avenging the death of Tracy's young friend
Sieur Chazy, who a short time before had been murdered by a Mohawk
Indian at the mouth of the Chazy River, they invaded territory over
which the English claimed sovereignty. But this expedition did not
seem to bring the English to a realization of the danger that menaced
them, for not even a mild remonstrance was made to the French gov-
ernment. After the French invaders had pillaged the Mohawk villages,
destroying the crops and burning the wigwams, they even went so far,
by Tracy's order as to take possession of all the country of the Mohawks,
in the name of the King of France. This ended the war of 1666, but
it left the sovereignty to the land cif the Mohawks in dispute and formed
the great entering wedge for the bloody conflicts which were to follow.
For both nations could not be supreme on the same territory.
Comparative peace reigned for about twenty years after the expedi-
tion of 1666. Then from 1686 to 1695 the Mohawks and the French
continued the struggle, which had been renewed by the former in re-
venge for the spoliation of their beautiful valley twenty years before.
Prior to 1689 Governor Denonville of Quebec had been on unfriendly
terms with the Iroquois for a- number of years. In the meantime
Governor Dongan of New York had become their warm friend and
ally. The wrath of the latter was aroused when he heard that the
French had invaded the country of the Senecas, seized English traders
on the Great Lakes and erected a fort on the Niagara River. Summon-
ing representatives of the Five Nations to meet him at Albany he
induced them to swear eternal enmity against the French. His next
step was to procure from King James II authority to protept the
Iroquois as British subjects. This may be said to have been the prac-
tical beginning of English participation in the struggle.
In July, 1689, the Iroquois assembled and started in great force upon
the warpath. Passing down the Mohawk to a point a short distance
below Schenectady they began their journey through Saratoga county
towards Quebec. They crossed Ballston Lake in canoes, then marched
to the Mourning kill and descended into the valley of the Kayader-
osseras, paddling to and across Saratoga Lake. Then, by way of the
Fish kill, they entered the Hudson and sped northward. On August 5
they reached Lake St. Louis, an expansion of the St. Lawrence a short
distance above Montreal. Landing at Lachirie in the midst of a terrific
storm, late at night, they descended upon the ill-protected settlement
and, with a war whoop, began the most awful massacre in Canadian
history. Nearly every man, woman and child in the village was hacked
to (Jeath, and the houses pillaged and burned. The garrisons in the
three forts nearby prepared to attack the 1,500 marauders the next
morning, but word was received from Denonville for the troops to
stand solely upon the defensive. Eighty men from a fort near at hand
attempted to join the force assembled, but the Iroquois intercepted and
almost annihilated the detachment. Late in Octobef, after pillaging
the country for miles in every direction and taking ninety prisoners, the
Iroquois started homeward. On the west side of Lake St. Louis they
spent an entire night in inflicting the most horrible, tortures upon their
prisoners, and it is even charged that in their awful rage they ate flesh
from the bodies of some of their captives. They then continued their
march southward, reaching the Mohawk valley in the early days of
November, having lost scarcely a warrior from their ranks.
In the meantime James II had been driven from England, William
of Orange had seized the throne and war had been declared between
England and France. Denonville had been superseded by Count de
Frontenac, and the English colonists, assisted by the Iroquois, were
about to attack the French. Frontenac, instead of opposing the Iro-
quois, attempted to enlist them as his friends by conquering them. In
January, 1690, a regiment of French and Canadian Indians left Mon-
treal and directed their march to the south. They were formed into
three parties — one to strike at Albany, one at New Hampshire and'one
at Maine. The Albany party was the first to march. It was composed
of two hundred men. Over the old trail they passed, entering Saratoga
county across the river from Fort Edward late in January. At Schuy-
lerville they inadvertently took the road to Schenectady, instead of
following the Albany trail. February 8, about dusk, they reached the
Mohawk and crossed on the ice. About midnight they silently entered
the gate of the stockade surrounding the village of Schenectady, sur-
rounded the houses and with a mighty war-whoop began the work of
massacre and destruction. Thirty eight men and boys, ten women and
twelve children were killed outright. A few inhabitants escaped and
fled to Albany, barefoot, in a foot of snow. Between eighty andniijety
persons were captured. The next day the invaders started to return
to Montreal, covering the same route over which they had come.
The first call for a General Congress of the American colonies was
made by Massachusetts in 1690 in accordance with a populat demand
that the colonies should organize an armed force for common defense
against the French and Indians. In accordance with the call commis-
sioners from the colonies of New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut,
Virginia and Maryland met in the city of New York May 1, 1690, and
agreed to raise a force of 855 men to repel the French and Indian inva-
sion and if possible to wrest Canada from the French. The campaign
was a disastrous one. In accordance with the suggestion of the Con-
gress an expedition was fitted out and placed in the command of Gen-
eral Fitz-John Winthrop of Connecticut. Winthrop left Hartford July
14, 1690. August 1 the expedition, which had been joined by one
hundred and fifty Mohawk Indians, reached Stillwater and encamped
for the night. The next morning he proceeded to Schuylerville, where
a small blockhouse was occupied by a Dutch garrison. Here he re-
ceived letters from Major Peter Schuyler of Albany, who had gone on
to Fort Miller. August 4 he proceeded to the latter fort. On the
night of the 4th he encamped with Major Schuyler and the Mohawk
chiefs hear Whitehall. But small-pox had broken out among the army
of Winthrop and the Indians, and as it was evident that there would
be no hostilities, it was decided, August 15, to return to Albany, de-
stroying a few of the minor forts. Captain John Schuyler, however,
continued on down Lake Champlain and made a raid upon the Cana-
dian settlement of La Prairie. Thus ended, with no results, the first
English expedition against Canada and the French. A year later Major
Peter Schuyler attacked the same place, but the raid was of no practi-
cal benefit to the colonies.
The next attack was made in 1693. Late in January Governor Fron-
tenac dispatched six hundred and twenty-five men, including one hun-
dred regular soldiers, a number of Indians and a large band of voyag-
eurs to destroy the Mohawk castles and do all the damage possible in the
vicinity of Fort Orange, On the night of February 16, after having
passed through the eastern part of Saratoga county, they attacked two
of the Mohawk towns, killed several of the inhabitants and made the
rest captives.
In the meantime the alarm had been sounded by the inhabitants of
the valley, and a small but well equipped force, mostly on horseback,
left Albany in command of Captain John Schuyler. Major Peter
Schuyler also sent out scouts to watch the movements of the enemy.
February 15 the Albany company, reinforced by a body of Mohawks,
reached a point near Galway. Two days later, having ascertained the
whereabouts of the invaders, they proceeded to Greenfield Centre.
The energy were now only three miles away. On the eastern border
of the Palmerton mountains, in the town of Wilton, they had erected a
fort after the Indian fashion. Before this fort the English and Mohawks
soon appeared and a battle ensued. Neither party gained an advant-
age and the fight was abandoned until morning. It snowed all night.
The English suffered from lack of food, but the Indians boiled and ate
the body of a Frenchman who had been killed in battle. During the
night the Canadians retreated, and the English, half starved, refused
to pursue their enemies. A day later, however, provisions arrived
from Albany and the pursuit of the French was begun. But the French,
when nearly overtaken, sent word that if they were attacked they would
kill all prisoners. On hearing this the pursuit was abandoned and the
English and Mohawks returned home. Two years afterward, in 1695,
the peace of Ryswick was declared, and there was no further contest
in the Saratoga wilderness until the opening of Queen Anne's war.
In 1709, during Queen Anne's war, another expedition against Can-
ada was planned. Five regiments of British regulars were to be joined
by 1,200 provincial troops, who were to proceed by sea to Quebec.
Troops were also to proceed from Albany against Montreal, in com-
mand of General Nicholson and Colonel Vetch, a nephew of Peter
Schuyler, now a British colonel. June 1 three hundred men under
Colonel Schuyler proceeded to Stillwater, where they built Fort In-
goldsby. They also built stockaded forts at Saratoga, below the Bat-
ten kill, on the east side of the river, at Fort Miller falls, at Fort Ed-
ward, and at Fort Ann, calling the latter Fort Schuyler. All were well
garrisoned, the forces having been increased to 1,150 men. While at
Fort Ann sickness broke out and greatly reduced the British forces,
which filially returned to Albany. In 1711 another army left Albany,
but intelligence being received that the Queen's naval expedition had
been broken up by a severe storm on the St. Lawrence, the expedition
returned to Albany, having accomplished nothing.
In 1744 war was again declared between England and France. Dur-
ing the period of peace the French had advanced up Lake Champlain as
far as Crown Point, where they had erected Fort St. Frederick in 1731.
In November, 1745, a French expedition, originally intended to attack
the English settlements in the Connecticut valley, proceeded to Sara-
toga On the 16th they attacked the village, killed thirty persons, took
sixty prisoners and burned twenty houses. Among those killed was
John Philip Schuyler, an uncle of General Philip Schuyler of Revolu-
tionary fame. In 1746 the English rebuilt the fort there and named it
Fort Clinton. August 29 of that year a band of French and Indians
attacked a party of soldiers near the gates of the fort, killed four men
and took four prisoners. June 11 of the following year an expedition
from Fort St. Frederick, commanded by La Come St. Luc, approached
Fort Clinton. At daybreak the next morning a fierce battle ensued;
but the French ambuscaded the English, killing twenty-eight and
taking forty five prisoners. Several of the English attempted to escape
by the river, but were drowned. Three or four months later Fort Clin-
ton was deserted and burned by the English, leaving the French in
control of the territory north of the Mohawk river. Peace was pro-
claimed in May, 1748.
The final grand struggle for supremacy between the French and
English began in 1754 and continued until 1763. During these years
great armies marched through Saratoga county, leaving thousands of
dead upon its fields. The events of this closing drama are so well
known that we shall simply touch upon those campaigns which took
place within or partly within the borders of Saratoga county. The first
of these was the famous expedition of Sir William Johnson, in 1755.
The French had occupied Fort St. Frederibk, at Crown Point, since
1731. In order to drive them thence into Canada an army of five thou-
sand provincial troops was raised. In the latter part of June, 1755,
this army assembled at Albany, where it was joined byalarge party of
Mohawk warriors under King Hendrick.' Early in July six hundred
1 " This celebrated warrior was, for a time, the most distinguished Indian in the colony of
New York. , . He was born about the year 1680, and generally dwelt at the Upper Castle of
the Mohawk nation, although for a time he resided near the present residence of Nicholas Yost,
on the north side of the Mohawk, below the Nose. He was one of the most sagacious and active
sachems of his time. He stood high in the confidence of Sir William Johnson, with whom he was
engaged in many perilous enterprises against the Canadian French; and under whose command
men proceeded to the site of old Fort Nicholson and erected a new fort
which was named Fort Lyman,' in honor of the officer in command of
the advance troops. Another detachment of the army soon afterward
built Fort Miller,'' at the rapids above Saratoga.
August 8 General Johnson left Albany with the artillery, command-
ing in person. The latter part of the month he reached the head of
Lake George, intending to pass through to the outlet and fortify Ticon-
deroga, better to enable him to operate against Crown Point. But the
French had beaten him, had strongly fortified that point and garrisoned
it with 3,000 men, under command of Baron Dieskau. The latter, ex-
pecting an immediate attack, dispatched a force of 1,700 men to capture
Fort Edward, drop down the river and menace Albany.,. September 7
he pushed down to within seven miles of Fort Edward, then changed
his plans and moved to the southern extremity of French mountain,
where he encamped over night.
Learning of Dieskau's movements, on the morning of the 8th Gen-
eral Johnson sent out Colonel Ephraim Williams " with a thousand
troops and King Hendrick with two hundred Mohawk Indians. After
marching four miles they fell into an ambuscade of the enemy, who
opened a terrific fire. Colonel Williams at once changed the position
of his men, but found himself in another trap. He fell, and Hendrick
soon followed him. Men were cut down by the score, and the little
army soon retreated precipitately. The dead bodies of Williams and
Hendrick were left on the field.
Soon Dieskau's army reached the English encampment, which had
been hastily barricaded by logs. The camp was assailed in front and
on both flanks. Johnson was wounded early in the fight, and General
Lyman assumed command. After four hours of desperate fighting
helped in the batUe of Lake George, September 8, 1755, covered with glory. In the November
number of the Gentleman's Magazine, for 1655, is the following notice of his death: ' The whole
body of our Indians were prodigiously exasperated against the French and their Indians, occa-
sioned by the death of the famous Hendrick, a renowned Indian warrior among the Mohawks, and
one of their sachems, or kings, who "was slain in the battle, and whose son upon being told that
his father was killed, giving the usual Indian groan upon such occasions, and suddenly putting
. his hand on his left breast, swore his father was still alive in that place, and stood there in his
son.' " — Simms's Border Wars of New York, 1845.
1 The name was soon afterward changed to Fort Edward, in honor of Edward, Duke of York,
grandson of George II. It stood upon the east bank of the Hudson, on the north side of Fort
Edward creek.
^ Named after Colonel Miller, commander of the force which built it.
3 Colonel Williams was born at Newton, Mass., February 24, 1715. He served in King George's
war; built Fort Massachusetts near Williamstown, Mass.; founded a free school at Williamstown
which afterwards became Williams College.
Dieskau ordered a retreat, and he was severely wounded during his
flight. The French retreated to the ground where the morning's en-
gagement had occurred and prepared to encamp for the night. Mean-
time Colonel Blanchard, in charge of Fort Edward garrison, two hun-
dred of whom had been ranging the woods, hearing the cannonading,
hastened to the scene. At nightfall they reached the French camp as
a number of French soldiers were refreshing themselves at a pool.
They fired on the enemy, and so great was the slaughter at the first fire
that the pool became as a mass of blood.' The French soon rallied,
but after a sharp fight fled in rout, leaving their packs and baggage,
besides a number of prisoners, in the hands of the victors. This ended
the fighting. The rout of the French army was complete. The French
loss was seven hundred killed, while the English lost two hundred and
thirty. This engagement was one of the most important and decisive
in the history of the country.
Early in the summer of 1756 Colonel Seth Winslow, with 6,000
troops, marched from Albany to Stillwater, where he erected a sub-
stantial fort on the site of old Fort Ipgoldsby, which he named Fort
Winslow. He spent the summer at Lake George, and returned to
Albany in the fall, having accomplished nothing.
In the summer of 1757 Montcalm made a brilliant campaign in the
country of Lake George. With a splendid force of 6,000 French and
Canadians and 1,700 Indians he proceeded up the Sorel River, entered
Lake Champlain and reached Ticonderoga. The object of his expedi-
tion was to capture and destroy Fort William Henry, on Lake George.
August 2 General Webb, commanding the English forces, sent Colonel
Monroe from Fort Edward, with his regiment, to take command of the
garrison at Fort William Henry. The garrison at this time numbered
2,200 men, four hundred and fifty of whom occupied the fort, the re-
mainder being posted in the fortified camp near the forts. The main
army, about 4,500 men, remained under Webb's command at Fort
Edward. August 3 Montcalm invested the fort. Monroe sent repeat-
edly to Webb, asking for reinforcements, but the latter, one of the
most worthless officers in the English army, did not even reply to these
requests, though he knew of the superior force of the French at hand.
Early in June General Johnson, realizing the weakness of the American
position at this important point, had obtained permission from Webb
to march to the relief of Fort William Henry, but his force had scarcely
' This pond has since borne the name of " Bloody Pond."
begun their march when they were ordered back to the posts. August
9 Monroe was compelled to surrender. The ammunition was nearly
exhausted and half the guns were burst. Montcalm granted honorable
terms of surrender, but when the English forces evacuated the fort the
Indians, in true savage style, fell upon the unarmed men and mas-
sacred hundreds of them. Montcalm strove to put a stop to the
butchery, but the savages could not be controlled. The remnant of
the garrison finally reached Fort Edward in small parties, and Mont-
calm, chagrined over the treachery of his Indian allies, burned the fort
and retired to Ticonderoga. At the close of the war, after two years
of reverses to the English cause, France possessed twenty times as
much American territory as England and Spain together. The British
flag had been disgraced by the imbecility of worthless English officers.
English arms met with better success during the succeeding two
years. In 1758, after the siege of Louisburg and its capitulation,
Abercrombie started on his expedition. July 5, 15,000 men under Lord
Howe reached Lake George and embarked for Ticonderoga. On the
morning of the 6th, when the English were nearing the fort, they fell
in with the French picket line, numbering no more than three hundred
men. In the skirmish that ensued the French were overwhelmed, but
not until they had inflicted on the English a great loss in the death of
Lord Howe. Stricken with grief, the soldiers in the latter's command
began a retreat to the landing.
On the morning of the 8th the English engineer reported falsely that
the fortifications of Ticonderoga were trifling. Again the army was
put in motion, and when just beyond the reach of the French guns,
the divisions were arranged to carry the place by assault. For mote
than four hours column after column dashed against the enemy's
breastworks, which were found to be strong and well constructed. At
six o'clock in the evening the repulse of the English was finally
effected. The carnage was awful, the English loss amounting to 1916
in killed and wounded. In no battle in the Revolutionary war did the
British have so large a force engaged or meet so terrible a loss.
Still the English might have returned and captured the fort, for
they outnumbered the French three to one. But the weak Abercrom-
bie returned to Fort George, at the head of the lake, and contented
himself with sending a force of 3,000 men under Colonel Bradstreet
against Fort Frontenac. The fort capitulated, counterbalancing Aber-
crombie's dismal failure at Ticonderoga.
•In 1759 the gallant Amherst superseded Abercrombie as commander-
in-chief of the British forces. In June of that year, at the head of 12,000
men, he advanced to Lake George, where he began the. construction of
Fort George. The total French forces on Lakes George and Champlain
now numbered but 3,000 men. July 22 Amherst invested Fort Ticon-
deroga without firing a gun. Four days later the French blew up Fort
Carillon at Ticonderoga, and retired to Crown Point, leaving the heavy
artillery under a guard of twenty men. Upon the approach of the
English forces they fled, and the entire French army retreated to the
mouth of Lake Champlain. The remainder of that summer Amherst
spent in rebuilding the splendid fortifications at Lake George, Ticon-
deroga and Crown Point.
Thus closed the campaign of 1758 and the conflict in Eastern New
York. Though the treaty of peace was not signed until February 10,
1763, Saratoga county and its environments were spared any further
horrors of war until the famous campaign of General Burgoynein 1777,
the first decisive battle in the war of the Revolution.
Settlements in Saratoga County Prior to the War of the Revolution — The Earliest
Permanent Settlement Made Along the Banks of the Hudson North of Half Moon
Point, and Across the River from Schenectady — The March of Progress Northward
Along the Hudson — Some of the Early Pioneers.
Many years before the Indian inhabitants relinquished control of
what is now Saratoga county, families of industrious whites settled
in various parts of the county and founded homes. These pioneers
came principally from England, Scotland, the North of Ireland and
from the Netherlands. There were a few French families, some Can-
adians and some from other localities — Massachusetts, Connecticut
and the city of Albany. Few settlements were made, however, ex-
cepting those in the extreme southern part of the county, until Great
Britain had driven France from Canada and the long series of bloody
French and Indian wars had come to a conclusion.
But many white men had visited and partially explored the interior
of the county long before permanent settlements were there effected.
In the fall of 1609 Henry Hudson ascended the river which bears his
name and probably reached the shallow water near the present site of
Waterford, though the journal of his journey makes no mention of his
having landed at that point. The immortal Jesuit father, Isaac Jogues,
and his companions, Rene Goupil and Guillame Couture, who were the
first white men to see the waters of Lake George, were carried prison-
ers by the Indians through Saratoga county's territory to the Indian
castles on the Mohawk. This was in August, 1643. In October, 1666,
the Marquis de Tracy followed the same trail with his little army to meet
the Mohawks and avenge the death of his young friend Chazy. In 1646
Father Jogues made a second journey over the same trail, this time
going as a missionary to the savages who, four years before, had sub-
jected him to the most horrible tortures. The trail followed by both
these travelers ran from the Hudson at Glens Falls along the foot of
Mount McGregor, then crossed the whole length of Greenfield, passed
near Lake Desolation and continued through Providence and Galway
to Caughnawaga (Fonda), in the Mohawk valley.
The early records of the county are so vague and meagre that the
location of the first permanent settlements in the county cannot be ac-
curately stated ; but a concensus of the opinions of the most reliable
writers, founded on the colonial records, is to the effect that the first
settlements were made in the extreme southeastern part of the county,
on the banks of the Hudson, within a few years after the settlement of
the country about Albany. These settlements were begun by the
Dutch near Waterford some time not far from the middle of the sev-
enteenth century, and possibly earlier than that date, though it is ex-
tremely improbable that any permanent homes were established thefe
prior to the year 1640.' It is probable, however, that as early as 16^8
or 1629 regular trips were made by the traders of Beverwyck to Half
Moon Point, as the latter place was less than three hours' journey from
the Fort. Beside this, the Mohawks made Half Moon Point a rendez-
vous for trading with other tribes and among themselves, and the pass-
age across the river was rendered comparatively easy by a ford from
the Point across to Haver Island on the south.
The names of the early Dutch settlers of Waterford^that is to say,
the heads of the families — doubtless are included in the following taken
from the census of the city and county of Albany in 1720: Jacobus
* This may be assumed from the early records of the doings of the traders of Beverwyck, as
Albany was then known.
Van Schoonhoven, Evert Van Ness, Daniel Fort, Cornelius Van Buren,
Cornelius Van Ness, Isaac Ouderkirk, Lavinus Harmense, Teunis
Harmense, Winant Vandenburgh, Roolif Gerritse, Hendrick Roolifse,
John De Voe, Daniel Van Olinda, Eldert Ouderkirk and Cornelius
Vandenburgh. These were enrolled as residents of Half Moon, but as
the name Half Moon Point was then applied to what is now Waterford,
and possibly adjacent territory of inconsiderable proportions on the
north, it is safe to assume that this list is a fairly accurate statement
of the heads of families in Waterford and the country adjoining it on
the north and west in that year.
A very old record shows that on June 6, 1677, Jan Jacobus Van
Noorstrant purchased from the widow of Goosen Gerritse Van Schaick
a tract of land "bounded south by the fourth sprout of the Mohawk,
west by Roelef Gerritse Vandewerker'sland, north by the little creek
close by Roelef Gerritse Vandewerker's house, and east by the river,
containing about seven morgens of land." The limits of this purchase
are very nearly identical with those of the existing corporation of
Waterford. Going back still a little farther, November 23, 1669,.
Goosen Gerritse Schoonhoven or Goosen Gerritse Van Schaick sold a
tract of land in Half Moon to Philip Pieter Schuyler. It is probable
that the sale was made by Van Schoonhoven, as he and Philip Pieter
Schuyler had received permission years before to buy from the Indians
what is now Waterford, in order that immigrants from Connecticut
might not purchase it and locate there. Van Schoonhoven's purchase
undoubtedly was the first investment, with legal authority, of land on
the present site of Waterford, and, furthermore, the evidence tends to
show that he possessed practically the entire town.
The next permanent settlement at that point of which any authentic
records are left as to dates and names, occurred in 1784, when the land
embraced in the site of the village of Waterford was purchased by
Colonel Jacobus Van Schoonhoven, Middlebrook, Ezra Hickok,
Judge White and several other persons, most of whom had emigrated
from Connecticut for the purpose of colonizing the fertile country at
this point and founding a village at what they believed was and would
remain the head of navigation on the Hudson River. There is
abundant evidence, however, that several sturdy pioneers had located
here prior to that year, for Half Moon had already been organized as a
district (in 1772) and such commodities as the whites, but not the
Indians, needed had been sent to that point by the merchants of Fort
Orange. Immediately after the English conquest of Canada in 1760
settlements rapidly extended along the valleys of the Hudson and the
Mohawk, and even some distance into the interior.
The first settlement in Ballston was made in 1763 by Michael and
Nicholas McDonald, natives of Ireland, who had been enticed on board
a vessel lying in the Shannon, brought to Philadelphia and sold for a
term of years to pay for their passage. Their wilderness home was
located near the west bank of Ballston Lake. In 1770 Rev. Eliphalet
Ball, with his three sons, John, Stephen and Flamen, and several mem-
bers of his congregation, removed from Bedford, N. Y., and settled in
the vicinity of Academy Hill. To induce him to locate in the town
and establish a church and conduct regular services, he received a do-
nation of five hundred acres of land from the proprietors of the famous
"Five Mile Square " tract. Soon after Mr. Ball's arrival large acces-
sions to the settlement were made by immigrants from New England,
New Jersey, Scotland and the North of Ireland, and in honor of Mr.
Ball they named the locality Ball's Town.
George Scott, grandfather of Hon. George G. Scott, and great-grand-
father of James L. Scott of Ballston Spa, came from the north of Ire-
land and settled in 1774 in Ballston. His wife was a sister of General
James Gordon. During the raid of 1780 under Colonel Munroe he was
struck down by a tomahawk and left for dead, but he recovered. James
Scott, his son, became a well-known surveyor. George G. Scott, son
of James, became one of the most prominent residents of the town,
which he served as supervisor for nineteen consecutive years.
General James Gordon was the most conspicuous among the pioneers
of his day. He came to America from County Antrim, Ireland, when
a youth of seventeen. He settled in the town of Ballston and located
on the farm on the Middle Line road now owned and occupied in the
summer by George T. and Roland W. Smith. So important a part
did General Gordon take in the early history of Saratoga county,
that the following brief account of his life, containing historical
statements of general interest, is appropriately inserted in this chap-
ter. It is taken from a work- entitled: "Family Records of Theo-
dore Parsons Hall and Alexandrine Louise Godfrey, of ' Tannancour,'
Grosse Point, near Detroit, Michigan, including brief accounts of the
St. Auburn, Scott-Gordon, Irvine-Orr and Navarre-Macomb families,"
collected by Theodore Parsons Hall and published in Detroit, Mich.,
in 1892:
Tames Gordon, as a child, was furnished with every advantage of education ; was
a fine classical scholar, destined for a profession ; but in a spirit of adventure set out
for America in 1758, when a young man of but nineteen years of age. He had a
relative in America named John Macomb,_ who, with his sons, was largely engaged
in the Indian and Array supply trade, having stores at Albany, Fort Niagara and
Detroit. John Macomb was from County Antrim, and married Jeanne Gordon,
niece of Alexander. He was grandfather of Gen. Alex. Macomb, commander in-
chief U. S. A. Gordon became a partner of the Macombs and later of their young
clerk, John Askin of Detroit, a member of one of the old Canadian families. . . .
The diary of Gen. Gordon, recording his adventures in his various journeys up the
Mohawk to Oneida lake, thence via Oswego by canoe to Fort Niagara, and thence
by canoe to Detroit, is of unusual interest. . . . Gordon spent the winter previous
to the Pontiac outbreak, 1763, in Detroit, and at this early day, thirteen years before
the Revolution, he traveled on horseback through the forests from Detroit to Pitts-
burg, thence to Philadelphia and New York, to Albany.
After a short visit to his old home in Ireland he converted his estate into money,
returned in 1765 and purchased land in Saratoga, a district of Albany county (since
the town of Ballston), and erected mills there. As early as 1708 Queen Anje had
issued a patent for a tract five miles square where Ballston now" stands. In 1763 a
Scotch-Irish element, led by the Macombs, began a settlement there. In 1774
Gordon, having induced his brother-in-law, George Scott, with his family, consisting
of his wife, his daughters, his mother-in-law and her sister, also his own sister, to-
gether with a number of their Scotch-Irish friends, to locate there, a town was laid
out, to which they invited Rev. Eliphalet Ball, previously of Bedford, Westchester
county, N. Y., who established a church there, 1775. The course of England to-
wards some of the Scotch-Irish in Ulster had engendered a bitter feeling, which
naturally led them to espouse the patriotic cause in the struggle for independence.
After providing houses for themselves, some twenty-five settlers, male and female,
on September 22nd, drew up a covenant and founded there a Scotch Presbyterian
Church. Mr. Ball was given a large tract of land (400 acres), and the place called
Ballston in his honor. The father of Mr. Ball and Mary Ball, the mother of Presi-
dent George Washington, were cousins. . . . James Gorden was from the start the
leader and the life of the infant colony. He had married, March 16th, 1775, Mary
Ball, daughter of Rev. Eliphalet Ball. At the outbreak of the hostilities in 1776, he
raised a regiment, recruited largely in Albany, afterwards Saratoga county. Near
the close of the war (1780) he was taken prisoner in an Indian raid led by a Tory
named McDonald, and after the war closed he was visited at his home by President
George Washington, Gov. Clinton and other leading patriots. He participated in a
number of engagements in that vicinity, and was present at Burgoyne's surrender.
While a prisoner in Canada he was confined in the Recollet Convent, afterwards
paroled for a time at Quebec, then escaped to Halifax, and was finally ransomed by
hisfriend, James EUice, for aheavy sum of money. . . . Gordon was commissioned
Brigadier-General in 1786. Was a member of the Assembly 1777-8-9-80-4-6-7-8-9-
90. Senator, 1797-1804. In May, 1779, he was elected a Representative in Congress
over Hon. Jeremiah Van Rensselaer of Albany. The district included all Western
New York. On the organization of Saratoga county in 1791 he was appointed Judge
of the Court of Common Pleas, and died January 17th, 1810, aged 71, leaving one
child, his daughter. Melinda Gordon, born January 30th, 1777.'
Epenetus White, from Connecticut, located on the east side of Balls-
ton Lake about the time General Gordon moved to Ballston, possibly a
year earlier. His son, Epenetus White, jr. , settled near the old iron
spring in Ballston Spa about 1800 and engaged in merchandising till
1828, when he built the old red mill which was burned in 1874.
As early as 1770 Dr. Elisha Miller removed to Ballston from West-
chester county, and settled on the east side of the lake, a short distance
from the outlet: He was a practicing physician. During the war he
removed his family to Schenectady, but returned himself to attend to
his patients, frequently in the face of grave personal danger. He was
a man of high attainments, and lived to an old age.
James, William and Samuel McCrea, brothers, also settled in Balls-
ton before the war. James occupied the farm now owned by Henry
Harrison, two and a half miles southwesterly from Ballston Spa. Will-
iam occupied the Henry Davis farm adjoining it on the south, and
Samuel settled on the McCarty farm north of James's place, on the west
side of the road. Joseph Morehouse, and Nathan Raymond, his brother-
in-law, from Connecticut, settled on the east side of the lake before the
war. Captain Titus Watson also settled in the town before the war,
probably as early as 1772. He served in the war as lieutenant and
subsequently as captain. His home was located on the east side of the
lake. Edmund Jennings came from Connecticut in 1775. His son,
Joseph Jennings, resided in Ballston Spa for many years. Zaccheus
Scribner located on the east side of the lake in 1770. His son Thad-
deus served in the Revolution, and afterwards was a mail carrier for
many years. Stephen White, a nephew of Epenetus White, came from
Connecticut before the Revolution and served in that war. Hezekiah
Middlebrook, also from Connecticut, located in town in 1772, and in the
following year removed to a large farm in the southern part of Milton.
He became a prominent, wealthy and very influential resident of the
1 " General Gordon, perceiving the need of a competent surveyor to lay out the new territory
being rapidly settled after the close of the war, had his young nephew, James Scott, educated in
this profession. Many of the most important surveys in Northern New York were made by
James Scott, and his services as engineer utilized in a number of public works. He received
from the Canadian government in payment of surveys, a large tract of land near the present city
of Toronto. In 1809 he married Mary Botsford of Derby, Conn. He held a number of political
offices, was master in chancery, and was final authority on all questions of land titles. Then-
only child, George Gordon Scott, was born at the old homestead in the town of Ballston, May 11,
1811. The latter afterwards became Judge Scott, of Saratoga county. New York." — Family rec-
ords of the Scott-Gordon Family. By Theodore Parsons Hall, Detroit, Mich., 1892.
latter town. John Taylor, who is believed to have been the father of
Hon. John W. Taylor, at one time speaker of the House of Represent-
atives, owned a farm in Ballston before the Revolution, but the home-
stead stood just over the Charlton line. About 1770 Ebenezer Sprague
came from Connecticut and located on the Middle Line road, a short
distance north of the farm subsequently owned by General Gordon.
His property afterward passed into the hands of James Thompson, and
is now occupied by Miss Rhoda Thompson. Beriah Palmer, who came
from Connecticut during the early days of the war, or probably a year
or so prior thereto, and. settled on the farm recently owned by the late
Hon. S. W. Buell, near Burnt Hills, became a prominent man in his
community, serving for many, years as magistrate, supervisor and town
clerk. He was widely known as Judge Palmer. Others who came
prior to or during the early days of the Revolution, were Uriah Bene-
dict, from Connecticut, who located on the East Line road ; Nathaniel
Weed, John Cable, John Young, Robert Speir, grandfather of the sher-
iff bearing the same name; William Barnes, Sunderland Sears, Isaac
Howe, Jabez Hubbell, Isaac Stow and the Davis family. The latter
came about 1775 and located on the Middle Line road just north of
Ballston Centre.
Settlements were also made in Wilton at an early date. As early as
1764 William and Samuel Brisbin, brothers, located in the limits of the
present town, then known as Palmertown. They first located on the
south branch of Snoek Kill, which subsequently became the Laing
neighborhood. They made clearings and built a saw mill, but when
the Revolution began they abandoned their homes and took up arms
for the defense of the colonies. Rowland Perry, with his wife and
eight children, removed from Dutchess county to Wilton in 1770.
They entered the wilderness by way of a road cut by the Jessup family,
early settlers of Luzerne, from Fort Miller, on the Hudson, by way of
what are now Emerson's Corners and Wiltonville. The sons of this
family bore the names of Samuel, John, Benjamin, Absalom, Roswell,
Artemas, Rowland and Joseph. The McGregor family, after whom
Mount McGregor is named, consisting of four brothers — James, Will-
iam, John and Alexander, sons of John McGregor of Thorn Hill,
Scotland — immigrated to New York in 1781, and in 1787 James and
William settled near the site of Wiltonville.
Elijah Parks was probably the earliest settler in Moreau. He came
from Salisbury, Conn., in 1766, and with his sons purchased about
eight hundred acres of land at South Glens Falls. He erected the
dwelling house afterwards known as Parks's Castle, and a saw mill
near the falls. His sons resided with or near him, and a son-in-law,
Lewis Brown, occupied a double log house above the castle. Tradi-
tion says that when the war of the Revolution broke out there were
twelve families living between Fort Miller and Fort Edward.
Among these pioneers was Jacob Bitely and David Jones. The lat-
ter, who came from Leamington, N. J., had a wife and four sons, one
of whom. Colonel David Jones, served under General Burgoyne. He
was engaged to marry Jeanie McCrea, who was killed while being con-
veyed from the home of Mrs. McNeil to the British camp, as described
in another chapter. At the close of the war the Jones farm was sold
to General Rogers, who took possession in 1783. The Hilton family
located in the eastern part of the town, and Captaie Tuttle, of whom
very little is known, lived at the mouth of Snoek Kill.
The first record we have of the erection of any building in the town
of Saratoga is the story of the convention held at Albany September 4,
1689, when a resolution was passed authorizing the building of a stock-
aded fort " about the house of Bartel Vroman at Sarachtoge, and twelve
men raised out of the two companies of the city and two companies of
the county, to lie there upon pay, who are to have twelvepence a day,
besides provisions, and some Indians of Skachkook ' to be there with
them, to go out as scouts in that part of the county." Bartel Vroman
doubtless was the pioneer settler of Old Saratoga.
While the exact date is uncertain, it is probable that the mills and
other buildings erected by representatives of the famous Schuyler fam-
ily of Albany on the south side of Fish creek stood there as early as
1709. As this was twenty years subsequent to the year when Bartel
Vroman's house is mentioned in the record of the Albany convention
referred to, it is not improbable that other settlements may have been
made in that locality between the years 1689 and 1709. This opinion
is strengthened by the knowledge that Colonel Peter Schuyler ' deemed
it advisable to build a stockaded fort on the east side of the river in
1709. This fort was located on a high bluff about a hundred rods "be-
low the mouth of the Batten Kill, upon which General Fellows placed
his cannon before Burgoyne's surrender. It stood there for nearly
' These were the Schaghtiooke Indians, who occupied the territory about the mouth o£ Hoo-
sic^k river, in Rensselaer and Washington counties.
' Colonel Schuyler was then in the service of the government in command of the advance
guard of the second great Army of Northern Invasion,
forty years, but in 1747 it was abandoned and burned by the retiring
English troops. If the Schuylers had mills at the point mentioned,
somebody must have operated them, and consequently there must have
been residences near by ; but who these persons were probably never
will be known.
The first village in the town of Saratoga of which any mention is
made in history was called Saratoga, and was built about the Schuyler
mills. In 1745 it contained about thirty families, who in that year were
attacked by the French and Indians, and either killed, captured or
driven away. The dwellings in the village were then laid in ashes.
The exact date of the destruction of this first Saratoga is given as No-
vember 17, 1745, but no detail's of the bloody event are extant. Col-
onel Peter Schuyler was killed in his own home, while fighting to de-
fend it.
It was not until after the peace of 1763 between England and France,
when fear of massacre and pillage was in a measure relieved, that
permanent settlements were made in Saratoga. Soon after the French
were driven out and their Indian allies had stopped their depredations,
the Schuyler mansion and mills were rebuilt by Philip Schuyler, who
afterward commanded the northern division of the patriot army in the
war of the Revolution Then followed the immigration of a number
of industrious, intelligent families, who came to work in the mills or to
engage in farming or merchandising. About 1764 Abram Marshall
came from Yorkshire, England, settling on the farm since known as
the Marshall place. Thomas Jordan, his son-in-law, was also an early
settler. Thomas Smith came from Dutchess county in 1770 and began
the cultivation of an extensive farm. Hezekiah Dunham was another
who located there before the Revolutionary war, in which he served.
Joseph Welch came about 1765, served as a lieutenant in the American
army, was taken prisoner and carried to Canada, where he was com-
pelled to remain three years. John Strover bought a farm about 1770,
but doubtless did not occupy it until the close of the war, in which he
served with distinction as a scout. James I. Brisbin was a very early
inhabitant, but whether he came before the war or not is unknown.
Isaac Leggett and Gabriel Leggett settled in Stillwater, but their farm
extended into Saratoga. They were founders of the Society of Friends
here, as was also Tibbett Soule and George Davis, ante- Revolutionary
inhabitants. Sherman Patterson settled before the war in the north
part of what is now the village of Schuylerville. Colonel Van Veghten
who located at Coveville about 1773 or 1773, was a man of considerable
local prominence. Conrad Cramer came as early as 1763. John Woe-
man, Swart, William Green, and three brothers named Denney
lived in the eastern part of the town when the war began.
The most distinguished of all the families having interests in the
town of Saratoga prior to the Revolution were the Schuylers, in whose
honor the historic village of Schuylerville was named. An uncle of
General Philip Schuyler settled at the mouth of Fish Kill quite early in
the eighteenth century and erected some mills. Some time prior to
1767 General Schuyler came into possession of the estate. On his
death it fell to his brother John, from whom it passed to the latter's
son Philip, a nephew of the general. The latter became financially
involved and the mansion, with the large farm surrounding it, was sold
by his assignee to Colonel George Strover, a former agent of Schuyler's,
who subsequently became active in raising funds for the Saratoga battle
monument. The original Schuyler was killed at the destruction of the
old village of Saratoga November 38, 1745. General Schuyler used
the mansion he had inherited as a summer residence, he and his family
spending the winter months at Albany.
Settlements were made in Stillwater at a very early date, probably
following closely upon those made at Half Moon Point. The Vanden-
burgh family located as early as 1733 on the eastern side of the river,
above the falls, and it is but reasonable to suppose that settlements
occurred on the west side of the Hudson, in Saratoga county, soon
after that date, if not prior thereto. Aside from the Schuyler mills in
Saratoga and the village destroyed there in 1745, the earliest settle-
ments on the west side of the river north of Half Moon Point occurred
in Stillwater. Dates of the earliest habitations are lacking. As early
as 1764 George Palmer bought land within the limits of the town. He
also bought mills already built there, which were then owned by Isaac
Mann. These mills had been operatfed several years, and a consider-
able colony had grown up about them, but whether they had been
built five, ten, fifteen or even twenty years previous to their sale to
Palmer is not known. As far as can be learnSd, therefore, Isaac Mann
was the first white man to build a home and remain for any length of
time in Stillwater. When he settled there cannot be told.
In 1763 an entire church, numbering one hundred and one members,
voted unanimously to remove to Stillwater, and the majority of them
followed their resolution and did so. Thus it is seen that Stillwater
village contained a considerable number of inhabitants at least a dozen
years before the beginning of the Revolutionary war. The male mem-
bers of the congregation who signed the agreement to remove to Still-
water were: Henry Stevens, Gideon Lawrence, Zebulon Stevens, Uriah
Stevens, Robert Campbell, George Palmer, Lemuel Taylor, Eber
Andrews, Benjamin Green, Ephraim Andrews, Ebenezer Wolcott,
Ephraim Andrews, jr., John Frisbie, Solomon Campbell, Robert Camp-
bell, jr., Jonathan Morey (or Mowry), Titus Andrews, John Fellows,
William Patrick, Daniel Campbell, Cyprian Watson, Edward Firel,
Joel Frisby, Reuben Wright, Israel Rose, Isaiah Keeler, Amariah
Plumb, Phineas Stephens, Jesse Howard, Robert Patrick, Joseph
Stevens, Ebenezer Andrus and Benjamin Munger. Whether all these
persons came or not is not certain. This church, now the Congrega-
tional church of Stillwater, for many years known as "the church at
the yellow meeting-house, " was the pioneer religious society of Saratoga
John Neilson, a native of New Jersey, came to Stillwater in 1773, at
the age of nineteen years, determined to make a home here for himself.
Three years later, after having worked in the meantime for a man
named Quitterfield, living near Bemus Heights, he purchased a farm
and married the daughter of his former employer. He became wealthy,
and his sons and grandsons men of influence in the county.
Harmanus Schuyler settled in Stillwater about 1770 and engaged in
the milling business. His mill was on the Hudson, a short distance
below the present village, and consisted of a flour and grist mill, a saw
mill and a carding and fulling mill. He had a family of five sons and
two daughters. Before coming to Stillwater he had been in business
in Albany for several years. In that city he had served as high sheriff
from 1761 to 1770. He served as assistant deputy quartermaster-
general under General Philip Schuyler, who was a relative and had
charge of the construction of the boats used on Lake George. After
the war he returned to his farm and mills at Stillwater, where he died
September 1, 1796.
John Bemus kept a tavern at the southern end of the flats that formed
the strategic points in the battles of Saratoga. He was located there
when Burgoyne began his invasion, and according to early historians
he settled there at least as early as 1762. Bemus Heights takes its
name from John Bemus.
Ezekiel Ensign settled above the creek at Wilbur's Basin about 1773
or 1773, and owned a farm a mile square. When the news of Bur-
goyne's approach came he removed his family to Albany, and upon his
return he found his farm in the hands of the enemy and his residence
in use as a British hospital. It is said several wounded officers in Bur-
goyne's command died there and were buried in the rear of the house.
Major Ezra Buell, who was one of the most useful and daring guides
who served in the patriot army, came to Stillwater a few years before
the war. He was a bachelor and died as such. He was the first crier
of the county court. His death occurred in 1838, at the age of ninety
years. John McCarty was another early pioneer, occupying a large
farm at Wilbur's Basin which he purchased about seven or eight years
before the war. Evert Vandenburgh owned one of the richest farms
in the town prior to the war, His buildings were burned by the Brit-
ish in 1777. Jeremiah Hart came from Connecticut about 1775 and
settled on the east side of Saratoga lake. In 1777 he served as a scout
for the American army. George Coulter was also living near the fa-
mous " Freeman's farm " when the war broke out.
Following closely upon the settlement of Half Moon Point' came the
penetration into the wilderness to the north along the banlcs of the
Hudson, the section now embraced in the town of Halfmoon. We
have positive information from the old Albany records that several
families, mostly Dutch settlers, lived there before 1680, but how many
years before that date they removed there is largely a matter of con-
jecture. In 1718 Killiaen Vandenburgh built a substantial stone house'
about two miles north of Crescent, near the centre of the town. It
was the most substantial house in that locality for many years. In
1714 the district of Half Moon, which included Waterford, Halfmoon
and Clifton Park, contained one hundred and one inhabitants, mostly
Dutch settlers. Oldert Ouderkirk, Daniel Fort and Joshua Taylor
lived in the town prior to 1763. The year before a saw mill had been
erected on Steena Kill, near Crescent. The old Leland farm was oc-
cupied in 1748 by a family who were massacred by a party of French
and Indians in 1748. The barn on the place is known to have been
erected in 1737. John Plynn, an Irishman, settled in the eastern part
of the town in 1753 or 1753 and kept a tavern until the beginning of
the Revolutionary war, when he removed to Albany. James Deyoe'
* The locality referred to in this chapter as Half Moon Point is now the town of Waterford.
2 In later years this venerable residence became known as the Dunsbach house, having fallen
into the possession of the Dunsbach family.
3 Mr. Deyoe lived to be 103 years of age. His wife attained the age of 105 years.
came from Tarrytown about 1770 and settled about two miles east of
Mechanicville. Timothy Woodin came from Putnam county in 1768
and located about two miles north of Crescent. Benjamin Rosekrans
was another early settler. Jacob Wilsey, George Ellsworth, Richard
Burtis, William Tripp, Swart, Joseph Reynolds and Ephraira
Dunham all lived within the limits of the town prior to 1776. George
Ellsworth was a soldier of the Revolution, grandfather of Captain
Ephraim D. Ellsworth and great-grandfather of Colonel Ephraim Elmer
Ellsworth, whose name occupies such a prominent position in the mili-
tary history of Saratoga county. George Ellsworth's sons were named
William, Charles, James and George. The latter married the daughter
of Joseph Reynolds, the pioneer, and settled on the homestead. His
son, Ephraim D., married Phoebe Denton and settled in Malta, where
Ephraim Elmer Ellsworth was born.
In the spring of 1771 Dirck Schouten, who had been cultivating a
small tract of land on the banks of the Hudson a short distance above
Waterford, having heard of the mineral spring in the central part of
the county (High Rock Spring), and doubtless appreciating the fact
that this spot ultimately would be selected as a site for colonization,
abandoned his rude home above Half Moon Point and started on his
journey through the wilderness to the north. Oh the bluif a short dis-
tance west of the spring he cleared a small tract of land, constructed a
rude cabin and began the cultivation of the land. For a time all went
well, but soon he began to be annoyed by, or himself annoyed, his In-
dian neighbors, in the summer of 1773 he quarreled with them, and
they finally drove him from his home. He never returned. He was
the first inhabitant of the town of Saratoga Springs, and his only white
guest during his two years' residence there was a lad named Will-
iam Bousman, son of a Dutch farmer residing near the south end of Sara-
toga lake, who had accompanied Schouten for the purpose of helping
the latter build his cabin and cultivate his new farm.
In the summer of 1774 John Arnold, a young adventurer from Rhode
Island, accompanied by his wife and young children, traveled to the
springs, took possession of Schouten's deserted cabin and opened a rude
tavern for the accommodation of visitors to the springs, who were be-
coming quite numerous in the summer time. He brought with him
some spirituous liquors, and other wares which he deemed suitable for
the Indian trade, and found the savages good customers. The enemies
were friendly, but he found many dangerous neighbors in the thick
colony of rattlesnakes' which infested the hillside. Arnold remained
at the springs two summers, returning to the Hudson valley, as did
Schouten, in the winter season. He was succeeded in 1776 by Samuel
Norton, who remained throughout the entire year, thus becoming the
first permanent settler of Saratoga Springs. He died before the close
of the war.
Settlements were made in Malta, near Round Lake, several years
before the breaking out of the Revolutionary war. Early histories
state that the first settlers were two men named Drummond and Mc-
Kelpin, "who came before the Revolution and located west of the
lake." These men were suspected of being Tories and were driven
from the county. This being the case, it may be inferred that the
town contained other inhabitants, patriots, to whom the presence of the
suspected newcomers was unwelcome. It is possible that John Hunter
and Ashbel Andrews and their families were here when Drummond
and McKelpin arrived. Hunter came with the Connecticut colony to
Stillwater in 1763 or 1764 and built a home near the lake. Robert
Hunter, probably a relative, located here about the same time and
cultivated a large farm. Michael Dunning, with a family of six sons
and three daughters, located about 1773 on land now occupied by the
hamlet of Dunning Street, nearly three miles north of Round Lake.
He owned a large farm, and employed several hands to help him
operate it. William Marvin secured a deed to land in Malta in 1761,
but the records do not show the time he removed to the town to occupy
his possessions. Samuel Smith came from Norwalk, Conn., and settled
near East Line some time before the Revolution. John Rhoades,
Jehial Parks and Timothy Shipman also lived here before the war.
Northumberland's earliest pioneers are believed to have been James
Brisbin and Hugh Munroe, both of whom came in 1765. The former,
a native of Scotland, settled about a mile and a half west of Fort
Miller, not far from Bacon Hill. His two sons, Samuel and William,
located about the same time in Wilton. Munroe took up his abode at
Gansevoort, where he built a residence and a saw mill on Snoek Kill.
He was a Tory, and was compelled to flee to Canada at the outbreak
of the Revolution. His property was confiscated by the patriots and
his mill was destroyed. Mr. Graham settled in the same neighborhood
before the war, but the year of his coming is unknown. He erected a
1 These reptiles were so numerous that visitors frequently had to hang their beds from the
limbs of the trees to avoid them.
substantial residence, which was burned by" the advance wing of Bur-
goyne's army during his invasion of New York in the summer of 1777.
John Mahawny (sometimes writtAi Mahoney) removed to the town
about 1769 or 1770. Archibald McNeil settled on the site of the
village of Northumberland prior to the war. He was a wealthy retired
gentleman from Boston and lived in elegant style. The Vanderwerker
family also came before the war and lived about two miles above the
village of Northumberland. Isaac B. Payne was another colonist who
settled before the war nearly opposite the mouth of Moses Kill.
Stephen and Nathan Payne lived near him. In 1773 Wynant Vanden-
burgh, John Vandenburg and Cornelius Vandenburg, brothers, and
Peter Winney, their brother-in-law, bought sixteen hundred acres of
land, with a saw mill and grist mill which had been constructed before
their arrival. In the fall of that year they occupied their lands with
their families. The McCrea family, of which the historic Jane McCrea
was a member, settled on the bank of the river, near the Payne farm,
about 1772 or 1773.
The earliest inhabitants of Charlton of whom there is any definite
record was Joseph Gonzalez, who cleared a farm in the southwestern
part of the town in 1770. Other families were located near his home,
but their names are not known. He occupied the large farm which
came into the possession of Myndert Wemple at the close of the war of
the Revolution. Three years later a number of Scotch-Irish families,
people of intelligence and education, who had left Great Britain on
account of religious oppression, sailed for New York. From that city
they sent one of their number, John Cavert, to select a location for the
little colony they proposed to found. Cavert explored the southern
part of the county and finally selected a location in the northern part
of the town, near the'Ballston line. He returned to New York, and in
the spring of 1774 the little colony — which meantime had located tem-
porarily in New Jersey — prepared to occupy the new home he had
selected. One of the first to arrive was Thomas Sweetman and his
family from Freehold, N. J. He purchased one hundred and forty- five
acres, a part of the Kayaderosseras Patent, his deed bearing date of
July 3, 1774." He was accompanied by his brother-in-law, David Max-
well, who remained a short time, then returned to New Jersey, bring-
ing his family back to Charlton the following spring. He was accom-
' This was the first deed recorded in the Saratoga county clerk's office when the county was
panied by John Cavert, John Taylor, Joseph La Rue, James Valentine,
William Chambers, John McKnight and several others, most of whom
brought families with them. All laid out large farms and became suc-
cessful tillers of the soil. Thomas Brown and William Clarke also
located in the town in ante-Revolutionary times.
The first permanent settlement in Galway was made by Scotch im-
migrants in the fall of 1774. These men were John McHarg, William
Kelly, John Major and James Major. William Kelly and his wife, a
thrifty and hard-working couple, built a home about a mile south of
Galway village. Their daughter Elizabeth, born November 1, 1774, ^
was the first white child born in the town. The Major brothers located
a short distance south of Kelly. James Kelly was killed by a tree he
was felling September 11, 1776, and his death was the first in the town.
The first colonists were soon followed by others, who included John
McClelland, Joseph Newland, John McKindley, Moses McKindley,
William McCartney and others. John McClelland reached Galway
early in the winter of 1774 and established a home on the first cross
roads south of Galway village. In 1780 he started the first store in the
town and became a prosperous merchant. These were all the colonists
of ante- Revolutionary times in the town of Galway of whom there is a
definite record.
As far as^:an be learned the town of Edinburgh contained no white
inhabitants prior to the Revolution. Its location several miles further
north, into the wilderness, than the other towns referred to and its
comparative inaccessibility account for the lateness of its settlement in
a large measure. Sir William Johnson had established a hunting and
fishing resort at Fish House, a mile or so west of the bounds of the
town, at a picturesque bend ia the Sacaadaga river, in Fulton county,
and several whites had settled there. It is possible one or more fam-
ilies may have found homes just over the line in the town of Edinburgh,
but whether this is so or not will never be known. Godfrey STiew, a
German lieutenant of Johnson's, lived near Fish House, but probably
in Fulton county.
Corinth was first settled at Jessup's Landing and near Mount Mc-
Gregor, but in all probability not until the first year of or one or two
years prior to the beginning of the Revolution. Ambrose Clothier
located near the western side of Mount McGregor, in the southeastern
part of the town in 1775. A short time later Samuel Eggleston located
near the Eggleston homestead. It is not known if any others helped
colonize the town before the outbreak of hostilities in 1775.
Clifton Park, being located near the old city of Schenectady, was
settled within a few years after the founding of that city. Seven years
after Arendt Van Curler and his associates had established a colony at
"the great flats of the Mohawk," on March 4, 1669, Jan Verbeck,
Philip Peter Schuyler and Peter Van Olinda purchased property form-
ing a part of the Niskayuna Patent. October 31, 1677, Claes Janse
Van Boeckhoven and Ryck Claes Van Vranken also purchased of Har-
man Vedder and Barent Ryndertse Smit land in the same patent lying
within the limits of what is now the town of Charlton. Their pioneer
homes were located near Vischer's Ferry. Even before this day it is
believed that more than one white settlement existed in the town, for
the adjoining locality of Half Moon Point, the land across the river in
Albany county, and the adjacent territory in Schenectady county, all
contained improved farms and substantial dwellings. This belief is
strengthened by the knowledge that the soil of Clifton Park was as
fertile and easy of cultivation as any in that section. But names and
dates cannot be verified and future generations will never know the
full story of the earliest development of the town.
The census of Albany county taken in 1723 contains the names of
the following residents of Nestigione, or Niskayuna, most if not all of
whom lived within the limits of the town: JohnQuacumbus, John
Ffort, Jacob Pearse, Derrick Brat, Maes Rycksen, Evert Rycksen,
Gerrit Rycksen, Nicholas Van Vranken, Lapion Canfort, Cornelius
Christianse, E14ert Timonze, John Quackenboss, jr., Peter Ouderkirk,
Jacob Cluit, John Cluit, Frederick Cluit, Samxiel Cruger, Derrick
Takelsen, Mattias Boose Snor, and Johannis Christianse. Of these
Quacumbus and Quackenboss probably were members of the same
family, the progenitors of the Quackenbush family of to-day. The
Clutes of Charlton are said to have descended from the Cluits of
Nestigione. The name of Rycksen is said to have been another form
for the name of Van Vranken.
Andries Van Vranken lived many years before the Revolution at
Fort's Ferry. His son, Garrett Van Vranken, was born there in 1760.
Fully quarter of a century before the Revolution the families of John
Smith, Davison, Thollheimer, Nicholas Vandenburgh, Abram
and Jacob Volwetder were residents of the southern part of the town.
Eldert Vischer was the first of the Vischer family in the town. His
brother, Nanning Vischer, also lived here. John Vischer was a justice
of the peace in 1770.
The most reliable authorities state that the pioneers of the town of
Milton were David Wood and his sons, Stephen, Benjamin, Elijah,
Nathan and Enoch, who purchased six hundred acres of land a short
distance west and northwest of the site of the village of Ballston Spa,
in the vicinity of Milton Hill. They the most sightly and most
fertile spot in that section of the county, and all prospered. There is
no authentic record of any other settlements within the bounds of
Milton prior to the Revolution.
There is no record extant of any settlements during the period prior
to the Revolution in the towns of Providence, Hadley, Greenfield or
Day. Early settlements in these towns are -described in the future
chapters dealing with the towns of the county.
Events Leading up to the Famous Campaign of 1777, Made by Gen. John Bur-
goyne — His Magnificent Array — General Schuyler in Command of the Northern
Army — His Futile Attempts to Get Reinforcements — Burgoyne Takes Forts Ticon-
deroga and Independence — Baum's Expedition against Bennington — Defeated by
Gen. John Stark— British Failure at Fort Stanwix — Schuyler Superseded by Gates
— The Battles of Saratoga — Death of the Valiant Frazer — Arnold's Gallant, though
Unauthorized, Victory — Burgoyne's Surrender.
" The American Revolution in its earlier stages, at least, was not a
contest between opposing governments or nationalities, but between
two dififerent political and economic systems." The King's Preroga-
tives, Navigation Laws, Acts of Trade, and Writs of Assistance, were
subjects of complaints between Great Britain and her colonies, and
were among the causes which led up to the war of the Revolution. Yet
the more immediate causes and events were connected with the results
of the French and Indian war, which was closed in 1763 by the treaty
at Paris, which recognized the extinction of the French empire in
America. This war had been the military training school of the col-
onists, and not only military discipline, but independent and united
action had moulded a new and fervent sentiment in the scattered col-
onies. The futile efforts of Franklin and others for a union of the col-
onies, which had been attempted in 1704, and again at Albany in 1754,
bore fruit in the Stamp Act Congress of 1765, held in New York city.
From this date opinions and events rapidly developed and culminated
in open hostilities. The plea of Great Britain that she had incurred a
debt of one hundred and forty millions in the French and Indian war
for the benefit of her colonies was resisted as unjust. The colonists
urged that they had furnished a full quota of money and men, that the
war had been waged in the interest of commerce and the aggrandize-
ment of the realm ; that the colonies were paying far more than their
share through a monopoly of their trade by Great Britian. Irritation
was augmented by the personal character of the reigning sovereign.
King George III. Despotic in his ideas of government, stubborn, and
devoid of magnanimous sentiments, or an appreciation of the common
rights of humanity ; surrounded by ministers as incompetent as himself,
his administration was odious to the people of England and intolerable
to the colonists.
The Stamp Act, which had been passed April 6, 1764, was repealed
in 1766, amid great rejoicing in the colonies. A few thoughtful pat-
riots dwelt on the Declaratory Act of the same Parliament, "that the
king, with the advice of Parliament, had full power to make laws bind-
ing America in all cases whatsoever;" a repeated enforcement of this
principle in time aroused the independent spirit of the colonists to re-
sistance. In the autumn of 1766, companies of Royal Artillery arrived
in Boston and were quartered on the inhabitants. This was the be-
ginning of the end. Boston, in a town meeting, protested against an
armed invasion. In 1773 the burning of the Gaspee at Providence,
R. I., inflamed the people of that peaceful colony. This event also led
to the establishment of the famous "Committee of Correspondence"
between the colonies, Virginia leading in this important movement.
In 1773 Philadelphia made a public demonstration against the project
of the East India Company for transporting their accumulated stock of
tea to America, and this demonstration was followed by the Boston
"tea party." The Boston Port Bill passed by Great Britain as a
punishment was eminently successful ; it brought ruin to the commerce
of Boston, but it drew the colonists more closely together and resulted
in the meeting of the first Continental Congress in Philadelphia, Sep-
tember 5, 1774.
Actual hostilities opened in 1775 with the battle of Lexington. Soon
after Fort Ticonderoga, a strong work which had cost England forty
millions of dollars, was captured by Ethan Allen, and a mere handful
of "Green Mountain boys;" then Crown Point came into possession of
the patriots, without the loss of a single man. This brilliant opening
of resistance to tyranny was succeeded by reverses and discourage-
ments. In 1777 Washington's army numbered less than eight thou-
sand men, many of them of the militia, and restless to return to their
farms. It was upon farmers mainly that Schuyler must depend for
reinforcements for the Northern Army, which was to meet the advanc-
ing forces of Burgoyne. In the autumn of this year a gloom hung
over the villages and farms of New York and New England ; depression
was followed by dismay as the Indians grew more hostile, and the
armies of Great Britain threatened invasion from the north. The
militia men had left the army by hundreds and gone to their homes to
harvest their crops. Repeated calls for enlistments were disregarded
until the burning of Skenesborough (now Whitehall) by Burgoyne
lighted up the northern horizon, and the urgent words of Washington
addressed to New England aroused the minute men to a sense of the
approaching danger. General Schuyler with his small army had been
untiring in his efforts to obstruct the passage of the British southward.
Trees were felled, bridges destroyed, and the roads made impassable
for Burgoyne's artillery and wagon trains. This work, so unselfishly
wrought by Schuyler while his enemies were active in their machina-
tions for his downfall, was of invaluable service when the colonists
were at last aroused to activity. At once, as by a common instinct,
they turned from their rural pursuits, grasped the weapon nearest at
hand, and hurried to join the little army under Schuyler which still
lingered at the mouths of the Mohawk.
Again General Schuyler asked for reinforcements for his insignificant
army, but his appeal met no response except from Washington. The
commander-in-chief, who had been holding Lord Howe in check in the
Jerseys, though greatly in need of more men himself, realized the sit-
uation in the north. To Schuyler's assistance he, therefore, dispatched
Morgan's corps of five hundred picked njen, and also sent Arnold to
help repel the approaching invaders. Colonel Lincoln, who was then
in New England, was ordered to repair with his forces to Schuyler's
command, and directed to attempt a flank movement upon Burgoyne
toward the east. Washington also urged the commanders of militia in
Connecticut and western Massachusetts to proceed with a large part of
their commands to any point designed by General Schuyler,
In the latter part of June Burgoyne and his magnificent army reached
Crown Point. There, on the 30th of the month, he issued his famous
order containing these words; " This army must not retreat." July 1
his command moved forward in battle array. One American position
after another fell into his hands. On the night of July 5, St. Clair,
finding that General Philips of the Royal Artillery had scaled the
heights of Prospect Mountain, which commanded the fort, evacuated
Forts Ticonderoga and Independence. On the seventh the fugitive
Americans retreated from Hubbardtown, Vermont, after a sharp en-
gagement. Retreat followed retreat in rapid succession, until Fort
Edward was reached. The following day the British captured a large
quantity of baggage, stores, and provisions at Whitehall.
Up to this time General Schuyler had remained in Albany awaiting
the arrival of the expected and promised reinforcements from the south.
As they had not arrived by the seventh, he started north with the small
force he had collected, about one thousand five hundred men, leaving
orders for the anticipated reinforcements to follow. Reaching Still-
water he learned that Forts Ticonderoga and Independence had been
abandoned. Hurrying on to Fort Edward he was met a week later,
by St. Clair, with his command, which had suffered much in its lotig
Burgoyne remained at Skenesborough, the guest of Colonel Skene,
a noted Royalist. General Schuyler, still using every possible effort
to obstruct the progress of the enemy, fell back from Fort Edward to
Fort Miller, again placing obstructions in the road he knew Burgoyne
would follow, and finally retreated to Stillwater. Here he retained his
headquarters, though prudently directing his little army to go into
camp near the mouths of the Mohawk.
Burgoyne advanced southward very slowly, being compelled to cut
new roads for his heavy artillery. It was not until July 13 that he
arrived at Fort Edward, in the vicinity of which he remained until
September 10. His difficulties and perplexities constantly increased.
He had expected sympathy and assistance from the inhabitants, whom
Colonel Skene had assured him were loyal, but he found them cold.
Many homes were deserted. Provisions were difficult to obtain. He
could not control his Indian allies, and soon his own humane and hon-
orable sentiments were shocked and disgusted by the hideous murder
of young Jeannie McCrea by a party of savages. This crime intensified
the hostile feeling of the colonists, and Burgoyne would have rid him-
self of the savages but for the imperative commands of his govern-
ment. He had .the manliness to impose great restrictions upon their
movements; but this aroused their resentment, and they deserted by
The murder of Jeannie McCrea was one one of the most fiendish and
totally uncalled for atrocities ever committed by the Indians. About
the year 1768, two .Scotch families, named McCrea and Jones respect-
ively, removed from New Jersey and built pioneer homes in the woods
on the west bank of the Hudson near and below Fort Edward. The
Jones family, consisting of the mother (a widow) and six sons: Jona-
than, John, Dunham, Daniel, David and Solomon, located about a
mile and a half below Fort Edward, and the McCreas settled three or
four miles farther down the river. Both homes were in the town of
Moreau. Jeannie McCrea was the daughter of a Scotch Presbyterian
minister. Her mother having died, her father married again, and she
came to reside with her brother, John McCrea, on the banks of the
Hudson. The latter, and his brother, Daniel McCrea, were staunch
patriots. The Jones family, on the other hand, were Torries. In 1773
Daniel McCrea was the first clerk of the first court held in Charlotte
county, by Judge Duer, at Fort Edward. In 1775 John McCrea be-
came colonel of the Saratoga regiment of the Albany county militia
organized by the committee of safety. The treachery of the Jones
family is illustrated by the fact that in the fall of 1776 Jonathan and
David Jones raised a company of fifty men under the pretext of rein-
forcing the patriot garrison at Ticonderoga, but by a trick they suc-
ceeded in compelling the company to join the British at Crown Point.
The following winter both went to Canada and received commissions
in the British army — Jonathan becoming captain and David a lieuten-
ant in the same company; and when Burgoyne invaded New York
these men acted as guides in the attack against their own countrymen.
At this time Miss McCrea was about twenty-three years of age and
possessed of more than ordinary beauty of character and person. She
is said to have been engaged to marry young Lieutenant David Jones,
who now was an officer in the army which soon was to cause her death.
She had been repeatedly admonished by her brother, Colonel John
McCrea, to go down the river, as most white settlers had done, but she
still remained near Fort Edward, The day before her death she went
up the river, crossed over the ferry at Jones's place and went to the
residence of Peter Freel, near the fort, where she remained that night.
The next morning she went to the home of Mrs. McNiel, a quarter of
a mile north of the fort. Mrs. McNeil was a cousin of General Frazer,
of the advancing British army, and was doubtless about to seek his
The next morning (Sunday), July 27, the Americans at the fort had
sent out fifty men under Lieutenant Palmer to watch the move-
ments of the enemy. This party fell into an ambuscade prepared
by the Indians, and in the fight that followed eighteen men, including
young Lieutenant Palmer, were killed and scalped. The pursuing
Indians halted at the foot of the hill and then rushed forward to
the house of Mrs. McNiel. They seized the latter and Miss McCrea
and started to join the main body of the savages. Soon the report of
a gun was heard, and the beautiful girl fell from her horse. An Indian
chief instantly sprang toward her and scalped her. Her body was then
stripped and dragged into the woods, and the Indians, retaining Mrs.
McNiel as a captive, proceeded to the ranks of the main British army.
None of the Americans dared leave the fort that day, but the next
morning they evacuated Fort Edward and proceeded down the river.
Before leaving they sent a detachment of men to the woods near by
and found the body of the murdered girl near that of Lieutenant Palmer.
Both were taken about three miles below Fort Edward and there buried.
This tragedy served to arouse the patriots to an enthusiastic defense of
their homes and families, and bound them in a common cause of resist-
ance and revenge. Burgoyne deprecated the act but was powerless to
punish the savages.'
Burgoyne's next movement was upon Bennington, by which he in-
tended to co-operate with the expedition of St. Leger upon Fort Stanwix,
according to the original plan of his campaign. He had also been
informed by Colonel Skene, in whose counsels he placed great confi-
dence, that the Americans had collected at Bennington many horses
and stores of all kinds for the use of the army of the north. Therefore,
while his main army rested, he dispatched Colonel Baum with a body
■ In the inquiry into the failure of the campaign before tlie committee of the House of Com-
mons, in 1779, General Burgoyne stated that after Jeannie McCrea had been taken by one band of
Indians, another band came up and claimed her. To settle the dispute she was killed on the spot.
This was the belief of the members of the McCrea family.
of German grenadiers, English marksmen, Canadians and Indians, five
hundred in all, to make an attack upon Bennington and secure the
needed horses and stores. Baum set out August 13, and so eager was
Burgoyne to insure the success of the expedition that he rode after
Baum to repeat his orders to him verbally.
Burgoyne's entire force aggregated ten thousand men when he
entered the territory of the colony of New York. Of these, seven
thousand were British and Hessian veterans, the balance being Cana-
dians and Indians. Several hundred of the latter had deserted by the
time the Bennington expedition started, and a considerable force had
been sent to the assistance of St. Leger at Fort Stanwix.
The plan of the campaign embraced a descent upon Albany by way
of Lake Champlain and the upper Hudson. From Albany it was Bur-
goyne's intention to descend the river to New York and unite his forces
with the main division of the British army.
When the patriots of Bennington and vicinity learned of the intended
raid of the enemy. General John Stark rallied the New Hampshire
militia and prepared to defend the provincial stores from capture. He
also dispatched a message to General Lincoln at Manchester, to for-
ward reinforcements.
On the morning of August 14 he proceeded from Bennington to a
point about six miles on the road westward, where he met and at once
engaged the enemy. A heavy rain fell the following day, but on the
16th occurred the memorable battle of Bennington.' During the en-
gagement, which was a fierce one, the patriot forces displaying remark-
able valor. Colonel Breyman arrived with Hessian reinforcements.
General Stark's command began to show signs of exhaustion when
Colonel Warren arrived from Bennington with his regiment, fresh and
full of fight. The action was then renewed, late in the afternoon, and
the enemy was forced to retreat, Breyman leaving his baggage and
artillery in the hands of the victorious patriots. Had not night covered
the retreat, the patriot forces probably would have captured the entire
The victory was as disheartening to the British as it was encouraging
to the Americans, as the enemy not only .failed to add to its depleted
stock of stores, but also lost one thousand stand of arms and a number
of fine field pieces. Nearly six hundred privates and thirty-two officers
were also made prisoners of war.
1 So known in history, though practically the entire engagement occurred in what is now the
town of Hoosick, Rensselaer county, N. Y,
in the meantime, on August 3, St. Leger appeared before Fort
Stanwix, but became alarmed by the stories of a large army en route
to the relief of Gansevoort's garrison, and fled, leaving his arms and
stores, which were secured by Col. Gansevoort. General Herkimer,
marching to the rescue of Gansevoort, encountered Johnson's Royal
Greens in the battle of Oriskany. In this desperate hand to hand con-
flict the enemy was finally driven back.
General Arnold, who, with the force dispatched by General Schuyler
for the relief of Fort Stanwix, was biit forty miles from that point
when the news of the precipitate flight of the enemy was received, re-
turned at once to the assistance of Schuyler. Reinforcements for the
latter were also arriving from other directions. The long looked for
regiments from the Highlands had arrived; the New York militia had
rallied, and the New England forces, enthusiastic over the victory at
Bennington, were on their way to join the camp at Stillwater.
At this juncture, when Schuyler was for the first time in a position
strong enough to warant him in beginning offensive operations, when
his spirits were high, when success was almost in his grasp, there came
the blow which would have wrecked the lives of most aspiring men.
It was the act of an ungrateful Congress by which he was superseded by
General Gates as commander of the army of the north.'
The first of&cial act of General Gates after assuming command was
to dispatch Kosciusko, the Polish engineer and patriot, to select a po-
sition for the proposed advance camp of the Revolutionary forces. He
decided upon Bemis Heights, four miles from Stillwater, as the most
' " Schuyler was at last in a position to begin offensive operations; he would soon tie able to
point 6xultingly to the result of his toil, his patience, to the unappreciated difficulties now con-
quered. Such we may imagine General Schuyler's thoughts, as he sprang on his horse one bright
morning in August, at the door of his stately mansion in Albany, when about to meet his officers
for a consultation in regard to an advance movement of his army. As his charger moved rest-
lessly under the rein, an officer approached with an official document. Schuyler, ever on the
alert, checked his horse to examine the dispatch. It contained the resolutions of Congress that
deprived him of his command. This, in the face of the enemy, and at the turning point of his
fortunes! A momentary movement of the lip, and a lifting of the eyebrows— then a deepening of
the firm lines about the mouth, were the only signs of suppressed emotion. With a graceful bow
to the waiting officer, the deeply injured commander rode quietly on to his headquarters. When
surrounded by his officers he explained the dispatch, and simply said: " Until the country is in
safety, I shall stifle my resentment." He kept his word, and with unremitting energy, continued
to perform the arduous duties of his command, until his successor, General Gates, appeared at
headquarters, where he was received and entertained by General Schuyler with generous
magnanimity and dignity."— Battles of Saratoga, E. H. W.
ad vantagepus point, and the army soon afterward went into camp in
that position and threw up earthworks for its defense.
In the face of ever increasing dangers, Burgoyne pushed on south-
ward, still undismayed. Sending a messenger to New York to beg for
a movement from the south, he left Fort Edward with a month's pro-
visions, crossed the Hudson on the 13th and lith of September, and
was soon encamped on the north side of Fish Creek, the outlet of Sara-
toga Lake.
The American camp was on a spur of hills that approached the river.
Across the narrow meadow between the hill and the river earthworks
were thrown up, covering the old colonial road and a bridge of boats
across the river. Breastworks and redoubts were established at con-
venient intervals. A natural defense aloag the front of the camp oc-
curred in a densely wooded ravine, and a little further north Mill Creek
ran through a still deeper ravine. The right wing, under Gates, occu-
pied the river hills and the defile between these and the river; the left
wing, under Morgan, was located on the heights nearly a mile from
the river; the center, under Larned, occupied the elevated plain.
Arnold constantly harassed the enemy, with fifteen hundred men.
September 19th, at eleven o'clock in the morning, with his army di-
vided in three columns, General Burgoyne advanced toward the Amer-
ican camp. Riedesel, in command of the Hessian regiments, and
Phillips with his artillery, comprising the left wing, marched down the
river road. Burgoyne, commanding the British regiments, comprising
the center, proceeded towards the heights on the right. Frazer, with
his own and Breyman's corps, comprising the right wing, moved to
attack the American position from the west.
About noon the attack began. Gates did not immediately order an
attack on the Indians hovering near the fort ; but finally, in response to
the repeated and urgent solicitations of Arnold and other officers, he
consented to allow the savages to be driven off.
The British army continued its approach. As soon as the word was
given, Morgan and his riflemen led the way, driving the advancing
enemy back with such rapidity that the commander was obliged to re-
call them to quieter work. Frazer in his march to the west attempted
to reach the rear of the American position, and Arnold, with Larned's
brigade, made a dash to cut the right wing from the main army. Near
Mill Creek the two forces met unexpectedly and a furious fight ensued.
Arnold's and Morgan's men fought with unexampled energy, even
ferocity. Heavy reinforcements came to the relief of Frazer's division,
Gates neglected to send assistance and the valiant commands facing
Frazer were retired.
Arnold and Morgan now made a rapid counter march against Frazer's
left, and in this movement encountered the whole English line under
They were now reinforced with four regiments, and made s.o vigor-
ous and resolute an attack that they were on the point of severing the
wings of the British army, when Phillips came forward with bis artil-
lery, and the Americans were forced back within their lines. It was
now three o'clock, and a lull occurred in the contest. The two armies
lay each upon a hillside, that sloped toward a ravine, which separated
them. With the reinforcements conceded to Arnold, his force did not
exceed three thousand men ; yet, with this number, for four hours, he
sustained an unequal conflict with the choicest English regiments, in-
spired by every sentiment that ambition or desperation could awaken,
and commanded by many of the most accomplished and brave ofificers
of the English army.
Steadily the patriots received charge after charge of the dreaded
English bayonets; then, emboldened by their own endurance, they
pushed upon the enemy in a fierce attack, to be driven again toward
their own lines. While victory seemed thus to sway back and forth
over the little stream, and while the Americans held the ascendancy,
Riedesel came over the field at double quick with his heavy Germans,
and pressed the exhausted Americans back once more. It was now
dark ; they gathered up their wounded and prisoners, and retired to
their camp.
The American loss in killed and wounded was about three hundred,
and the British nearly double that number. The latter held the field,
and claimed a victory; it was worse than barren to them. Foiled in
their main object they were now burdened with many wounded ; they
had tested the strength of the Americans, and were convinced that their
own advantages of discipline and bayonets were perfectly counterpoised
by the enthusiam and courage of the patriots. The British, who bivou-
acked on the field, were harassed until midnight by large skiri;hishing
parties of the Americans, and were under arms in expectation of an
attack in force.
Arnold urged the importance of this attack with such vehemence that
Gates took serious offense, although he failed to tell Arnold that he
was short of ammunition — the reason afterwards given for his refusal
to follow up the advantage of the previous day. In his report of the
battle to Congress he refrained from mentioning Arnold's name. This
led to a further quarrel, and Arnold was deprived of his command.
Gates continued to strengthen the defenses of his camp, while his army
daily increased in numbers.
Burgoyije encamped his whole army on the ground he had gained
on the 19th^ and protected it with strong entrenchments. Strongly
and skillfully posted, the two armies lay face to face from the 20th
of September until the 7th of October.
Our army was exultant, hopeful. The other camp seemed oppressed
by the overhanging cloud of its impending fate. Difficulties enclosed
them on all sides, leaving but one narrow pathway to the north ; and
that was soon closed by an active detachment of Americans from
Lincoln's command. They had surprised the British garrisons at Lake
George and Ticonderoga, and regained all the outer defenses of the
latter place; had captured gunboats and bateaux, and taken three
hundred prisoners.
News of this calamity soon reached Burgoyne, yet he had some
compensation in a gleam of hope that reached him from the south
at the same time. A letter from Sir Henry Clinton was received,
informing him that on the 20th he would attack the forts below the
Highlands, and attempt a further ascent of the river. Two officers
in disguise were immediately dispatched in return to inform Clinton
of the critical position of Burgoyne's army, and urge him to hasten
to its assistance. Clinton was also assured that Burgoyne would en-
deavor to hold his present position until the lath of October.
Lincoln, who, with a large body of militia, now joined the army at
Bemis Heights, was placed in command of the right wing. Gates took
command of tUe left, of which Arnold had been dispossessed. The lat-
ter had remained in camp, waiting patiently for a collision between the
hostile armies.
As Burgoyne's situation became day by day more critical, and he re-
ceived no news from Clinton, on the 4th of October he ca-Jled Generals
Riedesel, Phillips and Frazer together in council. On the 6th he had
five days' rations distributed, and arranged for a reconnoissance in force
on the following day. As he could not leave his camp unprotected, he
took only fifteen hundred men. They were selected from the corps of
Riedesel, Frazer and Phillips. Led by these officers in person, and
Burgoyne as commander-in-chief, they marched out of camp at eleven
o'clock on the morning of the 7th, and entered a field within three-
quarters of a mile of the American left. Here, in double ranks, they
formed in line of battle.
On the left Williams's artillery and Ackland's grenadiers were posted,
on a gentle hill in the edge of a wood that fronted on Mill Creek. Bal-
carras's light infantry and other English regiments formed the right;
the Hessians formed the center. Frazer, with five hundred picked
men, was posted to the right and front, where a hill skirted the mead-
ow ; he was ready to fall upon the rear of the American left at the first
attack in front.
Foragers were at work in a wheat field, while the English officers
reconnoitred the American left with their glasses from the top of a
cabin near the field. An aide-de-camp conveyed this information to
Gates, who said: " Order out Morgan to begin the game."
Morgan had already discovered Frazer's position, had divined his
design, and formed his own plan. Ordering an attack to be made on
Balcarras in front, he made a circuit in the woods to fall upon Frazer
from the heights above. It was also arranged that General Poor should
assail the grenadiers on the British left simultaneously with Morgan's
attack. Lamed was to check the Germans in the center.
From their restraining earthworks the impetuous Americans poured
furiously upon their adversaries in front, while Morgan swept down
the height upon Frazer's heroic band. So terrible was the onslaught
that in less than twenty minutes the British were thrown into con-
fusion. Frazer, in his brilliant uniform, rode from side to side of the
right wing, encouraging and rallying the bewildered troops, and pro-
tecting every point with. his flexible five hundred.
Burgoyne, seeing the right wing in danger of being surrounded,
now ordered Frazer to form a second line to cover a fetreat.. In at-
tempting this manoeuvre, Frazer fell mortally wounded, and was car-
ried from the field.
The division under Poor, with the same impulsive vigor, dashed up
the hill upon the artillery and grenadiers of the British left, and drove
them from their guns. Ackland brought them back, and recaptured
the guns, which again fell into the hands of the Americans, who rapidly-
turned them upon the enemy, and drove them flying from the field.
Ackland was wounded in both legs. He was a large, heavy man, but
an officer took him on his back, and ran some distance with him. The
pursuit was close, and the officer, fearing he would be captured,
dropped his friend, and hurried on. Ackland now called out to the
flying men that he would give fifty guineas to any man who would
carry him into camp. A tall grenadier took him on his shoulders, but
had not proceeded many steps when he and his helpless burden were
taken prisoners.
The Hessians still held their ground in the centre. At this moment
Arnold, njaddened by his injuries, and excited into frenzy by the clash
and roar of the battle, dashed on the field, followed in the distance by
Armstrong, Gates's aid-de-camp, carrying unsuccessful orders to com-
pel his return.
With two brigades Arnold rushed upon the Hessian center, who
stood the shock bravely for a time, but as he dashed upon them again
and again with a fury they had never before witnessed, they turned
and fled in dismay.
Burgoyne now took command in person, and the conflict became
general along the whole line. Arnold and Morgan, uniting to break a
strong point in the British ranks, would again separate to move from
one place to another, where orders or encouragement were necessary.
Burgoyne succeeded Fi-azer as the conspicuous figure on the opposing
side, and was seen in the thickest of the mel^e, under the heaviest fire.
Several shots tore his clothing and his aids implored him not to expose
himself, but resolute and daring, he endeavored skillfully, but vainly,
to rally his army, ^nd hold his ground. His whole force was driven
into their entrenched camp. Here they made a determined stand.
Arnold now took Patterson's brigade, and assailed Frazer's camp,
where Balcarras and his light infantry had taken refuge.
Charging with renewed vigor again and again up the embankment,
he led the way over a strong abattis; driven back from this, he attacked
the entrenchments connecting this redoubt with Breyman's flank de-
fense. Here he succeeded, and leaving the Massachusetts regiments
to follow up the advantage at that point, he encountered a part of
Larned's brigade, and dashed upon the strong works of the Hessian
camp. Here, too,, he drove ieverything before him. Capturing the
cannon, the artillerists fled in consternation, and Breyman was killed
on the spot. Arnold's horse was shot under him ; it fell on him, and
his leg was severely wounded. He was carried from the field.
The whole British camp now lay exposed to the pursuing Americans.
Night and silence fell upon the scene. The groans of the wounded,
the muffled words of command given for the burial of the dead, and
the dirge-like wailing of the autumn wind in the tall pines, were the
only sounds that followed the roar of artillery and the shouts of the
While the battle raged on the heights, confusion and sorrow feigned
in and around the British camp near the river. After midnight General
Lincoln from the American camp marched on the battlefield with a
large body of fresh troops, to replace the exhausted victors of the pre-
vious day. Burgoyne, aware of his danger, if attacked in his exposed
position, now moved his whole army hurriedly, but in good order, to
the river bank. Here, in gloomy desperation, they were crowded to-
gether under the redoubts, on the morning of the 8th.
Burgoyne now gave orders for a full retreat of his army, to begin at
nine o'clock that same night, the wounded and all heavy baggage to be
left behind. General Riedesel was ordered to lead the vanguard, and
push on until he crossed the Hudson at the Saratoga ford, and there
take a position behind the hills at the Batten Kill. A drenching rain
poured upon the weary, plodding army the whole night. At Dogovat
a halt was made.
Starting from Dogovat at daybreak, the British moved again, but
only to encamp during the day on the heights north of Fisli Kill. The
handsome residence of General Schuyler was burned on the way.
During this time Colonel Fellows, with the American artillery, had
planted his guns on the hills on the east side of the Hudson, opposite
the British camp. General Stark had also taken possession of Fort
Edward above. On the 10th, General Gates, having waited for fine
weather, followed Burgoyne to Saratoga and encamped on the south
side of the Fish Kill. His delay greatly endangered the detachment of
Colonel Fellows, who could easily have been surrounded and captured ;
in fact, some of Burgoyne's officers were anxious to make the attempt,
but failed to obtain permission. On the morning of the 11th, while
the autumn mist hung heavily over Fish Kill and the adjacent grounds.
Gates, believing that Burgoyne had continued his retreat, ordered his
whole army to advance across the stream in pursuit. Without a recon-
noissance or vanguard, the army was set in motion. The vigilant Bur-
goyne, having now staked his chances on delay, was waiting eagerly
for any mistake on the part of his adversary. Aware of the proximity
of Gates, and of his intention, he drew up his army, under cover of the
dense fog, in battle array, on the north side of the stream to receive
him. The American regiments under Nixon passed over and were in-
stantly attacked; a severe contest followed, and Nixon soon discovered
the British in force; using his own judgment, and disobeying orders,
he retreated, and checked the further progress of the army until com-
munication could be had with Gates.
Morgan had crossed the creek towards Saratoga Lake and, screened
by the woods, posted his riflemen on the heights in the rear and flank
of the British camp. This was strongly intrenched on the hill near the
river, but was now entirely surrounded by the patriots, and all com-
munication destroyed either with the north or south ; and it was soon
found by the British that their camp was exposed in every part to the
fire of cannon or riflemen.
Sir Henry Clinton, having obtained reinforcements from England,
at last came storming up the Hudson as though he would annihilate all
obstacles between himself and Burgoyne. He obtained possession of
Fort Montgomery and Clinton, although they were most courageously
defended by Gov. George Clinton and his brother James, who very
skillfully saved their garrisons. The British easily destroyed the ob-
structing boom across the river, and Putnam, deceived and confused by
their manoeuvres, left the enemy to sail unmolested to Albany. Sat-
isfied with the destruction of the American vessels, and having burned
Kingston, the seat of the government, and ravaged the stately manor
houses of Livingston and other aristocratic republicans, the Englishman
returned to New York, and left Burgoyne unassisted in his perilous
He had now only five days' rations for his army, and not a spot where
he could hold a council of officers in safety. On the 13th he called them
together to consider their desperate condition, and there "General
Burgoyne solemnly declared, that no one but himself should answer for
the situation in which the army found itself." Three questions were
then submitted for their consideration. "1st. Whether military his-
tory furnished any example of an army having capitulated under sim-
imar circumstances. 3d. Whether the capitulation of an army placed
in such a situation would be disgraceful. 3d. Whether the arm)' was
actually in such a situation as to be obliged to capitulate." These were
answered in the affirmative, and there was a unanimous declaration in
favor of capitulation. The terms of surrender were then discussed.
A messenger was sent to General Gates, who agreed to an armistice.
A meeting of officers to represent the commanders of the respective
armies was arranged to take place on the spot where General Schuyler's
house had stood.
The terms proposed by Burgoyne required that his army, upon its
surrender, should be marched to Boston, and from there be shipped to
England. Gates refused this proposition, and demanded an unconditional
surrender as prisoners of war. Burgoyne rejected these terms indig-
The armistice ceased. Burgoyne prepared for the worst.
Gates now heard of Sir Henry Clinton at the Highlands. His fears
were aroused; he dispatched a message to Burgoyne, in which he
agreed to almost every ar-ticle of the first proposition. Burgoyne gave
his assent to these terms. Some further negotiations were in progress
in regard to points of minor importance. News of Sir Henry Clin-
ton's expedition now reached Burgoyne. Again delusive hopes awoke
in his heart. He hurriedly called his officers together to consider
whether they could honorably withdraw from the agreement to sur-
render. It was held that honor held them fast, although the papers
were not signed. On the 17th of October, the capitulation, or conven-
tion, as Burgoyne stipulated it should be called, received the signa-
tures of the two commanders. Gates and Burgoyne.
The British army were now marched out of their camps, under their
own officers, to a plain near old Fort Hardy, where the Fish Kill emp-
ties into the Hudson. Here, in the presence of only one American, an
aid-de-camp of Gates, they laid down their arms. Generals Burgoyne,
Riedesel and Phillips now passed over the Fish Kill to the headquar-
ters of Gates, who rode out to meet them accompanied by his aids.
When they met, Burgoyne said: " The fortunes of war. General, have
made me your prisoner;" to which Gates replied: "I shall ever be
ready to bear testimony that it has not been through any fault of your
The American army were drawn up in ranks on either side of the
road. The whole army of British prisoners, preceded by a guard bear-
ing the stars and stripes, and a band playing Yankee Doodle, were
marched between the files of their victors.
Gates and Burgoyne stood contemplating the scene. In the presence
of both armies, General Burgoyne stepped out, and drawing his sword
from its scabbard, presented it to General Gates; he received it, and
silently returned it to the vanquished general.
The surrendered army numbered 5,791 men, six of whom were mem-
bers of the British Parliament. A splendid train of brass artillery,
consisting of forty-two pieces, together with nearly 5,000 muskets, and
an immense quantity of ammunition and stores, was the further fruit
of this famous victory.
The importance of this triumph upon the fortunes of the American
struggle for independence is undisputed. The battle of Saratoga is de-
clared upon high authority to be one of the fifteen decisive battles of
the world, "the reactionary feeling it called forth in the colonies,
after the disasters and anxieties of the campaign of the previous year
in Canada, strengthened public sentiment in favor of the patriotic
cause, and filled the depleted ranks of the army. It led directly to the
indispensable assistance received from France, and thus to the later
recognition of other foreign governments. As in the last French and
English war, the campaign of 1759, which embraced the rocky heights
of Quebec, the great water line of New York, and the western posts on
the Great Lakes, was the decisive campaign ; so by this one of 1777,
similar in construction, it was proposed by the English king and his
American minister. Lord Germaine, to divide and crush the colonies
and terminate the war.
Articles of Convention between Lieut. -Gen. Burgoyne and Major-
Gen. Gates:
I. The troops under Lieut. -Gen. Burgoyne- to march out of their camp with the
honors of war, and the artillery of intrenchments to the verge of the river where
the old fort stood, where the" arms and artillery are to be left ; the arms to be piled
by word of command from their own officers.
II. A free passage to be granted to the army under Lieut. -Gen. Burgoyne to Great
Britain, on condition of not serving again in North America during the present con-
test; and the port of Boston is assigned for the entry of transports to receive the
troops whenever Gen. Howe shall so order.
III. Should any cartel take place by which the army under Gen. Burgoyne, or any
part of it, may be exchanged, the foregoing articles to be void as far as such exchange
should be made.
IV. The army under Lieut.-Gen. Burgoyne to march to Massachusetts Bay by the
easiest, most expeditious and convenient route, and be quartered in, near, or as con-
venient as possible to Boston that the departure of the troops may not be delayed
when the transports shall arrive to receive them.
V. The troops to be supplied on their march, and during their being in quarters,
with provisions by Gen. Gates's orders, at the same rate of rations as the troops of
his own army ; and, if possible, the officers' horses and cattle are to be supplied with
forage at the usual rates.
VI. All officers to retain their carriages, battle horses, and other cattle, and no
baggage to be molested or searched, Lieut. -Gen. Burgoyne giving his honor that
there are no public stores secreted therein. Major-Gen. Gates will, of course, take
the necessary measures for the due performance of this article. Should any car-
riages be wanted during the transportation of officers' baggages, they are, if possi-
ble, to be supplied.
VII. Upon the march, and during the time the army shall remain in quarters in
Massachusetts Bay, the officers are not, as far as circumstances will admit, to be sep-
arated from their men. The officers are to be quartered according to rank, and are
not to be hindered from assembling their men for roll call and the necessary purposes
of regularity.
VIII. All corps whatever of Gen. Burgoyne's army, whether composed of sailors,
bateaux men, artificers, drivers, independent companies, and followers of the army,
of whatever country, shall be included in every respect as British subjects.
IX. All Canadians and persons belonging to the Canadian establishment, consist-
ing of sailors, bateaux men, artificers, drivers, independent companies, and many
other followers of the army who come under the head of no particular description,
are to be permitted to return there ; they are to be conducted immediately by the
shortest route to the first British post on Lake George, are to be supplied with pro-
visions in the same manner as other troops, are to be bound by the same conditions
of not serving during the present contest in North America.
X. Passports to be immediately granted for three officers, not exceeding the rank
of captain, who shall be appointed by Lieut.-Gen. Burgoyne, to carry dispatbhes to
Sir William Howe, Sir Guy Carleton, and to Great Britain, by way of New York,
and Major-Gen. Gates engages the public faith that these dispatches shall not be
opened. These officers are to set out immediately after receiving their dispatches,
and to travel the shortest route, and in the most expeditious manner.
XI. During the stay of the troops in Massachusetts Bay, the officers are to be ad-
mitted on parole, and are to be allowed to wear their side arms.
XII. Should the army under Lieut.-Gen. Burgoyne find it necessary to send for
their clothing and other baggage to Canada, they are to be permitted to do so in the
most convenient manner, and the necessary passports granted for that purpose.
XIII. These articles are to be mutually signed and exchanged to-morrow morning
at nine o'clock, arid the troops under Lieut.-Gen. Burgoyne are to march out of their
intrenchments at three o'clock in the afternoon.
Signed, Horatio Gates, Major.-Gen.
Signed, J, Burgoyne, Lieut.-Gen.
Saratoga, Oct. 16, 1777.
The Attack on the Ballston Settlement by Munroe and His Band of Tories and
Indians— Capture of Col. James Gordon and Others and Their Imprisonment in
Canada —Escape of the Captives and Their Return to Their Homes— The Invasion
Under the Command of Joseph Bettys, the Notorious Renegade— His Valiant Serv-
ices to the American Government — Piqued at Being Unrewarded for His Valor, He
Turns Spy in the Service of the British— His Capture— Tried and Executed as a
Spy — Major Mitchell's Peril — End of the War.
For three years after the Burgoyne invasion Saratoga county enjoyed
comparative peace, though the war continued through other parts of
the colonies. General Gates had been given command of the Army of
the South, though he had demonstrated little but incompetence. Corn-
wallis had pressed a vigorous campaign in the South and had com-
pletely subdued South Carolina. Georgia had already fallen into the
hands of the enemy and North Carolina was aboat to be invaded.
France had come to our rescue a little more than a year after the vic-
tory at Saratoga, but still the patriots lost ground everywhere. The
inhabitants of Saratoga county shared in the general gloom which
enshrouded the nation. Then, while the whole country was expe-
riencing the shock caused by the intelligence of the treachery of the
gallant Arnold, who had done so much to save the day at Saratoga, the
country suffered from the British raid known as the Northerfi Invasion
of 1780.
The British g'overnment intended to make this invasion one of con-
siderable strength and importance, but the original plans failed to carry
and the blow spent itself in an attack on settlements in the central part
of the county — at Ballston. The British hoped, with the assistance of
Canadian militia and a band of Canadian Indians, to subdue at least the
northern part of the colony. They also believed that many disaffected
persons residing in the valleys of the Hudson and Mohawk could be in-
duced to join the royal cause. Many of the men were in distant parts
of the country engaged in warfare, and the opportunity for conquering
the northern country seemed to be ripe. The Albany authorities had
been put on their guard regarding this contemplated invasion early in
the summer of 1780, but the details of the plan could not be learned.
The summer months passed with nothing alarming except one or two
small raids in the Mohawk valley, and it was confidently believed that,
with the approach of winter, nothing would be done by the enemy in
these latitudes.
But the Americans reckoned falsely. Early in October, 1780, Major
Carleton left Canada at the head of an expedition, entering New York
by way of Lake Champlain. At Crown Point two hundred men were
landed for the purpose of proceeding either to Schenectady or Ballston.
The main body, about eight hundred men, was reserved to attack Fort
Anne and Fort George. The first detafchment was in charge of Cap-
tain Munroe, a Tory, who before the war had been a trader at Sche-
nectady and had been more or less actively interested in the settlement
of Saratoga county. It consisted of a few men from Sir John John-
son's corps, a number of rangers (some of whom were refugees from
the settlement at Ballston), and a party of Mohawk Indians headed by
"Captain John," their chief. Munroe's orders were to proceed to-
wards Schenectady and reconnoiter. If conditions were favorable, that
village was to be attacked. If not the band should fall upon Ballston,
plunder, burn and- take prisoners, but to kill no one unless attacked or
Major Carleton's command moved rapidly to the attack of Foit Anne,
which surrendered upon demand October 10. The British burned the
fort and made the garrison prisoners. The next day the garrison at
Fort George also capitulated after a short engagement, and this fort
likewise was destroyed. During his brief stay in this vicinity Carleton
sent out numerous marauding parties, who destroyed by fire all the
property belonging to patriots they could find, principally in the west-
ern part of Washington county, in Warren county and in the extreme
eastern part of Saratoga county. About the middle of the month this
expedition returned to Canada, having accomplished little except the
destruction of property belonging to American farmers.
But the detachment under the Tory, Munroe, met with more exciting
times. They followed the old Indian trail, crossing the Sacandaga in
the town of Hadley, passing through Corinth and Greenfield, and en-
camped for several days in the northwestern part of the town of Milton.
They remained hidden in the woods, nobody knowing of their presence
except some Tories, who kept them supplied with provisions. Here
learning through. scouts and Tories, that the small fort at Ballston had
been garrisoned by two hundred militiamen from Schenectady, and
that Schenectady, too, was well defended, they concluded to proceed
no farther than the mansion of Colonel Gordon. '
The inhabitants of Ballston had been expecting an invasion of this
character. During the early fall some of them even abandoned their
homes at night and lodged in the woods, carrying with them many of
their valuables. They had been frightened by the massacre at Cherry
Valley two years before and the more recent ravages of the Mohawk
valley; but as the autumn progressed and the long expected attack did .
not come, their confidence in their security returned. Colonel Gordon
had been serving as a member of the Assembly, and during September
and October he had been at Kingston, then the capital of the State,
attending a special session of the Legislature which had been convened
by Governor Clinton. This session adjourned October 10 and he started
for home, reaching Ballston October 13. Munroe was informed of his
return and made preparations to capture him.
On the evening of October 16 the invading band stopped at the resi-
dence of James McDonald, which stood about a mile west of Court
House hill. From that point McDonald, a Tory who hated the patriot
Gordon, led the party through the woods to the rear of Gordon's home.
Awakened by the crashing in of his windows, the gallant patriot sprang
from his bed, in which his wife and young daughter lay, and partly
dressing himself, entered the hall, where he was confronted by a num-
ber of Indians. One of them aimed a terrific blow with a tomahawk,
at Gordon's head, but a Tory officer caught the savage's arm in time to
prevent the murder. The party then began to plunder the house, and
several made an attempt to fire it, but were prevented from so doing
by some of the officers. Colonel Gordon was made a prisoner, as were
two of his servants, John Parlow and Jack Colbraith, and three negro
slaves, Nero, Jacob and Ann.
Just before the party reached the main road Isaac Stow, Colonel
Gordon's miller, came running towards them shouting: "Colonel
Gordon, save yourself ! The Indians!" But seeing his employer a cap-
tive he turned to run, when he was killed and scalped by a savage.
While one section of the invading party attacked Gordon's house, a
* T^is mansion was located on the Middle Line road, on the estate now owned by George T.
and Roland W. Smith, sons of the late Andrew Smith of Ballston Spa. The fort mentioned
above was constructed of oak logs surrounded with picliets. It stood on the southwest corner
of the square, a mile and a half froni Gordon's house, at tlje red meeting house, then in course of
part of them crossed the Mourning Kill, which flowed near Gordon's
home, and captured Captain Collins and his female slave. Manasseh
Collins, son of the captain, succeeded in escaping through an upper
window and ran to the fort and gave the alarm. Meanwhile, the
enemy continued up the Middle Line road and captured Thomas Bar-
num, John Davis, Elisha Benedict and his three sons, Caleb, Elias and
Eelix Benedict; Dublin, Mr. Benedict's slave; Edward A. Watrous,
Paul Pierson and his young son John, John Higby and his son Lewis,
George Kennedy, Jabez Patchin, Josiah Hollister, Ebenezer Sprague
and his sons, John and Elijah Sprague; Thomas Kennedy, Enoch
Wood, and a man named Palmatier, living near Milton Centre.
While the marauders were between the homes of John Higby and
George Kennedy, in the town of Milton, about fifty of them in command
of Lieutenant Frazer, a Tory who had resided near Burnt Hills, left
the main party and attacked the residence of George Scott. The latter,
awakened by his watchdog, armed himself with his musket and went
to the door. Not obeying the command to throw down his gun, he was
almost instantly prostrated by the blows from three tomahawks thrown
at him at the same moment. Lieutenant Frazer and Sergeant Spring-
steed, a refugee who had formerly been in Scott's employ, prevented
the savages from scalping the prostrate patriot, though all believed
him to be dying. The party left and joined the main body after pillag-
ing the house, leaving Scott in a dying condition, as they believed.'
About daylight the invaders and their captives crossed the Kayade-
rosseras near Milton Centre and prepared for the march to Canada.
Munroe, the Tory commander, informed his little army that they prob-
ably would be pursued, and gave orders that, should any sign of pursuit
be discovered, every prisoner must be killed.' But there was no pur-
1 George Scott miraculously recovered, lived for some years after this, and died May 21, 1782,
aged sixty years. His children were thenceforward brought up and educated by the Gordon
2 Munroe was subsequently dismissed from the British service in disgrace for having given
such an inhuman order. His property had already been confiscated by the American govern-
ment, so that he was left without property and with a stain upon his name from which he never
The first man in front of Gordon was a British regular, a German, who was next behind Cap-
tain Collins and had charge of him. Gordon's captor was a ferocious savage. Gordon afterward
related that he heard the soldier say to Captain Collins : " I have been through the late war in
Europe, and through many battles, but I never before have heard such a bloody order as this. I
can kill in the heat of battle, but not in cold blood. You need not fear me for I will not obey the
order. But the Indian in charge of Gordon is thirsting for his blood, and the moment a gun is
fired Gordon is a dead man." The prisoners expected that the troops from the fort would over-
take them and fire upon the party, and that every captive would be killed.
suit. That night the party encamped about two miles north of Lake
Desolation, where Munroe released Ebenezer Sprague, Paul fierson
and his son John, and George Kennedy.
In the mean time Gordon had succeeded in sending back a private
message advising the forces at the fort of Munroe's inhuman order and
requesting that no attempt at rescue be made. Captain Stephen Ball,
at the head of the militia at the fort, had already started out to effect
the release of the prisoners ; but fortunately Gordon's messenger met
the former in the town of Milton and the relief expedition returned to
the fort. The retreating Tory and Indian force continued the march
northward with their captives. Arriving at Bulwagga bay October 2i,
they joined Carleton's division of the army and proceeded down Lake
Champlain to St. John's, and thence to Montreal. Arriying in that
city the patriots were imprisoned in the RecoUet convent, but were
soon afterward transferred to a jail. After remaining in Montreal until
spring Colonel Gordon was removed to Quebec, where he was kept in
prison for two years. He was afterward transferred to the Isle of Or-
leans, but subsequently was ransomed for ;^3,000 by his friend James
Ellice, a member of the trading firm of Phynn & Ellice of Schenectady,
with whom Gordon had had large commercial transactions.
Another brief account of this thrilling incident follows:'
In October of this year ['1779], the enemy, about two hundred strong, under Major
Monroe, consisting of British regulars, tories and Indians, entered the Ballston
settlement. An invasion had been anticipated, and two hundred Schenectada
militia were sent to aid in protecting the settlement. A church, called afterwards
the red meeting-house, was being erected at the time, and opposite and near it, a
dwelling owned by a Mr. Weed was inclosed in pickets, at which place the Sche-
nectada troops were stationed. About the same time, the Ballston militia, thinking
the troops sent to aid them were not sufficiently courageous, erected a small defence
on Pearson's Hill, afterwards called Court House Hill, nearly two miles in advance
of the stockade named, and where the invaders were expected to enter. The little
fortress on the hill was guarded several nights, but as the enemy did not appear it
was abandoned.
The second night (Sunday night) after the Ballston troops dispersed, the enemy
broke into the settlement. They made their first appearance at Gordon's Mills, sit-
uated on a stream called the Morning kill, entering the public road at the foot of the
hill noticed. Col. James Gordon, who commanded the Ballston militia, and Capt.
Collins, an active partisan officer, living near him, were both surprised at their
dwellings, and borne into captivity, with nearly thirty of their neighbors. On the
'This account is taken from the "History of Schoharie County, and Border Wars of New
Yori," by Jeptha R. Simms, published in 1845. This author gives 1779 as the year in which this
invasion took place.
arrival of the enemy at the house of Capt. Colhbs, Mann Collins, his son, escaped
from it, and gave the alarm to John and Stephen Ball, his brothers-in-law. The
latter mounted a horse, and rode to the house of Maj. Andrew Mitchell (Major
under Col. Gordon) who, with his family, fled into the fields, and escaped. The
Balls also communicated intelligence of the enemy's proximity to the Schenectada
troops at the Fort.
At Gordon's Mills, one Stowe, his miller, was captured on the arrival of Monroe's
party, and, for some reason, soon after liberated. Feeling himself obligated to Col.
Gordon, he thought it his duty to inform him of his danger, and afford him a chance
of escape. Crossing a field with that laudable intent, he met an Indian, who, seeing
a fugitive, as he supposed, attempting to escape, thrust a spontoon through his body,
and instantly killed him.
Great numbers of cattle and hogs were driven away at this time, or killed; several
dwellings and out-buildings burned, and the -yyhole settlementgreatly alarmed by the
invaders, who proceeded directly back to Canada by the- eastern route. Among the
dwellings burned were those of one Walters, one Pearson, several Spragues and
several Patchins. Two dwellings, a little north of the present residence of Judge
Thompson, owned at the time by Kennedys, escaped the torch, as they had a friend
among the invaders.
The troops assembled in the neighborhood were on their trail by daylight on Mon-
day morning, and followed some distance ; but meeting a liberated captive, who bore
a message from Col. Gordon advising the Americans to abandon the pursuit, it was
given over. Why the message was sent, I am not informed, but presume he either
thought the enemy too strong to warrant it, or the prisoners in danger of assassina-
tion if a hasty retreat was necessary. Col. Gordon was an Irishman by birth, and
a firm patriot. He was confined in a Canadian prison for several years, and was one
of a party of six or eight prisoners, who effected their escape in the latter part of the
war, and after much suffering succeeded in reaching home. Henry and Christian
Banta, Epenetus White, an ensign of militia, and several others, neighbors of Col.
G., and captured subsequently, also escaped with him. Procuring a boat, the fugi-
tives crossed the St. Lawrence, and from its southern shore directed their steps
through the forest, coming out at Passamaquoddy Bay, in Maine, where they found
friends. Before reaching a dwelling the party were all in a starving condition, and
Col. Gordon gave out, and was left, at his request, by his friends, who proceeded to
a settlement, obtained assistance, returned, and bore him in a state of entire help-
lessness to a place of safety, where he recovered.
While the party were journeying they agreed that if either of them obtained any-
thing to eat, he should be permitted to enjoy or distribute it as he chose. In the
forest, to which the trapper had not been a stranger, one of the number found a
steel trap, in which an otter had been caught, and suffered to remain. It was mostly
in a state of decomposition. The leg in the trap was whole, however, and a sight of
that. Col. Gordon afterwards assured his friends, looked more inviting to him than
the most savory dish he had ever beheld; but pinching hunger did not compel a vio-
lation of their agreement— his mouth watered in vain, and the finder ate his dainty
morsel undisturbed. When the fugitives arrived at the house, and asked for bread,
the woman told them she had not seen a morsel in three years. After crossing the
St. Lawrence, two Indians accompanied them as guides, but under some pretext
left, and finally abandoned them. The party, after suffering almost incredible hard-
ships, all reached their homes in Ballston to the great joy of the friends.
After the exciting scenes attending the invasion of October, 1780,
the inhabitants of the county were left in comparative peace, though
always more or less on guard, until late in the spring of 1781. At that
time several of them suffered by reason of the raid made, under the
leadership of Joseph Bettys, by about thirty refugees. Bettys was the
son of respectable parents residing in the southern part of the Ballston
district. For several years prior to and during the Revolution his
father, Joseph Bettys, kept a tavern below the farm now owned and
occupied by Captain Guy Ellis Baker. ' For years the name of "Joe
Bettys " was a source of terror to the inhabitants of the southern part
of the county.
Joe Bettys was a young man of unusual intelligence, brave and ath-
letic. Knowing him to be possessed of these traits. Colonel John Ball,
a son of Rev. Eliphalet Ball, who then was a lieutenant in the regiment
commanded by Col. Wynkoop, enlisted the daring young fellow as a
sergeant in his company. Unfortunately, however, Bettys was soon
reduced to the ranks because of having been insolent to an officer who,
he claimed, offered him insult. Fearful that he might cause trouble.
Lieutenant Ball procured for him a sergeantcy in the Lake Champlain
fleet commanded by General Arnold. This was in 1776. In the fight
which occurred the next year between the British and American fleets
on Lake Champlain he distinguished himself, and had his services then
rendered been properly recognized by the government, he probably
never would have turned traitor. After fighting desperately until every
commissioned officer on board his vessel was killed or wounded, he
assumed command himself, and continued to fight with such courage
and recklessness that General Waterbury, who was second in command
under Arnold, was obliged to order Bettys and the remainder of his
crew on board his own vessel, that in the command of Bettys being
about to sink. Soon afterward, the American fleet having become
almost annihilated, it was surrendered, the prisoners afterward being
paroled. General Waterbury subsequently said that he never saw a
man behave with such bravery and absolute recklessness as did Bettys
during this fight, and that his great courage was no greater than the
shrewdness of his management.
' This farm is commonly known as the Delavan farm. It lies on the west side o£ the Middle
Line road, south of Ballston Centre.
Unfortunately the American government did not show its appreci-
ation of Bettys's valorous conduct by the promotion which he coveted,
and his proud spirit and uncontrollable temper led him to forsake the
patriot cause. Going to Canada he offered his services to the Loyal-
ists, received a commission as ensign in the British army and at once
set out upon his self-imposed career as a spy upon the movements of
his former neighbors and friends. In May, 1781, at the head of about
thirty refugees, he made his famous raid into the Ballston district
and captured Consider Chard, Uri Tracy, Ephraim Tracy, Samuel
Nash and Samuel Patchin. At the same time Epenetus White, Cap-
tain Rumsey, Henry Banta, Christian Banta and several others were
captured on the east side of Long lake by a Tory subalterij named
Waltermeyer. All were carried in captivity to Canada except Samuel
Nash, who contrived to escape near Lake Desolation.
When Col. James Gordon was removed to the Isle of Orleans a year
later, he found here several other Ballston prisoners, among whom were
Epenetus White, John Higby, Enoch Wood, the two Banta brothers,
Uri and Ephraim Tracy, Edward A. Watrous, John Davis and three or
four others. They finally escaped, in 1783, as has been described, and
returned to Ballston after indescribable sufferings.
Meantime, soon after his first vindictive attacks upon his old friends
at the Ballston settlement, Joe Bettys was captured in the Hudson val-
ley, tried by court martial and sentenced to be hung as a spy at West
Point. Washington was induced to pardon him, by the entreaties of
Bettys's aged parents and several influential Whigs, and the young dare-
devil was allowed to depart with a severe admonition. But his too
confiding friends soon had reason to repent having asked for executive
clemency, for Bettys was as bitter towards them as ever — even more
so. After his narrow escape from the gallows he defiantly set at work
recruiting soldiers for the British army right in the heart of the scenes
of his early depredations, planned and personally headed several raids
from the north, and on every possible occasion continued to act as a
spy for the king. Attempt after attempt to capture him was made,
but he succeeded in eluding his pursuers, even when they felt sure they
had him surrounded within a short distance of his old home.
His capture was not effected until early in March, 1782, when he was
discovered about a mile west of the present site of Jonesville near the
home of one Fillmore, a lieutenant in- the militia, who was making
maple sugar in the woods near by. Fillmore and two of his neighbors,
Perkins and Carey, captured the notorious spy and renegade while he
was eating his breakfast in the house of a widow named Hawkins. His
rifle lay beside him, but before he could defend himself he was securely
tied. Expressing a desire to smoke, his captors partially unbound him,
when he went to the fireplace and, taking a small packet from his to-
bacco box, threw it upon the live coals. Discovering this act Carey
pulled the packet from the fire. Examination showed it to be a small,
flat metallic box containing a paper which proved to be a cipher dis-
patch to the commander of the British forces in New York. The box
also contained an order on the mayor of New York for ;^30 sterling, to
be paid Bettys iipon the safe delivery of the dispatch. The prisoner
begged his custodians to allow him to burn these papers, offering them
one hundred guineas if they would allow him to do so, but they refused.
He then exclaimed in despair: "Then I am a dead man! "
Bettys was at once taken to Albany and turned over to the military
authorities as a prisoner of war. There he was tried by a court mar-
tial, convicted of being a spy and hanged. With his capture and death
the inhabitants of Saratoga county ceased to suffer from the depreda-
tions of bands of invaders, and peace reigned ever afterward within the
borders of the county.'
An account of this notorious renegade and spy is contained in Jeptha
R. Simms's "History of Schoharie County, and Border Wars of New
York," published in 1845. It contains some inaccuracies, principally
as to dates, which have been remedied by subsequent research on the
part of descendants of the Gordon and Scott families, but as a whole
it is a fairly reliable story of the doings of this terror of Revolutionary
days. Simms says :
In the fall of 1780, a small party of the enemy, a dozen or more in number, entered
the Ballston settlement, under the direction of Joseph Bettys, a subaltern officer in
the British service, known in the border difficulties by the familiar name of Jo. Bettys.
He resided in the Ballston settlement previous to the war, and when the contest be-
gan, took up arms for the States, but afterwards entered the British service, proving
to his former neighbors a source of frequent terror.
Major Andrew Mitchell, of Ballston, having visited Schenectada on business, there
learned, possibly through the Oneida runners, thata small detachment, mostly tories,
had left Canada, the destination of which was unknown. In the afternoon, Mitchell
set out for home on horseback, accompanied by one Armstrong, a neighbor. After
proceeding several miles, and arriving on the north side of Allplass cre^k, the thought
* This account is taken largely from the centennial address of Judge George Gordon Scott
delivered at Ballston Spa, July 4, 1876.
occurred to him, that possibly he njight not be free from danger, as a liberal reward
was paid for the persons or scalps of officers. He was riding through the woods at
the time, and scarcely had the thought visited his mind, which caused him to quicken
the speed of his horse, when he was hailed in a commanding voice to stop, by a man
who sprang upon a fallen tree near the road. The Major put spurs to his gallant
steed and was soon out of sight of the highwayman, who fired at him as he passed.
Armstrong could not keep up with his companion, but as his person was not sought
for, he escaped unmolested.
Before the Revolution, Jo. Bettys and Jonathan Miller,. another celebrated tory,
dwelt, one on each side of Maj. Mitchell. After the transaction occurred which is
noticed above, it was satisfactorily ascertained that the man who fired on the major,
was his old neighbor Miller ; who had accompanied Bettys in his expedition, and then
had at his beck some half a dozen genial spirits. The ground being sandy, the
horse's hoofs made but little noise, and the militia officer was not observed until
opposite the party, secreted on both sides of the road expressly to capture him.
An enterprise of Bettys in the Ballston settlement, within a few days of the affair
relate^, proved mor^ successful. He surprised and captured Aaron Banta, and his
sons, Henry and Christian, Ensign Epenetus White, and some half a dozen others.
The elder Banta was left on parole, and the rest of the prisoners, who were among
the best citizens in the vicinity, hurried off to Canada.
Mr. Simms also gives the following account of the occurrences im-
mediately succeeding the capture of Bettys:
When the arrest of Bettys became known in the Ballston settlement, Maj. Mitchell
enjoined secrecy in the affair, rightly conjecturing that he had not traversed the
northern forests of New York alone. A Mrs. Camp or Van Camp, a widow living
in the neighborhood, had a son in the British service, who it was thought, might
possibly have accompanied Bettys. The arrest of the latter having been kept close
during the day, Kenathy Gordon, a sergeant, was entrusted by Maj. Mitchell with
the search to be made the same night. Attended by John Sweatman and several
other fearless neighbors, properly armed, young Gordon gained access to the house
of Mrs. Camp after bed time, and enquired for her son. She declared ber ignorance
of his whereabouts, pretended to be highly incensed at having armed men enter her
dwelling and disturb the family at midnight, and still more on being suspected of
harboring an enemy.
This woman talked very patriotic, but the warmth she manifested satisfied the
sergeant, who was a resolute fellow, that her son was in the house; and he went to
the fireplace, seized a blazing brand and started up stairs. Young Camp and Jona-
than Miller had accompanied Bettys to the neighborhood, and were then in an upper
room. Hearing the noise below they sprang out of bed, seized their guns and
leveled them. At the click of their locks, Gordon jumped down stairs, and swore if
they did not descend and surrender themselves prisoners in less than five minutes,
he would smoke them out. Believing he would execute his threat and burn the
house, they concealed some money under a rafter, and then came down and submit-
ted to Gordon's authority, who conducted them to the dwelling of Maj. Mitchell
where they were secured until morning. The prisoners had not the least suspicion
that Bettys had been arrested, until after they were. On his way to the major's
dwelling, Miller was heard to say he would rather be shot than to enter it. Obadiah
Miller, a brother living in the vicinity, was sent for in the morning, and unexpect-
edly ushered into the presence of his tory kinsman, whose visit to the neighborhood
was unknown to him. His surprise was evidently irksome, and he trembled like a
leaf. It leaked out in the sequel, that the two Millers were togtether in the woods
when the attempt was made the fall before to capture the major, which he possibly
suspected. The two prisoners were taken to Albany, from whence they were liber-
ated, or effected an escape.
Condition of the Pioneers at the Close of the Revolutionary War — Many Homes
Devastated, and Many Families Bereft of Their Means of Support — Slow Progress
of Civilization in the County During the War — Development of the Various Com-
munities from the War Period to the Close of the Eighteenth Century — The March
of Civilization Northward Along the Valley of the Hudson — Some of the Early In-
habitants of the Various Towns, and Their Share in the Development and Pros-
perity of the County. '
With the peace of 1783 and the acknowledgment of the independence
of the United States of America came a feeling of absolute security to
the inhabitants of Saratoga county, in common with the rest of the
country. But even before the close of the war of the Revolution com-
parative peace reigned within the borders of the county, excepting an
occasional slight menace from the Indians.
The inhabitants of the county were in a sad condition at the close of
the war, however. Hundreds of them had been massacred or ta)cen
prisoners by the British or their Indian allies, scores of the best farm
houses had been pillaged and destroyed by the torch, the ripening
crops seldom had been allowed to come to full maturity and evidences
of great poverty were noticeable everywhere. Many families had been
bereft of those members upon whom they depended for support — the
fathers and older sons; and those who were not in mourning were suf-
fering by reason of the absence of the greatly needed onep on distant
fields of battle or as prisoners of war. Few, if any, settlements had
been made in the county; but with the cessation of hostilities the
fathers and sons whose lives had been preserved returned to their
homes, and strangers soon followed them to seek homes in a region of
country which was becoming famed for its fine farming lands, its salu-
brious climate, its healthful mineral springs, and finally, its nearness
to markets for their produce and the headwaters of navigation on the
We have traced, as far as the existing records enable us to do so, the
settlement of the county prior to the beginning of the Revolutionary
war. It will now be our endeavor to note the progress of civilization
in the county during and from the close of the great conflict up .to the
close of the eighteenth century. It is manifestly impossible to give the
the names of all the settlers during that period of seventeen years, but
the development of the various communities in the county will be fol-
lowed as closely as practicable for a book of record of this character.
Perhaps in no other section of the county was the increase of popula-
tion and the general industrial development more marked than in the
town of Waterford. The site of the village, occupying the southeast-
ern quarter of the town, was purchased in 1784 by Col. Jacobus Van
Schoonhoven, Middlebrook, Judge White, Ezra Hickok and several
others, principally persons who had migrated there from Connecticut.
Then began the modern' settlement of the community, which had
almost stood still for a century by reason of the selfish stand taken by
the earliest Dutch property owners. Immediately after the purchase
of this property by the persons named above, the survey of the new
village was made and trade with the settlers in the county near by be-
gan to increase at a gratifying rate. By reason of its geographical sit-
uation, and the broad mindedness and enterprise of its founders, the
new village seemed destined to become one of considerable commercial
importance. Its fame began to spread and merchants, produce buy-
ers and other classes of business men began to locate in the place.
Among the early merchants of Waterford was the firm of Moses and
Ira Scott, merchants and dealers in grain, who subsequently added a
tavern to their establishment. They were in business as early as 1786,
possibly a little before that time. Their place of business was near the
extreme southeastern part of the town. Almost two miles above, on
the banks of the Hudson about a mile above the Waterford junction of
the two branches of the Delaware & Hudson railroad, Anthony Levar-
sie, or Levisie, kept an inn as early as 1788. The old ferry, estab-
lished more than a century earlier, was located a few rods above his
WATERFORD, 1783-1800. 77
place, and its presence doubtless was a potent factor in inducing him to
locate where he did. At this point in those days there was consider-
able traffic between the inhabitants on the east and on the west side of
the Hudson. The site was selected, many years afterward, as the
place where the old Albany, Vermont & Northern Railway should cross
the river. About the same time the tavern of one of the Vandenburghs
stood two miles further up the river, on the road to Stillwater. Hez-
ekiah Ketchum had a grain and produce store in the town in the same
year, 1788, and Jacobus Ostrander kept an inn at the same time. Both
may have been located there earlier than 1788, but the records do not
give any information on the point.
Professional men were not wanting, either, in this early day. In the
year of which we are writing Daniel Van Alstyne practiced law in
Waterford, and in the same j'ear served as pathmaster. James Dugan
kept a school and at the same time served the town as constable and
Richard Davis was an early merchant. The date of his settlement is
unknown. Aurie Banta was a carpenter, and constructed many of the
early residences in Waterford village. Aaron Comstock was a farmer
two miles north of the village as early as 1787. William Waldron re-
sided on the river road north of the village. His descendants became
prominent in the town, a great-grandson having held the office of sur-
rogate for twenty one years. John Clark came here before 1790.
Isaac Keeler was a merchant on Second street about 1790. About
1794 John Pettit had a cabinet shop and Duncan Oliphant a tannery.
Samuel J. Hazard had a store before 1796, in the village. During the
last decade of the century John Van Dekar, James Scott and Benjamin
Mix kept taverns in town. That of Mr. Mix was located on Quality
Hill, between Waterford and Middletown.
In 1795 the first bridge across the Mohawk was erected a short dis-
tance above Waterford. It was nine hundred feet long, twenty four
feet wide and fifteen feet above the bed of the river and rested on thir-
teen stone piers. Its cost was about $12,000, and it was considered a
great achievement for that day. It formed the connecting link between
the two divisions north and south of the Mohawk of the great highway
running from Albany on the south to Ballston, Stillwater and Saratoga
on the north.
We have no account of the eighteenth century schools of Waterford,
though it is certain that at least one schoolmaster— James Dugan —
lived there as early as and unquestionably prior to 1788. But a relig-
ious society — the old Dutch Reformed church, now extinct — existed
there during the days of the Revolution. When the society was organ-
ized is not known ; but before the close of the Revolution, probably in
1782 or 1783, a church edifice stood a mile and a half north of the vil-
lage. This was taken down and rebuilt in 1799 at the corner of Middle
and Third streets in Waterf ord village. ' Whether the first edifice re-
ferred to was the first in the town cannot be learned. As adherents of
the Dutch Reformed faith lived in this vicinity at least a century before
the Revolution, it is not improbable that a church existed in the town
many years before the erection of the first of which we have definite
There is in existence no record of any manufacturing establishments
in Waterford before 1800, excepting such as the tannery, the cabinet
shop, etc., mentioned.
The fame of the mineral springs of Ballston Spa having spread
throughout the land, and that place being comparatively easy of access,
with a genial climate and more than ordinary hotel accommodations
for the time, its development after the country began to resume its
normal condition was quite satisfaictory. Coincident therewith came
the population of the towns of Ballston and Milton, in each of which
a part of the village of Ballston Spa is located. In another chapter it
has been found convenient to refer somewhat in detail to the settlement
of the little community in the vicinity of the public spring — the erec-
tion of inns by Benajah Douglas, in 1787, and Micajah Benedict im-
mediately thereafter. In 1792 Nicholas Low also built a commodious
public house adjoining the lot occupied by Douglas just east of the
spring. Mr. Low was born in New Brunswick, N. J., March 30, 1739,
and for many years was a leading merchant of New York city. His
wife was a widow named Alice Fleming, and she bore him three chil-
dren, two sons and a daughter. The latter married Charles King, for
m^ny years president of Columbia College. Mr. Low espoused the
patriot cause in the Revolutionary war, and contributed largely to its
success by gifts of money. He died in New York city December
26, 1826.
1 This church yvas torn down and the lot on which it stood sold in 1876, the church society-
having ceased to exist.
BALLSTON AND MILTON, 1783-1800. 79
About 1792 Salmon Tryon began to build a house on the hill south
of the spring, near the present residence of Mrs. Samuel Smith, on the
corner of West High street and Ballston avenue. Later he added a
general store at the same location. He was the first merchant of Balls-
ton Spa of whom anything definite can be learned. In 1795 Mr. Low
sold his house and farm to Joseph Westcot, who was its proprietor until
his death. The property of Mr. Douglas ultimately came into the
possession of Joseph Westcot and Reuben Hewitt. It consisted of one
hundred acres, and the house stood^onTthe site now occupied by the
residence of William S. Waterbury. It cost the purchasers $8,000.
Mr. Westcot was the grandfather of Joseph E. and the late John H.
Westcot, and great-grandfather of Herbert C. Westcot of Ballston Spa.
Upon the death of the elder Westcot, his widow married Joshua B.
Aldridge, and the homestead, for many years thereafter a boarding-
house, was known as the Aldridge house. In the possession of Herbert
C. Westcot are several commissions to Reuben Hewitt, as sergeant,
sergeant-major, second lieutenant and first lieutenant in the Continental
Army, bearing the signatures of such famous men as John Hancock,
then president of Congress; Eleazer Fitch and Jonathan Trumbull,
governors of Connecticut.
Just before the close of the century, probably about 1798 or 1799, a
school was started in Ballston Spa. It was located on the site of the
east side of the present cemetery on Ballston avenue. Who the early
teachers were is not known. But even before that time religious ser-
vice had been held in the village. In the spring of 1791 Ammi Rogers
of Bradford, Conn., a lay reader who conducted services under the
supervision of Rev. Mr. Ellison of Albany, held regular services alter-
nately in St. George's church at Schenectady and in private residences
in Ballston Spa. Christ Episcopal church ' already had been organized
in 1787, but it was then located at Ballston Centre. The first society
> This is the oldest Protestant Episcopal church in Saratoga county. Those who organized
it in 1787 were Thomas Smith, Ezekiel Horton, James Emott, Edmund Jennings, James Mann,
Elisha Miller, Salmon Tryon and forty-two others. Ammi Rogers became its first pastor. In 1792
the first church edifice was erected a short distance south o£ Ballston Centre. The first -vestry
was composed of Joseph Bettys, Elisha Benedict, wardens; Thaddeus Betts, John Wright, Joshua
Bloore, Jabei Davis, Richard Warren and James Emott, vestrymen. Rev. Mr. Rogers was or-
dained deacon by Bishop Provost in Trinity church. New York, June 4, 1792, and advanced to the
priesthood October 19, 1794. He continued as rector of Christ church until 1807, when he was suc-
ceeded in turn by Rev. Mr. Van Horn and Rev. Gamaliel Thacher, who died while rector. By
1810 the growth of population in Ballston Spa had been such that a parish named St. Paul's had
been organized there, with Rev. Joseph Perry as rector. Upon Rev. Mr. Thacher's death Mr.
Perry began to conduct services in both churches. In 1817 the church at Ballston Centre was
in Ballston Spa was not founded until 1810. The Baptist church' of
this village was organized in 1791, the year which witnessed the hold-
ing of the first Episcopal services in the county.
Masonry obtained a firm foothold in the village before the close of
the century. In 1794 a number of members of the Masonic frater-
nity who had settled in Ballston Spa and vicinity met at Ballston
Centre for the purpose of organizing themselves into a lodge. May
16, 1794, the Grand Lodge, F. & A. M., of the State of New York
abandoned and the two congregations united for worship at Ballston Spa, St. Paul's being changed
in name to that of the original society— Christ church. Its first vestry under the reorganization
consisted of Joshua B. Aldridge and James Mann, wardens; Epenetus White, jr., Thomas Palmer,
Samuel Smith, Thomas Smith, Eli Barnum and Daniel Starr, vestrymen. The church edifice at
the Centre was taken down in this year, removed to the village and reconstructed on a lot ad-
joining the old county clerk's office on Front street, about three hundred and fifty feet west of
and opposite to the public spring. It was reopened by services conducted by Rev. Benjamin T.
Onderdonk, subsequently bishop of New York. Rev. Joseph Perry was succeeded as rector by
Rev. William A. Clark. In 1824 Rev. Deodatus Babcock became rector, serving as such for twenty-
two years. The rectors since that time have been; George J. Geer, Robert G. Rogers, Charles
Arey, George W. Dean, George Worthington, Joseph Gary, Walter Delafield; April 1, 1884, to the
present time, Rev. Dr. Charles Pelletreau. With the exception of Dr. Babcock's, Dr. Pelle-
treau's rectorship has been the longest in the history of the parish. In 1860, during the rector-
ship of Mr. Dean, the cornerstone of the present handsome edifice was laid, and the church was
dedicated in March, 1863. Its cost was about $11,000. Since that year thousands of dollars have
been expended in repairing and beautifying the edifice, until to-day it has one of the most attract-
ive interiors in the country. During the rectorship of Rev. Dr. Pelletreau handsome memorial
windows have been put in, the chancel has been completely refurnished, at considerable expense,
and other improvements of a rich and substantial nature have been effected. About 1875 the
church purchased from the State the old armory building nearly opposite the church, which it
remodeled and has since used as a parish house. Extensive alterations were made in 1876 under
the direction of Dr. Pelletreau. The work was completed in time for the reopening of the church
on Christmas day of that year.
1 The Baptist congregation first met in a school house situated just south of the village. Here
services were held until 1803, when a church was built, during the third year of the pastorate of
Rev. Elias Lee, on a part of the ground now occupied by the eastern part of the Protestant ceme-
tery on Ballston avenue. Mr. Lee was the first regular pastor of the church, assuming charge in
1800. Prior to that time services were conducted by various ministers, including Rev. Mr. Lang-
worthy and Rev. Mr. Mudge of Saratoga Springs. The society numbered ninety-four members
in 1800. Mr. Lee's pastorate continued for a period of thirty years, or until his death. He was a
man greatly beloved, not only by the members o£ his congregation, but by the inhabitants of
Ballston Spa and vicinity, regardless of the religious proclivities or lack of the same. In 1830,
owing to the more general settlement of that part of the village north of High street, the original
edifice was moved to a point on Science street, near the line of the i)resent railroad. In 1837 the
new church, which still stands on Milton avenue at the head of Front street, and which was
abandoned as a place of worship in 1896, was completed at a cost of $8,000. It was constructed of
stone and was an imposing edifice for that day. A very handsome new stone edifice was erected
on Milton avenue in 1896, at a cost of about $.35,000 duringthe pastorate of Rev. Gove Griffith John-
son. The church was known as the Second Baptist Church of Milton until 1802, when it was in-
corporated as the First Baptist Church of Ballston Spa. Since the pastorate of Rev. Elias Lee,
the following have served in that capacity : William E. Waterbury, S. S. Parr, Charles B. Keyes,
Norman Fox, Orrin Dodge, Joseph Freeman, L. Y. Hayhurst, E. S. Widdemer, William Groom,
William O. Halman, P. Franklin Jones, George W. Clark, E. H. Johnson, Robert T. Jones, 1875-
1879 ; William T. C. Hanna, 1880-1890 ; William T. Dorward, 1890-1894 ; Gove Griffith Johnson,
BALLSTON AND MILTON, 1783-1800. 81
granted a charter to the new lodge, which was named Franklin Lodge
No. 37.'
The public spring" was by no means the only magnet which attracted
visitors to this famous resort in the early days. At least three other
springs whose waters possessed a distinct medicinal value were in ex-
istence. One was on the west side of Bath street, at the foot of the
hill. One, called the Jack spring, was located on the opposite side of
the street, and flows to waste to this day. Another was located in
what is now. the rear yard of the Hotel Medbery. These three had a
somewhat similar taste, and all differed greatly from the public spring.
Travel to them increased year by year, additional boarding houses and
hotels were erected for the accommodation of visitors, stores were
established and permanent residences built, so that at the opening of
the present century the village was a hustling little community, with
evidences of thrift and enterprise on all sides, bidding fair to become
one of the most popular and celebrated summer resorts on the Ameri-
can continent.
The village of Ballston Spa, having been located partly in Ballston
and partly in Milton, those two towns naturally shared in the pros-
perity attending the early days of this once famous resort. The agri-
cultural community was greatly benefited by the near-by market, now
increasing in importance so rapidly, and its fame spreading, settlers
continued to flock to the adjoining country, improve the land and take
their products to the markets at the now thriving village.
Among those who located in the town of Ballston while the war was
in progress was Samuel Wood, who came about 1780 and built a home
on the east side of Ballston lake. Thomas Weed was also an early set-
tler, Peter Williams built a small tannery at the close of the war, and
in connection therewith operated a shoe shop on the banks of the
Mourning Kill near-by. John, Azor, Samuel and Eliakim Nash and
David Clark were also here about the same time, but little is known of
them. Miles Beach came from Connecticut in 1786 in company with
his father, Zerah Beach. The former was married in 1807 to Cynthia
Warren. William A. Beach, the famous lawyer, was their second son.
Asa Waterman, and his son, Asa Waterman, jr., came to Ballston
1 This lodge met for several years at Ballston Centre. In 1834 the warrant was forfeited and
declared to be not legally capable of being revived.
" This spring, called the " iron spring," is located at the west end of Front street, on the north
side of the street, and its waters are free to all.
about 1790 and lived at Ballston Centre, opposite the Presbyterian
church. Later they removed to the old Larkin farm. The father
fought in the Revolutionary war and was present at Burgoyne's sur-
render. In 1786, while residing in Montgomery county, Governor
Clinton commissioned him a lieutenant colonel in the -State militia.
Seth C. Baldwin located on the well-known Colonel Young farm before
1793, for in that year he had become well enough known to be chosen
supervisor of his town. In 1797 he was elected to the Assembly; in
1800 and 1801 he was again elected supervisor, and in the. latter year
was appointed sheriff of the county. After serving in that capacity
three years he was elected county clerk, his oflfice, in the absence of a
county office, being located in his residence. Edward A. Watrous was
another prominent man of this period, he having served as supervisor
duHng the years 1794, 1795 and 1796. Jabez Davis was supervisor in
1797 and Henry Walton in 1798. Among others who were prominent
during the latter days of the century were Caleb Benedict, Lloyd
Wakeman, Robert Leonard, Gideon Luther, Thaddeus Patchen, Amos
Larkin and Bushnell Benedict.
Until 1796 the county had no fixed place for the transaction of its
official business. In that year the first court house was erected on the
site on the Middle Line road which even to this day is known as Court
House Hill. This continued to be the counfy seat until March, 1816,
when both the court house and the jail adjoining were burned.
One of the first to come to Milton after the close of the Revolution
was Sanborn Ford, who formerly resided in Sand Lake, Rensselaer
county. He had served throughout the war, first as musician, then in
the infantry and finally in the cavalry. He was at Bunker Hill and
also at the surrender of Lord Cornwallis, having witnessed the begin-
ning and ending of the great conflict. For many years after coming
to Milton he kept a public house. He had a family of four sons and
four daughters. His homestead was located at what was known for
many years as Spear's Corners, and in earlier days as Whalen's Cor-
ners. The latter name was given to the community in honor of Abel
Whalen, a former resident of Sand Lake, who located there about the
same time as Ford. He had two sons, Abel and Ezekiel. John Lee,
from Connecticut, migrated to Milton in 1793 and settled a short dis-
tance west of Rock City Falls. His children were Joel, Elias, Noah,
Ruth and Abigail. Joel Lee removed to Ballston Spa, and served as
postmaster there for half a century. He was appointed to the office by
BALLSTON AND MILTON, 1783-1800. 83
Gideon Granger, postmaster-general. His son, Ellas W. Lee, was for
many years a merchant in that village, and another son, John J. Lee,
was an officer of the Ballston Spa bank for nearly forty years. Joseph
Shearer located near West Milton, perhaps before the Revolution.
That he was here during the early days of the war is certain, as a stone
in the old family burial ground states that three of his sons died re-
spectively in 1777, 1787 and 1796. Joel Mann came from Hebron,
Conn., in 1793 or 1794 and settled on the Nathaniel Mann farm. Of
four sons, Rodolphus settled in Ballston; Jeremiah on the old home-
stead, which subsequently was occupied by his son Nathaniel ; Joel in
Galway, and Hiram in Wayne county, N. Y., where he subsequently
became sheriff. A daughter, Mrs. Hanchett, removed to Troy. James
Mann, his brother, had preceded him three or four years, having set-
tled in 1790 on a farm of one hundred acres about a mile west of Balls-
ton Spa. He, too, came from Hebron, Conn., whence he returned
shortly after his settlement here and married Tryphena Tarbox. His
children were Electa, James and Joseph. James settled on the home-
stead. John Bentley located in the town about 1778 and leased one
hundred and fifty acres of land. John Cole and Henry Cole were liv-
ing near him at that time. Mr. Bentley was twice married. His chil-
dren by his first wife were Sarah, Mrs. Snyder, of Milton; Catharine,
Mrs. Green, of Clifton Park; Elizabeth, Mrs. Tillinghast Bentley, of
Milton; Charity, Mrs. Southwick, of Greenfield; and Patience, Mrs.
John P. Bentley, of Troy. By his second wife he had eight sons: Otis,
David, Pardon, Stephen, Adams, Elias, Gregory and Reuben. Otis
settled in Milton ; the remainder removed to Oswego county. Reuben
Weed, Jonathan Morey, Benjamin Peck, Samuel Reed, Silas Adams,
Jacob Ambler, Isaac Webb, Howard, John Ball, Elisha Powell,
Henry Frink, Benjamin Gregory, Joshua Jones, Joel Keeler and Ben-
jamin Crenelle were all here before 1800. Mr. Keeler was the first
postmaster at West Milton.
Before the year 1800 several saw mills and grist mills had been con-
structed along the banks of the Kayaderosseras at or in the vicinity of
what is now Rock City Falls. The place was then known as Hatch
Mills, and the mills were owned principally by a nian named Swan.
Mr. Rathbone, the first permanent settler at Rock City Falls, had mills
there about 1800. His brother located there about the same time and
started a store. Before that year John Whitehead had a saw mill at
Craneville, at the upper end of the pond. At Factory Village an iron
forge and a saw mill were in operation about the same time. At Mil-
ton Centre General James Gordon established a grist mill just after
the war." Some time before 1800 Daniel Campbell of Schenectady
erected a grist mill at West Milton, and left it in charge of Simon P.
Vedder. Ezekiel Whalen had a mill near that of Campbell, but when
it was built is not known. He also had the first store at what was then
known as Clute's Corners.
Rev. Ammi Rogers, who conducted the first Episcopal services in
Ballston Spa, organized St. James' church " at Milton Hill in 1796.
Five years earlier, June 3, 1791, the Presbyterian church" at Milton
was incorporated, and its organization may have taken place at an
earlier date. The Baptist society long known as "the stone church," '
located east of Rock City Falls, was organized some time before 1800.
The Presbyterian church of West Milton was organized soon after the
Revolution by Scotch immigrants, as the Covenanters, or Reformed Pres-
byterian. The first house of worship was located about a mile and a
half west of Spear's Corners. °
The settlement of Stillwater and the development of its resources
> It is said that his materials for building were gathered before the war broke out, that the
millstones were left leaning against trees during the troublous period, and that they had sunk
by their weight half way into the ground before peace enabled the general to complete his plans.
— Sylvester's History of Saratoga County.
^ The first vestry of the parish consisted of the following : Wardens, James Henderson, David
Roberts; vestryman, Abel Whalen, William Bolt, Joel Mann, Hugh McGinness, William Johnson,
Henry Whitlock, John Ashton, Thomas Shepherd. Rev. Charles McCabe, pastor of the Presby-
terian church in Milton, entered the Episcopal ministry and for a while was rector of St, James'.
Among the other pastors were Rev. Mr. Adams and Rev. Joseph Perry. About 1845 separate
services there were discontinued and the members united with Christ church of Ballston Spa,
the property being sold in 1849 to Nathaniel Mann. Services have been held afternoons for sev-
eral years by the rector of Christ church.
» The first trustees were William Williamson, Kbenezer Couch, Benajah Smith, Silas Adams,
Stephen Wood and Esquire Patchin. The meeting-house was at Milton Hill. Among the early
pastors were Rev. Messrs. Hovey, Wright and Hermance. The society dissolved about 1841.
* The first house of worship was built in 1801 by Elder Lewis. In 1886 a stone edifice was
erected. Among the early pastors were Jonathan Nicols, Samuel Plum, Clay, E. Tucker,
P. Powell, A. Seamans, J. B. Wilkins, J. Goadby, W. B. Curtis, Caleb Gurr. The Milton
branch of the Stillwater Baptist church, organized about 1785 by members of the churches at
Stillwater, Stephentown and White Creek, was constituted as an independent church June
23, 1793.
» This church was abandoned in 1840 and a new one erected immediately thereafter. The
first pastor was James McKinney, who came from Ireland in 1798. The celebrated Gilbert Mc-
Master succeeded him. Other early pastors were Samuel Wilson, John N. McLeod, A. S. McMas-
ter (son of Gilbert McMaster), Samuel Stephenson, R. H. Beattie, David G. Bullions and others.
The first elders were John Willson, Alexander Glen, John Burns, Joseph Shearer and Alexander
STILLWATER. 1783-1800. 85
was very rapid after the close of the Revolution. Even during that
conflict a number of persons were attracted to that town by the favora-
ble reports regarding the advantages it offered to new settlers. John
Taylor, who resided in Albany, owned a place there during the Bur-
goyne campaign, but did not make it a permanent place of residence.
Asa Chatfield was there at the same time, but little is known of him.
Philip Hunger, Joseph Hunger and Benjamin Hunger were also there,
but the time of their coming is uncertain. Thomas Hunt resided in
the eastern part of the town. Captain Ephraim Woodworth's house
was located about a quarter of a mile south of the Neilson barn which
was converted into a fort just before the arrival of Burgoyne's forces,
and his residence was used by General Gates as his headquarters during
the battle of October 7, 1777. Woodworth came from New England
and did business as a weaver. John Hunter, who came to the county
with the church colony from Connecticut, first located in Malta, but
removed to Stillwater about the close of the war. He ran a blacksmith
shop, and also was a practical surveyor. Many maps made by him are
still in existence. He became a large land owner, purchasing exten-
sively of Jonathan Frisbie, Eben Patrick and others. Joel Ketchum
located in town about the close of the war. One son, Nathaniel, was
elected sheriff of the county in 1811. The other son, Richard, was a
merchant many years at Ketchum's Corners, which was named in his
honor. Amos Hodgman came from Weston, Mass., about 1788. John
Fellows came with the Connecticut church colony in 1762 to 1764, and
built a house about a mile west of the "yellow meeting-house." But
he returned to Connecticut, like many other members of that colony,
during the period of the Revolution, and did not permanently settle in
Stillwater until the close of the war. He was active in religious work
and a man of great usefulness in the community. He left three sons —
William, Ezra and Thomas. William settled in Stillwater and became
the father of Abiram Fellows of Mechanicville. Ezra also settled in
town. Thomas married a daughter of William Seymour and emigrated
west with the Seymour family. The senior Fellows's daughter Eldula
married Joel Seymour. Another daughter became Mrs. Depew and
and another married a Dr. Day. William Seymour, Jonathan Morey
and Cyprian Watson also were members of the Connecticut colony. All
were God-fearing men and all became prominently identified with the
welfare of the town of their adoption. Mr. Horey married a daughter
of Rev. Robert Campbell, sr., the pastor of the Connecticut congrega-
tion who removed to Stillwater. Thomas Morey, his son, was a prom-
inent town officer and for many years a deacon of the church. Mr.
Campbell spent his life in preaching to his flock, and his son, Robert
Campbell, jr., took up his father's work and preached in Stillwater
eight years. Mr. Watson and Mr. Seymour were also deacons in this
Congregational church. The latter was a blacksmith by trade, but a
man of great influence in the community. The Patrick family were
also prominent for many years. Anthony Collamer, from Boston, set-
tled south of Snake Hill on Saratoga lake just after the war, but finally
removed to Malta, where several of his descendants still reside. He
and two of his brothers fought at the battle of Bemus Heights. Thomas
Collamer was his son, and Collins Collamer, his grandson. Isaac and
Gabriel Leggett, brothers, were here during and probably before the
war. They resided near each other, north of Wilbur's ravine. Near
Wilbur's basin lived Reuben Wright. For many years he and his suc-
cessors maintained a ferry known as Wright's ferry. The homestead
of Simeon Barber was located on the famous battle ground. He may
have been a resident before the opening of the war. Amariah Plumb
and John Thompson also located in town. The latter was a man of
great prominence and public spirit, and was elected a representative in
Congress. Jeremiah Taylor, Elisha Andrews and Gleason lived
in town during the Revolution.
Cornelius Vandenburgh, Christian Sackrider and Henry Metcalf
were prominent in the legal profession several years before the close of
the century. James Baker settled north of Mechanicville about 1800.
His descendants are very numerous, many of them still residing in the
county. Elias Palmer served in the patriot army and owned property
during the Revolution. William Mead had a tavern at Stillwater vil-
lage during the war, and soon after its close another was kept by
Ezekiel Ensign on the river road. William Patrick had another in
Stillwater village as early as 1800. Others were kept about the same
time by Eli Stone, William Gleason and William Strong. The latter
was located at what was known as Stillwater Centre. Hezekiah Rey-
nolds also had an early tavern at the "yellow meeting-house corners."
The first at Ketchum's Corners was kept by Noah Chapman.
Among the merchants who did business in town during this period
were Palmer & Levins, who were succeeded by Reuben and Warren
Smith. The stores of Ford & Hale, in 1790, and Terence O'Donnell
are mentioned as existing in the north part of Stillwater village.
STILLWATER, 1783-1800. 87
Abram Q. Wright had the first store at Ketchutn's Corners. Jesse
Patrick was another early merchant at Stillwater village.
Among the early physicians were Dr. Elias Willard, Dr. Robert
Patrick, Dr. William Patrick and Dr. Ephraim Otis. The latter lived
at Quaker Springs in Saratoga, but practiced extensively throughout
Stillwater. Daniel Hall, Increase Child and John Hunter are men-
tioned as early surveyors.
Mills were built in Stillwater at a very early day. That of Isaac
Mann has been referred to in a previous chapter. There were several
others in town before the close of the century, but the ownership of
most of them is a matter of doubt. Saw mills and grist mills were in
operation during the same period at Gleason Hollow and on Mill Creek.
On Wilbur Basin creek Ezekiel Ensign, who had one of the earliest
taverns, had two or more mills.
The following also resided in Stillwater prior to 1800: Dirck Swart,
who served as county clerk; Colonel Daniel Dickinson, farmer and
tanner; Joseph Leavans (or Levins), blacksmith; William Gill, Jesse
Gage, Amos Milliken, Thomas Peterson, Ashbel Palmer, Amos Hodg-
man, Joseph Rowe, Ashbel Meacham, Seth Turpin, shoemaker; Mar-
tin Carrington, harness-maker; Gilbert Hooker, Reuben Smith, Warren
Smith, Alpheus Eaton, Frederick Stewart, merchants or druggists;
William Parsons, Abin Parsons, Heman Whitney, carpenters; James
Hillson, shoemaker; Hezekiah Lord, Jonathan Reed, Hugh Harsha,
James Biggies, farmers; Peter Olds, Isaac Dickinson, Henry Davis,
Timothy Shipman, Abraham Valentine, Joseph Stephens, William
Cooper, Benjamin Cole, John Wiggins, Joseph Rockwell, William
Dunning, Foster Whitford, Isaac Fonda, James Verner, John Bleecker,
Jehoida Millard, jr., Josiah Millard, Isaac Myers, George Taylor,
Daniel Ashley, John Tuttle, John Reubottom, Ephraim Woodworth,
Samuel Rogers, Reuben Moore, Zebulon Mott, Peter Clemens, Andrew
Sprague, James Dickinson, Lewis Williams, Samuel Bacon, Ezra
Buell, Thomas Hunt, James Green, Daniel Brooks, Cornelius Van
Tassel, John McBride, John Carpenter, Stephen Sayles, Sylvanus
Sayles, William Anderson, Joel Ketchum, Solomon Scidmore, Samuel
Cooper, John Scidmore, Thomas, William and Frances West, William
Bell, William Morris, Philip Rogers, Jacob Rogers, Robert ElHs,
Mordecai Sayles, Kendrick Brewer, Seth Burgess, Jonathan Bassett,
Nathaniel Cooper, Simeon Marshall, Thomas Higgins, Enoch Higgins,
Ahab Sayles, Reuben Woodworth, Lemuel Powers, Abraham Webster,
Royal Newland, Benjamin Rogers, Jacobus Swartout, Daniel Thomp-
son, Killiaen Vandenburgh, Killiaen De Ridder, Hubbard Pemberton,
Ebenezer Bacon, Ephraim Cook, Jethro Bennett, Arthur Caldwell,
Richard Davis, Israel Newland, Thomas Black, William Black, John
Rowley, Joseph Newland, Joshua Barber, Nathaniel Clapp, Nicholas
Gordinier, Daniel, John and James McBride, Rowland Emery, Archi-
bald Walker, Abraham, John and Francis Wilcox, Philip Hunger,
Jehial Parker, John Neilson, Holton Dunham, John and James Verner,
Adam Comstock, Daniel Bull, James Warren, Edward A. Watrous,
Hugh Robles, John Taylor, Sidney Berry, Epenetus Warren, Ebenezer
Russell, Robert Campbell, John Bull, Zina Hitchcock, Moses Vail,
Robert Yates, John Williams, David Thomas, Stephen Lusk and James
Gordon. All these men were property owners in Stillwater before the
end of the eighteenth century.
Before 1800 the town of Stillwater had flourishing church societies,
good schools and a Masonic lodge. The first schools were supported
by subscription, and though private, were in reality semi-public, as all
children were given tuition, whether their parents contributed more or
less to the maintenance of the school. On the hill in Stillwater village
stood a school as early as 1795 or 1796. Amon^the early teachers was
Walter Broughton, who combined with his profession that of singing
master. He also worked as a stone-cutter, and after teaching awhile
became proprietor of the old Patrick tavern. Leonard Hodgman, who
was born in Stillwater in 1793, remembered a school house near his
home when he was a boy, which may have stood there prior to 1800.
Other school houses of that period were located on the bank of Wilbur's
Basin creek and in the Thompson neighborhood. The latter was pat-
ronized by the families of the Connecticut cSolony.
This church from Connecticut, the members of which doubtless came
in a body from Canaan, Litchfield county, was the pioneer church, not
only in Saratoga county, but in all probability, in all the country north
of Albany. It was a Congregational church, and was founded in
Canaan June 26, 1752. Rev. John Palmer preached the first sermon
June 28, 1752, and the following day a number of persons' subscribed
to the covenant and elected a clerk. In April, 1762, the members of
the society resolved unanimously to move to Stillwater, whither many
of them had already gone."
' See Chapter IV for a list of these members.
' Undoubtedly the church, or at least a section thereof, with a regular organization, had set-
tled in Stillwater by 1763, for a paragraph in its records reads as follows: " Sept. 5, 1762, Then
HALPMOON, 1783-1800. 89
The Masonic lodge at Stillwater, chartered October 27, 1791, was for
many years one of the most prosperous lodges in the State. It was
known as Montgomery lodge. Montgomery Chapter existed before
1798, for March 14 of that year it was one of the five chapters which
organized the Grand Chapter of the State of Ne^y York, at Albany.
The representatives of the Stillwater chapter at this organization were
Daniel Hale, jr., high priest, and Ashbel Meacham, king. It was at
this meeting that De Witt Clinton was chosen as the first presiding
officer of the State body. The Mark Master Mason's lodge at Still-
water was held under warrant granted January 30, 1799. These Ma-
sonic bodies ceased to exist when the anti- Masonic agitation of 1827
Halfmoon was another town in which the development was very rapid
and satisfactory as soon as the Revolution ended. Even during that
conflict many families removed to the town, believing that their safety
lay in their nearness to the city of Albany. Among those who came
Brother Lemuel Taylor, and Barshaba, his wife, had their son Lemuel baptized by Brother Camp- •
bell, pastor of Christ church in Canaan, but it was done in Stillwater." This church has never
disbanded nor changed its doctrines nor form of church government. Some time before the
Revolution the members built a house of worship near the bank of the Hudson, opposite the
mouth of the Hoosick; but this was subsequently removed to a site about two miles west of the
river, where a cemetery was established. In this burial-ground Rev. Robert Campbell, the first
pastor, and many of the early members of.the congregation, was interred. The church was early
known as " the yellow meeting-house " " In 1818 the Presbyterian church at Stillwater was organ-
ized, and many of the members joined the new society, its house of worship being located at a
point more convenient for them. In 1850 the old church was repaired and rededicated, the sermon
being preached by Rev. Mark Tucker of Wethersfield, Conn., who had been a pastor of the Still-
water church. In 1852 the church changed its form of government to Presbyterian and thus
effected a union with the Presbyterian families residing at Mechanicville, the name of the organi-
zation being changed to "Presbyterian church of Stillwater and Mechanicville." In 1871 the
Mechanicville church became a separate body and the original church again became a distinct
society, as which it has sincp existed.
From the old records it appears that the First Baptist church of Stillwater is less than a year
younger than the old Congregational church. Benedict's "History of the Baptists" contains
this paragraph: *'At Stillwater, near the place where Burgoyne was taken in the American war,
a church arose in 1762, which became unusually large and prosperous and branched out in many
directions, but, on account of certain difficulties, it suffered a great calamity dnd became nearly
extinct." The early organization of the church is proven by the fact that in 1779 it had eighty-six
members. Rev. Beriah Kelly began preaching in 1781. During the fourth year of his pastorate
dissension arose in the society, which divided, one faction worshiping in the Baptist meeting-
house and the other under the guidance of Rev. Lemuel Powers. The two parties were reunited
in 1790 under the. united pastorate of Mr. Powers and Rev. David Irish. In 1793 the latter retired
and left Mr. Powers as sole pastor. In 1791 thirty-eight members were dismissed to form the
church at Schuylerville, and others were dismissed to organize the church at Ballston. Two
years later forty-eight members left the parent church to organize the society at Milton, and
nineteen" members to organize the First Baptist church of Saratoga Springs. Other churches
undoubtedly sprang from the Stillwater society, which may appropriately be called the " mother
to Halfmoon during the period of the war the following were men of
more or less prominence:
Benjamin Rosekrans was an inhabitant of Halfmoon during the Revo-
lutionarj'^ period. His family was once compelled to flee from home by
reason of an attack made by a band of Canadian Indians. The Rose-
krans homestead stood near Crescent. On the river road the Ten
Broecks resided during the war. William Clark was the first to build
at Middletown, or Halfmoon village. Dr. German also resided there as
early as the war. Dr. Sabin and Dr. Shaw lived near by in later years.
Peter Davis owned a large farm in town, and purchased land at differ-
ent times in 1800 of Jacob Teachout, Cornelius Teachout, Law-
rence and • Connery. Richard Davis, Peter Davis's nephew, was
also an early inhabitant. Peter Ferguson and Jacob Miller came about
1780. Among their neighbors were John and Jeremiah Vincent and
Dr. Carey. Abraham Traverse located here about 1785 or 1790.
Andrew Evans, the families of Snedeker, Weaver and Zebulon Mott
lived southerly from Mechanicville. Abraham Deuel resided west of
Mechanicville. Jonathan Lossing lived at Usher's Mills as early as
of Baptist churches," not only in Saratoga county, but in Washington county as well, the West
Hoosick church springing from the Stillwater society. In 1839 a large number of members organ-
ized the Second Baptist church in Stillwater village. The meeting-house of the parent church
was rebuilt in 1850, and the first successful Sunday school was organized in 1859.
The Presbyterian church of Stillwater was also organized during the eighteenth century.
The old book of records begins with this paragraph: " The Presbyterian inhabitants of Stillwater
incorporated themselves into a religious society, in the name and style of the First Presbyterian
congregation of Stillwater, on the 18th day of September, 1791. In this capacity they put them-
selves under the care of the Albany presbytery, and presented a call to Mr. Aaron Condit, a can-
didate under the care of that presbytery, to settle among them in the gospel ministry. This call
was accepted, and Mr. Condit installed January 15, 1793. Mr. Condit labored only two years after
his installation, his services closing in 1795." There is no evidence that the church existed after
St. John's Church was incorporated October 27, 1795 , but a church organization had existed,
with occasional services, several years prior to that year. These officers were elected October",
1795 : Wardens, Ezekiel Ensign, Ezra St. John ; vestrymen, Thomas W. Ford, Henry Brewster,
Warren Smith and Cornelius Vandenburgh. The first rector of the parish was Rev. Ammi
Rogers- The first church was erected in 1798, but was subsequently sold to the Catholic con-
gregation there, an attractive chapel being built with the proceeds of the sale. The rectors suc-
ceeding Mr. Rogers have been: Rev. Mr. Thacher, 1805-1808; Rev. Mr. Van Dorn, 1806-1810;
from 1810 to 1820 there was no regular rector ; Rev. James W. Tappan, 1832-1837 ; Rev. Mr. Allison,
1837 ; Rev. Reuben Hubbard, 1837-1843 ; Rev. William A. Curtis, 1844-1845 ; Rev. M. A. Nickerson,
1845-1849 ; Rev. R. B. Fairbairn, 1849-1852 ; Rev. John D. Downing, 1852-1858 ; Rev. Robert C. Rog-
ers, 1858-1859 ; Rev. E. S. Widdemer, 1839-18il6 ; Rev. Albert Denker, 1866-1869 ; Rev. Wm. Bogart
Walker, 1869-1871 ; Rev. Alfred H. Stubbs, 1871-1880; Rev. M. A. Dean, 1880-1881 ; Rev. P. C. Cre-
veton, 1881-1884 ; Rev. Richmond Shreve ; Rev. W. G. Lewis, 1889-1890 ; Rev. Mr. Haskins, 1890-
1891 ; Rev. Marvin H. Dana, 1891-1892; Rev. Joseph Jowett, 1894 to the present time. From 1887 to
to 1891 St. John's of Stillwater and St. Luke's of Mechanicville were served by the same rectors.
During the pastorate of Rev. A. H. Stubbs, August 82, 1873, the present church was erected, and
dedicated January 3, 1876.
HALPMOON, 1783-1800. 91
1780. The male members of the Newton church, most of whom
doubtless lived in Halfmoon, were as follows in 1791: Peter Groom,
William Groom, Daniel Derbyshire, James Essex, Matthew Neally,
Joshua Miller, Ephraim Dunham, William Gorsline, Richard Clute,
Timothy Woodin, George Alford, Joseph Peck, Nathaniel Upham,
Shubael Waldo, Peter Baker, John Bell, Moses Lent, Andrew Evans,
Abraham Weldon, Thomas Mosher, George Ellsworth, William King
and Philip King. Some of these already have been noted as pioneers.
Others known to have resided in the town as early as 1778 are: Ja-
cob Fort, Adrian Hegeman, Jacob I. Lansing, Christopher Miller,
Adam I. Van Vranken, Jeremiah Vincent, Israel Van Alstyne, William
Reeves, Gerrit Lansing, James Jones, James Dugan, Joseph Mosier,
Henry Brevoort, Daniel Van Alstyne, Cornelius Groat, Jacob Ostrander,
John Slosson, John Clark, Johannes Fulmer, Aarie Banta, Noah Tay-
lor, Jesse Bronson, Calvin Fuller, John Quince, Jacobus Pearce,
Gerardus Clute, Jacob Hall, Jacob Steenburgh, Charles Hoffman,
Jesse Groat, Michael Bassett, John C. Connell, James Shaw, Gideon
Close, Peter Faulkner, John Van Vranken, James Grooms, Joseph
Fowler, Stephen Wiley, Valentine Brown, Edward Rexford, Ezekiel
Free, Matthew Gregory, Nathan Garnsey, Andrew Scouten, Moses
Scott, James Murray, Jedediah Rogers, Josiah Taylor, Robert El-
dridge, James Scott, Benjamin Mix, John Way, Samuel Hicks, John
Knowlton, William Tripp, Solomon Burlingame, Hendrick Vander-
werker, William Ashe, John R, Van Vranken, John Hamilton, Anthony
Leversie, John Barnes, Timothy Smith, Israel Brooks, Clemens Young,
James Youngs and Ebenezer Landers.
Taverns were plenty in Halfmoon in those early days. Jn 1788 the
official list contained the names of the following keepers of public
houses: William Fuller, Elizabeth Peebles, Henry Bailey, Daniel Van
Alstyne, Joshua Taylor, Benjamin Mix, Nicholas Fords, Christian
Smith, Elias Van Steenburgh, Peter Faulkner, John Donald, John
Guerdon, Nicholas Teachout, John Flynn, Jacob Miller, Aaron Corn-
stock, James Stein, Anthony Leversie, Coonrad Wesley, Moses Scott,
Ira Scott, Garrett Hannion, Samuel Connery, Matthew Gregory, Jo-
seph Potter, Adam Edson, William Ward, Joseph Sibley, Jacobus Van
Schoonhoven, Richard Davis, Joseph Mosher, Simeon Groat, William
Waldron, Hezekiah Ketchum, Jacobus Ostrander, John C. Connell,
Dirck Flansburgh, Jededidh Rogers, John Burhans and James Scott.
But there were earlier tavernkeepers than these. A man named
Gates had a public house south of the creek in Mechanicville during the
Revolution. Henry Bailey, and afterward Mills, kept one a mile
farther south, on the river road. Shubael Cross had a tavern at Mid-
dletown during, and probably before, the Revolution.
Saw mills and grist mills were numerous in these days. There was
a saw mill on the Steena Kill as early as 1762. At the close of the war
Bradshaw built a grist mill on the Devas Kill. Data regarding
construction and ownership of the other mills is lacking.
Religious services were held in Halfmoon in Revolutionary times if
not before the war. But there is in existence no record of the organ-
ization of any church society before the war. A Friends' meeting was
established during the period of that struggle about three miles south-
west of Mechanicville, but the meetings were discontinued about 1850.
The Reformed Protestant church of Middletown was incorporated
November 14, 1791, by John C. Connell, William Ashe, Abraham I.
Ouderkirk and Francis Sill, but it ceased to exist many years ago.
The only existing church which was established during the early period
of which we are writing is St. John's Episcopal church of Stillwater,
which had many members residing in the town of Halfmoon.
In the town of Saratoga Jesse Mott was an early settler, coming from
Dutchess county to Dean's Corners in the spring of 1783. In 1785 John
Thorn, also from Dutchess county, came and settled on the farm which
since has remained in possession of his family. He had served as a
soldier in the Revolution. Samuel Bushee, who also was in the Amer-
ican army, came from Connecticut about the same time. He married
the daughter of Abram Marshall, and purchased of the Lansings the
farm north of Schuylerville. The Lansings owned this place at the
time it was occupied by Burgoyne's officers. Elihu Billings settled on
the Cramer hill in the same year. A short time after Daniel Morgan
located near him. Obadiah Knapp and Mr. Jeffords were early settlers
south of the present village of Victory Mills.
It appears that farm lands in the western part of Saratoga were im-
proved at the same time and at about as great a rate of progress as in
the eastern section, after the war. Settlements were made near Sara-
toga lake as early as 1784 or 1785. In connection with these settle-
ments is an interesting bit of history :
On the 7th day of August, 1781, seven men, sent from Canada, came to Albany
SARATOGA, 1783-1800. 93
and in the evening made an attack upon the house of General Schuyler, where he
had been residing after the destruction of his buildings at Schuylerville. Their
object was to kill or capture the general, either through deadly hate at his past ser-
vices against the English government, or perhaps with the design of holding the
person of the general as a hostage to secure terms in the future exchange of prison-
ers. There were in the house with the general at the time John Ward and John
Cokely, two of his life guards, and also John Tubbs, an army-courier in his service.
These three men made a gallant iight with the seven assassins, who had effected an
entrance into the hall. John Tubbs, as his children now relate it, had a personal
struggle with one, and having pressed him down behind an old oaken chest, with his
hand on his throat, tried to draw a knife to finish him, but the knife was gone, and
Tubbs was obliged to let him up. Meanwhile General Schuyler had, from the win-
dows above, aroused the town, and the seven men suddenly left, carrying off Tubbs
and Cokely with them as prisoners, and as proof that they had actually penetrated
to Schuyler's house and made an attempt to execute their appointed work. The
prisoners were kept nineteen months on an island in the St. Lawrence. Returning
home about the time peace was declared. General Schuyler presented the three men
with a deed of two hundred and seventy acres of land. The deed is now [1878] in the
possession of Simon Tubbs, son of John Tubbs, and recites that " In consideration
of five shillings, and that John Cokely, John Ward and John Tubbs, did gallantly
defend the said Philip Schuyler when attacked in his own house, near the city of
Albany, on the 7th day of August. 1781, by a party of the enemy in the late war,
sent expressly to kill or make prisoner of the said Philip Schuyler," the party of the
first part hath granted and sold to the said Ward, Cokely and Tubbs, all that tract
and parcel of land " In the Saratoga patent, known and distinguished as the west-
ernmost farm of the south half of lot No. 20 in the grand division of Saratoga patent,
made by John B. Bleecker, surveyor, in 1750, containing about two hundred and
seventy acres of land."
The land was first divided into three parts, and the men drew for their respective
portions, and soon after made their homes in this section. John Tubbs's portion was
a part of the present place of Simon Tubbs, his son; John Ward's, the farm occupied
until recently by his son; and John Cokely's share is also now owned by Simon
Tubbs. I
Killiaen De Ridder was an inhabitant during, possibly before, the
Revolution. In 1783 he sold a farm to John Vroman for ;^150. Vro-
man in turn, sold it in 1797 to John, Henry and Samuel Green.
Stephen Olney was in town during the war, and there is some evidence
that he operated his farm even as early as 1770. Joseph Rogers set-
tled here during the war. On the farm he owned is a burial ground
containing an inscription dated 1787. Daniel Wood removed in 1784
from the farm deeded to John Tubbs and others by General Philip
Schuyler. When he came is not known. Martin Irish, Ashbel Irish,
Oliver Perkins, Silas Deuel, Ephraim Anable, Stephen Viele, Johannes
» Sylvester's History o£ Saratoga County, 1878.
Viele, Ludovicus Viele and Jesse Toll are known to have been located
in town prior to 1790. The latter at one time owned an entire grand
division of the Saratoga patent — six square miles of land. Walter Van
Veghten, Herman Van Veghten, Walter Knickerbocker and Refine
Geer were early inhabitants at what is now Coveville. James and
Robert Milligan were in town as early as 1785.
Among others who lived within the limits of the town of Saratoga
during the latter years of the century were Sidney Berry, William
Scott, Asaph Putnam, William Thomas, Nelson Winner, Hezekiah
Willis, Benjamin Jenkins, Jonathan Pettit, James McCreedy, Amos
Hawley, William Dudley, Gamaliel Vail, Jacob Toll, Thomas Bennett,
John Dillingham, John Brisbin, David Reynolds, William Wait, Elisha
Miles, Elihu Billings, Jacob Hicks, Ebenezer Bacon.
There were several mills in the town. The old mills at Grangerville
were erected about 1791 or 1792 by Jesse Toll. There was also a saw
mill at Victory Mills. The first mills in town, those at Schuylerville,
already have been described.
The town was well supplied with taverns. In the letters of Madam
Riedesel, written in 1777, she refers to a tavern kept by "a man
named Smith, on the way down the river," evidently but a short dis-
tance below Schuylerville. Samuel Bushee probably kept a tavern at
the same spot a few years afterwards. A tavern was kept by a widow,
Mrs. Taylor, in Schuylerville very early in the present century, but
there is no mention in the early records of its having 'been maintained
prior to 1800. Other public houses probably were kept by Archibald
McNiel and Scribner.
Stores were located at convenient points in the rapidly growing
town. The earliest merchant appears to have been located at Schuy-
lerville, but there is no mention of his name, and, in fact, nothing
very definite on this point. The first merchant whose name has been
preserved in this connection was John Douglass, whose store was
located south of Schuylerville. Herman Van Veghten also had a store
at Coveville about the same time.
The professions were well represented. Among the physicians were
Doctors Bull, Bryant, Pierce, Billings, Dimmick, Copp, Dean, Smith
and Brisbin. All were prominently identified with the progress of the
community. Richard M. Livingston was an early lawyer, his oflfice
being located first at Coveville and afterward, as Schuylerville devel-
oped and increased in population, at that village.
SARATOGA, 1783-1800. 95
The pioneers of Saratoga were not unmindful of the education of
their offspring, as is shown in the number of schools established at an
early day in various parts of the town. One of the very earliest was a
log school house located on the farm of Daniel Morgan. An early
teacher was a Mr. Tucker. Two other schools were . located within
three miles of this one. Another log school house stood in the Fitch
neighborhood. At Grangerville a school was kept about 1800 by Mr,
Stephens. School text books were scarce and valuable in those days,
and frequently one book had to answer for the use of the children in
three or four different families.
The first public action regarding schools occurred in 1796, when
these school commissioners were appointed under the existing law:
Sidney Berry, Herman Van Veghten, Joseph Palmer, Thomas Jeffords
and Benjamin Phillips. In 1797 the commissioners were Sidney Berry,
Daniel Bull, Joseph Palmer, Thomas Jeffords and Solomon Wheeler;
in 1798, Thomas Jeffords, William Force and George Cramer; in 1800,
Thomas Jeffords, Elihu Billings, Daniel Bull and William Wait.
The earliest religious society mentioned is that of the Friends, who
met in a log meeting-house south of Quaker Springs, which place was
named after them. These meetings were held as early as 1765 or 1770
by Quakers who had removed from Stillwater. Among the founders
of the local society were Gabriel and Isaac Leggett, Tibbett Soule,
Thomas and Fones Wilbur, George Davis, David Shepherd and John
Walker. October 16, 1793, John A. Bleecker sold to Isaac Leggett
and William Barker, as trustees, a site for a meeting- house.'
The Reformed Dutch church of Saratoga was in existence as early
as 1772, but little is known of the early career of this society. Its first
house of worship stood near the spot where General Burgoyne handed
his sword to General Gates, and the building for several weeks prior
thereto had been occupied by the British troops as a hospital. During
the war the society was dissolved, but it was reorganized July 10, 1789,
by the election of CorneHus Van Veghten and Peter Becker as elders
and Jesse Toll and James Abel as deacons. Rev. Samuel Smith ac-
cepted a call to the pastorate, began preaching in December following
and was ordained in January, 1790. Ten years later he removed to
New Jersey, A parsonage was erected in 1793 on a tract of fifty acres
1 The first minister of this society was Isaac Leggett, who served many years. About 1820
Andrew Dorland began to serve in that capacity, leading the flock tor more than halt a century.
of land north of Schuylerville.' In 1790 the First Baptist church of
Saratoga was constituted, being received the following year as a mem •
ber of the old Shaftsbury association. Though the records of the
Shaftsbury association do not show it, the claim has been made that the
organization was eflEected as early as 1772. This is merely tradition,
however, and 1790 must be accepted as the date of organization in the
absence of other records. In 1791 the church had forty-seven mem-
bers, and the pastor was Rev. Samuel Rogers.'
The development of the town of Saratoga Springs during the last
two decades of the eighteenth century was hastened, no doubt, by the
prospect of increasing popularity of and travel to the mineral springs
situated within the limits of that town. Coincident with the settle-
ment of the land about the springs was the settlement of the adjacent
farming lands in the town.
Upon the death of Samuel Norton, the first and only permanent set-
tler at the springs before the Revolution, which occurred during the
latter days of the war, one of his sons occupied his father's possessions.
Which son succeeded his father is not known. The senior Norton mar-
ried Sarah Deems at New Bedford, Mass., and their children were
Samuel, Asa, Isaiah, Rhoda, Sarah, Polly, Louise and Cora. In the
fall of 1787 the Norton place was purchased by Gideon Morgan, who
sold it a few weeks later to Alexander Bryan.' The latter located there
' After the retirement of Rev. Samuel Smith in 1800 the pulpit was vacant two years. In De-
cember, 1802, Rev. Philip Duryea became pastor, remaining as such for a. quartei^ of a century.
In 1823 several members founded the church at Bacon Hill. About the same time the old meet-
ing-house w»s taken down and most of the material used in the erection of a new edifice in Schuy-
lerville. In 1831 this building was burned. It was replaced by a stone structure which stood
until 1856, when it was demolished and a new brick church erected.
2 This church, now the Baptist church of Schuylerville, united with the Saratoga association
in 1805. Jordan's Bridge was an early place of baptism. A meeting-house, perhaps not the first,
however, was erected about 1807, and stood about three miles from Schuylerville. About 1833 a
new church was erected in Schuylerville. The church at Fish Creek was organized prior to 1800
by members of this church. Rev. Samuel Rogers, the first pastor of the original church, served
as a teamster attached to the army of General Gates at the time of the battle of Saratoga. It is
related that one night, while he was carrying a load of specie northward, over very muddy roads,
he was so closely pursued by the British that he was obliged to cut his team loose and carry the
kegs of treasure into the woods. All night he guarded them, and the following day he delivered
them at their destination. His death occurred in Stillwater in 1823.
' Bryan's parents were fugitives from Acadia when its inhabitants were driven out by the
British. They first settled in Dutchess county, N. Y., where Bryan married a sister of Senator
Talmadge. Before the Revolution he removed to a point about two miles north of Waterford,
where he kept a tavern for many years. He was an eccentric character. At his tavern above
Waterford he used to entertain partisans of both contending parties, patriots and tories, and so
SARATOGA SPRINGS, 1783-1800. 97
at once, his new home being situated near the site of the old Empire
house. He soon built another log house for the accommodation of
summer guests, of whom he had large numbers. No other public
houses existed at the springs during the last century, excepting the
tavern built by Benjamin Risley during 1790 or 1791.
Merchants located at the springs before there were enough inhabit-
ants within range to support a single individual, unless enormous profit
were asked and received. This probably was the case, for as early as
1794 John and Ziba Taylor, brothers, located here and became the pio-
neer merchants of the newly founded village. John Taylor conducted
his business in the Schouten house, then owned and occupied by Ben-
jamin Risley. Later he built a small log house about seven or eight
hundred feet north of High Rock spring, in which he and his brother
had a store for many years. They also bought a great deal of land in
the vicinity of the springs, which they cleared; built saw mills and
grist mills and in general became prominent and influential. The
"Ten springs" were first owned and developed by John Taylor, who
resided there many years, Ziba continuing in business in the upper vil-
lage. The two daughters of Richard Searing, a pioneer of Greenfield,
became the wives of these two brothers. John married Polly Searing,
and Ziba married Sally Searing. Ziba's daughter, Mary, became the
wife of Dr. John H. Steele, the historical writer.
In the town of Saratoga Springs numerous settlemeats were made
during the Revolution. The earliest inhabitant in the southeastern
part of the town was Benjamin French, whose home was near Saratoga
adroit and diplomatic was he that he became the unreserved confidant of both parties, without
being suspected 6f treachery by either. But there is no doubt of his patriotism. Dr. John H.
Steele in his "Analysis" wrote: "When General Gates took command of the Northern army,
he applied to the committee of safety of Stillwater to provide a suitable person to go into Bur-
goyne's camp, with a view to obtain a knowledge of the movements of the enemy. Bryan was
immediately selected as a person well qualified to undertake the hazardous enterprise, and he
readily agreed to accomplish it. About the same time he was applied to by a friend of the enemy
to carry some intelligence which he deemed of importance to Burgoyne; this he likewise under-
took, having secretly obtained the consent of General Gates for that purpose. By pursuing a
circuitous route, he arrived unmolested at the* camp of the enemy, which was then situated in the
vicinity of Fort Edward. Having had several interviews with General Burgoyne, by whom he
was closely examined, he was finally employed by that officer to superintend some concerns in
the ordnance department. He tarried sufficiently long to obtain the required information when
he privately left the camp in the gray of the morning of the 15th of September; but he had not
proceeded many miles before he discovered that he was pursued by two horsemen; these, how-
ever, he contrived to avoid, and arrived safely at Gates's head quarters late on the following night,
and communicated the first intelligence of the enemy's having crossed the Hudson and being on
the advance to Stillwater. This intelligence was of great importance, as it led to the immediate
preparation for the sanguinary engagement which ensued on the 19th of the same month."
lake as early as 1780. He owned a fertile tract of about 1,200 acres.
He also resided for a short time previous to this in a cabin at the north
end of Lonely lake, or Owl pond, a small body half or three-quarters
of a mile north of Saratoga lake. He had three sons, John, Benjamin
and Richard. A little south of Mr. French lived Mr. Upton, but the
time of his coming is unknown.
Amos Stafford was the first resident of the community which now
bears the name of Stafford's Bridge. Tradition says that he killed such
immense numbers of wolves that the bounty he received therefor was
sufficient to pay for the farm he settled. Amos Stafford had seven
children. The oldest, Mary, became Mrs. Green of Saratoga. Her
first husband dying, she married John Hicks and removed to Waterloo,
Seneca county. Henry, the oldest son, removed to Penn Yan, N. Y.
Samuel removed to Victor, N. Y. Amos remained upon the home-
stead. Rensselaer located in Saratoga, his farm adjoining his father's.
Rachael married Anthony Maxwell of the town of Saratoga. Phoebe
became the wife of Gerrit I. Lansing of Half moon. Among the earliest
neighbors of Amos Stafford were John, Henry and Nicholas Wagman,
and Amos Peck. Asa, William and Staats Jewell, brothers, settled at
the close of the century on the farm which until his death was occupied
by ex-Mayor Thomas B. Carroll of Troy, who spent his later years as
a resident of Saratoga county. Another early resident was Pardon
Fish, who resided ndrth of what is now Moon's hotel. About 1796
Zachariah and Henry Curtis, brothers, came from Stillwater and took
up three hundred acres of unimproved land, most of which is still in
the possession of his family. They were originally from Chatham,
Columbia county, David Abel and his brother came from Dutchess
county about 1779 and located on the east side of the lake, on the farm
surrounding the White Sulphur spring. The brother remained there,
but about 1790 David removed to the west side of the lake. He had
four sons, David, Peter, Jacob and Richard. The former succeeded to
the ownership of the home farm, and the others went west. His
daughters became Mrs. James Barhydt, Mrs. John Whitford and Mrs.
Andrus Riley. Benjamin Avery came from Dutchess county about
1790 and located about two miles from Stafford's. He reared a family
of several sons. Of these, James and Edward settled in Wilton, Fred-
erick and Hiram in Saratoga, and Calvin in Saratoga Springs. Austin
and Orlin died young. Benjamin Avery's daughters became Mrs.
Noah Weed of Greenfield and Mrs. John Kelly of the same town.
SARATOGA SPRINGS, 1783-1800. 99
Robert Ellis was the pioneer at what is now known as "The
Geysers." He located there as early as 1777. His sons were Robert,
jr., Myron, Charles and one other, and his daughters became Mrs.
George Peck, Mrs. Pitkin, Mrs. James R. Westcot and Mrs. Joseph
Westcot. Mr. Westcot's neighbors during the period of which we are
writing included John Scott and Robert Welds. Among those who
settled near by about 1780 were John and Jeremiah Cady, brothers.
One of them built a home on Cady Hill, and another built a home
which subsequently became a tavern. Jeremiah removed west at an
early day. John had two sons, Thomas and Jeremiah. Robert Ayers,
who was a soldier in the Revolution, settled soon after the war near
what is now " the Dry bridge," in the southern part of the town along
the Delaware and Hudson railroad. His wife was a Miss Ashton. He
became a large landholder, his property including some of the rich
land along the Kayaderosseras. Of his two sons, John and Isaac, the
former settled in Saratoga and the latter went west. One of his daugh-
ters became Mrs. Hicks Seaman, mother of Hicks Seaman, whose
family now occupy the old Ayers homestead. The others became Mrs.
Elisha Rockwell of Milton and Mrs. Ransom Cook of Saratoga Springs.
Thomas Brown and Mr. Wallace lived near him. Foster Whitford,
who had an early mill in Saratoga, near Snake hill, had several sons,
one of whom, John C, settled in Saratoga Springs.
One of the earliest mills in town was built before 1800 near the
Geysers by Robert Ellis, of whom mention is made in the foregoing.
Dr. Carpenter is said to have been the first physician to locate in the
town of Saratoga Springs. He was a devout member of the Baptist
The records in existence fail to mention any schools or churches in
the town of Saratoga Springs in the eighteenth century except those in
the village of that name. The oldest church in town is the First
Baptist church of Saratoga Springs village, which was formed in 1791
by ten members of the First Baptist church of Stillwater, located at
Bemus Heights, who had moved to the west side of the lake, in this
town. This church was not received into fellowship until October 11,
1793, when it had but twenty members. Services were conducted
several years by visiting preachers or laymen, and the congregation
had no regular house of worship for many years as far as the records
' The first church edifice was erected in 1809 on land east of the Geyser spring procured from
A large portion of the territory embraced within the limits of the
town of Charlton was originally given as part payment for labor per-
formed, to the commissioners who surveyed aijd distributed the lands
included in the Kayaderosseras Patent. Five thousand acres in Charl-
ton, the northern boundary of which is now coincident with the high-
way running east and west through the village of Charlton, was one of
the tracts awarded to these commissioners. This tract was sold at
public auction by the commissioners, the purchasers being Dirck Lef-
ferts, Cornelius Clopper, Isaac Low and Benjamin Kissam. By the
return of Low to England and the death of Kissam, Lefferts and Clop-
per secured title to the entire tract, which they cut up into farms and
sold to the newcomers. Joseph Van Kirk, who bought a farm next
to the Ballston line, was the first settler on this tract, during the early
days of the Revolution. Soon afterward Joseph La Rue, who pre-
viously had located a mile and a half northeast of Charlton village, took
up the farm west of Van Kirk's. James Bradshaw and Jesse Conde
settled there within a year or so after La Rue's removal. John Rogers
built a home on Aalplaats kill, and immediately afterward, as early as
1778, erected a saw mill there. This was the first saw mill in Charlton.
It was located about half a mile south of Charlton village. In the
eastern part of the town, north of Van Kirk's, Nathaniel Cook and his
family — a wife, eight sons and one daughter — founded a new home in
the summer of 1778. They came from New Jersey. Their oldest son,
Asher, and his wife located on a hundred acre farm about two miles
Robert Ellis. In 1822 they removed to Saratoga Springs village and occupied a building stand-
ing on the site of the present church. In 1846 this building was remodeled and repaired. In 1855
the increasing membership rendered the erection of a new edifice necessary, and this building
was dedicated in August, 1856. It cost about $18,000. The first parsonage was built in 1833. The
church had no regular pastor until 1800, when, on December 18, Rev. Elisha P. Langworthy was
ordained to the ministry. He resided in Ballston Spa, where his death occurred in 1828. He fre-
quently would walk to church in the depth of winter, a distance of five miles; and as there was
no fire in the church, would preach with his mittens and overcoat on. After an intermission,
during which the devoted members of the congregation would eat their cold lunches, he would
preach a second sermon. The succeeding pastors have been: 1819-1823, Francis Wayland: 1833-
1825, John Lamb; 1826-1826, David R. Mackelfresh; 1829-1845, Joshua Fletcher; 1847-1849, Arnold
Kingsbury; 1850-1855. Austin H. Stowel; 1855-1859, Luther W. Beecher; D.D.; 1861-1864, A. W.
Sawyer; 1864-1870, L. M. Woodruff; 1870-1871, William Cheetham; 1871-1872, supplied by Samuel H.
Greene and E. H. Bronson; 1873-1876, E. A. Woods; 1876-1886, George A. Smith; 1887-1891, George
B. Foster; 1891-1894, George W. Nicholson;. 1894 to the present time, Tileston P. Chambers.
December 30, 1884, a new Baptist chapel at the Geysers was dedicated. The Sunday school was
organized May 1, 1870. • A parsonage was erected in 1892, next to the church on Washington
street, a gift from Mrs. Hervey P. Hall as a memorial to her husband.
CHARLTON, 1783-1800. 101
north of Charlton village. There are many descendants of Nathaniel
Cook now residing in the town.
A number of Scotch families from Whithorn parish, in Galloway,
Scotland, sailed for America in 1774, and finally settled in what is now
the town of Galway — named for Galloway. The year following a
number of their friends in Scotland followed them and settled in the
northern part of Charlton, just south of their neighbors in Galway.
Among these hardy pioneers were William Gilchrist, James Bell, An-
drew Bell, Robert McKinney, John McWilliams, and others. This
settlement was called "Scotch Street." During the Revolution, which
even then was in progress, some of these families left their homes and
remained in Albany or Schenectady for safety. They retained the
titles to their newly-acquired lands, however, which for the most part
are still retained by their descendants. Several of them, including
Abram Van Epps, Alexander Gilchrist and Aaron Schermerhorn, re-
moved into the western part of the town after the war. Tunis Swart
and John Van Patten accompanied them. Hezekiah Watkins, who
fought with the American army in the Revolution, and John Anderson,
a soldier under General Burgoyne, who was one of the prisoners sur-
rendered at Saratoga in 1777, settled also near West Charlton. John
Holmes, from New Jersey, settled about 1775 about three-quarters of
a mile west of Charlton village, where he soon after built the first grist
mill in town. In 1786 Phoenix Cox built a home north of Charlton,
fie came from New Jersey, where he was a militiaman in 1776. His
son Asher inherited the farm. Abraham Northrup located about a
mile south of Charlton in 1785, occupying two hundred acres of land
purchased of Lefferts and Clopper. Zopher Wicks located two miles
north of Charlton about 1786. One son, Zopher Wicks, jr., started the
first blacksmith shop in town. The other son, David, remained on the
homestead, which finally became his by inheritance. Isaac Smith, who
came from Lenox, Mass., settled in the southern part of the town.
Gideon Hawley, from Connecticut, was another pioneer. He was the
father of Gideon Hawley, the first superintendent of public schools for
the State of New York, appointed in 1813. He was a lawyer and a
graduate of Union College.' The families of Robert and Alison Bun-
yan and Robert and Alison Hume, of good Scotch blood, located a short
distance east of West Charlton in 1794, their farms adjoining. William,
' See chapter on Bench and Bar.
son of Robert Bunyan, married Isabel, daughter of Robert Hume.
Robert Bunyan died in 1799. His son died in 1837.
The Low family was prominent in public affairs for many years.
The pioneer, James Low, located between Charlton and West Charlton
soon after the war. John Low was supervisor for many yeara, from
1821 to 1832 and from 1834 to 1836, inclusive. Thomas Low served
the county as sheriff. The first marble grave-stone erected in the town
marks the grave of Mrs. Abigail Low, who died April 11, 1797. Cap-
tain Kenneth Gordon, who had been a minute man in the Revolution,
came to town before the end of the war and located on what is now the
De Ridder farm. His son, Joseph Gordon, resided in Ballston Spa for
many years. In 1785 Seth Kirby purchased the farm recently occupied
by the widow of Col. F. D. Curtis. His son, Major Thomas Kirby,
was an ensign in the war of 1812, The latter's second daughter be-
came the wife of Colonel Curtis. The Kirbys were descended from two
brothers who fled from England on the downfall of Oliver Cromwell,
they having been numbered among the adherents of the great dictator.
They were members of the council which sentenced Charles I to death.
Other settlers during the period under discussion were John Boyd,
John Munro, Henry Carl, John and Nicholas Angle, Amos Sherwood,
Aaron Schermerhorn, James Valentine, Samuel Parent, Stevens,
Chapman, Ahasuerus Wendell, Nathan Hinman, James Taylor,
Eli Northrup, John Hays, Arrowsmith, Jeremiah Smith and Jacob
Dr. William Mead was the first physician to practice in Charlton,
There is no record of any lawyer having an office here before 1800.
The first store in town probably was that kept by Davis & Bostwick,
established about 1785. They failed in business in 1794, and were suc-
ceeded by Channcey and Samuel Belding, brothers, the first of whom
settled in town about 1790 and the latter about 1792. The Beldings
became men of wealth and influence. Chauncey was a member of
assembly in 1807 and 1808, and Samuel served in that office in 1823.
The saw mill built by John Rogers on Aalplaats creek about 1778
was the first in town. The grist mill of John Holmes, west of Charl-
ton, was the first of that kind in town.
The first church organization existing in Charlton prior to the pres-
' William and Isabel Bunyan were the parents of John Bunyan. The latter married Jane
Tweed Chalmers, and their son, Thomas C. Banyan, now of Berthoud, Col., was from 1874 to
1893 principal of the Union Free schools of Ballston Spa.
GALWAY, 1783-1800. 103
ent century was the " Presbyterian Churcli of Freehold, in Charlton,"
so named because most of its members, inhabitants of the eastern part
of the town, came from Freehold, N. J. The church was organized
January 3, 1786, and placed under the jurisdiction of the presbytery of
New York, having' been incorporated according to the laws of the State
of New York. In the following summer a small frame church was
erected. '
The second church was the ' ' Scotch Street church, " now the United
Presbyterian church of West Charlton. ' It was founded by the early
Scotch settlers at "Scotch Street," in the northern part of the town.
The society was organized soon after the Revolution, but there was no
regular pastor nor house of worship until 1794. In that year, a church
edifice having been erected, a call was extended to Rev. James Mairs,
and he was duly installed as pastor February 20, 1794. This relation
remained unbroken until May 20, 1835, when Mr. Mairs removed to
the vicinity of New York, where he preached in various places until
his death, which occurred September 18, 1840.
The settlements at Scotch Street, made in 1774, were followed soon
after by others farther north in the town of Galway. About four
years later a colony came from Centrehook, R. I., and located near
York's Corners, in the northeastern part of the town. Among them
were Rev. Simeon Smith and his parents, and Simeon Babcock, Reuben
Mattison and Joseph Brown, his brothers-in-law. Three or four years
1 A new church was built in 1802, and still a third in 1853, the latter costing $4,500. A year
later the society purchased a parsonage adjoining the church. Soon after the erection of the
iirst house of worship Rev. William Schenck of Ballston was engaged to preach here one-third of
the time, as a stated supply. From 17S9 to 1793 the pulpit was supplied by the presbytery. The
first regular pastor of the church, Rev. Samuel Sturges, was installed June 21, 1793. He remained
four years; then the pulpit was vacant until 1800, when Rev. Joseph Sweetman became pastor.
The pastors succeeding him have been : Revs. Isaac Watts Piatt, 1820-25; John Clancy, 1825-45;
Richard H. Steele, 1848-50; GeorgeL. Taylor, 1853-54; James N. Crocker, 1855-67; John R. Sanson,
1869-75; Clarence W. Backus, 1876-82; Raymond Hoyt Stearns, 1883-92; Walter A. Hitchcock, 1893
to the present time. The interior of the church was remodeled during the summer of 1892. The
manse burned to the ground March 2, 1896. During the year it was replaced by a new modern
2 The iirst church, a frame structure, built in 1794, stood in the southeast corner of John Mc-
Kinley's farm, in the town of Galway. In 1803 a larger house of worship was erected on the
farm of James Bell in Charlton, on the site of the West Charlton cemetery. William Bunyan
and Robert Brown were the builders. A new church was built in 1846, and thirty years later
about $3,000 was expended in alterations and repairs. A parsonage was erected in 1837. Sunday
schools were maintained for many years in various school districts, but in 1861 these were all
merged in the school which has since met regularly in the church.
later about a dozen families from New Jersey formed a little colony in
the southeastern part of the town, which they called Jersey Hill. This
colony included Peter Anderson, James Hayes, Richard Paul, John
Hinman, Dudley Smith, Harrison, Hedding. A short dis-
tance southwest from this colony John McMartin, Duncan Stewart,
James Clizbe and Ferguson settled about the same time. Job
Cornell, and his wife, Sarah Wood, who came from Rhode Island, set-
tled about three and a half miles north of Galway about 1788 or 1789.
There their son, Job Cornell, jr., was born in 1789. The latter became
the father of William Cornell of Mosherville. Lewis Stone and his
wife, Sally Warren, came from New York to Galway in 1794, where
their son, Augustus L. Stone, was born. Pilgrim Durkee and his wife,
Hannah Holmes, settled about half a mile east of West Galway about
1784, and there raised a family of six sons and five daughters. One
son, Eber C. Durkee, remained on the homestead for many years.
Gen. Earl Stimson was an early settler near Galway village, on the hill
known as Stimson's Corners. He had two stores, a hotel, and a meat
packing establishment and owned hundreds of acres of land. He was
very prominent, and was a member of assembly in 1818 and a Repub-
lican presidential elector in 1840. James Warren was another repre-
sentative man of the town, representing the county in the Assembly
from 1799 to 1803. Col. Isaac Gere held many public offices, includ-
ing member of assembly and State senator. Other prominent men
who resided in town during the latter years of the eighteenth century
included Othniel Looker, Nehemiah Con^e, Lewis Rogers, Eli Smith,
James De Golia, Asa Kellogg, Edmund Wait, Wait Palmer, Josiah
Bartlett, Isaac Fay, Arnold Lewis, Res'tcome Potter, Dr. Pixley, one
of the earliest physicians in Galway; Thomas Disbrow, Joseph Wait,
Ebenezer Smith, Philip Green, Benajah Moon, Wilson Green, Joseph
Brewster and Nathaniel Keeler.
Before the close of the century the Scotch settlers who had inhabited
the southern part of Galway and the northern part of Charlton had
organized what was then known as the ' ' Scotch Street church, " which
afterward become the United Presbyterian church of West Charlton.'
In 1803 a new church was erected in the town of Charlton. A society
of Friends existed in the town many years ago, but as there are extant
no known records of that organization, it is impossible to state when,
where or by whom it was organized or how long it existed.
' The history of this church is contained in the pages immediately preceding.
EDINBURGH, 1783-1800. 105
Tradition says that the First Baptist church of Gal way was organ-
ized as early as 1778, and this date was officially accepted by the Shafts-
bury association, of which the church was a member; but the existing
records go back no farther than 1785. The society was originally com-
posed of twenty-seven members, who came in a body from Rhode
Island and settled in the northern part of the town. Rev. Simeon
Smith became the first pastor in 1785, remaining as such five years.
He was not ordained to the ministry, however, until 1787. At his
home the early meetings were held. About 1786 a log meeting-house
was erected. In 1796 this was abandoned and a church was erected on
" Baptist Hill," a mile southwest of York's Corners. In 1845 this was
taken down and rebuilt at York's Corners at an expense of $3,000.
The Sunday school was organized in J 845.
While settlements in Edinburgh may have been made, and probably
were made, during the latter days of the Revolution, the earliest in-
habitants of whom anything definite is known was Abijah Stark, a
nephew of General John Stark, the commander of the patriot forces at
the battle of Bennington. In 1787 he removed from Coleraine, Mass.,
and located on the east side of the Sacandaga river, not far from the
Providence town line. His family at this time consisted of his wife,
Elizabeth Newell, and two children. He at once cleared land for a
farm and soon had a fine tract of lowland along the river under cultiva-
tion. Here his family increased to eight sons and two daughters. Of
these, Squire Stark married Louisa Higley and resided until his death
upon the homestead.
One of Stark's earliest neighbors, who may have come about the
same time, or possibly earlier, was Jonathan Anderson. He had sev-
eral children, one of whom, Aaron, was the father of Dr. John K. An-
derson, for many years a practicing physician in the town of Edinburgh
and other parts of New York State. Among others who settled in the
Stark and Anderson neighborhoods were Nathaniel Bass, Sylvanus
Westcot and Samuel Randall.
In 1795 James and Am}"- Partridge came from Connecticut and estab-
lished a home on the hill near Edinburgh, or Beecher's Hollow. Their
children were named Thomas, Rebecca, Ruanna, Polly, Frederick,
August, Roxanna, Eunice and James. The latter, born in 1797, spent
his entire life on the homestead, which is still in possession of his
family. His wife was a granddaughter of Philip Fraker, a prominent
pioneer of Day. Among Partridge's neighbors were William Trow-
bridge, Hezekiah Ranney, William Davis, Jordan Sprague and Dr.
Gaylor. Isaac Doming, who located very early in the northeastern
part of the town, built the first grist mill, about 1793. This mill was
situated on the north bank of Beecher's creek, at Beecher's Hollow,
where for many years the brick grist mill has stood. John and Mehit-
able Sumner came from Ashford, Conn., with five sons, five daughters
and several grandchildren, about 1797 or 1798, possibly a little earlier,
and located on the west side of the Sacandaga river, east of Beecher's
Hollow. Their sons took up farms in the same neighborhood. John
Sumner, jr., the eldest son, built the first saw mill in town, prior to
1800. It was located on Batcheller creek, on the opposite side of the
river, on the site of the present village of Batchellerville. Another
son, Robert, was the first supervisor of Edinburgh, serving four years,
from 1801 to 1804 inclusive. The head of the family, John Sumner,
was a cousin of the father of Charles Sumner, the great statesman.
Near Beecher's Hollow Samuel Cheadle was another early inhabitant.
In 1797 he was married, in Edinburgh, to Rhoda Sprague. In the
same locality Samuel Downing lived prior to 1800.
On account of the limited population of Edinburgh at the time, there
were few schools in the town until the early part of the present century.
The only teacher of those days of whom there is any record was Daniel
Abbott, from Connecticut, who taught school in 1794.
The only religious body in Edinburgh prior to the present century
was a Baptist church organized in 1798 by Rev. Mr. Munro, of Galway.
No house of worship was built, however, until 1816, and this was razed
in 1853, when the society ceased to exist.
Samuel Clark was among the most influential men who settled in the
town of Malta during Revolutionary times, in 1776 or 1777. He came
from Newburgh, N. Y. His residence stood opposite that of Samuel
Smith, whose settlement is referred to in a previous chapter. In it
was held the first court for Saratoga county. Mr. Clark was a presi-
dential elector in 1792, voting for George Washington at the second
election under the constitution. He was also the first supervisor of the
town of Malta, serving in 1802 and 1803. His home was situated at
East Line, first on the Ballston side of the line ; but soon afterwards he
NORTHUMBERLAND, 1783-1800. 107
built a house on the east side of the boundary line, in Malta. He
owned about six hundred acres of land. His sons were Jehial, who re-
moved to Sullivan county ; Samuel, who remained in Saratoga county,
and James, the father of James H. Clark of East Line. Of his daugh-
ters, Charlotte became Mrs, Miller of Ballston ; Elizabeth married Rev.
William Anson and finally settled on the old homestead; Lydia became
Mrs. Cooper of Cayuga county, and Patty became Mrs. Valentine and
removed to Michigan.
Among others who settled in the western part of Malta were Noah
Olmstead, Rockwell, Ebenezer Millard and Obadiah Tompkins.
Other early settlers in the town were Luther Landon, who lived north
of Malta; Dean Chase, at Malta Ridge; Ebenezer Valentine, south
of Malta; Cornelius Abeel, east of Round Lake; Stephen Ireland,
near Saratoga lake ; Ebenezer Dibble and Reuben Doolittle.
Several of the churches which existed in Malta during the closing
years of the eighteenth century are now extinct. The first church
of which there is any record was " The Presbyterian Society of East
Ballston," which was incorporated March 1, 1793, and which may have
existed some time before that date. Its trustees at that time were
Uriah Benedict, David Rumsey, Gershom Gilbert, William Dunning,
Samuel Clark and Joseph Rockwell. The first meeting-house' was
erected about 1800, and stood on the East Line road about eight hun-
dred rods south of the residence of Samuel Clark.
On account of the exciting scenes which occurred in the town of
> This church afterward became Congregational and the house of worship was removed fur-
ther south, to the corner of the old cemetery. A few years later the society removed to Malta-
ville, abandoning its old house at the cemetery and erecting a new one at Maltaville. For several
years thereafter the church was unsettled, being Congregational part of the time and Presby-
terian the balance of the time, but in 1843 the Presbyterian church at Malta was organized and
the old church at Maltaville was abandoned. It is said that the first church, located on the west
side of the East Line road, in the town of Ballston, was Presbyterian, Rev. Lebbeus Armstrong
bought the building and moved it to Benedict's Corners, but no society was organized. The
church became Congregational in 1834, but in 1840 returned to Presbyterianism. The organization
of the church at Malta (Dunning Street) absorbed most of the Maltaville society, which thereupon
became extinct. For several years afterward the old building was used by the Methodists and
for union meetings.
Another extinct church is the Methodist Episcopal church at East Line. The house of worship,
now a school house, was built in 1809, but the society was incorporated March 26, 1800, as "the
Methodist Episcopal Church of Stillwater," Malta then being a part of Stillwater. The first offi-
cers were Jeremiah Hart, Frederick Conley, John Myers and Stephen Hart. Services were dis-
continued in 1870, the relations of the members being transferred either to Ballston Spa or Jones
Northumberland during the Revolution and the numerous perils which
confronted the inhabitants of that town, practically no settlements were
made within its borders between the time of the Burgoyne invasion
and the peace of 1783. In that year — or at least as early as 1784 —
General Peter Gansevoort, the hero of Fort Stanwix during the expedi-
tion' of General St. Leger in 1777, purchased the old Hugh Munroe
property in the northern part of the town. This property had been
owned by the Tory Munroe, who joined Burgoyne's expedition and
who also made the attack upon Ballston in 1780 ; but the State confis-
cated it and sold it to General Gansevoort. This gallant warrior re-
sided in Albany, but spent his summers upon his newly-acquired estate,
a fine one, in that portion of Northumberland which ever since has
borne his name. He was not a permanent resident, but his interests
at Gansevoort were so numerous and he spent so much of his time there
that he certainly deserves the place accorded him in the history of the
town. General Herman Gansevoort, his son, built the famous Ganse-
voort mansion. The family made frequent purchases of real estate
until they finally owned a large tract in the northwestern part of the
General Gansevoort made great improvements to the old Munroe
property. Soon after his arrival he found the irons and stones of the
Munroe mill hidden in the woods, and used them in the construction of
new mills. He improved his land, built good roads and made the
country about his home as inviting as possible for newcomers.
James McCreedy ' and John Terhune removed from Fishkill in 1785
and located on land purchased of Mr. Campbell of Schenectady. Mr.
McCreedy's farm was that which, many years afterward, was occupied
by Abram Marshall. Mr. Terhune's farm adjoined it. Both had served
in the American army during the Revolution, and they were related by
marriage. Both families became prominent in the afi^airs of the town.
Nicholas Vandenburgh removed into the town about 1790 and bought a
farm north of the 1,600 acre tract occupied in 1772 by Wynant, John
and Cornelius Vandenburgh. He was supposed to be a brother of the
latter three. "Captain " Samuel Lewis ■' bought a farm just after the
» It is worthy of note that five generations of the McCreedy family served this country in the
various wars in which it has been engaged. James McCreedy, his father, and his grandfather all
fought with the American army in the Revolution. William McCreedy, his son, who lived for
many years in Schuylerville, served in the war of 1818, as did his three brothers, Jeremiah, Gama-
liel and Charles. William McCreedy's sons' served in the Union army in the Civil war.
=> Samuel Lewis had been a lieutenant in the force under General Gansevoort at Fort Stanwix.
He left three sons, Prof. Taylor Lewis, a professor in Union College, Schenectady; General Samuel
Lewis, of Gansevoort; and Morgan Lewis, of Gansevoort. All are deceased.
CORINTH, 1783-1800. 109
war of a Mr. Graham. Ebenezer Bacon came from Connecticut in 1794
and settled at what has since been known as " Bacon Hill." He built
a large tavern at that place and also ran a store for many years. This
hamlet was quite an important place until after the opening of the
Champlain canal, when most of the trade was diverted to Northumber-
land and Schuylerville. As far as can be learned Bacon's store was the
first in town. Evert Walker and Reed Lewis were other early inhab-
itants at Bacon Hill, before 1800. The latter married a daughter of
Mr. Bacon. He did an extensive business as harnessmaker and saddler.
He had two sons and a daughter.
A short distance east of Gansevoort a number of families from New
Jersey settled before 1800. Among them were Colonel Sidney Berry
and the Craig and Nevins families. The former became a very prom-
inent citizen, serving frequently in official positions. He was the first
supervisor of the town, serving in 1798 and 1799. His daughter Betsey
married James Rogers, son of General Thomas Rogers. He died in
1810, and she subsequently married Esek Cowen,' who afterward be-
came one of the most eminent lawyers in the United States. John
Hammond located about 1790 on a farm between Bacon Hill and North-
umberland. Thomas Hartwell was the first settler in the vicinity of
Brownsville. William Copeland was another early inhabitant. His
wife was a daughter of Captain Palmer. Others who located in town
during this period included John De Monts, above Fort Miller, who
maintained a ferry at that point for several years ; James Gamble, James
Cramer, Jared Palmer and Buel. Charles Carpenter had the first
store at Northumberland, about 1800. Among the early physicians in
town were Dr. Jesse Billings, grandfather of Jesse Billings, a wealthy
boat builder and capitalist of the town at present; Dr. Collins and Dr.
Little is known of the early schools of Northumberland. Mr. Fra-
zier was one of the first teachers, but where his school stood is not
shown by the records. Isaac B. Payne, John Metcalf and Robert Mc-
Gregor were among the early school commissioners. There is also no
existing record of any church in the town before the present century.
One of the first to come to what is now the town of Corinth during
1 A sketch of Judge, Cowen will be found in the chapter on the Bench and Bar of Saratoga
the Revolution was Benjamin Ida, formerly of Jonesville, in Clifton
Park, who located in the Clothier neighborhood in 1777. He had a
family of six children; Thomas, Benjamin J., Timothy, Ebenezer, Pa-
tience and Hannah. A large number of his descendants reside in the
town. William Grippen (or Grippin) came the following year. Among
his neighbors were Hathaway Randall and Lawrence Barber. Jona-
than Hodges, who had served in the American army in the Revolution,
removed from Rhode Island to Greenfield in 1783, and soon afterward
settled in Corinth. The late Claudius Hodges of Corinth was a son.
Daniel Boardman came to Jessup's Landing soon after the war, where,
in 1792 or 1793, he built a grist mill and store. He became prominent
and very wealthy, and used much of his money for the advancement
of religion, education and public enterprises generally. His sister,
Rosanna Boardman, the wife of Benjamin Cowles, and her husband
came to Jessup's Landing at the same time, probably about 1789 or
1790. Their children were Nathaniel, Zina H., Chauncey, Orlando,
B. Sedgwick, Henry E., Daniel H., Hannah and Rosetta. Mr. Cowles
became a man of great prominence, and held various public offices.
He was elected supervisor of the town of Hadley (of which Corinth
then formed a part) in 1801 and held that office until the organiza-
tion of Corinth in 1818 ; then was the first supervisor of the new town,
serving two years. Again he served in the same capacity in 1826,
1833, 1834: and 1842. In 1812 he was made associate judge of the
Court of Common Pleas, and in 1815 he was made master in chancery
and also elected to the Assembly. For many years he served as
justice of the peace. Stephen Ashley was another early settler at
Jessup's Landing, where, in 1800, he open the first tavern.
South Corinth, which is located south of the center of the town, was
first settled about 1790, though there were a few inhabitants near by a
few years earlier. Among these were Adam Comstock,' who came
' Adam Comstock was born in Warwick, R. I., in 1740; in 1763 he married Margaret McGregor,
and they had a family of seventeen children. At the beginning of the Revolution he entered the
army and soon became a colonel, and served under Washington, being one of the soldiers who
endured the hardships at Valley Forge. He served with distinctidn. After the war he was
elected to the Rhode Island Legislature. In 1785 he removed to Schenectady and the following
year came to Corinth. Two years later he ejected the iirst frame building in town, but soon re-
moved to Ballston, then successively to Milton, Greenfield, Hadley, then back to Corinth. In
1792, while residing in Milton, he was elected to the Assembly, and was successively re-elected
for twelve years. In 1793 he was appointed associate judge of the Court of Common Pleas; in
1794 was appointed one of the first justices of the peace of Greenfield; from 1805 to 1808 was a
member of the State Senate, holding a seat in the Council of Appointment during that period ;
and in 1804 was a presidential elector, voting for Thomas Jefferson. He died in Corinth April 10,
1829, and was buried in the family burial ground on his farm. Adam Comstock's son, Oliver Q,
MOREAU, 1783-1800. Ill
from Schenectady in 1786 and bought a good-sized farm on the south-
ern boundary of the town. He became one of the most prominent
men, not only in the town but in the county. In 1796 Nathaniel Ed-
wards ' located about a mile south of the village of South Corinth. He
and his family were prominently identified with the welfare and pros-
perity of their adopted town. Frederick Parkman, who came to town
in 1796, had the first tavern; and the grist mill which he built on Kay-
aderosseras creek was the first between Ballston and Jessup's Landing,
He was a grandfather of Frederick Parkman of Jessup's Landing.
Jeremiah Eddy had a blacksmith shop near by in 1796 or 1797. John
Purqua' settled about a mile north of South Corinth two or three years
earlier than this. Among other early inhabitants of the town were
Silas Nims, Jonathan- Deuel, who had, at South Corinth, the first lumber
mills in town, in 1800; Zebedee Mosher, Jephtha Clark, Timothy
Brown, Washington Chapman, James Cooper, Elias Lindsey, Stephen
Bray ton and William Bray ton.
As far as can be learned no school existed in Corinth until 1800, when
one was built at South Corinth and another at Jessup's Landing. There
also is no record of the establishment of any church within the limits
of the present town during the eighteenth century.
Probably the most prominent man to settle in the town of Moreau
after the close of the Revolution was General Thomas Rogers, who had
been a colonel in the American army. He settled in 1783 upon the
farm formerly owned by David Jones, the young Tory who was the
betrothed husband of Jeanie McCrea, who was killed by the Indians
while they were carrying her to the British camp in 1777, as described
in a preceding chapter. The Jones estate was confiscated by the
State and sold to General Rogers,' who is said to have bargained for it
Comstock, was a member of assembly from Seneca county in 1810 and 1812, and a member of
Congress for three terms, beginning in 1813. The latter's son, Oliver C. Comstock, jr., served
several years as a member of the Michigan State Legislature; and Noah D. Comstock, a great-
grandson of Adam Comstock, served several years in the Wisconsin State Legislature.
1 Nathaniel Edwards served with the English army in the French and Indian war, and during
the Revolution was a captain in the patriot army, enlisting from Connecticut. His son, Isaac,
enlisted at the age of sixteen and served the entire eight years. The latter had six sons and one
daughter. Of these Hon. Edward Edwards of South Corinth was a member of assembly in 1848,
1864 and 1865. He became a large landowner and prominent merchant.
2 Mr. Purqua had served, against his wishes, in a Hessian regiment engaged by Great Brit-
ain to help her put down the American Revolution. Three years after coming to America he
deserted and entered the American army, serving until the close of the war.
' General Thomas Rogers is said to have been a lineal descendant of John Rogers, who was
with Jones before the war. The population of the town was consider-
ably increased in 1790 by the immigration thereto of a large number of
settlers, some of whom came from Connecticut and some from other
parts of Saratoga county. Paulinus Potter, Daniel Hamlin and
Churchill came that year from Connecticut. All were related by
marriage. Mr. Hamlin's home was what was afterwards known as the
Tearse farm. He had three sons — Daniel, Lent and Truman. Several
descendants still live in the town, where they are prominent citizens.
Moses Lewis came from Connecticut in the same year. Dr. Billy J.
Clark,' who became one of the most influential and generally beloved
citizens of the town, located in 1799 at Clark's Corners. He and Dr.
Littlefield were the earliest physicians in town. Dexter Whipple and
Elisha Danford located east of South Glens Falls about 1800. They
were brothers-in-law and came from Connecticut. Oliver Hubbard,
Ichabod Hawley, Andrews and Henry Martin were also early
settlers in that vicinity. John Albrow located near Fortsville, and
Ezra Hooper and Irenaeus Hulbert at Clark's Corners. Lewis Brown
was another early inhabitant.
Among the early teachers were Dr. Gillett, Asahel Potter and
Messrs. Sherman, Minor aud Beebe.
The only religious organization in Moreau in the eighteenth century
was the First Baptist church, which was organized in 1795.'' Two
burned at the stake as a heretic in England, because he preached against Romanism, the estab-
lished religion o£ England. He had three sons— Thomas, James and Halsey. He was the first
supervisor of Moreau, serving in the office from 1805 to 1808 inclusive. One of his sons married a
daughter of Colonel Sidney Berry of Northumberland and who afterward became the wife of
Hon. Esek Cowen. The Rogers family were all infiuential and prominently identified with the
early development of Moreau.
* From existing records, enhanced by tradition, it would appear that Dr. Clark was a man of
almost unbounded influence. He studied medicine with Dr. Wicker of Easton, located across
the river in Washington county. Dr. Wicker had an exclusive practice in Moreau and North-
umberland, and it was upon his advice that young Dr. Clark located permanently in Moreau.
He at once became identified with the best interests of the town, and was honored by being
chosen supervisor in 1809, to succeed Thomas Rogers, and again in 1831. In the latter year he be-
gan his term of service as one of the school commissioners, and assisted in the work of dividing
the town into six school districts. He was also the organizer, in 1808, of the Moreau and North-
umberland Temperance Society. The first meeting of this society was held April 13, 1808, at
Clark's Corners, and upon the organization of the society Dr. Clark was chosen secretary. The
society existed many years and was a great power for good in the community, and even to this
day Dr. Billy J. Clark's name is frequently heard mentioned as the pioneer temperance reformer
in Saratoga county.
» Little is known of the early history of this church. It was served by these pastors in early
times: Calvin Hulbert, Joseph H. EUice, James Rogers, Elisha Blakeman Charles Williams, John
C. Holt, Harvey Slade, J. H. Dwyer, Joseph W. Sawyer, R. O. Dwyer, Ebenezer Hall, L. L. Still,
Amos R. Wells and George Fisher.
WILTON, 1783-1800. 113
years later it was admitted into the Shaftsbury association. In 1805 it
joined the Saratoga association.
James and William McGregor, who came to Wilton in 1787, became
the most influential inhabitants of that town in their day. James Mc-
Gregor located a short distance north of Wilton, where he built a story
and a half frame house His sons were John, James, William, Alexan-
der, Peter, Duncan and Gregor. He had three daughters. Elizabeth
became the wife of Horatio Buell; Margaret married Lewis Thompson
and Mary Ann married Nicholas Vanderwerker. Duncan McGregor
located in Glens Falls, and was the chief mover in maldng Mount
McGregor, north of Wilton, a popular summer resort. William Mc-
Gregor, brother of the first James, settled east of Wilton, his home
being about a mile from that of his brother. His sons were John,
William, James and Alexander. Of his three daughters — Ann, Char-
lotte and Elizabeth — the first named became Mrs. Emerson, and the
last named Mrs. Peter Mclntyre.
The town had a number of inhabitants, however, when the Mc-
Gregors located there. During the early years of the Revolution —
certainly as early as 1775 — Reuben Stiles, who came from Rhode
Island, removed with his family to Wilton, then known as Palmer
Town, and built a home at what was afterwards known as Stiles's Cor-
ners. He had a family of eight sons and one daughter — John, David,
Reuben, Eli, Peter, Isaac, Johnson, Henry and Angeline, who married
James D. King. Eli, Isaac and Peter settled in Wilton and became
men of prominence. Near Mr. Stiles lived Benjamin Phillips, a hardy
Vermont Yankee, who later opened a tavern. The children of the two
families intermarried, and their descendants are numerous. Stephen
and Ebenezer King, brothers, came from Dutchess county in 1775.
The former opened a tavern after the war, which is said to have been
the first in the town. The latter is believed to have been the first set-
tler at Wiltonville. William King was another early inhabitant and
tavern-keeper, but probably was a representative of another family.
John Laing, a hardy Scotchman, located near Emerson's Corners about
1775, where he erected a saw mill and opened a store. He conducted
both up to the time of his death, which occurred in the spring of 1793.
Peter Johnston, also a Scotchman and a brother-in-law of Laing,
came to town about the same time and located in the same neighbor-
hood. Stafford Carr came from Rhode Island about 1794. John Boyce
came soon after the close of the Revolution and settled in the south-
eastern part of the town. Robert Milligan, James Milligan, Enoch
Place and John Kendrick lived in the same neighborhood. In 1790
Broadstreet Emerson built a home a short distance north of what after-
ward became known as Emerson's Corners; and Dudley and Joseph
Emerson, his brothers, soon afterward located in the same neighbor-
hood. All the Emersons came from Lyme, Conn. They became
wealthy and prominent men, having a great influence in the manage-
ment of public affairs. Broadstreet Emerson was an early magistrate,
serving for many years. Edward Bevins was an early settler, about
1780, in the vicinity of the old Loudon church. He served as a private
and later as a drum major in the Revolutionary war, and participated
in the battle of Bunker Hill. David Adams came from Connecticut
about the same time and settled near him. A man named Slate settled
about 1794 in the southwestern part of the town, where he built a mill
on Loughberry lake.
Isaac Ostrom is believed to have been the second storekeeper in town.
He began business in 1795, some time after John Laing. Another
early store was kept at Emerson's Corners by Walter Doe. Nathan
Hinckley had the first inn there. Another, near by, was run by Dud-
ley Emerson.
The territory embraced within the limits of the town of Clifton Park,
lying adjacent to Half Moon and near Schenectady, was populated
early in the eighteenth century, but settlements were almost suspended
during the Revolutionary period on account of the repeated depreda-
tions of the Indians in that locality.
Edward Rexford and his family came to Clifton Park from Eng-
land and located near what is now Rexford's Flats a year or two
before the Revolution. They remained there during that conflict,
the head of the family being away from home much of the time in
the service of the American government as a patriot soldier They
first built, a log house on the lowland; but soon after they erected
a substantial frame house on the site now occupied by the residence
of James B. McKain. Mr. Rexford's three sons — Elisha. Edward and
Eleazer — all settled in town. His daughter, Luzina, married Ephraim
Knowlton and continued to reside in town.
CLIFTON PARK, 1783-1800. 115
Among others who settled in town, a few years later than did Mr.
Rexford, probably about 1776 or 1777, was Nathan Garnsey, whose de-
scendants became numerous and influential. His brother had preceded
him ; but being a Tory felt constrained to remove to a more congenial
location, after having transferred his property to Nathan Garnsey, who
was a patriot. One of his daughters married a young man named
Kennedy, who became the father of Garnsey and Roscius R. Kennedy
of Jonesville. Others who lived in town as early as 1790, and perhaps
several years before that date, included the following:
James Jones, who kept an inn near Jonesville, which place was named
in his honor; Simeon Van Camp, who had a tavern on the site of Clif-
ton Park village ; Hicks, who also had a tavern about a mile from
that of Van Camp; Adrian Hegeman, whose home was on "Sugar
Hill ; " Samuel Sweatland, Israel Brooks, Robert Eldridge and Solo-
mon Waite, who lived near Jonesville; Richard Peters, north of Visch-
er's Ferry; James Groom, who lived near the corners which still bear
his name ; John Terpenny, who lived in the Groom neighborhood ; John
Knowlton, Jeremiah Cramer, Jacob Fort and Abraham Moe, who lived
at Moe's Corners. The latter was a man of wide influence, and served
as town clerk from 1791 to 1828. Thomas Young, father of Hon. Sam-
uel Young, settled between Burnt Hills and Groom's Corners in 1785.
He came from Berkshire, Mass. His son Samuel' became a man of
great prominence. Isaac Southard located in town in 1800. Two of
his sons, John and Jonas, remained in Clifton Park, and another son,
Samuel L. , settled in Ballston.
There is in existence no record of any schools in this town prior to
1800, though schools undoubtedly were maintained, owing to the large
The only church which was established in Clifton Park during the
century of which we are writing was the Baptist church, which was
constituted February 12, 1795, by Mathew Palmer, Philip King, James
Groom, John Warren, Rufus Morse, Rebecca Palmer and Eunice Cross-
man. Rev. Abijah Peck, the first pastor, was a soldier of the Revolu-
tion. In 1784 he settled in Galway, became actively interested in
church work and February 9, 1793, was licensed to preach. He was
the founder of the Baptist church of Clifton Park."
^ See chapter on the Bench and Bar.
3 This church had a membership of thirty-six in 1800. Rev. Abijah Peck, the first preacher,
was not regularly ordained until March 12, 1801. The church had (in 1796) joined the old Shafts-
bury association, not joining the Saratoga association until 1834.
There were no permanent settlements in Hadley, as far as can be
learned, before the Revolution, and very few prior to the nineteenth
century. Practically nothing is known of Richard Hilton, who is sup-
posed to have been the first inhabitant. The first pioneer of whom
anything definite can be learned was Alexander Stewart, who settled
in the southeastern part of the town, on the banks of the Hudson
river, in the spring of 1790. He had a farm of one hundred and fifty
acres of rich flatlands, which he cleared and cultivated. He and his
wife, Elizabeth, were the parents of nine children — Nancy, John, Neal,
David, Charles, Daniel, Betsey, James and William. Henry Walker
came about the same time and settled on the north bank of the Sacan-
daga river, at its junction with the Hudson. He was the first to locate
on the site of the village of Hadley. As early as 1791 a saw mill was
erected in the same neighborhood by Delane & Hazzard.
Six years after the settlement of Alexander Stewart and Henry
Walker, David Dayton bought the adjoining farm and founded a home.
His family consisted of five sons — Joel, Henry, Telam, Orange and
Erastus. Elijah Ellis came from Shaftsbury, Vt., in 1800 south of the
Sacandaga, at its junction with the Hudson. A short distance up the
former river he built a saw mill, and finally removed about two miles
to the southwest of his first home. He had a family of eleven children,
Joseph Gilbert, who had fought with the American army in the Rev-
olution, was an early settler at Hadley Hill, but may not have come
until 1801 or 1802.
As early as 1791 a school was taught in the Stewart neighborhood by
a man named Wilson. Another was started soon afterward by a man
named Pitcher. Both school houses were built of logs, with slabs for
seats. There were no desks. No churches were established in town
until well along in the present Century.
There is no knowledge of any settlements in Greenfield prior to the
Revolutionary period. Tradition says that Thomas Root and Anthony
Haggerty were located in town in 1778, but nothing about their lives
or place of residence is known. The first permanent settlements
probably were made in the spring of 1786 by William, John, Benjamin
and Charles Deake, the latter's son, Charles Deake, jr., and Gershom
GREENFIELD. 1783-1800. 117
Morehouse, who located near Middle Grove. About the same time
William Scott located at North Greenfield, originally known as Scott's
Corners ; Isaac Reynolds, near Greenfield Centre, and the Fitch family
at St. John's Corners. The St. John family were pioneers, but very
little is known of them. St. John's Corners was named after this
family. In the same year Isaac Reynolds bought a farm north of
Greenfield Centre. He had five sons — Isaac, Darius, Stephen, Jere-
miah and David. Isaac, Stephen and Jeremiah remained in town.
Gershom Morehouse, mentioned above, who came from Greenfield,
Conn., built the first saw mill in town, at Middle Grove. In 1788 he
returned to his native home, married Hannah Smith ; brought his bride
to his new home and continued to operate his farm and mill. In 1792
he built the first grist mill in town, on the banks of the Kayaderosseras
creek. The same year he sold both his mills to Dr. Isaac Voungs and
removed to a farm a short distance away. He built, for various per-
sons, nearly all the early mills in Greenfield, and amassed quite a for-
tune for those days.
The Deake' family, who came from Rhode Island, were prominent in
the affairs of the town in the early days. Their home was located
about a mile and a half north of Middle Grove. Charles Deake was
the head of the family. The others whose names have been mentioned
were his sons. Several of his descendants became men of prominence.
William Scott, the pioneer of Scott's Corners (North Greenfield), emi-
grated from Ireland a few years before the Revolution. He joined the
American army at the beginning of the war, fought at Bunker Hill
and remained in the service until peace had been declared. He rose
from a private through the various grades until he became a colonel.
He was the first supervisor of Greenfield, served many years as a
justice of the peace, and was a prominent Mason.
The year 1787 witnessed many additions to the population of Green-
field. In that year John Benedict settled in the southern part of the
town, where he remained for twelve years. Nathaniel Seymour, Alex-
ander H. Scott and Benjamin Ingham located near him about the
same time. The latter's son, Rufus, settled in the northern part of the
town, Benjamin Clinch started the first store in town, at Porter's Cor-
ners, in that year. James Vail, also an early merchant at Porter's Cor-
ners, located there in 1787. Isaac Demmon settled at 'Locust Grove;
and Caleb Sherman a short distance north of Middle Grove. The lat-
1 The name is now written Dake. It appears as Deake in the early records of the town.
ter was a native of Rhode Island, but had resided in Washington
county, N. Y., previous to his removal to Greenfield.
In 1789 Joel Reynolds opened the first tavern in town, at the place
now owned and occupied by Dr. lanthus G. Johnson, at Greenfield
Centre. In the same year Rev. EHas Gilbert settled near the southern
boundary of the town. At the beginning of the Revolution he was
living at Newport, R. I. After various changes of residence in New
England he came to Pittstown, Rensselaer county, N. Y. While
working at his trade, that of cabinet making, in the latter town, he be-
gan to preach. Soon after coming to Greenfield he was chiefly instru-
mental in organizing the Congregational church, of which he became
the first pastor. He died in 1814.
Jonathan Hoyt an(i Jonathan Wood also came about 1789. The latter
lived about a mile east of the Congregational church founded by Rev.
Elias Gilbert.' His two sons, James and Jeremiah Wood, were graduated
from Union College and became ministers. Walter Hewitt located in
town in 1790. For many years he served as deacon in the Congregational
church, and was one of the prime movers in the organization of the
Greenfield Total Abstinence society. Daniel Cronkhite, who came from
Hillsdale, Columbia county, N. Y., settled in the town in 1791. John
Pettit, a native of Berkshire county, Mass., who had served in the patriot
army, purchased a farm a little north of Greenfield Centre in 1793 and
removed upon it with his wife, Mary Barnes. He became one of the most
influential men in the town.' Peter Robinson came from Washington
county, N. Y., about 1793 and located near Greenfield Centre. His
four brothers — Peleg, Sanford, Giles and Benjamin — came soon after-
ward and settled in the Haggerty Hill neighborhood. Benjamin S.
Robinson, a representative citizen of Greenfield, is a grandson of Ben-
jamin Robinson. Esek Tourtelot located about two miles north of
Porter's Corners in 1795. Nathaniel Daniels built the first cloth-dress-
ing and fulling mill in town in 1794. This mill stood on the north branch
of the Kayaderosseras creek, about two miles north of Saratoga Springs
village. Dr. Isaac Youngs, who, as described in the foregoing, bought
the first mill built by Gershom Morehouse, was one of the first — per-
' Upon the erection of the town Mr. Pettit was appointed a justice of the peace, and served
in that capacity forty-one consecutive years. He was supervisor from 1818-1815 inclusive, and
was a member of assembly in 1817 and 1833. Three of his sons— John, James and Paris— served in
the war of 1818. John was carried to Quebec as a prisoner and Paris was killed in battle at
Sackett's Harbor. Another son, William R., removed to Gorham, Ontario county, N. Y., where
he was elected to the Assembly in 1858. John Pettit died January 1, 1840.
GREENFIELD, 1783-1800. 119
haps the first — physician of Greenfield, but he practiced very little,
confining his time to his mill property. Elihu Anthony, who located
in the north part of the town in 1792, was for many years pastor of the
Friends' Society in North Greenfield. He was an orthodox Quaker,
and lived in Greenfield until his death, in 1863.
One of the most prominent men in Greenfield for many years was
Asahel Porter.' He first located at St. John's Corners about 1793,
where he started a store and a tavern. Before 1800 he removed to the
corners which bore his name, where he remained in the mercantile
business until his death, which occurred in 1821. He was the richest
man in town.
Noah Weed bought three hundred acres of land in South Greenfield,
in 1793, from Walter Hewitt, James Dunning and Daniel Crawford.
He came from Cambridge, Washington county. Salmon Child, a na-
tive of Connecticut, son of a captain in the American army in the Rev-
olution and himself a soldier in that war, came to Greenfield with his
father soon after the close of the war and settled in the southern part
of the town. He was a man of the highest character, and held many
offices of trust and responsibility.' Esek Cowen" was another distin-
guished resident of Greenfield, whither he came with his father, Jo-
seph Cowen, in 1793. The Fitch family referred to in the foregoing
came from Connecticut and settled at St. John's Corners, east of Green-
field Centre, in 1786. They comprised Ebenezer Fitch, Giles Fitch,
Capt. John St. John, who married Hannah Fitch, and a relative named
Smith. The two first named, brothers, were grandsons of Thomas
Fitch, governor of Connecticut. Shortly after their arrival Maj. Jabez
Fitch, another brother, came from Fairfield, Conn., and bought five
hundred acres of land near Locust Grove, where he built a grist mill
and saw mill. The first frame dwelling house in Greenfield was built
by Ebenezer Fitch. In 1798 the latter moved to Stafford's Bridge, hav-
ing sold his farm to Ephraim Bullock, grandfather of Judge Augustus
^ockes. Maj. Jabez Fitch, Giles Fitch and Captain St. John all served
in the Revolution. Hannah, daughter of Ebenezer Fitch, became the
wife of Alpheus BuUard of SchuylerviUe and the mother of David A.
* From 1791 to 1801 inclusive Mr. Porter represented his town on the board of supervisors, and
was at one time chairman of that body. He served in the Assembly in 1805 and 1806, and was
sheriff two terms, from 1807 to 1819. He was also a prominent Mason, and when he died in April,
1821, prominent men from many parts of the State attended his funeral. One of his daughters
became the wife of the Hon. William A. Beach, the eminent jurist.
' See chapter on the Bench and Bar.
Bullard of Schuylerville and Gen. E. F. Bullard of Saratoga Springs.
Howell Gardiner, who located in the southern part of the town in 1799,
on a farm purchased of John Benedict, became a man of influence in
the community, and was frequently called to public ofHce.'
Among other residents of Greenfield prior to 1800 were Dr. Asa C.
Barney, one of the first physicians in the town ; Captain Allen Hale, an
officer in the Revolution; Nathan Medbery, Zenas Winsor, Israel Will-
iams, Stephen Comstock, John Smith, Elijah Smith, John Weed, Abra-
ham Weed, Joseph Wood, Daniel Crawford, Jeremiah Westcott, Prince
Wing, Lewis Graves, Ambrose Cole, Abner Williams, Paul Anthony,
Samuel Bailey, Jonathan Deuel, Job Whipple, Esek Whipple, Peter
Hendricks, Robert Early, John Harris, Benjamin Grinnell, Olney La-
tham, William Belden, Jared Weed, John King, Ezekiel Harris, Joseph
Mitchell, Gideon Hoyt and Israel Rose.
The first school of which a record has been preserved was opened
about 1795 in a log house two miles east of Greenfield Centre. Rich-
ard Fish and Slaughter Close were early teachers. Twenty years after
the former, in connection with Jeremiah Goodrich, had a private school
in that vicinity. It became very successful and finally was removed to
The first church in town was the First Congregational church of
Greenfield, which, as stated in preceding pages, was established through
the efforts of Rev. Elias Gilbert. The organization was effected in July,
1790. Among those who signed the covenant were Elnathan Scofield,
William Belden, Benjamin Ingham, Jonathan Wood, Joseph Wood,
Nathaniel Seymour, Isaac Weed, John Benedict, Jonathan Hoyt, James
Dunning, Stephen Crawford, Elisha Scofield, Enoch Kellogg, Nathan
Fitch, Daniel Calkins, David Calkins, Eli Weed, Elias Gilbert, Mary
Scofield, Priscilla Belden, Mary Westcott, Martha Wood, Mary Sey-
mour, Hannah Weed, Lucy Benedict, Elizabeth Hoyt and Abigail Hoyt.
The first officers chosen were : Deacons, Elnathan Scofield, Benjamin
Ingham; clerk, Gilbert Weed." The year following the First Baptist
' Howell Gardiner was descended in the fifth generation, from Lyon Gardiner, who purchased
Gardiner's Island, L. I , from the Indians in 1639. His father was Jeremiah Gardiner of East-
hampton, L. I. He was born January 6, 1776, at Easthampton, and died in Greenfield February
28, 1836. He was a pillar in the Congregational church and one of the principal organizers of the
Greenfield Total Abstinence society in 1809. For twenty consecutive years he served as justice
of the peace, was a member of assembly in 1815, 1827 and 1831, and o presidential elector in 1820,
voting for James Monroe.
2 In September, 1790, this church joined the convention of churches at Bennington, Vt., but in
1797 it united with the Albany presbytery. The first church was erected in 1793, and stood in the
PROVIDENCE, 1783-1800. 131
church of Greenfield Centre was organized by Samuel Bailey, Benja-
min Close, Daniel W. Bailey, Mrs. Fanny Bailey, Daniel Wood, Ezra
Weld and several others. Rev. Joseph Craw was the first minister.
No house of worship was built until several years after the founding of
the society.' A society of Friends was established in town prior to
1800. Their meeting house was located a short distance north of
Scott's Corners. Elihu Anthony and Benjamin Angell were early
While tradition says that two men named Seth Kellogg and Nathan-
iel Wells became the first settlers of Providence after the Revolution,
unfortunately nothing is now known of them. The first permanent
settler as nearly as can be learned, was Jonathan Finch. He was one
of the minutemen, residing in Dutchess county prior to and during the
Revolution. At its close, either in 1783 or 1784, he removed to the
western part of Providence, where he purchased a farm and spent the
remainder of his life. He was a deeply religious man. Upon the or-
ganization of the Baptist church he received a license to preach, was
soon afterward ordained to the ministry, and for several years served
as pastor of the young church. In the war of I8I2 he served as a chap-
lain. Dr. Henry C. Finch of Broadalbin, son of S. Rogers Finch and
Matilda Shew Finch, is a great-grandson of Jonathan Finch.
southern part of the town. In 1833 it was rebuilt on the opposite side of the road, near its orig-
inal Site. In 1855 it was newly roofed and painted and a new parsonage replaced that built in
1831. In 1860 the church was repaired and somewhat enlarged.
^ The first church edifice was erected' in 1816 and 1817. The society joined the Shaftsbury as-
sociation in 1792, and united with the Saratoga association in 1805. The pastors have been : Jo-
seph Craw, Israel Craw, Isaac Brewster, Elisha Blackman, James N. Seaman, Benjamin St. John,
Samuel M. Plumb, Timpthy Day, Henry C. Skinner, H. H. Haft, T. T. St. John, O. H. Capron, R.
Hastings, G. Farr, Edwin Westcott, William Bowen, J. L. Barlow, C. C. Hart, F. S. Park, Jacob
Timberman, E. Jewett, C. F. Blackman, Levi Wheelock and Rodney D. Andrews.
The Second Baptist church of Greenfield, known for many years as " the Daketown church,"
was constituted in 1794. It was located about a mile and a half northwest from Middle Grove, in
the Dake neighborhood. Its pastors were : Abel Brown, John Lewis and Timothy Day. The
church became extinct in 1832.
The Third Baptist church of Greenfield was constituted in 1795, became a member of the
Shaftsbury association in 1796 and of the Saratoga association in 1805. Among its pastors were
Hadley, Jonathan Nichols, Timothy Day, Jacob St. John, T. T. St. John and S. Carr. The
church assumed the title of the Second church upon the dissolution of the latter in 1822, gave up
its distinct organization and united with the church at Greenfield Centre.
2 About 1827 there was a division among this society, and those calling themselves the Hicks-
ites separated from the Orthodox society and built a meeting-house a short distance east of
Scott's Corners. The Orthodox society became extinct in 1863, and the Hicksites were dissolved
soon after.
Thomas Shankland was the next permanent settler of whom anything-
definite is known. He located in 1785 or 1786 at Hagedorn's Mills,
where he built the first saw mill in town. Soon afterward he erected
a grist mill. He also kept a tavern, the first in Providence, as far as is
known. About 1792 he sold his property to Peter Morey, who, about
1806, sold it to Jonathan Hagedorn, from whom the place was named.
Martin Sleezer located west of the centre of the town about 1784.
David Barker and Samuel S. Barker removed to Providence from Dart-
mouth, Mass., in 1796. The former opened a tavern near what has
since has been known as Barkerville. He and his brother, Samuel S.,
built at that point a saw mill and grist mill, then a tannery and a shoe
shop, and for several years conducted an extensive business. They
were men of prominence in the community, and left numerous descend-
ants. Jonah Rockwell, who settled in town about 1790, possibly earlier,
was a son of Stephen Rockwell, who came to Milton from Dutchess
county in 1784. He married Anna Temple, an'd had four sons and two
daughters. Trustram Duel came from Dutchess county also in 1797
and built the first blacksmith shop in town, near Hagedorn's Mills. He
had seven children, l^athaniel Sowl, who for many years had followed
the sea as a whaler, living at Dartmouth, Mass., came to Providence
in 1787. William Clark, also from Dutchess county, settled near An-
tioch Hill, a mile and a half north of York's Corners, in 1790. The late
William V. Clark, for many years supervisor of the town, and Mrs. Martha
A. Fuller of Saratoga Springs were his grandchildren, and Hon. Isaiah
Fuller of Saratoga Springs, for many years warden of Clinton State
prison at Dannemora, is a great-grandson.
A grist mill was built at Fayville, in the northwestern corner of the
town, in 1800, by Van Hoesen.
The earliest churches in Providence were the Baptist church and the
Society of Friends. The exact date of the organization of either is un-
known. As nearly as can be gleaned from the records, however, the
Baptist church was organized about 1790. The first roll of members in
existence was that made in 1796. Jonathan Finch heads the list as
elder, and he served the society as its first pastor.' The Friends built
a log meeting-house near the centre of the town, where James Havi-
land preached for many years.
> The first house of worship was a log building erected about 1793. It was rebuilt in 1807
Again, in 1847, a new edifice was erected at Hagedorn's Mills.
DAY, 1783-1800. 123
It was not until the year 1797 that the first permanent settlements
in the town of Day occurred. This doubtless was due to the remote-
ness of this locality from the centre.s of papulation. David Johnson, a
native of New Hampshire, who saw seven years' service in the Ameri-
can army during the Revolution, was the first inhabitant of whom any-
thing definite can be learned. At the close of the war he went to
Salisbury, Vt., where he married Mary Joiner. In 1797 he started
with his wife and seven children, intending to settle in the Genesee
valley; but when he reached the central part of Day, in the valley of
the Sacandaga, he could go no further with his covered sleigh, by rea-
son of the rapidly melting snows. Consequently he bought a farm
there and remained there one year. But his property was claimed by
another man, and as he could not establish his title, he removed further
east and bought three hundred acres just west of Conklingville, on the
eastern boundary of the town. Here, in 1798, he built a log house, on
the site of Kathan's old hotel, and remained until his death in 1839.
Mr. Johnson had a family of two sons and six daughters. Of these his
son J'ohn was the only one who remained in town. He became the
owner of the old homestead, and served in the war of 1813. His wife
was Fally, daughter of David Allen, who bore him thirteen children.
Coincident with Johnson's settlement, or nearly so, was that of Jonas
Bond and Phineas Austin, brothers-in-law, who founded homes on the
north side of the river, about a mile east of Day Centre. Nicholas
Flansburgh came from Schenectady county in the spring of 1799 and
located nearly opposite Day Centre, on the south bank of the river.
The Grove family are also said to have settled here before 1800, but
there is no knowledge of their movements. George Bradford came
from Galway, Scotland, in the spring of 1800. Samuel Rogers located
at Day Centre about the same time. One of his daughters married
David Hines, a young man who had been captured by the Indians when
a boy, and who adopted their style of dress and living. The latter for
many years was quite a character in town.
There were no schools or churches in the town of Day until several
years after the beginning of the nineteenth century.
The Division of the Districts Comprised Within the Limits of the County and the
Organization of the Early Towns— Erection of the County of Saratoga— The First
Courts— First County, State and Federal Officials— Erection of the First Court Hobse
—The Northern Canal, Known as " Schuyler's Ditch"— The First Newspaper, One
Hundred Years Ago, and the First Books Printed in the County— Other Events
Transpiring Prior to the Year 1800.
As the population of Saratoga increased after the declaration / of
peace in 1783, a number of territorial changes were found necessary to
accommodate the steadily growing community. Already, before the
Revolution, nearly the entire territory now embraced within the limits
of the county had been divided by the colonial government into dis-
tricts. The first of these districts erected were Half Moon and Saragh-
toga. Both were formed by the same law, March 24, 1773.
The district of Half Moon consisted of the territory embraced in the
present towns of Halfmoon, Waterford and Clifton Park. It remained
a district, with its boundaries unchanged, until well along into the
nineteenth century.
The district of Saraghtoga, or, as it soon after was written, Sara-
toga, embraced nearly all the remainder of the county south of the
Sacandaga river, and the town of Easton, in Washington county. The
district of Ball's Town was set off in 1775; the town of Easton, Wash-
ington county, in 1789; a part of Greenfield in 1793, and the town of
Northumberland in 1798; but at the close of the century the town of
Saratoga, which was erected as such from the district of Saratoga
March 7, 1788, embraced the present towns of Saratoga, Malta and
Saratoga Springs.
' The district of Ball's Town, which soon afterward was written Balls-
town, then Ballston, was formed from Saratoga as a district April 1,
1775, and was organized as a town in 1788. Until 1792 the district,
then the town, embraced the territory now known as the towns of Balls-
ton, Milton, Galway and Charlton. March 7, 1793, the towns of Gal-
way and Milton were erected; March 17, 1793, the town of Charlton
was formed, and March 13, 1793, a part of Greenfield was taken off
from Milton. The boundaries of Charlton were altered March 5, 1795.
Stillwater is one of the original four towns of the county, and was.
organized March 7, 1788, on the day on which Halfmoon, Saratoga and
Ballston were erected as towns.
Greenfield was formed from the towns of Saratoga and Milton March
12, 1793. It then embraced a part of Hadley south of the Sacandaga
river. Northumberland was formed from the town of Saratoga March
16, 1798. It then embraced a portion of Hadley, and the towns of
Moreau and Wilton, retaining this territory until after the close of the
eighteenth century. Galway, erected March 7, 1792, originally em-
braced Galway, Providence and Edinburgh. Providence, which then
embraced Providence and Edinburgh, was formed February 5, 1796,
retaining Edinburgh until 1801. The other towns in the county were
not organized until the early part of the present century, and the work
of township erection was not completed until 1828, when the final
organization of Clifton Park, first known as Clifton, was effected.
Several of the towns were erected before the county itself had been
organized. Up to 1791 the territory now embraced within the confines
of the county formed a part of Albany county, one of the original ten
counties of the province of New York. February 17, 1791, the State
Legislature passed an act "for apportioning the representation in the
Legislature, according to the rules prescribed in the Constitution, and
for other purposes." According to this law, the towns of Easton and
Cambridge were annexed to Washington county, the county of Rens-
selaer was created, and the county of Saratoga was set off. The law
also said: '
That all that part of the county of Albany, which is bounded easterly by Hudson's
river and the counties of Washington and Rensselaer, southerly by the most north-
erly sprout of that river and the town of Schenectady, westerly by the county of
Montgomery, and northerly by the county of Washington, shall be an separate and
distinct county, and be called and known by the name of Saratoga. And the bounds
of the several towns in the said respective counties adjacent to and limited by the
Hudson's river and Mohawk river, are hereby extended to and limited by the bounds
of the said respective counties herein described, provided nevertheless that the rights
and privileges heretofore granted to the corporation of the city of Albany by charter
shall not be in any wise affected or abridged. And the freeholders and inhabitants
of the said several counties, shall have and enjoy within the same respectively, all
and every the same rights, powers and privileges as the freeholders and inhabitants
of any other counties in this State and by law entitled to have and enjoy.
And belt further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That there shall be held in
and for each of the said counties of Rensselaer and Saratoga respectively, a court of
common pleas and a court of general sessions of the peace, at such suitable and con-
venient place within each -of the same counties respectively, as such judges of the
court of common pleas and such justices of the peace as shall be appointed for each
of the same counties respectively, or a majority of them, shall respectively appoint;
And that there shall be two terms of the same courts in each of the same counties
respectively in the same year. . . .
And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be law-
ful to and for all courts and officers in the said counties of Rensselaer and Saratoga
respectively, in all cases civil and criminal, to confine their prisoners in the gaol of
the county of Albany, until gaols shall be provided in the same counties respect-
ively. . . .
And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid. That this State shall be,
and is hereby divided into four great districts. The southern district to comprehend
the city and county of New York, and the counties of Suffolk, Queens, Kings, Rich-
mond and Westchester ; the middle district to comprehend the counties of Dutchess,
Ulster and Orange ; the western district to comprehend the city and county of Al-
bany, and the counties of Saratoga, Montgomery and Ontario ; and the eastern dis-
trict to comprehend the counties of Columbia, Rensselaer, Washington and Clinton.
And that the number of senators to be chosen in the said districts shall be as fol-
lows : ... in the western district five. . . . And Stephen Van Rensselaer,
Peter Schuyler, Volkert P. Douw, Leonard Gansevoort and Jellis Fonda, shall be
considered as senators from the said western district, and as they respectively go
out of office, senators shall be chosen in the said western district in their places re-
spectively. . . .
In pursuance of this law erecting Saratoga county, Governor Clinton
appointed John Thompson of Stillwater to be first judge; General
James Gordon and Beriah Palmer of Ballston, Jacobus Van Schoon-
hoven of Halfmoon, and Sidney Berry of Saratoga to be judges; the
latter also to be surrogate; Jacob Fort, jr., of Halfmoon to be sheriff,
and Dirck Swart of Stillwater to be county clerk. Thus was the organ-
ization of the county of Saratoga perfected.
May 10, 11'91, the first session of the Court of Common Pleas for the
new county was held at the residence of Samuel Clark in the town of
Stillwater, now the town of Malta. Judge Thompson presided, with
the four judges named in the foregoing, and with Epenetus White, John
Varnam (or Van Arnam) and Eliphalet Kellogg acting as associate
justices of sessions. At the same time and place the first Court of
Sessions was organized. It was presided over by Judge James Gordon,
and John Varnam, Epenetus White, Eliphalet Kellogg, Richard Davis,
jr., Douw J. Fonda, Elias Palmer, Nathaniel Douglas, John Ball and
John Bradstreet, justices of the peace. The grand jury sworn in on
that occasion consisted of Richard Davis, jr., foreman; Joshua Taylor
John Donald, Henry Davis, Hezekiah Ketchum, Seth C. Baldwin, Ezra
Hallibart, John Wood, Samuel Wood, Edy Baker, Elisha Andrews,
Gideon Moore, Abraham Livingston and John Bleecker. July 7 of the
same year the first Circuit Court and Court of Oyer and Terminer was
organized at the house of Jeremiah Rogers in Halfmoon, now Clifton
Park. Chief Justice Robert Yates presided. June 4, 1792, the second
■ term was held in the church at Stillwater. July 9, 1793, the third term
was held in the Presbyterian church at Ballston.
With the organization of the courts and the beginning of official rec-
ords of Saratoga county, the need for a public building became appar-
ent. But it was not until the county was five years old that the first
county building was completed. The first step taken toward its erec-
tion was the appointment by the Legislature, March 36, 1794, of John
Bradstreet Schuyler, Richard Davis, jr., James Emmott, John Ball
and John McClelland, as commissioners for locating the county seat
and building the court house and jail. The inhabitants of Ballston
Centre and Milton, the two most thriving centres of population in the
county besides Waterford, set up rival claims, and the contest for desig-
nation as the site for the proposed buildings was great. Finally the
commissioners accepted the offer of Edward A. Watrous of Ballston,
who proposed to give the county a fine site on his farm, so long as the
same should contain the court house and jail. Ballston was then de-
clared to be the county seat, and the site of the new building became
known as Court House Hill, an appellation which it has borne to this
day. The commissioners made a contract with Luther Leet for the
construction of the building. It was made of wood, was fifty feet
square and two stories in height, with a one-story wing in the rear, and
cost $6,750. It was first used by the county in May, 1796, when the
courts of Common Pleas and General Sessions met therein. In 1799 a
Circuit Court and Court of Oyer and Terminer was held there, Judge
John Lansing presiding.'
In the meantime the first board of supervisors of Saratoga had been
organized. This body met in Stillwater June 2, 1791. As there were
atthat time but four towns in the county, and, each town was entitled
to but one representative in the county legislature, the board consisted
of these supervisors: Beriah Palmer, from Ballston; Elias Palmer,
1 This building was destroyed by iire March 25, 1816, when Ballston Spa was selected as the
site for the new county buildings. In the old building at Court House Hill, courts were held by
Judges Kent, Radoliffi, Morgan Lewis, Smith Thompson, Ambrose Spencer, William W. Van Ness
and Jonas Piatt.
Stillwater; John B. Schuyler, Saratoga; and Benjamin Rosekrans,
Pursuant to the first constitution, Samuel Clark of Stillwater was
chosen as the first presidential elector from Saratoga county, in 1792,
casting his ballot for George Washington. In 1800 Robert Ellis was
chosen and cast his vote for Thomas Jefferson. The records do not
give the name of any presidential elector from this county in 1796. At
the general election in 1791 General James Gordon was elected a repre-
sentative in Congress, and was re-elected in 1793, serving two terms.
John Thompson, of Stillwater, first judge of the Court of Common
Pleas, was elected in 1799, and served one term.
One of the earliest projected internal improvements calculated to
enhance the commercial importance of Saratoga county was the plan
for a canal extending north and south through the eastern part of the
county, parallel with and in the channel of the Hudson river. For
many years such a water highway had been under consideration. As
early as 1791 Governor George Clinton, in a speech before the State
Legislature, advocated canals extending from Albany northward from
the mouth of the Mohawk through the valley of that river. Again,
during the legislative session of 1795, he recommended the adoption
of some plan for inland navigation. Before this, February 7, 1792,
General Williams of Salem, member of the Legislature from Wash-
ington county, acting doubtless upon the suggestion of the gover-
nor, had endeavored to secure the passage of a bill providing " for
constructing and opening a canal and lock navigation in northern and
western parts of the State," but nothing came of his efforts. But in
1795 two companies were organized — one for northern and one for
western improvement. The former was incorporated as " The North-
ern Inland Lock Navigation Company," whose avowed object was the
construction of a canal with locks from the mouths of the Mohawk
northward along the west bank of the Hudson around the rapids in the
vicinity of Mechanicville and Stillwater. In the summer of that year
surveys for the proposed work were begun, and before the year 1800 a
considerable portion of the actual work had been accomplished. But
the enterprise failed because of lack' of funds, and the canal was
abandoned. General Philip Schuyler was at the head of this company,
and the ruins of the work were long known as " Schuyler's Ditch."
One of the principal surveyors in the employ of the company was Sir
Marc Isambard Brunei, who constructed the great Thames river tun-
nel in London in 1835-1843, Though this enterprise met with disas-
ter and caused the financial ruin of several men, it finally led to the
building of the Erie and Champlain canals, which have done so much
to bring prosperity to New York State, and to Saratoga county.
Early in its career, the inhabitants of the county enjoyed the advan-
tages of the dissemination of news and the interchange of ideas of
matters of import through the medium of a newspaper. On June 14,
1798, just one hundred years ago, the first newspaper ever published
in the county made its appearance. It was printed by Increase and
William Child at Court House Hill, in the town of Ballston, and was
called the Saratoga Register or Farmers' Journal. The office of pub-
lication was "over the store of Messrs. Robert Leonard & Co., nearly
opposite the Court House," as appears from the title page of the first
number of this paper. ' The Journal, as it was commonly known, sup-
ported the administration of President John Adams, then the head of
the Federal party.
Soon after the establishment of this newspaper the publishers of the
Journal brought out the first book ever printed in this county. It bore
this formidable title :
"A Plain Account of the Ordinance of Baptism; in which all the texts in the New
Testament relating to it are proved, and the whole Doctrine concerning it drawn
from them alone. In a Course of Letters to the Right Rev. Dr. Benjamin Hoadley,
late Lord Bishop of Winchester; another of the ' Plain Account of the Lord's Sup-
per;' ye shall not add unto the word which I have commanded you, neither shall you
diminish from it. First Ballston Edition. London. Printed: Ballston. Re-
Printed by I. & W. Child. Sold at their Printing Office, nearly opposite the Court
House. 1798."
Two years later the firm dissolved and William Child assumed sole
management of the business. In that year he printed a book of two
hundred and twenty two pages entitled : "A Plea for the Non-Con-
formists," by Thomas Delaune. The preface was written by Rev.
EliasLee, then pastor of the Baptist church at Ballston Spa. The
book was sold by subscription before printing, and at the end of the
volume appeared the names of the subscribers, over one thousand in
The first census of Saratoga county, which includes the town of
Easton, excludes portions of Hadley, Day and Edinburgh, and other-
' This paper has undergone many changes, until it is now known as the Ballston Journal,
published at Ballston Spa by C. H. Grose.
wise may be incomplete, was taken in 1790, before the organization of
the county. It gives a total population of 17,077, divided among the
four districts as follows: Ballston, 7,833; Half moon, 3,602; Saratoga,
3,071; Stillwater, 3,071. The census of 1800 shows a total population
of 24,483, divided among the various towns as then established as
follows: Ballston, 2,099; Charlton, 1,746; Galway, 2,310; Greenfield,
3,073; Halfmoon, 3,851; Milton, 2,146; Northumberland, 2,007; Provi-
dence, 1,888; Saratoga, 2,491; Stillwater, 2,872.
Some of the additional events of importance occurring in Saratoga
county during the eighteenth century may be briefly summarized as
follows: The discovery of the mineral springs of Saratoga county,
which is described at length in another chapter; the founding of
numerous schools and religious societies and the erection of their
houses of worship, which is also described elsewhere in this volume;
the development of the many fine water powers in the county and the
erection of scores of saw mills, grist mills, tanneries and other indus-
trial concerns; the improvement of highways and the establishment of
stage lines.
Many other events of interest doubtless occurred within the limits of
Saratoga county during the closing years of the eighteenth century,
but historians in those days were few, and the gleaner of to-day is com-
pelled to abide almost entirely by the existing records, official and pri-
vate. Consequently but little else of importance concerning the pio-
neers of Saratoga county, excepting the finer details of some of the
transactions herein noted, probably will ever be known.
FROM 1800-1831. 131
FROM 1800 to 1831.
History of the County from the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century to the Con-
struction of the First Steam Railroad within its Borders — Wonderful Development
of Saratoga Springs and Ballston Spa — Gideon Putnam and His Beneficent Labors
— Early Hotels at the Springs — Some of the More Important Manufactures — Water
Power of the Kayaderosseras — Churches Established in the County During this
Period — History of the Erie and Champlain Canals — Semi-Centennial Celebrations
of 1826 — County Medical Society and County Bible Society — Men who Served as
OfScers in the Early Militia.
The history of Saratoga county during the period beginning with the
opening of the present century and ending with the year 1831, when
the State Legislature granted a charter to the first railroad company
organized to construct a steam railroad which was to traverse the most
populous portion of the county, is little else than a story of the peace-
ful cultivation of the farming lands, of the development of its numer-
ous fine water powers, of the establishment at many points of man-
ufacturing industries which form such a potent factor in the prosperity
of the county, of the development of the famous mineral springs at
Saratoga Springs and Ballston Spa and the erection of commodious
and in some cases magnificent hotels in those villages, of the founding
of churches and schools, of the improvement to the channels of com-
merce by the erection of bridges and the building of turnpikes, of po-
litical and territorial changes within the county — but greatest of all, of
the building of the two great highways of commerce, the Erie and
Champlain canals.
In the preceding chapters we have endeavored to give an accurate
idea of the early settlement of the county, the establishment of some
of the early industries and of the schools and religious societies which
existed during the eighteenth century. In the same manner we shall
now endeavor to straighten out the records of the doings of the inhab-
itants of the county during the first third of the present century and
show what they accomplished along the various lines of commerce and
industry, of educational and spiritual advancement, in politics, in peace
and in war, until the arrival of the time when the entire commercial
and industrial system of the community, and in fact the entire well-
being of the community, were revolutionized by the introduction of
steam power as a means of transportation.
Perhaps the most important commercial and industrial growth in any
community in the county during the early years of the century occurred
at Ballston Spa and other points near by in the town of Milton. The
early development at this point was due to the splendid water power
on the Kayaderosseras, which was harnessed by man several years be-
fore 1800. The place also became known as a desirable one for resi-
dence, not only on account of the water power furnished by the Kaya-
derosseras, but on account of the mineral springs in the village and the
court house, which was located at a convenient distance from the vil-
lage. Several small mills and manufactories were located in and near
the village very early in the century. The town of Milton, in which
the principal part of the village lies, gained its name from this fact.
For many years the locality about the Kayaderosseras in the southeast-
ern quarter of the present town was known as Mill-town, and thisnahie
most naturally became Milton. It deserved the name, for there were
dozens of mills of various kinds in the locality, as well as tanneries and
shoe shops. Many of these were built during the preceding century
and reference has been made to them in another chapter. The facili-
ties of most of these mills were increased from time to time and new
mills were erected as business warranted.
One of the most important of the early mills built on the banks of
the Kayaderosseras in the village of Ballston Spa was a cotton mill
erected in 1812 by Nicholas Low, Amos Olcott and others. But this
industry was destined to meet an untimely end. The factory was run-
ning with a full complement of hands one day about a month after it
had been started, when the great " walking-beam " of the old-fashioned
engine suddenly broke, almost completely wrecking the mill. So great
was the damage done that the proprietors decided that they could not
reconstruct the plant, and the concern was abandoned, throwing sev-
eral persons out of employment. This disaster was considered quite a
set back to Ballston Spa, but the enterprising inhabitants were un-
daunted and in a short time had established other enterprises in its
place, though the building itself remained unoccupied by any manufac-
turing plant for nearly forty years. Part of the machinery was brought
from Europe at great expense, but this and the labor of months was
destroyed in one moment.
BALLSTON SPA, 1800-1831. 133
Early in the century Ballston Spa was in its glory as a summer re-
sort, its mineral springs having gained a world-wide reputation on
account of their wonderful medicinal properties. The Sans Souci hotel,
which stood on the north side of Front street where the Sans Souci
opera house block now stands, was the most noted hotel at the Spa. In
its rear was the Sans Souci spring. Some of the most noted men of
the country, as well as distinguished men from abroad, were entertained
at various times beneath its hospitable roof and drank of its health
giving waters. Andrew Berger was one of its proprietors. The Sans
Souci was for many years open in the summer season only. The Balls-
ton Spa house, which stood on the west side of Milton avenue, at the
corner of Washington street, where the office of the Ballston Spa Daily
News is now located, was a winter hotel. It was burned in 1893. It
was run in connection with the Sans Souci. The village was also well
supplied with boarding houses.
Ballston Spa's first school was established aboiit the year 1800. It
was maintained for several years in the building used by the First Bap-
tist society as a meeting-house. This building stood on Ballston avenue,
in the eastern section of the site of the village cemetery. Early in the
century — just when the removal occurred cannot be learned — the school
house was abandoned and "the academy," a large, two-story structure,
was erected on what is now Science street. This house probably stood
on the ground now occupied by the railroad, on the east side of Science
street. This school was not actually an academy, but simply a large
school of two grades.' There were also excellent private schools in the
' This building: was abandoned by the school about 1836, removed to the corner of Charlton
street and Ballston avenue, and used by the Methodist congregation as a meeting-house. The
latter finally sold it to the Catholic congregation. After the latter had used it as a house of
vforship for a few years, they sold it to private parties, who fitted it up as a dwelling. Two dis-
trict school houses were built in 1836. One was located on Malta avenue, and the other on West
High street, between Charlton street and Ballston avenue. These schools were succeeded by
the Ballston Spa Union school system, which was organized April 17, 1870, by the election of the
following board of education: President, Hiro Jones; clerk, Neil Gilmour; treasurer, John J. Lee;
trustees, E. H. Chapman, Benjamin F. Baker, C. M. McClew, E. Parkinson and J. B. Cheydleur.
For three years the schools were maintained in the old buildings and elsewhere. In 1873 and
1874 the brick high school building on Bath street was erected at a cost of about $23,500, and
the school was opened therein September 14, 1874, by Thomas C. Bunyan, prmcipal. It was
originally arranged in three grades, but the growth of the village has caused a great increase
in the school, and branches have been established several years in convenient places in the vil-
lage. Arrangements are now (1898) being made for the erection" of a still more commodious
building. Thomas C. Bunyan remained in charge of the Union Free school as principal until
1892, when he resigned and removed to Berthoud, Col,, and established the bank of Berthoud.
He was succeeded as principal by H. H. Southwick, who .resigned in 1897 to accept a professor-
ship in the State Normal School at Plattsburgh, N. Y. Leland L. Landers became principal in
1897, but resigned in 1898, when A. A. Lavery was chosen principal. During the incumbency of
village in these days. One of these was under the management of
Rev. Deodatus Babcock. From 18^2 to 1835 a ladies' seminary was
located at High street. It subsequently was changed to a boys' school,
and shortly afterward was abandoned.
To Gideon Putnam belongs the credit for starting the boom which
made Saratoga Springs a formidable rival of the famous Ballston Spa,
a movement which eventually gave to the former place the prestige
and glory which originally accompanied the name of the latter. It was
his capital which laid the foundations of the famed Grand Union hotel,
and gave that village a name which it has ever since borne — the prince
of watering places in America, and the peer of any in the world.
Gideon Putnam came to Saratoga Springs in 1789. He, was a man
of considerable wealth and experience in the world, and he foresaw the
destiny of his new home, in part at least. Mr. Putnam was a son-in-
law of Benjamin Risley, who came from Hartford, Conn. Mr. Risley's
other son-in-law, who came with him, was Dr. Clement Blakesley. All
began making investments in real estate soon after coming to Saratoga
Springs. Mr. Putnam came of good stock, being of the same family
as General Israel Putnam of Revolutionary fame. We have sufficient
evidence of the energy and determination which formed so great a
part of his character, as well as of his keen foresight. Though the
country surrounding Congress Spring was little better than a wilder-
ness in 1803, he seemed to have become imbued, and he alone,
with the knowledge that it was destined to become in time a popular
resort. Consequently, in that year, after clearing off the heavy timber
on his land, he began the erection of the famous Grand Union hotel.
This was the first commodious hotel erected at the Springs for the
accommodation of visitors, and its erection marked the dawn of a new
era for that community.
The building was of wood, three stories in height. On the day that
the frame was raised, people gathered from the surrounding country
for miles around to behold what was popularly called " Putnam's
Folly." But they were doomed to disappointment, for immediately
after the erection of this hotel, people began to flock to the springs in
large numbers, and quickly purchased the lots which Mr. Putnam had
laid out along the broad street which he had had surveyed. This
Principal Southwiok the school was placed under the direction of the Regents of the University
of the State of New York. The present members of the board of education are: President, Her-
bert C. Westcot; clerk, Joseph Shaeffer; trustees, Frederick J. Wheeler, David Frisbie, James
W. Verbeok, Tracy W. Nichols, Dr. Eben S. Lawrence.
SARATOGA SPRINGS, 1800-1831. 135
street, then called Broad street, is now Broadway. Near it were
located Congress, Columbian and Hamilton springs, and Mr. Putnam
laid out the new village so these springs would be in public highways
branching off from Broad street, and thereby remain public property.
But after his death these streets, excepting Broad street, were narrowed
down, bringing all these springs within private property. Thus it will
be seen that Gideon Putnam, though not the pioneer, was in reality
the founder of the village of Saratoga Springs."
The wisdom of Gideon Putnam in erecting the Grand Union soon be-
came apparent. Year by year the number of visitors to the springs in-
creased, and by 1809 so great was the demand for accommodations that
a rival hotel, called the Columbian, was erected on the site now occu-
pied by the Ainsworth block. This hotel, which for many years was
under the management of Jotham Holmes, was destroyed by fire many
years ago.
Nine years after he had built the Grand Union, Gideon Putnam be-
gan, in X811, the erection of another commodious hotel, which he called
Congress Hall. When its timbers were raised, one of them fell, killing
Barney. Souler and so injured Mr. Putnam that he died a few months
later. His death resulted, doubtless, in a considerable change in the
original plans for the operation of the hotel, for soon after its com-
pletion it was used as a lodging house in connection with the Grand
Union, which stood opposite. In 1815 it was sold to Guert Van Schoon-
hoven, and under his ownership it became the most fashionable resort
at the springs.
Still .another large hotel was erected in 1819, by which time the vil-
lage had become quite populous. This was the Pavilion hotel, which
was built by Judge Walton on the site now occupied by the town hall."
Nathan Lewis was its first proprietor. Succeeding him were Allen
Murphy, John Ford, Asher Smith Taylor, John C. Dillon, John Cross,
and Daniel McLaren. This hotel was one of the most elegant in the
' Gideon Putnam was born in Sutton, Mass., in 1764, the son of Rufus and Mary Putnam. He
married Doanda Risley, daughter of Benjamin Risley of Hartford Conn. Soon after he re-
moved to Middlebury, Vt., where he built a cabin on the site now occupied .by the Middlebury
college buildings. Subsequently he removed to Rutland, Vt., then to Bemus Flats, and finally
to Saratoga Springs. His first purchase of land there was made in 1791, when he bought three
hundred acres from Dirck LefiEerts. After building the Grand Union and laying out the village
plots, in 1805, he retubed the Washington, Columbian and Hamilton Springs in 1806. He began
the erection of Congress Hall in 1811. He died December 1, 1812, aged forty-nine yea^^. The
children of Gideon and Doanda Putnam were Benjamin, Lewis, Rockwell, Washington, Loren,
Mrs. Betsey Taylor, Mrs. Aurelia Clement, Mrs. Nancy Andrews and Mrs. Phila Kellogg.
" This hotel was burned in 1840.
The first United States hotel was not erected until 1824. In that
year Elias Benedict, an uncle of Gen. James M. Marvin of Saratoga
Springs, bought a tract of twenty-five acres lying between Franklin
and Washington streets, on which he built the hotel called the United
States. This was the first brick hotel built at the springs. It faced
one hundred and twenty-five feet on Broadway, was thirty four feet
deep, had a wing extending sixty feet on Division street, and was four
stories in height. It was the most magnificent hotel of the day in
Saratoga, and one of the most elegant in the country.' John Ford, its
first manager, continued m that capacity until 1830, when General
James M. Marvin became proprietor. During his conduct of the United
States, it became one of the most celebrated hotels in the world.
But while the enterprising inhabitants of Saratoga Springs were en-
deavoring to do everything possible to make that place a celebrated
summer resort, by the construction of handsome hotels, the improve-
ment of its spring property and the development of new spHngs, they
were not unmindful of the mental and spiritual welfare of the com-
munity. The First Baptist church, organized late in the eighteenth
century, though not yet permanently established in the village, had
several members residing there, and the number of these increased as
the population grew. In 1833 the church was finally located in the
village. For many years this Baptist organization and a small society
of orthodox Quakers were the only religious societies in the village.
But in 1816 a number of the inhabitants adhering to the Presbyterian
faith organized themselves into the First Presbyterian church of Sara-
toga Springs. The organization was perfected January 15, 1816, by
the election of Miles Beach, Ziba Taylor and Nathan Lewis as trustees.
The first elders, Abijah Blanchard and Luman B. Smith, were not or-
dained until December 11, 1817. The former was also ordained deacon.
June 6, 1816, the society was incorporated, and August 19, 1817, it be-
came a member of the Albany presbytery."
Early in the century Episcopal services were held at Saratoga Springs.
A chapel, given by Dr. John Clarke, stood on the northeast corner of
Congress and Putnam streets, where Rev. Edward Davis of Ballston
' The first United States hotel was burned in 1865.
' This church had three houses o£ worship. December 6, 1820, the first, a frame building lo-
cated at the corner of Church and Matilda streets, was consecrated. The second, dedicated in
1842, was a brick edifice located on the corner of Broadway and Caroline street. It cost $8,000,
The third, which stands on North Broadway, was first occupied July 26, 1857. It cost about $30,-
000. Rev. Darius O. Griswold was the first pastor.
SARATOGA SPRINGS, 1800-1831. 137
Spa voluntarily conducted services. October 4, 1830, the congregation
worshiping here formally organized Bethesda Protestant Episcopal
church, Rev. Edward Davis at that time being the missionary and
rector in charge of that station. At this meeting Henry Walton and
Wallace Crawford were elected wardens, and Hon. John H. Steele, Dr.
John Clarke, Daniel D. Benedict, Esek Cowen, Rockwell Putnam, Joel
Clement, Jonathan Williams and Daniel Wait vestrymen. Rev. Ed-
ward Davis continued to serve the church, but in the capacity of mis-
sionary, being assisted by Rev. Mr. Babcock.'
As early as 1812 the inhabitants of Saratoga Springs were wide
awake to the necessity of proper school accommodations for the young.
On March 12 of that year a meeting of citizens was held at the house
of Moses Stickney for the purpose of devising means for the construc-
tion of the needed school house. It was decided to erect a suitable
building on land belonging to Gideon Putnam on the north side of
Washington street ; said building to be thirty by twenty-six feet. It
was built by Jesse Morgan, at a cost of $400, under the direction of
Gideon Putnam, Miles Beach and Nathan Lewis. The house was paid
for by issuing shares of five dollars each, which appear to have been
quickly subscribed. The general school system of the State was in-
augurated in 1813, and the new school became the regular legal school
for the newly organized District 15. May 22, 1813, Nathan Lewis,
Miles Beach and Jotham Holmes were chosen the first trustees of the
new district, and Daniel D. Benedict was elected secretary and col-
lector. At the meeting held November 12, 1818, the district was
divided into two districts." November 24, 1831, it was resolved to
^ The first regular rector was Rev. William F. Walker, who had been rector of Christ church
in Troy, N. Y. The first church edifice was built in 1842-1844, and stood on the south side of Wash-
ington street, on a lot purchased of Rockwell Putnam. This was enlarged and improved in 1859.
Rev. Mr. Walker, the first regular rector, was succeeded September 3, 1843, by Rev. Samuel Han-
son Cox. The successive rectors since that year have been : Rev. John Henry Hobart, March
28, 1845, to June 9, 1846 ; Rev. Philip E. Milledoler, M. D., June 9, 1846, to June 19, 1850 ; Rev. B. H.
Whicher, supplied for Dr. Milledoler, 1849-1850, by reason of the illness of the latter ; Rev. S. F.
Wiley, September 13, 1850, to November, 1852 ; Rev. Dr. Deodatus Babcock, supply during part of
1852-1853 ; Rev. John S. Kidney, February 23, 1853, to April, 1858 ; Rev. Robert C. Rogers, May 10,
1858, to July, 1861 ; Rev. Edmund Rowland Deacon, July 5, 1861, to October, 1863; Rev. Francis C.
Wainwright, November 12, 1863, to May, 1865; Rev. G. C. V. Eastman, officiating clergyman from
May, 1865, to April, 1866 ; Rev. John B. Gibson, April 20, 1866, to 1869 ; Rev. Dr. Norman W. Camp,
1869 to 1873 ; Rev. Joseph Carey, D. D., 1873 to the present time,
"^ The existing public school system in Saratoga Springs was organized in pursuance of a
special act of the Legislature passed April 12, 1867, consolidating all school districts in the village
into the Union Free school district of Saratoga Springs. The law named Oliver L. JBarbour,
Augustus Bockes and John Shipman as trustees of the first class; Joseph A. Shoudy, Thomas
Flanigah and Aaron Hill as trustees of the second class, and John Woodbridge, John Palmer and
move the school house "to R. Putnam's lot next north of James Cald-
well's lot, No. 61."
A Masonic lodge existed at Saratoga Springs as early as 1821. Rising
Sun lodge had been organized several years before in that part of the
town of Northumberland which subsequently became the town of Wil-
ton. The first known records of the lodge bear date of October 4, 1808,
when Nicholas Angle was worshipful master, Daniel Wicks was senior
warden and Jonas King was junior warden. The lodge then probably
was working under a dispensation, as the charter now in the possession
of Rising Sun lodge is dated September 6, 1809, when Nicholas Angle
was still worshipful master, Stephen King senior warden, and Jared
Palmer junior warden. In 1821 it was decided to remove the lodge to
Charles S. Lester as trustees o£ the third class. This, the first board o£ education, was organ-
ized April 16, 1867, by the election of Charles S. Lester as president. The Union School employs
fifty-six teachers and occupies ten different buildings. The High school building was erected in
1885. There are tour comparatively new buildings— No. 3, built in 1890; No. 1, built in 1891; No. 7,
built in 1893, and the annex to the High school, built in 1894. The presidents of the board of edu-
cation since its organization have been:
Charles S. Lester April 16, 1867 to October 4, 1869
James L. Cramer October 6, 1869 to October 28, 1869
Hiram A. Wilson October 28, 1869 to September 31, 1871
Lewis E. Whiting September 21, 1871 to October 24, 1872
Paoli Durkee October 24, 1872 to October 27, 1873
George P. White November 10, 1873 to October 38, 1874
John B. Hulbert October 28, 1874 to October 26, 1875
Lemuel B. Pike November 8, 1875 to August 13, 1877
Charles H. Tefft, jr August IS, 1877 to October 26, 1877
John Shipman October 26, 1877 to October 22, 1878
Isaac Y. Ouderkirk November 9, 1878 to October 27, 1879
John Foley November 3, 1879 to October 24, 1882
Levi S. Packard October 31, 1882 to November 6, 1882
Bostwick Hawley November 6, 1883 to October 24, 1883
Charles F. Pish October 24, 1883 to October 36, 1887
William R. Waterbury — October 26, 1887 to Ofctober 34, 1888
Thomas Douglass October 24. 1888 to October 23, 1889
John Shipman, jr October 33, 1889 to October 29, 1890
Charles M. Davison October 29, 1890 to October 29, 1891
Charles O. Van Dorn October 39, 1891 to October 39, 1892
William MoNamara October 29, 1893 to October 29, 1893
George M. Crippen October 29 1898 to October 24, 1894
A. de R. McNair October 24, 1894 to October 33, 1895
C. B. Thomas October 23, 189S to October 38, 1896
D. J. Tynan October 28, 1896 to October 27, 1897
E. D. Starbuck October 27, 1897 to
The superintendents of schools and secretaries have been :
James N. Crocker August 1, 1867 to February 1, 1869
David L. Rouse February 12, 1869 to September 6, 1869
Levi S. Packard September 6, 1869 to August 31, 1882
George T. Church September 1, 1883 to August 15, 1885
Edward N. Jones August 15, 1885 to August 31, 1893
Thomas R. Kneil September 1, 1893
SARATOGA SPRINGS, 1800-1831. 139
Saratoga Springs, but the Grand lodge did not approve of the removal
until June 5, 1824. Before this, however, as early as 1833, lodge meet-
ings had been held in the old Congress Hall, then known as Drake's
building. Subsequently meetings were held in the Columbian hotel,
corner of Broadway and Lake avenue, and elsewhere.
The earliest cemetery in the vicinity of Saratoga Springs, as far as
known, was the old Sadler burying ground, which stood on the hill in
the northeast part of the village. Interments were made here as early
as 1785 probably, as a stone inscribed with that date stood in the cem-
etery before its destruction. In 1810 Gideon Putnam gave to the
village a tract of land in the heart of the village, which was used as a
cemetery for many years. Dr. John Clarke, Nathan Lewis and his
family, and several other prominent persons of the olden time were
interred there.
This village was plentifully supplied with stores in the early days,
with here and there a small manufactory or mill. In 1813 John and
Ziba Taylor had a well stocked store, which had been in existence several
years, and Gleason had a blacksmith shop. The year following,
or a little later, Palmer & Waterbury started a bakery. About that
time Beach & Farlin opened another grocery store. Hendrick & Knowl-
ton began business as merchants in 1815, Nathan Lewis in 1816, Ash-
bel and Ferdinand Andrews in 1818, Robert McDonald in 1819 or 1820,
and Joseph Westcot in 1820. McDonald soon afterward abandoned the
grocery business to start a hardware store. Mr. Langworthy also had
a hardware store. Asa Wright and Mr. Reynolds were also early mer-
chants. John Swain had a lime kiln near the Empire spring.
The Saratoga County Bible Society was organized August 24, 1815,
nearly a year before the organization of the American Bible Society.
Its first officers were : President, Rev. Samuel Blatchford, D. D. ; vice-
presidents, Rev. Dirck C. Lansing, Rev. James Mairs; corresponding
secretary. Rev. Reuben Sears; treasurer, Elisha Powell.
An early libel suit in Saratoga Springs is thus referred to in the
Ballston Spa Gazette of January 7, 1823. The item was printed among
the advertisements upside down :
Davison's Confession. — Some time in the month of January, 1821, Mr. Davison,
editor of the Saratoga Sentinel, published a gross libel on Samuel M. Hopkins, Esq.
of the Western District, and although he was furnished with the evidence that what
he had published was a wilful falsehood, he had not the candor to retract it, until
coMrELLED to do SO, by a prosecution in the Supreme Court — when Mr. Davison
"gladly" compromised the suit, by signing a humble " confession," thereby admit-
ting what he had published was a lie.
While the village of Saratoga Springs was prospering as a summer
resort, the neighboring village of Ballston Spa was developing rapidly
along the same lines; but it was also taking a prominent and substan-
tial position as a commercial and industrial centre as well. By the end
of the period of which we are now writing, when the first steam rail-
road to Ballston Spa was opened for traffic, the latter village had be-
come one of the most thriving communities, considering its population,
in New York State ; while Saratoga Springs was glorying in its world-
wide reputation as the greatest of all American summer resorts— and
with prospects of a future even a thousand times more brilliant than
its past !
Little remains to be said regarding the progress of the town of Sara-
toga Springs during this period. The village seemed to attract nearly
everything and everybody. Outside the village, the town pursued the
the even tenor of its way. The development of the farming lands was
pushed, school houses were erected, and various business interests were
established; but the latter were so closely identified with those of the
village that it is difficult to separate the two.
One of the most important events occurring in the southern part of
the county in the early part of the century was the construction of the
bridge across the Hudson river at Waterford, connecting Waterford
and Lansingburgh, in 1804.' When the bridge was constructed it was
deemed a marvel of engineering skill. How the public looked upon
the structure at that time is manifested by the elaborate character of
the exercises which attended its opening. The Lansingburgh Gazette,
in its issue of December 4, 1804, said :
Union bridge, lately erected over the Hudson, between this village and Water-
ford, was yesterday opened for passengers. The particulars of the celebration of
this event will be given in our next paper.
The next issue of the paper, December 11, 1804, devoted more than
a column to a description of the event. Among the interesting clauses it
contained were these:
This handsome structure, which promises to be of durable and important public
utility, was commenced early the present season, and is now so far completed as to be
adjudged by the proper authority fit for the uses of travelers. The work was exe-
cuted under the direction of Theodore Burr, principal architect ; by James McElroy,
' This is said to' be the oldest wooden bridge in the United States.
WATERFORD, 1800-1831. 141
head mason, and Samuel Shelly, master carpenter, and unites a degree of strength
and elegance which reflects the highest credit on these gentlemen.
The day was a holiday in both Waterford and Lansingburgh. A
" very numerous procession" was formed at noon at Johnson & Jud-
son's hotel in Lansingburgh, marched to the bridge, and thence across
into Waterford, " under the discharge of seventeen cannon," where a
dinner had been provided at Gerardus Van Schoonhoven's hotel at the
expense of the stockholders of the bridge. Among the prominent per-
sons in attendance were Governor Morgan Lewis, Thomas Tillotson,
secretary of state; Elisha Jenkins, state comptroller; Simeon Uewitt,
the surveyor-general, " and a large number of the respectable gentle-
men from Albany and adjacent villages," who "partook in much har-
mony and conviviality. " The bridge was rebuilt in 1813-1814, at an
expense of $20,000."
The village of Waterford was extensive enough in 1801 to support a
newspaper, the second published in Saratoga county. It was called the
Waterford Gazette, and was started either in 1800 or 1801 by Horace L.
Wads worth. It was continued until after the close of the war of 1813-
14. After a lapse of several years another newspaper, the Waterford
Reporter, was started in 1833 by William L. Fish. This paper had a
short career. The third venture was the Anti-Masonic Recorder,
which was established in 1830 by J. C. Johnson, as the local organ of
the Anti-Masonic party. It ceased to be published soon after the sub-
sidence of the Anti-Masonic agitation.
The village was incorporated in 1801. It was then a prosperous
community, with several important manufacturing concerns and a num-
ber of mercantile establishments. Flouring mills were started there at
an early date, a'nd two or more grist mills and saw mills were located
on the banks of the creek at the beginning of the century. Before
1815 these merchants were doing business in town : Wynant Vanden-
burgh, Foster & Vandenburgh, Henry Ten Broeck, House, Myers &
Co., Stewart & Knickerbacker, John Vibbard, Scott & Fowler, King &
Foster, Davis & Thorn, Moses Scott, Close & Vandecar, all of whom
were doing a general business; Horace Hudson, hardware merchant;
Samuel Drake, druggist; George Edson, leather store; Roger Evans,
jeweler; James Fowler, tailor and Mr. Grant, hatter. Among the man-
' This structure is eight hundred feet long and thirty feet wide, comprising four arches which
are supported by three piUars and two abutments. It is owned by the Union Bridge Company,
of which Thomas A. Knickerbacker is president and John Knickerbacker treasurer.
ufacturers , James Oliphant ran a tannery, Mr. Grant had a flouring
mill, John Robinson made boots and shoes, James Hale had a forge
and blacksmith shop. There were several lawyers in town, including
James Van Schoonhoven, Samuel Huntington, William Given and John
Cramer. Dr. Whitmore and Dr. Porter had offices in town about this
time. Taverns were kept by Gerardus Van Schoonhoven, Samuel
Demarest, Mr. Smith and Mr. Haight. Between 1815 and 1820 other
business enterprises were established, including the store of Todd &
Comstock, Isaac Bailey and D K. Lighthall. N. B. Doe opened a law
office about 1816.
For many years, beginning about 1825, the cooperage business was
an important industry in Waterford, where thousands of barrels and
tubs of all kinds were turned out annually. Among the early man-
ufacturers were men named Brewster, Driscoll, Preston and Sheridan.
In 1838 the industrial standing of Waterford was greatly enhanced
by the construction of a hydraulic canal. This canal was designed and
built by John Fuller King, of Coleraine, Mass., an inveiitor of canal
locks and a genius of great value to the community. The work was
called, in his honor, "the King canal." It began above the falls in
the Mohawk river and extended to the edge of the hill in the western
part of the village. The construction of the fine water-power induced
numerous manufacturers to locate in Waterford. At the lower end of
the canal a cotton factory was located for many years. Kilby & Van-
dewerker had a furnace there, Colonel Olney had a machine shop, and
others had a twine factory, an ink factory and a flour and grist mill.
The canal was lengthened in 1831, and numerous other manufactories
availed themselves of the advantages it offered.
It was at Waterford that one of the most noted schools for young
ladies in the United States was first located. This was the Emma
Willard Female Seminary (now known as the Emma Willard School).
Mrs. Emma Willard was the wife Dr. John Willard. In 1814 she
established a boarding school for girls at Middlebury, Vt. While act-
ing as principal of that school she conceived a plan for the incorpo-
ration and endowment of an institution for the higher education of
young women. Believing that New York State offered superior ad-
vantages for the location of such a school, she communicated an out-
line of her plan to Governor De Witt Clinton, who at once agreed to
assist her. According to his promise, the governor caused to be passed
a legislative enactment incorporating a female seminary at Waterford
WATERFORD, 1800-1831. 143
under the care of the Regents of the University of the State of New
York, and appropriating thereto its proper quota of the public moneys.
The seminary was opened in the spring of 1819. After it had been
successfully incorporated the citizens of Troy, appreciating the advant-
ages which would accrue to them from the location of the school in
that city, proposed to Mrs. Willard that she remove the seminary to
Troy, agreeing to contribute freely of their means to its establishment
and maintenance. To this proposition she assented, though efforts
were made to induce her to remain in Waterford, and in the summer of
1821 the school was removed from Waterford to Troy, where it has
since been maintained.
Waterford had good public schools during this period, and one acad-
emy at which many of her best citizens were educated.
Several religious societies were organized in Waterford during the
first three decades of the present century. The first of these was the
society which ultimately became the Presbyterian church of Waterford.
Some authorities say that organization was effected before 1800, but if
this is true, it was very weak, and lay dormant for several years. The
Reformed Dutch church erected a house of worship in 1799, and the
Presbyterians then united with this society. In 1803 the union be-
tween the Presbyterian churches at Troy and Lansingburgh was dis-
solved. About the same time the pulpit of the Dutch Reformed
church of Waterford became vacant, by reason of the failing health of
Rev. John Close, who had been pastor since 1797. X^^onsequently the
Presbyterian church of Lansingburgh invited the Presbyterians of
Waterford to join with them in calling Rev. Samuel Blatchford of
Bridgeport, Conn., to the pastorate. This proposition was agreed to,
and the Presbyterian church of Waterford was reorganized^ ecclesias-
tically distinct from both the other churches. July 18, 1804, Rev. Mr.
Blatchford was installed as pastor of the two churches. In that year
the Dutch Reformed church placed its house of worship at the disposal
of the new Presbyterian organization, and for twenty-one years united
with it in supporting the pastor. In 1826, the Reformed church desir-
ing to revive its organization, the Presbyterians held services in Classic
Hall, on First street, but at once began the erection of their church on
the corner of Division and Third streets. This building, which cost
$4,000, was dedicated in September, 1826. Dr. Blatchford continued
to be pastor until his death, March 17, 1828.'
1 In 1865-66 this building was enlarged and remodeled at an expense o£ $20,000. The organ
placed in the church at that time was the gi£t of John Cramer. The edifice was rededioated
Grace Protestant Episcopal church of Waterford was organized Sep-
tember 17, 1810, by the election of Richard Davis, jr., and John
Vibbard as wardens; and Guert Van Schoonhoven, Henry Davis,
Hezekiah Ketchum, James Meeker, Benjamin Chamberlain, William
McDonald, Joseph Ketchum and Ward Rice as vestrymen. At a meet-
ing of the vestry December 10 following, John Davis was chosen clerk,
William M McDonald collector and John Davis treasurer. July 1,
1811, the meeting-house which had been used by a Methodist congre-
gation' was purchased, and at once repaired and refurnished, being
consecrated by Bishop Hobart August 30, 1813. May 20, 1814, Rev.
Parker Adams was called as the first rector.'
The Baptist church of Waterford was not organized until 1821,
though Baptist gatherings had been held in town as early as 1812.
After three years of worship at the home of Deacon Whitney, meetings
were held in the old school house, until the erection of the first house
of worship."
Waterford was the first village in Saratoga county to enjoy the privi-
leges which accrue to any community by reason of the establishment of
a banking institution. May 29, 1830, the Legislature passed an act
incorporating the Saratoga County bank of Waterford, the capital stock
of which was fixed at $100,000. John Knickerbacker, James Thomp-
son, John Cramer, Miles Beach and John W. Kirtland were named as
commissioners to receive subscriptions for stock and call the first meet-
ing. John Knickerbacker, John Cramer, John Vibbard, Eli M. Todd,
Moses Scott, Samuel Thompson, Matthew Bailey, Samuel Cook and
May 10, 1866. The edifice was renovated and a new pipe organ placed back of the pulpit in 1886.
In 1897 the old windows were replaced by beautiful figured stained glass windows. The pastors
of the church since the death of Dr. Blatchford have been : Rev. Ebenezer Cheever, April 9,
1828, to March, 1830 ; Rev. Lawrence L. Van Dyke, Rev. George Bush supplies to 1831 ; Rev. Reu-
ben Smith, May, 1831, to April 1, 1848 ; Rev. Alexander B. Bullions, September 14, 1848, to 1853 ;
Rev. Lewis H. Lee, 185.3 to 1863 ; Rev. Arthur T. Pierson, October 6, 1863, to 1869 ; Rev. R. H. P.
Vail, September 14, 1869, to March 31, 1876 ; Rev. A. B. Riggs, 1876-1889 ; Rev. Robert W. Beers,
1 No record of this early Methodist church is extant.
2 The first church was burned in the great fire of 1841, but soon after a new edifice was con-
structed of brick at a cost of about $6,000. In 1865 this was enlarged, remodeled and completely
refurnished, including the purchase of a fine organ, at a total expense of about $10,000. The rec-
tors succeeding Rev. Parker Adams have been Revs. George Uphold, Henry Stebbins, George
B. Eastman, Joshua Morss, Joseph J. Nicholson, Edward Edwards, Richard S. Adams, William
Walsh, Joseph Carey, George F. Ferguson, Charles H. Lancaster, P. A. Shoup, Walter Thomp-
son, William D. Maxon, William Rollins Webb, Charles E. Freeman, S. T. Street and John Mills
'This church, a brick structure, was built in 1842, chiefly through the efforts of George Hurd,
Merritt Potter and T. J. Eddy. Tl^e structure was rebuilt in 1867 at a cost of nearly $20,000.
STILLWATER, 1800-1831. 145
Miles Beach were named as the first directors, and at their first meet-
ing, held July 14, 1830, they elected John Knickerbacker president,
Jonathan H. Douglas cashier, and John Cramer attorney, and named John
Vibbard, Eli M. Todd and John House as a committee to select a build-
ing for a banking house.
September 24, 1804, a number of members of the Masonic fraternity
residing in the town of Milton met at the residence of William G. Boss,
at Milton Hill, and organized a lodge of that order. March 32, 1805,
this organization received from the Grand lodge a charter giving it the
title of Friendship lodge No. 118, F. & A. M. Meetings were held
in the town of Milton until January 2, 1821, when the lodge was re-
moved to Ballston Spa. Here communications were held for fourteen
years, at the end of which period the charter was surrendered. The
lodge was never revived.
The following advertisment appeared in the Ballston Spa Gazette of
January 7, 1823 :
Waterford Ladies' School.— MISS HAIGHT respectfully informs the public, that
she has opened a school for the instruction of young ladies, in which are taught
the following branches: — Spelling, Reading, Writing, Definitions, English Gram-
mar, Arithmetic, Geography and Composition, $5 per quarter. Mappery, History,
Rhetoric, Elements of Chemistry and Natural Philosophy, Use of Globes, Geometry,
Astronomy, Logic, Moral and Intellectual Philosophy, separate or in conjunction
with the above branches, $6 per quarter. Drawing and Painting, ^5. Painting on
Velvet, $5. Both branches taught together, $8 per quarter. The French language
and music will be taught provided a sufficient number should apply to compose a
Waterford, October 3, 1822.
THE undersigned cheerfully permits himself to be referred to both for the char-
acter and accomplishments of Miss Haight, and he has no doubt, the public will soon
perceive the advantage of encouraging the seminary of which this lady has the
charge. Samuel Blatchford, D.D.
Lansingburg, Oct. 12, 1822.
The first noteworthy industrial advance in the town of Stillwater
occurred about 1812, when Rensselaer Schuyler, a man of wealth and
enterprise, purchased a tract of land now occupied by a portion of the
village of Stillwater and established mills. Already there were in and
near the village a grist mill, saw mill, flour mill, a tannery, an ashery
and other smaller industries. The opening of the Champlain canal in
1825 gave a great impetus to trade. Soon after that auspicious event,
Ephraim Newland became the promoter of several enterprises. Mills
were established by him for the manufacture of flannel and knit goods,
and soon after a second knitting mill, a wall paper plant and a straw
board mill were started. These industries caused the population of the
place to increase rapidly. The village had been incorporated in 1816,
the bounds being from the Stillwater creek half a mile up the river,
and more than a quarter of a mile west of the river. In 1817 the
Schuyler mills and all the additions built after the erection of the orig-
inal buildings were burned. The property afterward was owned by
Philip J. Schuyler, who erected a grist mill and clothing factory. About
the time the canal was constructed a brick kiln was erected, employing
the clay thrown from the bed of the canal for the manufacture of brick.
The original Presbyterian church of Stillwater ceased to exist as an
organized body about 1795. In 1816 the Presbyterians and Congrega-
tionalists of the village united and formed ' ' The First Presbyterian
Congregational church of Stillwater." But this organization was not
a success, there being a constant conflict of authority, although the
confession of faith and covenant were alike for both denominations.
Denison Andrews, John W. Patrick, Samuel Low and John Sullivan
were the first elders, and Thomas Morey, William Seymour and Peter
Andrews deacons. When it was seen that the two denominations
could not exist as one society, the church was dissolved and a Presby-
terian church organized March 11, 1818, with John W. Patrick, Jesse
Warren and Alfred Benedict as elders, and Amos Hodgman as deacon.
Rev. Dirck C. Lansing, who had been pastor of the united body, re-
tired at this time, and Rev. Mark Tucker became the first pastor of
the new society, serving in this capacity until 1834.'
Methodism gained a foothold in town early in the century. A society
was organized at Ketchum's Corners about 1800, but little is known of
its early history. Rev. Datus Ensign was the pioneer of Methodism
at Stillwater. In 1838 he held his first meeting in the school house in
the northern part of the village, where a small class was formed. From
this class sprang the present Methodist church of Stillwater."
' The first house of worship of this Presbyterian church, built in 1791, was replaced by a com-
modious brick edifice in 1842.
^ This society was regularly united with the Stillwater circuit in 1835, Rev. E. Goss preaching
regularly once in two weeks. Soon after the church was attached to the society at Mechanic-
ville, but in 1857 the present M. E. church of Stillwater was organized, as a separate station,
under the ministry of Rev. Reuben Westcott. Eleven years before the organization of the so-
ciety, or in 1846, a house of worship was erected at an expense of $800, being dedicated by Rev.
Allen Steele. In 1874, under the pastorate of Rev. A. C. Rose, the erection of the present edifice
was begun. It was completed during the second pastorate of Rev. W. D. Hitchcock in 1886-1888.
HALFMOON, 1800-1831. 147
The industrial development of Halfmoon was slow until the opening
of the Champlain canal in 1825. Numerous grist mills and saw mills,
with at least one brick kiln, were in operation in the early part of the
present century, but few other manufacturing concerns were erected
until after the first decade.
Edward A. Morehouse, who came to Mechanicville in 1835, recalls a clear picture
of the village of that date. South of the kill, Dr. Guerdon ; two Boillo families ; a
colored family; the old tavern; the blacksmith shop; further down, McMuUigan.
The Guerdon house was partly log, on the site of the present parsonage. On the
Stillwater side, west of Main street, Morehouse's tailor shop, Vernam's store, John
Gross's tavern ; joining the store was Garrington's residence, then a house and store
kept by William Pierce. On the east side of the street. Skinner's blacksmith shop,
Farnum's store, where the meat market is now, a brick house, Squire Hutton's resi-
dence, now Widow Boardman's, Garrington's harness shop, over it Lockwood's shoe
shop, Lynott Bloodgood's; at the corner old-fashioned hay scales, wagon and all
swung up by chains to be weighed ; beyond these eight or ten other buildings, and
in the rear the factory and grist mill, as now. The factory had been erected by
Squire Hutton many years before, had been burned, rebuilt, and in 1835 was owned
by Bloodgood.'
Few manufacturing concerns existed outside of Mechanicville in these
days. The chief occupation of the inhabitants of the town was agri-
culture, for the soil of the town is generally very fertile and productive,
both on the flats and the uplands.
Several religious societies were organized in Halfmoon during thip
period. Early in the century a Friends' meeting was established about
three miles southwest of Mechanicville, but the meetings were discon-
tinued about 1850. The Second Baptist church of Halfmoon, located
for many years at Clifton Park village, and the old Baptist church at
Middletown were successors of the original church at Newtown. The
Methodist church of Mechanicville had its inception in a class organ-
ized in 1828. This resulted in the erection of a chapel in 1832.''
Though the Protestant Episcopal church at Mechanicville (now St.
Luke's church) was not formally organized until August 2, 1830, the
erection of the house of worship was begun at least a year before that
date. It was consecrated August 24, 1830, by Right Rev. John Henry
Hobart, bishop of New York. The first ofiftcers of the church were:
1 Sylvester's History of Saratoga County, 1878.
2 Rev. Mr. Ensign was the first pastor of this church, vi^hich now [1898] is under the pastoral
charge of Rev. Dr. William H. Hughes. The church edifice on William street which served the
society so many years was sold in 1883 to the Baptist congregation, and a new church was
erected in that year on North Main street, at the cost of $20,000. This building was dedicated
by Bishop Thomas L. Bowman December J8, J884,
Wardens, John C. Valentine and William Gates; vestrymen, Hugh
Peebles, John Cross, Munson Smith, William L. R. Valentine, Lynott
Bloodgood, William Tyler, William Tibbitts and Cramer Vernam. '
Good schools existed in town and were well patronized. The old
Halfmoon academy, located at Middletown, was considered the best,
not only in Halfmoon, but within many miles thereof. Among the
school commissioners who served at the beginning of the century were
Hezekiah Ketchum, Benjamin Mix, Solomon Waite and Robert Ken-
nedy. Among those who served after the passage of the general school
law of 1812 were Ira Scott, Ashbel Philo, David Garnsey, Nathan
Garnsey, jr., Samuel Reynolds, Nicholas B. Doe, John E. Vischer,
John B. Miller, Elnathan Smith, Nathan Peck, Henry Clow, Nehemiah
G. Philo, Silas Sweetland, Joseph Read, Benjamin Hall and Powell
The history of Schuylerville and the town of Saratoga, commonly
known as Old Saratoga, during the first third of the century, can be
told in a few words. Little else is to be recorded but the development
of the agricultural interests of the community. The inhabitants of,
Schuylerville did not feel that their village was important enough to
ask for incorporation until 1831, the end of the period covered by this
chapter. The early manufactures, aside from those referred to in a
preceding chapter, were few but important. The old fulling mill
established by the Schuyler family before 1800, passed into the hands
of Mr. Lawrence in 1819. This he operated until about 1830, when he
took charge of a woolen factory located in a part of the old biiilding
formerly occupied as a distillery by Mr. Schuyler. The manufacture of
woolen goods was continued in this building until it was destroyed by
fire about 1850. In 1838 Philip Schuyler built a cotton factory, which
was operated continuously for many years, finally becoming the prop-
erty of the Saratoga Victory Manufacturing company. This is believed
to be the oldest mill of its kind but one in New York State.
A Masonic lodge existed in Schuylerville for man}-- years, but it was
disbanded during the great Anti-Masonic agitation and was never re-
organized. A lodge of Odd Fellows was established there in the early
days of that order, but this too was discontinued many years ago.
^ When the funds were subscribed for the construction of this church it was stipulated
that it should be dedicated by the bishop of New York, though all religious bodies were per-
mitted to worship therein. This naturally led to dissensions and July 15, 1835, the vestry of St.
Luke's having obtained a release from all societies using the church except the Episcopalians,
the property came into the sole possession of St. Luke's church.
SARATOGA, 1800-1831. 149
Several school houses were located in town during this period, but lit-
tle is known of them. In 1813, in pursuance of the general school law
enacted the preceding year, the town was divided into eighteen school
districts and these school commissioners were elected : Wallace Craw-
ford, Harvey Granger, John R. Mott. The inspectors chosen were:
Philip Duryea, Martin L. Bryan, Reuben Perry, Esek Cowen, David
Evarts, Zeno Remington. Other commissioners who served during
this period included James Green, jr., Jonas Olmstead, James Mott,
William Davis, Eli Granger, James W. Smith, Edward Fitch, Henry
D. Chapman, Francis R. Winney, James Anibal, Oliver Cleveland,
Henry Wagman, James Place, Ira Lawrence, William Wilcox, Elna-
than Patterson, William B. Caldwell, Henry F. Sherman 3d, Richard
M. Livingston, Joseph Soule, Orville B. Dibble, Stephen H. Dilling-
ham, Henry T. Sherman and Abram B. Barker. Among the school
inspectors of this period were John H. Steele, John R. Mott, Richard
M. Livingston, William L. F. Warren, Dudley Farlin, James Green,
Henry D. Chapman, Elnathan Spinner, James W. Smith, Aaron Blake,
William B. Caldwell, Abram Van Duzen, Rockwell Putnam, Harmon
J. Betts, Philip Schuyler, Daniel Morgan, jr., Oliver Brisbin, Joseph
Welch and James C. Milligan.
At least two churches existed in the town of Saratoga at the opening
of the century — the Reformed Dutch church and the Baptist church of
Schuylerville. January 30, 1827, a subscription was made to raise
funds to build a house of worship for the Methodists residing in the
town. The document contained this interesting statement:
From Lansingburg along the valley of the Hudson for fifty miles, with a breadth
of from eight to ten miles, the Episcopal Methodists have not one house dedicated
to the worship of God. Private dwellings, school houses and barns have hitherto
offered to their classes a precarious yet acceptable resort. Perhaps there is not a
spot in that rich and populous district of country where so many of this denomi-
nation of Christians would meet as at Schuylerville if a suitable edifice could be
This plea was successful, and in the summer of 1827 a house of wor-
ship was bailt, and dedicated the following autumn. At the time of
the building the trustees were John Cox, Jedediah Beckwith, Oliver
Cleveland, Johp Seeley and George Strover. John Cox, John Seeley
and Asa Welch were the class leaders. Among the first preachers were
B. Griffin, W. P. Lake, W. H. Norris, G. Lyons, C. P. Clark, D. Ensign
and J. Beaman. No other churches were organized in this town until
1838, when the Episcopal church of Schuylerville was founded.
That politics three-quarters of a century ago was conducted on much
the same plan as to-day is evidenced by the following from the Ballston
Spa Gazette of January 7, 1823 :
Reward of Merit.— On the 9th of February last, Mr. Gilbert C. Beedell, esq., a
meritorious ofBcer, was removed from the ofBce of Post-Master, at Schuylerville, in
the town of Saratoga, to make room for Mr. O. C. Dibble, who, we understand, re-
ceived his appointment by means of an invidious representation, made to the post-
master-general, and which, it will be recollected, was shortly after exultingly an-
nounced in the "Sentinel." We have now the satisfaction of announcing that a
proper statement has been laid before the P. M. G. and that Mr. peedell was rein-
stated in that office on the 1st instant.
Several small mills were built at Corinth, on the banks of the Hud-
son principally, soon after the opening of the century. About 1804 a
saw mill, the first in the town, was built at the falls in the river. In
1810 it was owned and operated by Ira Haskins. In 1835 it was torn
down and a new mill was built by William, Thomas and Ebenezer Ide.
Thomas Harsha had built a grist mill a few years earlier. In 1820
George W. and Matthew Harsha built a woolen factory. About 1829
Beriah Palmer of Ballston purchased the property, with the power,
and for nearly thirty years afterward it remained idle.
Schools were established at Jessup's Landing and South Cornith
about 1800. These were taught by Mrs. Church, Nehemiah Price,
Stephen Olney, Mr. Sabine and Mr. Spaulding.
The first church organized in Corinth during this century was the
Presbyterian church of Corinth, which was started August 29, 1814, as
the Congregational church of Hadley and Luzerne. The church was
instituted by Rev. Cyrus Comstock, missionary; Rev. Lebbeus Arm-
strong of Moreau and Reuben Armstrong of Bolton. At this meeting
Edward Sherman and Nezer Scofield were chosen deacons. In Decem-
ber of that year this society connected itself with the Albany presby-
tery. In 1822 it changed to a Presbyterian church and took the name
of the Presbyterian church of Corinth.'
The early days of the century, as now, were devoted almost exclu-
sively to agricultural pursuits by the inhabitants of the town of Balls-
■ The first church edifice was constructed in 1833 at Jessup's Landing. In 1853 the society be-
came extinct and the property was sold by an order of the county court. The pastors of this
church were : Rev. Joseph Farrar, 1816; Rev. William Williams, 1818; Rev. Mr. Manly, 1823; Rev.
Mr. Cook, 183;8; Rev. Mr. Beckley, 183.5; Rev. Josiah Comstock, 1836; Rev. T. Redfield, 1838; Rev.
Joel Wood, 1833; Rev. T. Redfield, Rev. Jeremiah Wood and others. The present church was not
organized until February 17, 1867, when Thomas Brown and John C. Herrick were elected elders.
The house o£ worship near Palmer's Palls was built, at an expense of $3,500, in the fall of 1873, and
dedicated in April, 1874, Rev. Henry Darling preaching the dedicatory sermon.
CHARLTON— GALWAY, 1800-1831. 151
ton residing outside the village of Ballston Spa, which occupied a por-
tion of the town. Not unmindful of the welfare of the young, these
inhabitants supported several good schools. About 1804 the " Ballston
academy/j" referred to in preceding pages in this chapter, was opened,
and many of the farmers residing as far as five miles distant sent their
children to school there. There was another excellent school at Acad-
emy Hill, another at Burnt Hills and still another at East Line. The
latter was patronized by the inhabitants of both Ballston and Malta.
In the neighboring town of Charlton there existed, between 1820 and
1835, a hamlet called Little Troy, located about a mile and a half
southeast of the village of Charlton. This place at one time promised
to become a thriving village. In it was located a fulling mill, a card-
ing mill, a saw mill, a grist mill, three distilleries, a blacksmith shop,
a store and a tavern. Hardly a trace of the manufactories is in exist-
ence to-day. Aside from this industrial venture Charlton has had in
its history few manufacturing establishments except such as were
necessary for the convenience of the farming community, such as saw
mills, grist mills, wagon shops and blacksmith shops. There were
few schools in town in the early days, and of these practically nothing
is known.
The first church organized in Charlton during this century, and the
third in the town, was St. Paul's Episcopal church, which was formed
December 10, 1803, by the election of these officers: Wardens, Jere-
miah Smith and James Sherwood ; vestrymen, Robert Benedict, James
Bradley, John Lendrum, Eleazer Dows, Eliud Davis, Matthew La Rue,
Joseph Van Kirk and Patrick Callahan. The following spring a house
of worship was erected by Eleazer Dows. The first rector, Rev. Fred-
erick Van Horn, assumed charge of the church August 9, 1805.'
Agriculture has always been the chief occupation of the inhabitants of
Galway, and nothing of consequence can be said of, the early industrial
development aside from this branch. Gen. Earl Stimson, a citizen of
prominence in the early part of the century, had a store, hotel, boarding-
house and meat-packing establishment about 1810 on the hill known as
Stimson's Corners. He also owned stores at Galway and Broadalbin.
Thomas Mairs of Argyle, Washington county, who settled in Galway
in 1832, embarked in the mercantile business in 1829, continuing nearly
half a century.
' The first church was repaired and remodeled in 1836. Since 1857 the church has been con-
nected with the society o£ Calvary church at Burnt Hills, both being served by one rector.
That the inhabitants of Galway in the early days were a deeply
religious people is evident from the fact that, though sparsely popu-
lated, there existed at least half a dozen churches in town by the end
of the period under consideration— 1800 to 1831— three of which were
organized between 1807 and 1820. The first of these was the First
Associate Presbyterian church of Galway, which was duly organized
February 24, 1807. This body at first assumed the Congregational form
of government, but was allowed to become attached to the Albany
presbytery. Some time before this the Presbyterians had started the
construction of their house of worship, which was begun in 1804 and
finished in 1806. The original membership was but seventeen, but in
two years this had increased to one hundred and thirty three. The
first governing committee, appointed February 6, 1808, consisted of
Joel Smith, Avery Starkweather, Earl Stimson, Justus Harris, Joseph
Mather, Nehemiah Conde, Jehial Dean, Daniel Dean, Israel Phelps and
Ezra Kellogg. ' The second church was the First Christian church of
Galway, organized July 11, 1814. The year following Reuben Wait
and Jacob Capron were elected deacons. Rev. Maxson Mosher was
the most prominent of the early pastors of the church. He was or-
dained to the ministry April 30, 1820,' and served the church as pastor
for about a quarter of a century. The first house of worship was built
in 1814 at Mechanic Street, about three miles north of Galway. It was
the first Christian church erected in the State of New York."
In the town of Edinburgh there is little to record for this period.
The building of the necessary saw mills and grist mills were practically
the only industries in the town. Little is known of the early schools.
In 1812 a school was taught by Titus Andrews in the house of Abijah
^ In 1834 the church assumed the Presbyterian form, the first session consisting of Elders
Perez Otis, Piatt B. Smith, Benham Smith, George Davidson, Calvin Preston, William Beers
and William Cruttenden, and Deacons Enoch Johnson and Stephen C. Hays. A new church
edifice was erected in 1853 at an expense of about $6,000, being dedicated April 18, 18.54. A
parsonage costing $2,400 was erected in 1874. The pastors of the church have been : Revs. Syl-
vanus Haight, Noah M. Wells, William Chester, Samuel Nott, R. Deming, James Harper, Dun-
can Kennedy, Henry Lyman, J. L. Willard, Laurin E. Lane, McFarlane, William H. Mill-
ham, Oliver Hemstreet, 1872-1880 ; William C. McBeth, 1880-1881 ; James P. Bryant, 1881-1888 ; J.
A. B. Ogliver, 1888-1889; Charles E. Herbert, 1889-1894; Lewis R. Webber, 1894 to present time.
For many years the pastors of this church have had charge of the Presbyterian churches at
Galway and West Galway jointly.
2 Many of the members of this church having embraced the doctrines of Second Adventism,
the society was reorganized August 25, 1855, by the election of Restcome Hall as deacon, Daniel
T. Hart, Reuben Wait and Hiram Wait as trustees, and Samuel G. Rider as clerk. In 1845
thirteen members of this church organized the church at Barkersville. The house of worship
was repaired in 1861.
EDINBURGH— MALTA, 1800-1831. 153
Stark. About the same time the Sandy Hill school was in existence.
In 1816 another school was started on Liberty Hill. The school in the
Anderson neighborhood was one of the earliest in town.
The first church established during this century was the Presby-
terian church at Batchellerville, which was started as a Congregational
church by the Edinburgh Congregational society, organized September
5, 1808, by Rev. Sylvanus Haight of Galway. The first house of wor-
ship, erected in 1815, was located at Fish House (Northampton), but
in 1824 another was erected in Edinburgh, near' the old cemetery be-
tween Beecher's Hollow and the bridge over the Sacandaga. In this
year the society divided, part going to the church at Northampton and
part remaining in Edinburgh. Soon after its organization the society
became Presbyterian, but in 1831 it again became Congregational,
though still remaining under the care of the Albany presbytery." Two
Methodist churches were established in the town during these years.
The first of these was the Methodist Episcopal church at Beecher's Hol-
low (Edinburgh), which was organized about 1820, and the "Edin-
burgh Hill " M. E. church, organized a year or two later."
Agriculture having been almost the sole occupation of the inhabitants
of Malta since the settlement- of the town, little remains to be said of
the early industrial pursuits. The people have always been progressive,
and early in the history of the town maintained good schools. Among
the school commissioners who served from 1812 to 1831 were such
prominent men as Richard Dunning, Thomas Hall, John B. Hall,
Elliot Green, Zadock Dunning, Reuben Doolittle, David Everts,
William Baker, Dennis Marvin, Stephen Valentine, Peter Fort,
Robert Hunter, Palmer Cady, Gould Morehouse, Zalmon Olmstead,
Moses Dunning, Thomas CoUamer, Daniel A. Collamer and Alford
^The church built in 1824 was abandoned and torn down in 1866, when the society again be-
came purely Presbyterian and erected a house of worship in the growing village of Batcheller-
ville at a cost of $8,000. There the society has been located ever since, but most of the time the
pastors have supplied the church at Northampton in connection with the Batchellerville society.
The pastors of the church since ISllhave been : Revs. N. M. Wells, Lebbeus Armstrong, Will-
iams, Joseph Farrar, Halsey A. Wood, Monteith, M. Donalds, Benjamin H. Pitnam, Royal A.
Avery, P. R. Burnham, H. Rinker, S. P. Rollo, L. H. Pease, Isaac De Voe, B. P. Johnson, Henry
Lancashire, H. C. Stanton, James R. Bryant, 1877-1881; H. R. Rundall, 1881-1883; W. B. Stewart,
1882-1883; James B. Campbell, 1883-1885; D. M. Countermine, 1886-1889; William H Hudnut (supply),
1889; Rev. Mr. Renshaw, 1889-1890; John G. Lovell, June 1, 1890, to the present time. Mr. Lovell's
pastorate has been the longest in the history of the society, since it became a Presbyterian church
in 1867, when the present house of worship was dedicated.
2 The latter church had no house of worship until about 1835. This was razed in 1871 and a
new one erected, being dedicated in 1873 by Rev. J, K. Wager. In 1883 the interior of the church
at Beecher's Hollow was remodeled. In 1897 a parsonage was purchased.
Scribner. School inspectors serving during this period included,
besides some of the men already mentioned, Philo T. Beebe, Mataliah
Lathrop, jr., Luther Hulbert, Samuel Hunter, Jared Seymour, Isaac
Andrews, David Powers, Henry Doolittle, Lewis Waterbury, Bockes
Barrett, Stephen Thorn, Abner Carpenter, Danforth Shumway, Moses
Landon, Barzillai Millard, Daniel A. CoUamer, William Marvfn and
Roswell Day.
The Methodist Episcopal church at East Line, now extinct, was
built in 1809 by the first religious society in town. Many of its mem-
bers, however, lived in the town of Ballston, and the house of worship
was erected on the town line for the convenience of all. The building
is now used as a school house. It is believed that this pioneer society
of the town was the M. E. church of Stillwater, incorporated March
26, 1800, as the original town of Stillwater in that year embraced the
town of Malta. Services were discontinued here in 1870, the members
being transferred either to Ballston or Jonesville. Another church of
this denomination was organized about 1827 at Malta Ridge. For
many years it has been supplied by the pastors at Round Lake and
elsewhere. In 1829 the Methodist Protestant church of Malta Ridge
was organized, and three years later a house of worship was erected at
a cost of $1,000.
Northumberland, too, has been principally an agricultural town,
though it had some manufactures in the early days of the century.
These were mainly saw mills, grist mills and flour mills, with at least
one tannery and a wagon shop. Stores were numerous. Charles Car-
penter had the second store in the town, at Northumberland village, in
1800. Three years later another was opened by Mr. Van Tuyl of New
York. The first store at Gansevoort was not opened until 1831 or 1832,
when Morgan Lewis was established in business. Several lawyers lo-
cated in town at an early date. The most important law firm was that of
Cowen & Gansevoort, of which Esek Cowen was the head. This firm
was in business at Gansevoort as early as 1807. John and WiUiam
Metcalf had a law office at Northumberland village four or five years
earner. All had extensive practice. At Northumberland village,
which afterward was known as Fort Miller Bridge, an incorporated
company erected a wooden bridge in 1803. This was superseded by a
a new bridge in 1845.
The first church in Northumberland, the Reformed church, was not
organized until November 30, 1820. It sprang from the pioneer church
HADLEY, 1800-1831. 155
at Schuylerville, and was organized at Bacon Hill. At the institution
of the church, John Terhune and Carruth Brisbin were ordained elders
and Andrew Johnson and Jonas Olmstead deacons. Rev. Philip Dur-
yea, pastor of the Schuylerville church, was engaged to preach part
of the time for the new church.
The early industries of the town of Hadley were unimportant.
Jeremy Rockwell built a grist mill at Hadley village in 1803, and
opened a store in 1807. Soon after two saw mills were erected at
Conklingville, one each side of the Sacandaga river. In 1828 Johnson
& Wait built a dam across the Sacandaga at that point, and in 1831
another was built by Isaac Barber. Both were carried away by a flood
in 1848. A bridge at the mouth of that river was built by Obadiah
Wilcox in 1813. Of the early schools almost nothing is known.
About the year 1825 the first religious meetings in Hadley were held
at the house of John Loveless. The following year an open commun-
ion Baptist society was organized, with Rev. Chandler as pastor
and John Loveless and John Jenkins as deacons. The society had no
house of worship however for many years. '
Of Moreau there is little to be said as bearing on this period. Almost
the sole industries of these times were such as were necessary to the
existence of the inhabitants. In 1813 a ferry was established by one
Tillottson at the great bend in the Hudson. At this time saw mills
and jg^rist mills were about the only enterprises in the town.
In 1802 Amos Hawley, who had removed to Hadley from Connecti-
cut, became instrumental in the organization of a Congregational
church, of which he became one of the first deacons. Rev. Lebbeus
Armstrong, the first pastor, was installed in 1804. Internal affairs in
the church appear to have been far from harmonious, atid dissensions
were almost continuous; even to such an extent that one faction left
the society and built a separate church. The church finally became so
weak, and there were so many other churches of essentially similar
faith in adjoining towns, that it became extinct in 1859.
An important event in the history of the town was the organization
of "The Moreau and Northumberland Temperate Society" in 1808,
mainly through the efforts of Dr. Billy J. Clark, .an early physician.
This society is referred to more in detail in a preceding chapter.
1 This society was reorganized in 1841 as the Free Will Baptist church of Hadley, and in 1844
Elder David Hyde built the first house of worship, a cheap frame structure for temporary use.
A new church was built in 1869 at a cost of $3,600, and dedicated January 20, 1870, by Rev.
George T. Day of Dover, N. H. The fii;st pastor was Rev. John H. Loveless.
Several events of more than passing interest transpired in the town
of Greenfield in the early years of the century. One of the first, as
well as the most noteworthy, of these, was the organization of St.
John's Lodge No. 33, F. & A. M., which was chartered by the Grand
lodge February 20, 1803, as No. 90. Upon the reorganization of Ma-
sonry in this State in 1839 after the great anti-Masonic agitation, the
lodge was given the number 23. June 2, 1803, the lodge was duly in-
stituted and the following officers elected and installed : John St. John,
W. M.; Jeremy Rockwell, S. W.; Potter Johnson, J. W. ; Joseph
Blackleach, secretary; James Vail, treasurer; Benjamin Worden, S. D. ;
Daniel Hicks, J. D. ; Frederick Weed and Asa Chatfield, stewards.
Front the time of its organization until 1870 the lodge continued to
meet at Porter's Corners, but in that year the headquarters were
changed to Greenfield Centre, where about $3,600 were spent in pur-
chasing and refitting the Ingerson store at that place. The masters of
St. John's lodge from its institution up to the present time and the
year of their election have been :
1803, John St. John; 1803, Jeremy Rockwell; 1804, Asahel Porter; 1806, Oliver C.
Comstock; 1807, Daniel Hicks; 1808, John St. John; 1809, Lewis Scott; 1811. Abner
Medbery: 1812, Joseph Blackleach; 1813, Nathan Medbery; 1814 Lewis Scott; 1815,
Nathan Medbery; 1818, Simeon Gray; 1819, Nathan Medbery; 1822, George Sax;
1824, Rensselaer Sax; 1828, Hiram Medbery; 1830, Rensselaer Sax; 1882, John E.
Harris; 1834, George Riddell; 1836, William Burnham; 1837, George Riddell; 1838,
Rensselaer Sax; 1842, John Gifford; 1844, John S. Weed; 1847, Daniel Wing;
1848, John S. Weed; 1849, John Gi£ford; 1853, Daniel Wing; 1854, John
Gifford; 1857, John S. Weed; 1860, Morgan H. Chrysler; 1861, Truman E.
Parkman; 1863, lanthus G. Johnson; 1864, Gideon W. Scofield; 1875, Edward A.
Rood; 1876, Gideon W. Scofield; 1877, Albert G. Wing; 1887, Charles W. Spaulding;
1888, lanthus G. Johnson; 1889, Albert G. Wing; 1892. Clifford E. Cady; 1893,
Arthur W Johnson ; 1894, Clarence E. Latham ; 1895-1897, Charles B. Mallory.
February 7, 1805, a mark lodge was chartered there, in connection
with St. John's lodge, and called "St. John's Lodge, Mark Master
Masons, No. 36," with John St. John as master, Asahel Porter as
senior warden and Beroth BuUard as junior warden. This lodge con-
tinued until February 3, 1835, when St. John's Chapter No. 103, R. A.
M., was chartered, with these officers: High Priest, Elihu Wing;
king, Lewis Scott ; scribe, Abner Medbery. The high priests of St.
John's Chapter since its organization have been :
1827, Lewis Scott; 1828, Rensselaer Sax ; 1829, Woodruff Gibbs; 1830-1833, Rens-
selaer Sax ; 1834-1835, William Burnham ; 1836-1842, Rensselaer Sax ; 1843, John S.
GREENFIELD— DAY, 1800-1831. 157
Weed; 1844, Rensselaer Sax ; 1845-1848, John S. Weed; 1849, John Gifford; 1850-
1853, John S. Weed; 1854, Samuel Eddy; 1855, Daniel Wing; 1856, John E. Com-
stoct; 1857, Matthew Owen; 1858, John S. Weed; 1859, John Gifford; 1860, William
L. Putnam; 1861, Daniel Wing; 186a--1863, Truman E. Parkman; 1864, Alonzo
Russel; 1865, Truman E. Parkman; 1866-1871, lanthus G. Johnson; 1872, Truman E.
Parkman; 1873-1875, lanthus G. Johnson; 1876-1888, Elihu Wing; 1889, Albert G.
Wing; 1890-1898, Elihu Wing; 1894^1898, William H. Harris.
At the organization of St. John's Chapter there were eighty three
chapters in this State, and the total number in the State now working
is one hundred and eighty-eight.'
In April, 1809, several of the representative citizens of the town met
and organized the Greenfield Temperance Society by electing Rev.
Elias Gilbert president and secretary, and Howell Gardiner, Salmon
Child and Jonathan Wood an executive committee. In 1839 it was re-
organized on total abstinence principles.
The third event in mind was the organization of the Universalist
church of Porter's Corners. The church edifice was constructed in
1816, but the society was not organized until 1819. It was called the
First Universalist Church and Society of Greenfield. The first board
of trustees was composed of Frederick Parkman, Abner Medbery and
John W. Creal. Rev. Hosea Parsons was the first pastor.
For many years after its settlement the principal industry in the town
of Day was the development of the lumber interests. One of the most
noted lumbermen there was Eliphaz Day," after whom the town was
named. His business furnished employment to a number of men. In
1804 Thomas Yates, an Englishman, came from Schenectady and taught
school during the winter of 1804-5. Sanders's mill, on Daly's creek,
was built about 1808. In the fall of 1835 a dam was built across the
Sacanadaga at the mouth of Bell brook, and a saw mill was built there.
It was owned by Eliphaz Day, Abner Wait and John Johnson. The
dam was torn out in 1828 and the mill was movfed further down the
stream, into the town of Hadley. Rev. Dr. Wellman, a Methodist
minister, preached at the house of Daniel Hines as early as 1807, but
no church was organized for many years. A Baptist society was or-
ganized in 1813 by Elder Simmonds, who, with Daniel Corey, preached
' The author is indebted to lanthus G. Johnson, M. D., of Greenfield Centre, tor this complete
history of St. John's lodge and St. John's Chapter.
'Eliphaz T>a.y partially cleared thousands of acres along the Sacanadaga, floating the logs
down that river and the Hudson to market. April 19, 182?, he was drowned while passing through
the " horse race " at Conklingville in a row boat. The name of the town was changed from Con-
cord to Day, in his honor, a short time after his death.
at private houses for several years. No church was ever built, and the
society finally became extinct.
Nothing is known of any industries of importance, excepting agri-
culture, which existed in Wilton in this early period. Most of the
inhabitants were farmers, and that they were God-fearing men and
women is shown by the fact that churches were organized while the
population of the town was yet quite small. Probably as early as
1805 a meeting-house was erected at Emerson's Corners, and here
Rev. Lebbeus Armstrong, pastor of the Congregational church of Mo-
reau, used to preach. The church was opened to all denominations.
About 1815 the Baptist church of Wilton was organized, and some of
the early preachers were Elders Blakeman, Fletcher and Carr. A brick
church was built in 1854, but the society has been extinct since 1874.
The Methodist church was also organized during this period, but little
can be learned of its history.
Agriculture has been the principal occupation of the inhabitants of
Clifton Park since the settlement of the town, and the manufacturing
industries, as a rule, have been small. The history of the town is little
more than the plain story of the development of farm lands, the estab-
lishment of schools and churches and such other features as are com-
mon to other rural communities. Of the first schools, however, the
records fail to tell anything very definite. Among the early business
enterprises, we learn that in the year 1800 an ashery, a distillery and a
general store were established in Amity, and operated by Benjamin
Mix. At Rexford's Flats the year 1818 marked the construction of the
first bridge. Upon the opening of the Erie canal other stores were
opened to accommodate the increasing population. Among them were
that of Isaac Howard, who was succeeded by Curtiss & Wakeman. Lack
of water power prevented the building of mills, as a rule.
The first church in the town was the Baptist church, referred to in a
preceding chapter, which was organized in 1795. The second society
formed was the Reformed church of Amity, which was organized in
1803 as the " Reformed Protestant Dutch church of Amity." The first
elders were Jacobus Van Vranken and John Miller, and the first dea-
cons were Daniel F. Fort and Evert Van Vranken. The first house of
worship was erected in 1803, with Rev. Mr. Hardenburg as the first
pastor. In 1805 the churches of Amity and Niskayuna engaged Rev.
Thomas Romeyn as pastor, building a joint parsonage at Amity. Mr.
Romeyn's ministry extended over a period of twenty-one years.' The
Methodist church at Groom's Corners was one of the first of that de-
nomination founded north of the Mohawk river. The Methodist Epis-
copal church at Jonesville was built in 1835. The society formed a
part of a circuit comprising Half moon, Clifton Park and Gal way." The
M. E. church at Clifton Park village was formed about 1830. Services
were suspended for a while, but preaching was again begun in 1842 by
Rev. Henry Williams, and a house of worship built at an expense of
Little can be said of the town of Providence in these days. The
principal fact of historical interest appears to have been the building
of the old Quaker meeting-house in 1815, to take the place of the
original edifice, which had been abandoned. The chief and almost
sole occupation of the inhabitants has always been farming.
By far the most important enterprises undertaken in Saratoga county
during this period — and the most important in the State of New York,
from a commercial standpoint — were the construction of the great Erie
and the Champlain canals. It was Governor George Clinton who first
officially proposed, in 1792, that canals be constructed between the
Hudson and Lake Ontario and the Hudson and Lake Champlain.
Upon his recommendation legislative acts were passed organizing two
canal companies — the Northern Inland Navigation Company and the
Western Inland Lock Navigation Company. These companies were
authorized to improve the navigation of the Hudson and Mohawk
rivers, and to form connections between the upper waters of the Mo-
hawk river, and Oneida and Ontario lakes, as well as between the
Hudson river and Lake Champlain. Such were the first steps toward
a grand system of canals. The disaster which overtook the first-named
company has been described in a preceding chapter. In later years it
became the general belief that no enterprise of such magnitude could
succeed without either State aid or complete State control, with the
public moneys back of the project.
It is entirely uncertain who originated the first idea of constructing a chain of
water communication through the State. All of the early efforts were directed to
' A new church was erected in 1871 and dedicated January 18, 1872.
2 This society organized as a separate church in 1842. In 1855 a new church was built at a
cost o£ $4,000. This was considerably repaired in 1897,
efEecting a passage through the Mohawk, Wood creek, Oneida lake and Oswego river
to Lake Ontario. The western connection was sought by locking around Niagara
Falls. In 1800 Gouverneur Morris first suggested the idea of a direct canal from
Lake Erie to the Hudson, through the centre of the State. His plan was to tap Lake
Erie, and have a continuous slope from the lake to the high land that borders upon
the Hudson and a series of locks thence to the river. In 1803 he stated the outline
of his plan to the Surveyor-General, Simeon De Witt, who looked upon it as chimer-
ical. The next year Mr. De Witt, in a conversation with James Geddes, then a land
surveyor of Onondaga county, stated the plan of Mr. Morris as one of the impracti-
cable schemes which had been advanced. Mr. Geddes, however, looked at the mat-
ter in a different light, and, after some little reflection, he concluded that the plan,
with some modifications, was by far the best that had yet been suggested. He
counseled with Jesse Hawley upon the subject and the latter, convinced of the feasi-
bility of the project, wrote a series of papers which were published in the Genesee
Messenger from October, 1807, to March, 1808. These essays were signed " Her-
cules," and were the first ever printed in favor of the Erie canal. In 1808, Joshua
Forman, then a member of the Assembly, introduced a resolution for the survey of
a canal route, to the end that Congress might be led to grant moneys for the con-
struction of a canal. The sum of |600 was granted for the surveys under the direc-
tion of the Surveyor-General. James Geddes was intrusted with this service, and
was directed to level down from Oneida lake to the mouth of Salmon creek, to ascer-
tain whether a canal could be opened from Oswego Falls to Lake Ontario and to
survey the best route for a canal around Niagara Falls. He was also directed to
survey a route eastward from Lake Erie to Genesee River, and thence to the waters
flowing east into Seneca Lake. He finished this work and made a report showing
the practicability of the last-named route and its great superiority over the others
which had been proposed. This report at once excited general attention, and se-
cured the influence of De Witt Clinton, then a member of the Senate, and many other
prominent men. In 1810, commissioners, at the head of whom was De Witt Clinton,
were appointed to explore a canal route through the centre of the State. On the 8th
of April, 1811, an act was passed to provide for the improvement of the internal
navigation of the State, and efforts were made to obtain aid from the General Gov-
ernment, but without success. The report of the commissioners stated the impor-
tance of this measure with such force and eloquence that a law was passed the next
year continuing the commissioners, and authorizing them to borrow and deposit
money, and take cessions of land, for the proposed canal, but the war suspended
active operations. The project, however, continued to be discussed, and an act was
passed on the 17th of April, 1816, providing for a definite survey. The canal was
begun at Rome, July 4, 1817, and on the 33d of October, 1819, the first boat passed
from Utica to Rome.
The completion of the canal was celebrated by extraordinary civic and military
ceremonies throughout the State, and especially in New York city, on the 4th of
November 1835. As the first boat, with Governor Clinton on board, entered the
canal at Buffalo, at 10 o'clock, (October 36,) a line of cannon, previously arranged a
few miles apart, passed a signal along to Albany, and down the Hudson to Sandy
Hook, from whence it was returned in a like manner. The signal was heard at New
York, at 11.30. The flotilla with the Governor was everywhere greeted with en-
thusiastic rejoicing. Upon reaching New York it passed down to Sandy Hook, and
the waters of the lake were mingled with those of the ocean with imposing cere-
The canal commissioners under whom the Erie and Champlain canals were con-
structed, were Stephen Van Rensselaer, De Witt Clinton, Joseph Ellicott, Samuel
Young and Myron Holley. Henry Seymonr was appointed in place of Ellicott in
March, 1819, and William C. Bouck was added to the number in March, 1821. The
chief engineers were James Geddes, of Onondaga county, and Benjamin Wright,
of Rome, neither of whom had ever seen a canal, or enjoyed means of acquiring a
practical knowledge of engineering other than that obtained from surveying land.
The precision with which their canal surveys were executed, under the circum-
stances, may be regarded as truly wonderful. Among the assistant engineers were
Peacock, David Thomas, Nathan S. Roberts, David S. Bates, Canvass White,
Davis Hurd, Noah Dennis, Charles T. Whippo, William Jerome, Henry G. Sargent,
Frederick C. Mills, Isaac J. Thomas, Henry Farnam, Alfred Barrett, John Bates,
William H. Price, John Hopkins and Seymour SkiflE.'
The canal was completed October 26, 1835. As first constructed, it
was three hundred and sixty-three miles long, twenty-eight feet wide
at the bottom, forty feet wide at the top, and four feet deep. The
locks were ninety feet long between the gates and fifteen feet wide.
The original cost was $7,143,789.86. The canal crosses the Mohawk
river from Schenectady county at Rexford's Flats, in the town of Clif-
ton Park, by means of an aqueduct. Thence it traverses the extreme
southern parts of the towns of Clifton Park and Halfmoon, following
the northern bank of the Mohawk as closely as practicable, recrossing
that river into Albany county at Crescent. At the aqueduct at Rex-
ford's Flats, twenty-six miles distant from Albany via the canal, and
three hundred and twenty-six miles from Baffalo, the canal is about
one hundred and seventy-five feet above the level of the sea. The
canal was first enlarged in pursuance of a law passed May 11, 1835, and
the work of improvement has been carried on steadily, with rare excep-
tions, ever since. In 1895 the voters of the State appropriated, at the
general election, the sum of $9,000,000 to pay for further improve-
ments, including the deepening of the canal to a uniform depth of nine
feet, but the appropriation was found insufficient after the most of the
money had been expended.
The Champlain canal follows the Hudson river along its west bank,
or as near thereto as practicable, through the towns of Waterford,
Halfmoon, Stillwater and Saratoga, crossing the Hudson into Wash-
ington county about three-fouirths of a mile north of the southern
> Historical and Statistical Gazetteer of New Yorli State. By J. H. French. 1860.
boundary of the town of Northumberland. It passes, in Saratoga
county, through the villages of Waterford, fifty-five feet above sea
level ; Mechanicville, Stillwater, Wilbur's Basin, Coveville and Schuy-
lerville, one hundred feet above sea level, a total distance of twenty-
six miles. The entire length of the canal from Albany to Whitehall is
seventy-one miles. The highest point is at the Glens Falls feeder, one
hundred and fifty feet above sea level.
The work of constructing the Champlain canal was inaugurated June
10, 1818, less than a year after the beginning of work upon the Erie
canal. It was finished as far as Waterford November 28, 1823, and
totally completed September 10, 1823. The original cost was $875,000,
exclusive of the Glens Falls feeder. The canal was built of the same
dimensions as the Erie, and has been greatly improved from time to
time; but the expenditures of public money therefor have not been so
great as for the improvement of the Erie canal. When the canal was
first opened, slackwater navigation upon the Hudson was used eight
miles above and three miles below Fort Miller, with a short canal and
two locks around the falls at that place. The use of the channel of the
Hudson is now entirely superseded by a canal along its bank, built in
1827-28. This portion of the old canal was fed from the Hudson by
means of a high and costly dam near Fort Edward ; but this dam has
given place to a feeder to a point above Glens Falls, which enters the
canal at the summit level, one and a half miles northeast of Fort Ed-
ward. In 1859-60 the locks were enlarged to a capacity 15^ by 100
The semi-centennial anniversary of the declaration of American in-
dependence was celebrated July 4, 1826, by imposing and elaborate cere-
monials at Ballston Spa and Schuylerville. At the former place there
was a gorgeous parade, the principal feature of which was a float or
car forty-two feet long and fourteen feet wide, called the Temple of
Industry. This was intended to exhibit the industrial development of
the country during the first half century of the nation. This car was
drawn by thirteen yoke of oxen, representing the thirteen original
States. Upon it were thirteen representatives of an equal number of
the mechanical arts, each plying his vocation. While this parade was
moving William Van Ness, representing the shoemaker's craft, made a
pair of shoes for the president of the day, Hon. Samuel Young, then
speaker of the State Assembly. Another feature of the procession was
a company of thirty-seven veterans of the Revolutionary war. Of this
band, Jeremiah Pierson held aloft the Stars and Stripes, Lemuel Wil-
cox carried a standard inscribed " Declaration of Independence," and
John Whitehead bore another standard inscribed " Constitution of the
United States. " A corps of Union Cadets, composed of two uniformed
and well drilled companies of students of Union college, was under
command of Major Holland, a veteran of the war of 1813 and register
of the college. The two companies comprising this corps were com-
manded respectively by Captain Knox and Captain Jackson.
After the parade services were held at the Baptist church at the head
of Front street, on Milton avenue, Hon. Samuel Young presiding.
Rev. Dr. Eliphalet Nott, president of Union College, opened the pro-
ceedings with prayer, after which the Declaration of Independence was
read by Anson Brown,' a young attorney of Ballston Spa. Hon. John
W. Taylor, then speaker of the House of Representatives, followed
with an eloquent oration, closing with remarks addressed personally to
the assembled body of Revolutionary veterans, who arose in a body.
At the close of these services the participants divided into two par-
ties and were banqueted at the principal village hotels. The Union
Cadets feasted at the Sans Souci hotel, while the toasts of the day were
offered at the Village hotel. One of the toasts proposed on this occa-
sion was as follows:
" John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and Charles Carroll of Carrollton,
the surviving signers of the Declaration of Independence. As the
measure of their days, so is that of their fame, — overflowing."
It is a peculiar coincidence — though unknown at the time by those
who were enjoying the celebration and offering this toast to three of
the nation's heroes — that while the festivities of the day were in prog-
ress, and but a short time before this sentence had been uttered, both
the illustrious Adams and Jefferson had passed to their eternal rest.
The president of the day addressed the Union Cadets in complimen-
tary phrases, to which Major Holland responded, proposing this toast:
" The county of Saratoga — its hills, monuments of valor; its springs,
resorts of fashion; its hamlets, signalized by patriots and statesmen."
Two of the alumni of Union college complimented their alma mater
and its president by these toasts: By Thomas Palmer — "Union college:
Crevit, crescit, crescat." By Anson Brown — " The president of Union
' He died whije serving as a representative in the 36th Congress.
college: Dignum laude virum musa vetal mori." Edward Watrous
proposed this emphatic and unequivocal toast: " The Legitimates of
Europe: May they be yoked, poked, and hoppled, cross-fettered, tied
hand and foot, and turned out to browse on the pine plains of Old
Saratoga! "
Lyman B. Langworthy, then sheriff of Saratoga county, had general
charge of this celebration, and the remainder of the committee of ar-
rangements consisted of James Merrill, David Corey, William Clark,
John Dix, Jeremiah Penfield, Charles Field, Alexander Russell, Robert
Bennett, Roswell Herrick, David F. White, George W. Fish, Hiram Mid-
dlebrook, Joseph Barker, David Herrick, Sylvester Blood, Samuel R.
Garrett and Abraham Middlebrook.
The fiftieth anniversary of the birth of the American Republic was
also celebrated at Schuylerville with appropriate ceremonies. Briga-
dier-General De Ridder, a veteran of the war of 1812, was mounted at
the head of a troop of light-horse and other military companies. Philip
Schuyler, a grandson of General Philip Schuyler of Revolutionary fame,
had general charge of the celebration. On the grounds of old Fort
Hardy a number of tables were set under canopies, to protect the guests
from the rays of the sun, and here the participants in the celebration
were banqueted. The oration was delivered in a grove near at hand
by Rev. Hooper Cummings of Albany. A dozen or more Revolution-
ary veterans sat on front seats, among them being John Ward, one of
the body guard of General Schuyler, who was carried to Canada by the
Tory Waltermeyer, when the latter attempted to abduct the general
from his home in Albany.
The Saratoga County Medical society was organized at Ballston Spa
in July, 1806, by the election of these officers:
President, Daniel Bull; vice-president, William Patrick; secretary, John Stearns;
treasurer, Samuel Davis ; censors, Elijah Porter, Asa C. Barney, Samuel Pitkin,
Billy J. Clark, Ephraim Childs ; delegate to the New York State Medical Society,
John Stearns.
Among the early members of the society, beside those mentioned as
officers, were Drs. Elisha Miles, William C. Lawrence, Thomas S. Lit-
tlefield, Daniel Hicks, Alpheus Adams, Jesse Seymour, Grant Powells,
Isaac Finch, Francis Pixley, Beroth Bullard, John H. Steel, Josiah
Pulling, Nathan Thompson, Oliver Brisbin, Samuel Freeman, John D.
Bull, Henry Reynolds, William Tibbetts, Silas Wood,, Abel Baldwin,
Darius Johnson, George Burroughs, Isaac Youngs and Gideon Thomp-
son. Since the earlier days of the society its members have included
practically all the prominent physicians in Saratoga county.
The Saratoga County Bible society was organized August 34, 1815,
nearly a year before the formation of the American Bible society, and
only seven years later than the formation of the Philadelphia Bible so-
ciety, the first organized in this country. At the first meeting, held at
Ballston Spa, Rev. Samuel Blatchford, D.D., was chosen chairman,
and Rev. Gilbert McMaster clerk. Sixty-eight persons subscribed to the
constitution on the day of organization, aud they elected these officers:
President, Rev. Samuel Blatchford, D. D. ; vice-presidents, Rev. Dirck C. Lansing,
Rev. James Mairs; corresponding secretary. Rev. Gilbert McMasters; recording
secretary, Rev. Reuben Sears; treasurer, Elisha Powell; managers, Salmon Child,
Greenfield; Parker Adams, Waterford; Isaac B. Payne, Northumberland; John
Taylor, Charlton; Ezra Nash, Milton; George Palmer, Stillwater; John W. Taylor,
Ballston; John Dunning, Malta; Amos Hawley, Moreau; Jeremy Rockwell, Hadley;
William Foster, Galway; Rev. Abijah Peck, Half moon; James Brisbin, jr., Saratoga;
Guert Van Schoonhoven, Waterford.
This society, during its career, has numbered among its active
workers some of the most prominent men of Saratoga county. Among
its presidents have been Chancellor Reuben H. Walworth, Hon. John
C. House, Hon. Roscius R. Kennedy, Lebbeus Booth, Hon. James B.
McKean, Prof. Hiram A. Wilson, Hon. C. S. Lester, Hon. Abraham
Marshall and others. Its members residing in various communities
have organized town or village societies. The Ballston auxiliary was
organized in the fall of 1815 by Hon. John W. Taylor and others. The
Northumberland society was organized in 1831.
Unfortunately for the present generation, the early State and county
records, like the colonial records, were not preserved with the care and
accuracy which characterize the work of public officers of the present
day. Doubtless there was, at some time, a tolerably complete record
of the military forces of Saratoga county during the early days; but if
so, many of these valuable papers have been either lost or destroyed.
Prior to the year 1804 few records were maintained. Those covering
the period from 1812 to 1830, including the second war with Great
Britain, are for the most part entirely missing. The names which are
given here have been taken from the records in the office of the adju-
tant-general at Albany, and though incomplete, are official, as far as
they go. Probably no person would have the patience to make the
practically endless research which would be entailed were the individual
family records of the county to be studied ; and even should such re-
search be instituted the result would not be official, and far from sat-
isfactory. Furthermore it is a question for debate whether such in-
formation would be sought for with eagerness sufficient to reward the
person undertaking such a gigantic — perhaps lifelong — task.
In the Revolutionary period we have a partial record of two "regi-
ments " — called so by compliment — organized by inhabitants of Saratoga
county. The first of these was known as the Twelfth Regiment of the
New York State Militia. It was organized in the Half Moon and Balls-
ton districts, and the commissions granted to the officers were dated
October 20, 1775 — about the beginning of the Revolution. Of this
regiment the official records show these commissioned officers:
Colonel, Jacobus Van Schoonhoven ; lieutenant-colonel, James Gordon ; first major,
Ezekiel Taylor; second major, Andrew Mitchell; adjutant, David Rumsey; quarter-
master, Simeon Fort.
The six companies of which this regiment (more properly a battalion)
was formed were officered upon their organization as follows :
First Company. — Captain, Gerardus Cluet; first lieutenant, Albert Van De Wer-
ker; second lieutenant, Robert Rowland; ensign, John Van De Werker.
Second Company. — Captain, Nanning N. Visscher; first lieutenant, John Van
Vranken ; second lieutenant, Nicholas Van Vranken ; ensign, Maas Van Vranken.
Third Company. — Captain, Jeremiah Vincent; first lieutenant, Joseph Pinkney;
second lieutenant, Peter Ferguson; ensign, Elias Van Steenburgh..
Fourth Company. — Captain, Joshua Losee ; first lieutenant, Thomas Hicks ; sec-
ond lieutenant, Cornelius Villing; ensign, Oliver Wait.
fifth Company. — Captain, Tyrannus Collins; first lieutenant, William McCrea;
second lieutenant, Benjamin Wood ; ensign, David Clark.
Sixth Company. — Captain, Stephen White; first lieutenant, Thomas Brown ; sec-
ond lieutenant, Epenetus White ; ensign, Nathan Raymond.
This regiment and the Thirteenth Regiment of the New York State
Militia, whose officers were commissioned the same day, rallied to the
defense of the country and did valiant service in the fight for independ-
ence. The Thirteenth Regiment was organized among the inhabitants
of the Saratoga district, and was comprised of seven companies. The
first officers were as follows :
Field and Staff. — Colonel, John McCrea; lieutenant-colonel, Cornelius Van
Veghten; first major, Daniel Dickinson; second major, Jacob Van Schaick; adjutant,
Archibald McNiel ; quartermaster, John Vernor.
First Company. — Captain, Peter Van Woert; first lieutenant, James Storns; sec-
ond lieutenant, Jonathan Dunham; ensign, Gerrit Van Buren.
Second Company. — Captain, John Thompson ; first lieutenant, Josiah Benjamin ;
second lieutenant, John Hunter; ensign, Joseph Row.
Third Company. — Captain, Henry O'Hara; first lieutenant, Benjamin Giles; sec-
ond lieutenant, Jonathan Pettit; ensign, James Pettit.
Fourth Company. — Captain, Ephraim Woodward; first lieutenant, Thomas Bal-
lard ; second lieutenant, Holturn Dunham ; ensign, Abe Belknap.
Fifth Company. — Captain, Ephraim Lake; first lieutenant, Samuel Sheldon; sec-
ond lieutenant, Jabez Gage ; ensign, Benajah Sheldon.
Sixth Company. — Captain, Joseph Palmer; first lieutenant, John Davis; second
lieutenant, Hezekiah Dunham ; ensign, Alpheus Davis.
Seventh Company. — Captain, David Jones; first lieutenant, Samuel Perry; second
lieutenant, Peter Winne ; ensign, Elisha Bentley.
This practically completes the official knowledge of the militia of
Saratoga county during the Revolutionary war. There is no official
record of promotions, though, as we have seen in earlier chapters,
some of these officers were promoted from time to time. Then, too,
we have learned of a number of inhabitants who were officers in the
patriot army during the Revolution, whose names do not appear in
this official list.
Below are given the names of the principal officers of the militia,
with the years of their commissions, as far as can be learned, from
1803 to the opening of the war of 1813:
Ninth Brigade.
Field and Staff.— 180S, Asahel Porter, brigade inspector; 1804, Samuel Clark,
brigadier general; 1808, David Rogers, brigade major; 1809, Daniel L. Van Ant-
werp, brigade quartermaster; 1810, Daniel G. Garnsey, brigade major; 1811, Dudley
Smith, brigade major: Leonard H. Gansevoort, brigade quartermaster.
Captain.— 190B, Daniel Rathbun.
First Lieutenants. — 1803, James Garnsey; 1804, Joseph Hanchdt.
Second Lieutenants.— y^B, Joseph Hanchet, jr., 1804, Ebenezer Couch.
The Ninth Brigade, which was composed of inhabitants of Saratoga
county, consisted of six regiments — the Twenty-Fourth, the Thirty-
Second, the Forty-First, the Fifty- Ninth, the Sixty-Third and the One
Hundred and Forty- Fourth. The principal officers of these regiments,
and the years in which they were commissioned, were as follows :
Forty-Fourth Regiment.
Field and Staff.— \%')^,'\.come Potter, lieutenant-colonel; Ezra Kellogg, first
major; Isaac Gere, second major; Willard Trowbridge, adjutant; Pilgrim Durkee,
second major; Stephen Sherman, first major; Stephen Potter, surgeon; 1806, Isaac
Gere, lieutenant-colonel; John Rhodes, first major; Gershom Proctor, second major;
1807, Nathan Thompson, surgeon; 1811, Amos Cook, adjutant; Earl Stimson, pay-
master; 1812, Isaac Gere, lieutenant-colonel; Charles Rhodes, second major; Thad-
deus Jewett, paymaster; John Rhodes,, lieutenant-colonel; Eli Smith, first major;
Jonathan Delano, second major.
Captains.— -19.^^, Eli Smith, Daniel D. Wolf, Amasa Sumner, Edward Shipman,
Eleazer Smith, Amos Smith, Anson Fowler; 1805, Elihu B. Smith; 1806, Oliver
Edwards, Peter Boss, Jonathan Smith, Othniel Allen; 1807, Job Wells; 1808, Charles
Rhodes; 1810, Phineas Warren, Jonathan Delano; 1811, Samuel Hawley, Ely
Beecher, James Carpenter, James N. Smith, Benjamin Wright, Noah Sweet; 1812,
Andrew Comstock, Michael Dunning, Earl Stimson, James N. Smith, Paul Edwards.
Lieutenants.— \%f)A,, Barnet Stillwell, Joseph Brewster, Jonathan Smith, Oliver
Edwards, Othniel Allen, jr.. Job Wells, Elihu B. Smith, David Fortes, Nathaniel
Adams; 1805, Elihu Dean; 1806, Charles Rhodes, Samuel Hollister, Abraham B.
Walker, Miles Ely, Thomas Grimes; 1807, Michael Dunning, John Blair, James
Smith, John Salisbury, William Randall; 1808, John Hamblen, James Carpenter,
Henry Skinner; 1809, Jonathan Delano, John Hamilton, James Perry, Samuel
Hawley; 1810, James Perry, Aaron Wheeler, Aaron Griswold; 1811, John Derrick,
Noah Sweet, William Tripp, Paul Edwards, Andrew Comstock, Joseph Brewster,
Philo Dauchy, Edmund Hewitt, jr.; 1812, John Brown, William Richardson, jr.,
Henry Warren, John Herrington, Joshua Finch.
Thirty-Second Regiment.
Field and Staff. — 1803, Uriah Gregory, lieutenant-colonel ; John Nash, first major ;
Walter Patchin, second major; Jonathan Kellogg, quartermaster; 1805, Matthew
McKinney, first major; Ebenezer S. Coon, second major; William Kingsley, ad-
jutant; Jason Bannister, surgeon's mate; 1806, Ebenezer S. Coon, lieutenant-colonel;
Eliud Davis, first major ; Chauncey Belding, second major ; 1807, Jason Bannister,
surgeon; Eliud Davis, lieutenant-colonel; Chauncey Belding, first major; David
Rogers, second major; 1808, Dudley Smith, second major; Edward Satterlee, ad-
jutant; William Taylor, quartermaster; Eliud Davis, lieutenant-colonel; Chaun-
cey Belding, first major; Edward Satterlee, adjutant; 1809, William Hawkins, jr.,
adjutant: 1810, David Rogers, lieutenant-colonel; Dudley Smith, first major; Jacob
L. Sherwood, second major; Amos Smith, paymaster; 1811, Jacob L. Sherwood,
first major, Zerah Beach, jr., second major; William H. Bridges, adjutant; 1813,
Zerah Beach, jr., first major; John Holmes, jr. , second major; Samuel Pitkin, surgeon.
Captains. — 1803, Onesimus Hubbard, Jonathan Hunting, Chauncey Belding, Da-
vid Rogers; 1805, Dudley Smith, Zerah Beach, jr., Jacob L. Sherwood, Alexander
Ferguson ; 1806, Levi Benedict, Samuel Belding ; 1807, Ezekiel Horton ; 1808, Eze-
kiel Horton, Silas Foster, Daniel Ostrom, Nathaniel Jennings; 1811, Jonathan Minor,
Richard Freeman, James Williams, jr., John Holmes, jr., Isaac Smith, jr. ; 1812,
Sherwood Leavitt, Philo Hurd, Sylvester Harmon, John Holmes, William Ely, Alex-
ander Dunlap, Andrew Rich, David Gordon, Stephen R. Warren, James Smith,
Isaac Curtis.
Lieutenants. — 1803, Solomon Rowland, Lemuel Wilcox, Asa Beach, Samuel Bel-
ding, Ezekiel Horton ; 1805, Joseph Meach, Miles Beach, Aaron Angle, David Hub-
bel; 1806, Reuben Hollister, John Holmes; 1807, Silas Foster, Nathaniel Gunning,
Daniel Ostrom, John Holmes, jr.; 1808, James Wilkins, jr., David Fowler, Isaac
Smith, jr., Philo Hurd, Sylvester Harmon; 1809, Jonathan Minor; 1810, David Gor-
don, James Smith, William Ely, Andrew Ritchie, Richard Freeman ; 1811, Stephen
R. Warren, Alexander Dunlap, Benjamin H. Burnet, John Bell; 1813, Mansfield
Barlow, Samuel Richards, John Ferguson, Joel Sherwood, Isaac Curtis, John L. Lu-
ther, Seth Kirby, jr., Henry Miller.
Forty-First Regiment.
Field anal Staff. — Samuel Clark, lieutenant-colonel ; 1804, Deliverance Andrews,
lieutenant-colonel; John Dunning, first major; Robert Hunter, second major; 1806,
Pontius Hooper, adjutant; 1807, Reuben Smith, quartermaster; John Tuttle, pay-
master; 1808, George Palmer, jr., adjutant; 1809, Elijah W. Abbott, adjutant; Will-
iam Fellows, quartermaster ; 1810, John Dunning, lieutenant-colonel ; Robert Hunter,
first major; Reuben Woodworth, second major; John W. Patrick, ad jutant ; Ephraim
Child, surgeon; Danforth Shumway, surgeon's mate; Peter Andrews, paymaster;
1811, Reuben Woodworth, first major; Lawrence Hooper, second major; 1812, Law-
rence Hooper, first major; Coleman Gates, second major.
Captains. — 1803, Eusebius Matthews, Felix Fitzsimmons; 1804, Samuel Cooper,
Amos Hodgman, Noah Gates, Lawrence Hooper; 1806, Richard Dunning, Dean
Chase; 1807, Samuel Clark, jr., Selah Horsford, Joseph Wilbur; 1808, Coleman Gates;
1810, David G. Keeler, John Montgomery, Daniel Weeks; 1811, Patrick Parks, Ste-
phen Valentine, Peter Fort, Edward Col well, John Wilcox, David Benedict; 1812,
William Dunning, John Weeks, Noadiah Moody.
Lieutenants. — 1803, George Peck, John Barber, Ashbel Horsford, Lawrence
Hooper; 1804, Daniel Cole, John Montgomery, Abraham Lathrop, Pontius Hooper;
1805, Joseph Wilbur ; 1806, Coleman Gates, John Gilbert, Robert Montgomery; 1807,
Daniel Weeks, Goodrich Keeler, John Wilcox, jr., Henry Curtis; 1808, William Dun-
ning; 1810, William Strang, jr , Noadiah Moody, Stephen Valentine, Zerah Wilbur;
1811, Reuben Bidwell, Lewis Smith, Robert Crawford, Jonas Olmsted, William
Cooper, Machivel Andrews ; 1813, Moses Landon, David Scidmore, Ira Betts, Ger-
ardus Downey.
Sixty-Third Regiment.
Field and Staff. — Thomas Rogers, lieutenant-colonel; 1804, Abel Colwell, adju-
tant; 1805, Nicholas W. Angle, adjutant; Thomas Littleton, surgeon; Billy J. Clark,
surgeon's mate; 1806, Nicholas W. Angle, adjutant; 1808, Jesse Billing, quartermas-
ter; Zerah Barnes, paymaster; 1810, John M. Berry, first major; Malcolm Crofoot,
second major; Daniel Hicks, surgeon's mate; 1811, Billy J Clark, surgeon; 1812,
James Burnham, second major; Henry Reynolds, surgeon's mate ; Jeremiah Ter-
hune, adjutant.
Captains —1803, Jonah Mead, John Thompson, Asa Welsh, James Milligan, Wal-
ter Hewitt; 1804, James Burnham, Harmanus Van Veghten, Philip Delano; 1805,
David Tillotson, Jolin Pettit; 1806, Harmon Gansevoort, John S. Taylor, Luke Fen-
ton, Ebenezer Brown; 1808, Jacob Dennis, Thomas Lang, Thomas Reed, Wm.
Burnham; 1810, Seth Perry; 1811, Wm. Ross; 1812, Selah Bishop, Daniel Finch,
Daniel Lindsay, James Mott.
Lieutenants.— W)%, John Pettit, James Vandewerker, Thomas Reed, Seth Perry,
jr. , Josiah St. John, John J. Taylor ; 1804, Selah Bishop, Walter Van Veghten, Sol-
omon Dunham, Ebenezer Brown ; 1805, Abel Caldwell, Eldad Garnsey ; 1806, Wm.
Harris, jr., Peter Butler, Samuel Ludlum, Joseph Rockwell; 1809, Wm. Wilcox,
Wm. Chub, Daniel French, John Payne, Wm. Smith; 1810, Dudley Emerson, Sam-
uel Cripton; 1811, Wm. Ross, Samuel Crippen, Wm. Wilcox, Daniel Lindsay; 1813,
Elijah Dunham, Wm. Kings, David Patterson, John McDowell, Abraham Bennett,
Josiah Perry, jr.
Fifty-Ninth Regiment.
Field and Staff. — Rufus Price, lieutenant-colonel; 1803, Isaac Young, second
major; 1804, Asa C. Barney, surgeon; 1805, Gideon Goodrich, lieutenant-colonel;
John Prior, first major ; Samuel Bailey, second major ; Daniel Hicks, surgeon's mate ;
1806, Joshua Swan, paymaster; 1808, Howell Gardner, adjutant; Abel Baldwin,
surgeon's mate; 1809, Isaac Young, quartermaster; 1810, John Prior, lieutenant-
colonel; Samuel Bailey, first major; John Bockes, second major; 1813, Walter
Hewit, second major; Darius Johnson, surgeon's mate.
Captains.— ISOd, Abel Deuel; 1804, Eli Couch; 1805, Caleb Bailey, George Peck,
Ezra Starr, Wm. G. Boss, Wm. Waterbury; 1807, Samuel Anable; 1809, Lewis
Scott, Asher Taylor, Giles Fitch; 1811, George H. Benham, Jacob Kellogg, John
Smith, jr. ; 1813, Aaron Hale, jr., Wm. Scofield, Joseph Morehouse, jr., Alsop Weed.
Lieutenants.— 1803, Amos Smith, Stephen Seamans; 1805, Lewis Scott, Isaac
Darrow, Aaron Hale, jr., Wm. Waterbury; 1806, Perez Billings, Isaac Van Austin,
Wm. Scofield, Joseph Morehouse, Samuel Anable ; 1807. John Ladue, John Billings,
Barzillai Richmond; 1808, George Eighmy; 1809, Lotus Watson, John King, Zacha-
riah Curtis, Isaac Van Ostrand, David Bockes; 1810, George H. Benham, John
Smith, jr., Darius Wright, Abner Medbery; 1811, Edward Gilman, Alsop Weed,
Burr Hendrick; 1812, Potter Johnson, Nathaniel Ingerson, Wm. W. Deake, Jona-
than Kellogg, Nicholas Carpenter.
One Hundred and Fourty-Fourth Regiment.
Field and Staff.— Hezekmh Ketchum, lieutenant-colonel'; 1803, Gerardus Clute,
second major; Joseph Ketchum, adjutant; 1805, John Stearns, surgeon; Elijah
Porter, surgeon's mate; 1806, John Haswell, adjutant; Henry Ten Broeck, second
major; Henry Fanning, paymaster; 1808, Henry Fanning, quartermaster; Joshua
Mandeville, paymaster; 1810, Henry Bailey, second major; 1811, Samuel Stewart,
second major; Nathan Bailey, adjutant; George W. Ten Broeck, quartermaster;
Samuel D. Lockwood, paymaster; Elijah Porter, surgeon; John Haight, surgeon's
mate ; 1812, Samuel G. Huntington, second major ; Wm. McDonald, paymaster.
Captains.— 180Z, Samuel Stewart, Benjamin Mix, Jacobus Rosecrans, John Mow,
Christian Sackrider; 1805, Joseph Peck, Nathan Garnsey; 1806, Joseph Ketchum'
Wm. Comstock, Adam I. Van Vranken, Samual Weldon; 1809, Cornelius C. Van
Santford ; 1810, Andrew Emigh ; 1811, Nathan Bailey, Joshua Mandeville, Samuel
Demarest, Wm. Neff, jr., Jonathan Irish, Ephraim Knowlton; 1812, Anthony S.
Badgely, Andrew Frasier.
Lieutenants. — 1803, James Weldon. Joseph Peck, Peter Davis, Jason Gillespie;
1805, Samuel Demarest, Andrew Emigh, John Cramer, Gideon G. DegrafE, John
Barnes; 1806, Benjamin Hicks, Wm. Neff, David Garnsey, Ephraim Knowlton,
Jonathan Irish; 1808, Francis Drake, Cornelius C. Van Santford; 1809, Jacob
Pudney; 1810, Anthony S. Badgely; 1811, Felix Tracy, Asahel Philo, Tertullus
Frost, John Nestle, Garret J. Van Vranken, Smith Irish, Frederick Clements; 1813,
Laurence Travers, Benjamin Chamberlain, John Stewart, Silas Sweetland, David
Ashe, Wm. Gates.
The only cavalry organization in the coitnty during this period, as
far as the records show, was the First Squadron of the Seventh Cavalry
Regiment, which probably included all the cavalry in the couijty. The
officers were as follows.
Field Officers. — 1812, Henry Edson, adjutant; Daniel Dickinson, quartermaster;
Wm. Robards, major; Isaac Q. Carpenter, adjutant.
Captains. — 1811, Daniel Montgomery, John LinnendoU, Daniel Starr; 1813, Sidney
Berry, jr., Curtis Burton, Noah Vibbert, Nathan Rogers, John Sayles.
Lieutenants. — 1811, Daniel Dickinson, Isaac Q. Carpenter, Sidney Berry, jr.,
George Reynolds, jr., Curtis Burton, Parker Manning, Henry Duel, Chas. Foster;
1813, Henry Duel, James Meeker, Isaac Q. Carpenter, John Sayles. George Rey-
nolds, Seth Pope, Parker Manning, Samuel Bacon, Stephen Swan, Elijah E. Smith,
Hezekiah Reynolds, Jeremiah Rundle.
The appointments for the Second Battalion of the Fourth Regiment
of Artillery are given below. This battalion appears to be entered in
the office of the adjutant general as a part of the Fifth Regiment about
1810 when it consisted of the artillery in the counties of Saratoga,
Montgomery and Schoharie :
Field and Staff. — 1805, Amos Potter, second major; 1809, Kiah Harnden, pay-
Captains. — 1805, Solomon Day, Cornelius Whitney, James Hawley; 1806 Joseph
I. Green; 1807. Lott Wood, James Garnsey; 1809, David Richardson; 1810, Joseph-
Ketchum; 1811, David Waterman, Simeon Sammons, Samuel Drake; 1812, Thomas
Mackin, jr.
Lieutenants. — 1805, Israel Hand, Butler Beckwith, John Savage, John Baker,
Isaac Phelps, jr., Abner Stone, George W. McCracken ; 1806, John M. Thompson,
Aaron Waters, Ebenezer Rice, Robert Archibald ; 1807, Wm. Van Kark, Lemon Foot,
Walter Reed, Solomon Warner, Thomas Talmage, Peter Roe; 1809, Absalom Daley,
Henry Harris, Abel Foster; 1810, Francis Drake, Jesse Tracy; 1811, Chauncey Garn-
sey, Hiram Mosher, Jacob Snyder, John B. Miller, Wm. H. Satterlee, Ely Foster,
Peter Sternberg, Wm. Fowler; 1813, Wm. H. Satterlee, John Yatman, John G. Mur-
ray, Nathaniel Stewart, Jessup Raymond, John Eddy, Silas Wood.
The appointments for the Saratoga County' Battalion, which after-
ward was organized as the One Hundred and Sixty-sixth Regiment of
Artillery, were as follows :
Field and 5^a^.— 1806, George Taylor, major; 1809, John Cornwall, adjutant;
1810, "Wm. Leavens,' second major; Ira Woodworth,^ paymaster; 1812, Levi Scovill,
major; Avery Benedict, surgeon; Willard Leavens,' quartermaster; Isaac Wood-
worth,* paymaster.
Ca//az«J.— 1806, Daniel Hunt; 1807, Daniel Church, John Lindsay ; 1809, David
Walker; 1810, Joseph Rockwell, Ira Heath; 1813, Peter Butler.
Lieutenants.— \m^, David Walker; 1807, Gideon Orton; 1809, Wm. Johnson, Ira
Heath, John Taylor; 1810, Luke Johnson, Lawrence Barber; 1813, Artemus Aldrich,
David Hemstreet.
Other Officers.
There is a hiatus in the records from 1812 to 1830. From 1830 to
1833 commissions were issued to the following militia officers in Sara-
toga county :
In 1830. — October 30, Egbert C. Noxon, Half moon, first lieutenant. First Artillery,
Third Brigade, Second Division; Joel Gould, Clifton Park, captain. First Artillery;
November 20, Gilbert Purdy, Saratoga, captain. Sixty-third Infantry, Fifty-first Bri-
gade, Fifteenth Division ; Leonard Adams, Wilton, lieutenant. Sixty-third Infantry ;
James McCreedy, Saratoga, ensign. Sixty-third Infantry; August 7, Lemon A.
Grippin, Corinth, ensign. One Hundred and Sixty-sixth Infantry, Fifty-first Brigade,
Fifteenth Division; Alfred Mallory, surgeon's mate. One Hundred and Sixty-sixth
Infantry; August 14, Francis Milliman, lieutenant. Twenty- fourth Infantry, Fifty-
first Brigade, Fifteenth Division; Ira Swan, ensign. Twenty-fourth Infantry ; August
4, John S. Andrews, Milton, major. Seventh Cavalry, Third Brigade, First Divis-
ion; December 10, Henry C. Rice, Stillwater, captain. Forty-first Regiment; No-
vember 11, Gilbert Purdy, Saratoga, captain; Leonard Adams, Wilton, lieutenant;
James McCreedy, Saratoga, ensign; Septembers, Thomas C. Hale, ensign. Fifty-
ninth Regiment.
In 1831. — February 8, William Fuller, Ballston, captain. Thirty-second Cavalry,
Ninth Brigade, Fifteenth Division ; Isaiah Blood, Ballston, lieutenant. Thirty-second
Cavalry; Samuel Irish, Saratoga, ensign. Thirty-second Cavalry; February 19, Jo-
seph W. Wood, Ballston, captain. Thirty-second Cavalry; Samuel Rue, Balhton,
lieutenant. Thirty second Cavalry ; William D. F. Jennings, Ballston, ensign. Thir-
ty-second Cavalry ; April 30, Aaron R. Pattison, Ballston Spa, colonel. Thirty-second
Cavalry; Archibald Spier, jr., Ballston, lieutenant-colonel. Thirty-second Cavalry;
James A. Brinkerhoff, Ballston, major. Thirty-second Cavalry; Samuel Irish,
Milton, lieutenant. Thirty-second Cavalry; Ira Howell, Ballston Spa, ensign,
Thirty-second Cavalry; Isaiah Blood, Milton, captain. Thirty-second Cavalry;
' Probably the same person. = Probably the same person.
Daniel P. Wakeman, Ballston Spa, captain, Thirty-second Cavalry; May 7, John
Penfield, Ballston, captain. Seventh Cavalry; Elijah W. Weed, Saratoga, first
lieutenant, Seventh Cavalry; Clement Patchin, Milton, second lieutenant. Sev-
enth Cavalry; Hiram Loomis, Milton, cornet. Seventh Cavalry; June 1, Thomas
M. Burtis, Saratoga Springs, paymaster. Seventh Cavalry; April 23, Thomas L.
Hewitt, Gal way, ensign. Twenty-fourth Regiment; June 4, George Hanford, Gal-
way, major. Separate Battalion Riflemen; July 4, John Shurter, Malta, captain.
Forty-first Regiment, Ninth Brigade, Fifteenth Division; ElishaD. Miller, Ballston,
lieutenant, Forty-first Regiment; Hiram Hutchinson, Malta, ensign. Forty-first
Regiment; July 3, Henry Van Duzen, Clifton Pai-k, captain, One Hundred and For-
ty-fourth Regiment, Ninth Brigade; George Peck, Clifton Park, lieutenant. One
Hundred and Forty-fourth Regiment; Lewis E. Sheldon, Clifton Park, ensign. One
Hundred and Forty-fourth Regiment; September 30, Lemuel Spier, Ballston, sur-
geon. Thirty-second Regiment; September 10, Jesse Morey, Ballston, captain, Thir-
ty-second Regiment ; September 8, Ephraim Hill, Saratoga, ensign ; September 28,
Chauncey D. Buel, Saratoga, surgeon's mate; November 12, Henry D. Chapman,
Saratoga, colonel; September 14, Clark Tabor, Providence, captain; Pardon Soule,
Providence, lieutenant; Huestin McMullen, Providence, ensign; September 24,
Philip James, Galway, captain; Richard M. Livingston, jr.. Gal way, lieutenant;
John H. Dingman, Galway, ensign ; November 13, Samuel Lewis, Northumberland,
lieutenant-coionel ; Henry Holmes, Saratoga, major ; October 39, Rensselaer Thomp-
son, Moreau, captain; Charles A. Sill, Moreau, lieutenant; Richard Davenport, Mo-
reau, ensign; August 37, Benjamin F. Prior, Greenfield, captain; October 5, James
A. Swartwout, Wilton, ensign; August 37, Rensselaer Ballou, Greenfield, lieutenant;
Alvin Day, Greenfield, ensign; October 7, Isaac Ambler, Greenfield, quartermaster;
September 8, Uriah B. Couch, Milton, lieutenant; Charles M. L. Andrus, Milton,
ensign ; John Potter, Milton, captain ; Isaac K. Frink, Milton, lieutenant ; Porter W.
Earl, Milton, ensign; October 8, Daniel D. A. Green, Milton, lieutenant-colonel;
October 29, Uriah B. Couch, Milton, captain ; Charles M. L. Andrus, Milton, lieuten-
ant; Benjamin M. Loomis, Milton, ensign; December 81, Gordon Jenkins, Hadley,
captain ; Jefferson Jeffers, Hadley, ensign ; November 26, Ephraim Hill, Saratoga,
captain; Giles B. Slocum, Saratoga, lieutenant; James A. Granger, Saratoga, en-
sign; December 10, Stephen Welch, 2d, Schuylerville, captain; Orra Warner, Mo-
reau, first lieutenant ; John W. Vandenburgh, Saratoga, second lieutenant ; Septem-
ber 10, Isaac E. Garnsey, Clifton Park, captain; William Golden, Ballston, first
lieutenant; John Cole, Stillwater, second lieutenant; August 37, David T. Zimmer-
man, Stillwater, captain ; John A. J. Countryman, Stillwater, first lieutenant ; Cor-
nelius Cronkhite, Stillwater, second lieutenant ; September 10, William McGregor,
jr., Wilton, quartermaster; William H. Walton, Greenfield, paymaster.
In 1882. — March 10, Lodewick P. Shew, Providence, colonel ; John S. Green,
Galway, ensign; Jonathan Bristol, Edinburgh, captain; March 81, George W. Down-
ing, Edinburgh, lieutenant; George B. Robinson, Edinburgh, ensign; April 16,
Henry I/. Swartwout, Wilton, quartermaster; March 10, Jonathan Edgecomb, Gal-
way, major ; March 31, Seth Warren, Galway, captain ; Thomas L. Hewitt, Galway,
lieutenant; Solomon Ellithorp, Edinburgh, lieutenant-colonel; May 13, Archibald
Spier, Ballston Spa, colonel; William Fuller, Ballston, lieutenant-colonel; Isaiah
Blood, Milton, major; May 10, Joshua T. Blanchard, Saratoga Springs, quarter-
master, cavalry; April 28, Andrew Taylor, Half moon, first lieutenant, cavalry; Chris-
topher Snyder, Half moon, second lieutenant, cavalry: Mina Morse, Halfmoon, cor-
net, cavalry; Duncan McMasters. Charlton, captain; William Fowler, Charlton,
lieutenant; Robert Gilchrist, Charlton, ensign; August 18, Wright I. Esmond, Half-
moon, captain; William Gates, jr., Halfmoon, lieutenant; Abraham James, Half-
moon, ensign ; August 20, Shadrach Burlison, Waterford, captain ; Harry B. Scott,
Waterford, lieutenant; Mason K. Eastman, Waterford, ensign; April 13, John R.
McGregor, Wilton, aid-de-camp; July 7, Samuel Rice, Ballston, captain; A. R. Red-
field, Ballston, lieutenant; James Wakeman, Ballston, ensign; June 30, Hiram
Barras, Greenfield, ensign ; Roswell Finch, Saratoga, ensign ; Henry W. Peck, Sar-
atoga, first lieutenant; Robert Burdee, Saratoga, second lieutenant; Henry W.
Dennis, Saratoga, ensign;- June 9, Alvah Dake, Greenfield, second lieutenant; Levi
B. Alcott, Greenfield, ensign ; March 9, William Stewart, Edinburgh, captain ; Orson
Wright, Edinburgh, lieutenant; August 31, Azariah E. Stimson, Galway, adjutant;
John O. Ellithorp, Edinburgh, quartermaster; September 14, Clark Tabor, Prov-
idence, captain ; Pardon Soule, Providence, lieutenant.
WAR OF 1812.
The war of 1812 caused little interruption in the development o£ the
county, though many of its inhabitants, some of whom had fought in the
Revolution, enlisted in the American army and took up arms against Great
Britain. The Saratoga brigade of cavalry united with the companies or-
ganized in Rensselaer county, and on September 19, 1813, they left Troy
for the Lake Champlain region. They were accompanied as far as
Waterford by Governor Tompkins in person, and proceeded from there
to Plattsburgh, where they participated in the victory over the British
at that point. Early in 1813 many men from this county who had not
already enlisted in the home companies, joined General John E. Wool's
command being organized at Troy, and were sent to the frodt, where
they served with honor. December 3, 1814, most of those who had fought
in that war joined the Rensselaer and Albany county veterans in giving
an enthusiastic reception to Commodore Thomas MacDonough, whose
flotilla had achieved a complete and glorious victory over the British fleet
on Lake Champlain. It is to be regretted that no complete official records
of the men who served in this war are extant. As far as can be learned
from meagre but authentic sources, however, the following enlisted
from the various towns of the county, some of the names being those
of members of the State militia which appear in preceding pages :
Saratoga Springs. Ham, Danforth.
Milton — Captain Reuben Westcott, Freeman Thomas, Cornelius Schermerhorn,
Daniel Beach, W. J. Stillwell, Oliver Whitehead, John Wheeler, Timothy Bailey,
Alvah Robertson.
Ballston. — Captain Isaac Curtis, Chester Clapp, Silas Smith, Wm. Evans, S. Cur-
tis, Lewis Miller.
Saratoga. — Captain James Mott, Isaac Ackerman, Wm. Clements, George Strover,
Henry D. Chapman, Nathaniel Somes, Elisha Phillips, Justus Fuller, Martin Rogers,
Archibald Fuller, Wm. Ward, Samuel Eldredge, Nicholas Viele, John Rogers,
James Rogers.
Stillwater. — ^James Hodgman, Lieut. John R. Myers, David C. Flagler, Wm.
Baker, Peter Baker, Wm. Scouten, James McNeal, Thomas Elms, Daniel Hewett,
jr., Samuel Edmonds, John Tompkins, David Blood.
Charlton. — Captain John Ferguson, Joseph Beach, James Ritchie, Lawrence Gar-
diner, Jared Smith, Delsa Benjamin, Ezra Seeley, Swart, Captain David Gordon,
Major Millard, Surgeon David Low, Jonas Crane, Thomas Kirby, Asher Cox, Joseph
Waterford. — Teunis Waldron, Nelson, Benjamin Goewey, Wm. Van Every,
Rubens Ryms, James Wilson, Daniel Guire, John R. Maxiber, George Finan,
George Musgrave, Philip Argersinger, Rusk Norway, Perth Mudhuling, Wm. Car-
pensy, George Nichols, John Ives, Collins, Kline, Kuth.
Halfmoon. — Lieut.-Col. Shubael Taylor, Gilbert Williams, Samuel Coon, Oliver
Waite, G. A. Robinson, Elijah Brown, Peter Van Santford, Isaac M. Deyoe, Wm.
Smith, James Houghtaling, Ezra Crittenden, John Potts, Jeremiah Francisco, Ger-
man Van Voorhees, Henry Soper, Esau Wilson, Thos. Follett.
Galway.— Ebenezer Olmstead, John McDonald, Wheeler Bradley.
Edinburgh. — Capt, John Gordon, Lieut. John Brown, Sergt. Silas Washburne, Col.
Godfrey Shew, John Akley, Ananias Akley, Wm. Van Avery, Daniel Buckalow,
Myron White, Nathaniel Robinson, Ephraim Potter, Wm. Hill, Solomon Scott,
James Rhodes, Stephen White.
Malta. — Adjt. Gould Morehouse, Seneca Hall, Daniel D. Tompkins, Eli Dunning,
Peter Dunn, Barney Vail, John Story, John Van Arnam, Henry Pell.
Corinth. — Peleg Eddy, Daniel Cole, Thomas Wheaton.
Northumberland. — Adjutant Jeremiah Terhune, Charles McCreedy, Gamaliel Mc-
Creedy, Jeremiah McCreedy, William McCurdy (or McCreedy), William Coffinger,
Higgins Coffinger, Joseph Stevens, Osborne.
Hadley. — John Gilbert, James De Long, Rufus Wells, Harry Burke, Squire
Moreau. — James Coburn, Samuel Putnam, Bloster Merritt, Tompkins,
Solomon Parks, Captain Elisha Danford, Truman Wilcox.
Greenfield. — None known.
Day. — Moses Colson, WiUiam Colson, jr., Daniel Fraker, Joseph Flansburgh,
Thomas Totman, Zabin Shippy, Arnold Paul.
Wilton. — Colonel Seth Perry, Captain Jason Adams, Caleb Perry, James Woodard,
Benedict Woodard, Henry Strong, Drew Laing.
Clifton Park. — Henry Palmer, James Groom, Adam R. Van Vranken, Michael
Doty, John Millins, Peter Doty, Solomon C. Peck, Everett Hawley, Richard Spire,
David Wiltsiei Andrew Evans, Jeremiah Clute, Timothy Doty, Deacon Palmer.
Providence. — None known.
Construction of the Railroad from Schenectady to Saratoga Springs, the First in
Saratoga County— The Rensselaer and Saratoga Road Built Soon After— Rivalry
Between the Two Concerns— Other Roads Merged in the Rensselaer and Saratoga
—All Pass Under the Control of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company— The
Old Albany, Vermont and Canada— The Adirondack— The Fitchburg and the Mount
McGregor Lines— Projected Lines Which Were Never Constructed— Modern Elec-
tric Railways in Saratoga County.
As the opening of the Erie and Champlain canals marked a new era
in the history of Saratoga county, so also did the construction of the
first railroad extending into the county.
February 16, 1831, the State Legislature granted a charter to the
Saratoga and Schenectady Railroad company, which was empowered to
construct and maintain a steam railroad between Schenectady and Sara-
toga Springs, passing through the village of Ballston Spa. The incor-
porators named in the act were Henry Walton, John Clarke, William
A. Langworthy, John H. Steele, Miles Beach, Gideon W. Davison,
Rockwell Putnam, and "such other persons as shall associate with them
for that purpose." The road was directed by law to be either a single
or double track, to pass as nearly as practicable through the centre of
of the village of Ballston Spa. The charter was for fifty years.
Churchill C. Camberling, Walter Bowne, Henry Walton, John Clarke,
Samuel Young, Thomas Palmer, Daniel J. Toll, John J. De Graff,
William James, James Stevenson and John Townsend were designated
as commissioners to receive subscriptions to the capital stock of $150,-
000. The work of construction was begun during the spring of 1831,
and the road was opened for traffic as far north as Ballston Spa July
12, 1833. But it was not completed to Saratoga Springs until the fol-
lowing year. The early business of the road was so limited that opera-
tions frequently ceased entirely in the winter season, the company
carrying such passengers as might apply for passage by horse and
sleigh. It was not until the road was leased to the Rensselaer and
Saratoga Railroad company that its business assumed profitable pro-
In an old book containing brief sketches of the various railroads in
the United States, constructed or projected,' published about 1833 by
an engineer, the following description of this railroad appears:'
Saratoga and Schenectady Railroad. — This road was commenced the 1st of
September, 1831, and was opened for travelling 12th July, 1832, except a short dis-
tance at Ballston, which was completed in April, 1833. Its length is 31 1-3 miles.
Its cost, $317,201.33, exclusive of the land it occupies, and some trifling agencies
and travelling apparatus, but including everything, when in complete operation,
$397,237. About 3 miles of it is put down on stone foundation. Trenches were dug
2 1-13 by 3 1-3 feet, and filled with broken stone, closely rammed; and upon this
square blocks of about 3 cubic feet were placed, 8 feet from centre to centre. On
these stone blocks cast iron chairs are placed to receive the wooden rails, upon which
is the iron plate. Cross-ties of timber secure the rails from spreading. The re-
mainder of the road is laid upon longitudinal sills, upon which the sleepers rest,
notched on both sides, to secure the sills in their place, and also to receive the wood
rail, upon which rests the iron plate, as in the first part of the road. It has but a
single track, with turn-outs. The road is mostly level, and in no case does the in-
clination exceed 16 feet to the mile. Steam power is used to great advantage, and
the net income of the road from April 1, 1888, to February, 1834, was within a frac-
tion of 10 per cent, upon its capital. It will be much more profitable when the Sar-
atoga and Fort Edward road shall be completed, so as to bring the travel from the
north via Saratoga to Albany. Chartered in 1881.
About the time of the construction of this road the trade of Northern
New York, especially of Saratoga and Washington counties, was
assuming considerable proportions. The people of Albany already had
built a railroad from Albany to Schenectady, the second enterprise of
the kind in the United States, and in order to draw this northern trade
from Troy, to which it most naturally would flow, the inhabitants of
Albany attempted to divert it from that channel by the construction of
the road from Schenectady to Saratoga Springs.
Appreciating the motives of the 'rival city of Albany, the business
men of Troy at once set to work to secure a charter for a new road
from Troy to Ballston Spa, a distance of twenty-six miles. This fran-
chise was granted them April 14, 1832, the articles of incorporation
naming as the first directors George Griswold. John Cramer, Elisha
Tibbits, John Knickerbacker, Richard P. Hart, Townsend McCoun,
Nathan Warren, Stephen Warren, Le Grand Cannon, George Vail, Williams, John P. Cushman and John Paine. John Knicker-
backer of Waterford, John House, also of Waterford, Stephen Warren,
* A copy of this book is now in possession of William Buchanan, superintendent of motive
power and rolling stock of the N. Y.C. & H. K. R. R,
William Pierce, William Haight, James Cook and Joel Lee o£ Ballston
Spa were designated as commissioners to open books of subscription.
Work upon the road was begun the next year, and October 6, 1835, the
first passenger train, north bound, left Troy. The northern terminus
of the road was near the present depot in Ballston Spa, and the south-
ern terminus was at No. 10 First street, Troy.
While tljis road extended as far north as Ballston Spa only, the
Schenectady and Saratoga railroad had been built as far north as Sara-
toga Springs, the latter road thereby securing a monopoly of the traffic
between Saratoga Springs and Ballston Spa. As soon as the Rensse-
laer and Saratoga railroad had been completed, an endeavor was made
to enter into an agreement with the other road whereby the passenger
and the freight traffic of the Rensselaer and Saratoga road might be
carried on north of Ballston Spa over the tracks of the Saratoga and
Schenectady road. The project was selfishly opposed, however, by the
management of the latter road, comprised almost wholly of inhabitants
of Albany, who were jealous of Troy's commercial success, and doubt-
less would have come to nought had it not been for the fact that the
directors of the Rensselaer and Saratoga road had an unexpected oppor-
tunity to purchase of a New York broker a sufficient number of shares
of stock of the other road to give them its control. This settled the
question, and the two other roads thereafter worked in harmony. Di-
rect communication between Troy and Saratoga Springs was at once
established. The first cars used on this road were made by Gilbert,
Veazie & Eaton, then famous car builders of Troy. The passenger
cars were looked upon as marvels of beauty, crude as they were, and
were twenty-four in number. They were twenty-four feet long, eight
feet wide, and a little over six feet high inside. Each was divided into
three apartments. The seats were " cushioned and backed with crim-
son morocco, trimmed with coach lace, each apartment is surrounded
by movable panels, thus affording the comforts and facilities of either
a close or open carriage to suit the convenience of the passengers."
This road finally went into the hands of its creditors; was purchased
by a new organization, who raised the capital stock to $600,000, and
later on to $800,000. In June, 1860, it leased the Saratoga and Sche-
nectady and the Albany and Vermont railroads. In 1865 it leased the
Saratoga and Whitehall and the Rutland and Washington railroads.
In 1868 it leased and became owner of all the capital stock of the Glens
Falls railroad. In February, 1870, it leased the Rutland and Whitehall
road. May 1, 1871, the Rensselaer and Saratoga Railroad company
leased all its roads and leased lines to the Delaware and Hudson Canal
company, which since that time has operated the entire system.
The Saratoga and Washington Railroad company, (now a part of the
Delaware and Hudson system) was chartered May 2, 1834, with a cap-
ital stock of $600,000, but the company was not fully organized until
April 30, 1835. The work of construction was begun at once and over
$60,000 expended, when it was stopped in 1836. The time was ex-
tended April 13, 1840; May 6, 1844, and April 4, 1850, and the capital
stock was increased to $850,000 April 7, 1847. March 7, 1848, the
company was granted permission to extend the road east to Vermont.
Upon resuming work a route was in part adopted, and the work of
laying rails was begun April 10, 1848. August 15 of that year the road
was opened from Saratoga Springs toGansevoort; December 10, 1848,
it was opened to Whitehall, and April 9, 1851, to Lake Station, a mile
and three-quarters beyond Whitehall junction. The road was sold
February 27, 1855, on foreclosure of second mortgage, when the name
was changed to Saratoga and Whitehall Railroad. The new company
was organized June 8, 1855, with a capital stock of $500,000, and its
complete road runs from Saratoga Springs to Castleton, Vt., a distance
of fifty-two and one-half miles, sixteen miles of which lie in Saratoga
county. This road was the successor to the Saratoga and Fort Edward
railroad, which was incorporated April 17, 1833, with a capital of $300,-
000, to construct a road from Saratoga Springs to Fort Edward, a dis-
tance of seventeen miles. By the act of May 3, 1834, nothing having
been done in the mean time toward the building of the road, its sur-
veys, maps, etc., were allowed to be sold fo the Saratoga and Washing-
ton Railroad company.
The history of the old Albany, Vermont and Canada railroad, com-
monly know as the Albany Northern, part of which has been aban-
doned many years, is interesting. This railroad was originally projected
by the Albany. Bennington and Rutland Railroad company, which was
organized April 23, 1850, with a capital stock of $400,000. This enter-
prise was soon afterward merged in the Albany Northern Railroad
company, which was organized February 12, 1851, with a capital stock
af $335,000. This company built a railroad, single-track, from Albany
to Eagle Bridge, thirty-three miles, passing through West Troy,
Cohoes, Waterford, Schaghticoke, Pittstown, Johnsonville and Bus-
kirks, to Eagle Bridge. The road crossed the Hudson river about
three miles above Waterford, and the old roadbed east of the tracks of
the Rensselaer and Saratoga branch of the Delaware & Hudson Canal
company's road, above Waterford Junction, may still be seen. The
road was opened for traffic about July 1, 1853. But it became financially
involved, and was sold under foreclosure of mortgage October 16,
1856, assuming the name of Albany, Vermont and Canada railroad
November 7, 1856. October 6, 1859, the company filed articles of in-
corporation as the Albany and Vermont Railroad company, and June
12, 1860, it leased its line to the Rensselaer and Saratoga Railroad
The Adirondack railroad is the tangible outcome of several unsuc-
cessful attempts to construct a road from the valley of the Hudson at
or near Albany, through the southern part of the Adirondack wilder-
ness to the east end of Lake Ontario, or the headwaters of the St.
Lawrence river. The first attempt to establish such a road was made
in April, 1839, when the first Adirondack Railroad company, was in-
corporated. It did not attempt to build the projected road, however.
The next project was the Sackett's Harbor and Saratoga railroad,
which was incorporated with a capital stock of $2,000,000 April 10,
1848. This company began the work of grading for the contemplated
road, but finally abandoned the effort. April 6, 1857, this company
was reorganized as the Lake Ontario and Hudson River Railroad com-
pany, but still did nothing toward building any portion of the road.
Then, on August 11, 1860, the Adirondack Estate and Railroad com-
pany was incorporated; but nothing was done until it had been merged
in the Adirondack company, which filed articles of incorporation
October 24, 1863, and soon after began the work of building its single-
track railroad from Saratoga Springs northward. March 31, 1865, the
Legislature gave it permission to extend its road to Lake Ontario or
the St. Lawrence, also to increase its capital stock to $5, 000, 000. The
road was constructed from Saratoga Springs to North Creek, Warren
county, a distance of sixty-two miles, passing through Greenfield,
King's Station, South Corinth, Jessup's Landing and Hadley in Sara-
toga county. July 10, 1870, the charter was amended and the capital
stock increased to the limit allowed by the law of 1865.
The Adirondack Railway company was incorporated as a reorganiza-
tion of a corporation known as "The Adirondack company," under a
plan or agreement filed in the office of the secretary of state July 7,
1882. The Adirondack company was incorporated October 24, 1863,
and empowered "to construct and operate a railroad from some point
in the county of Saratoga, up and along the valley of the Upper Hud-
son in the wilderness in the northern part of the State, to purchase,
take and hold lands to the amount of one million of acres in the said
wilderness, in addition to the lands it was authorized to take under the
general railroad law, to convert and prepare for market the natural
products of the forest; to mine and prepare for market the iron and
other ores and piinerals upon its lands, and to transport, sell and dis-
pose of the same. " The Adirondack Railway companj% by virtue of
its incorporation and under such reorganization was vested with all the
rights, privileges and franchises, and possessed of all the lands, property
and immunities possessed by the original Adirondack company as cov-
ered by its mortgage and sold under the proceedings to enforce the
Several other early railroads which were projected were abandoned.
The Saratoga Springs and Schuylerville railroad was incorporated April
6, 1832, with a capital stock of $100,000, to build a line from Saratoga
Springs to Schuylerville. The Saratoga and Montgomery railroad was
incorporated May 6, 1836, with a capital stock of $150,000, to build
a road from Ballston Spa to the west branch of the North river. The
Albany and Saratoga Springs railroad was organized September 20,
1852, with capital stock of $200,000, to build a line connecting Saratoga
Springs with the Albany Northern railroad. The Saratoga and Hud-
son River railroad was organized April 16, 1864. The Saratoga, Schuy-
lerville and Hoosac Tunnel railroad filed articles April 14, 1870, with a
capital stock of $300,000, intending to build a road from Saratoga
Springs to Schuylerville. But none of these railroads existed except
on paper.
The Schenectady & Mechanicville railroad, chartered May 9, 1867,
was built and is owned by the Delaware & Hudson Canal company. It
was opened in January, 1882, and extends from Schen^fctady to Me-
The Mount McGregor Railroad company was chartered February 27,
1882, and the road, a narrow-gauge line extending from Saratoga
Springs to the summit of Mount McGregor, in the town of Moreau,
was constructed soon afterward. March 6, 1893, the road was sold at
foreclosure by John Person, referee, arid the deed given to Douglass
W. Mabee of Ballston Spa as trustee. June 10, 1896, the Saratoga and
Mount McGregor Railroad company was incorporated for the purpose
of operating the road, which on that date was leased to this company
by Douglass W. Mabee as trustee. January 29, 1897, an agreement
was made between said trustee and Edmund A. Manice for the sale of
the road upon the performance of certain conditions on or before July
1, 1898. In 1898 the Mount McGregor Railroad company was merged
into the Saratoga Northern Railroad company, and it is the intention
of the latter company to extend the tracks to Glens Falls and operate
an electric railway. May 28, 1898, the Mount McGregor Railroad
company was peremptorily ordered to vacate and surrender to the Del-
aware & Hudson Canal company premises in Saratoga which the latter
company had leased to the Mount McGregor company. The land is
seven feet in width and 3,693 feet in length, and runs parallel to the
tracks of the Delaware & Hudson road. The original lease was for one
year only. The Mount McGregor railroad is operated during the sum-
mer months only.
The Troy, Saratoga and Northern Railroad company was chartered
September 2, 1886, and subsequently was leased to the Fitchburg Rail-
road company. Its tracks extend from Saratoga Springs and Schuyler-
ville to Stillwater, where they meet the main line of the Fitchburg road.
The Fitchburg railroad extends through Saratoga county from its
bridge at Stillwater, through Mechanicville, to Rotterdam Junction, It
was chartered March 3, 1893, it originally having been known as the
Troy & Boston railroad.
The Saratoga & St. Lawrence Railroad company was chartered
August 17, 1885, and leased to the Ogdensburg & Lake Champlain
Railroad company June 1, 1889. None of the road completed lies in
Saratoga county.
The Hudsqn River & Washington County Midland Railroad com-
pany was chartered September 6, 1895. It was the original intention
to build in the spring of 1896. The right of way has been secured,
the engineering work mostly completed, stone for bridges laid down at
points where it is to be used, and grading has been commenced, but
the road has not yet been constructed.
Besides these steam railroads there are several electric railroads in
Saratoga county. The Saratoga Street railway was incorporated in
1897, the Saratoga Electric railway in 1889, the Saratoga Rapid Tran-
sit railway and the Union Electric railway of Saratoga in 1890, the
Saratoga Traction Co. and the Saratoga Lake railway in 1897. The
Saratoga Traction Co. owns all the original property of these com-
panics, to wit : a road to The Geysers two miles in length, and a road
to Saratoga lake a little over five miles in length. The former branch
will shortly be extended to Ballston Spa, and possibly to Mechanicville.
The officers of the Saratoga Traction company are : President, Theo-
dore P. Hamilton of Saratoga Springs; treasurer, P. S. Storrs of New
York; secretary, R. Smith of New York. R. E. Dunston is general
manager of the road.
The Ballston Terminal railway, the operation of which was begun in
the summer of 1898, was chartered March 11, 1896. The work of con-
struction was begun June 2, 1896. The first officers of the road were:
President, John Noblit; vice-president, Frank Jones; treasurer, C. E.
Lent; secretary, A. B. Paine. The following description of this unique
road is taken from the Electrical World of April 30, 1898 :
A novelty in electric railways is now under construction in the northern part of
New York State, its peculiarity being that the road, although situated in the open
country and designed mainly for freight service, is to be driven electrically. The
road is called the Ballston Terminal Railway and runs from Ballston Spa, where it
connects with the Delaware & Hudson system, 12}^ miles along the Kayaderosseras
creek to Middle Grove, passing on the way many large paper and pulp mills, which
it is intended to serve. The road is single track, built mainly on private right of
way, and is constructed on regular steam railroad lines, with 70pound steel T rails,
standard ties and gravel ballast. The trestles and bridge work are all of standard
railway construction, the latter being of steel on masonry foundations. The reasons
for adopting electric power were the desire to run the road in places beside the high-
way where steam locomotives are objectionable, the reduced fire risk in and about
the paper mills and their wood yards, and the increased passenger traffic which it is
expected can be obtained with the more frequent service possible with the lower
train mile charges of the electric system. The electric cars can also overcome better
the grades and curves, the reduction of which to steam railroad standards would
have been quite expensive on this line. The maximum grade is 2J^ per cent, and
the sharpest curve has a radius of 150 feet.
The Stillwater and Mechanicville Street Railway company received
its charter November 13, 1882. Work upon the road was completed
the year following and cars began running June 1, 1883. In 1884 the
line was extended to the Delaware & Hudson depot in Mechanicville.
In 1895 the motive power was changed from horses to electricity, and
the electric cars began running December 25 of the latter year. May
5, 1898, the State Railroad commission approved an increase in the
capital stock from $60,000 to $250,000, the additional capital to be used
by the company in the construction of a new line to run from Mechanic-
ville to Waterford, where it is to connect with the Troy City railway.
With the construction of this line and the projected southerly extension
of the line of the Saratoga Traction company, the public will be afforded
means of transportation by electric railway from Troy and Albany
to Saratoga Springs. The projected extension of the Mount McGregor
railroad northward to Glens Falls and the changing of its motive power
from steam to electricity will give electric railway communication in
an almost direct line from Troy and Albany to Glens Falls, Sandy Hill
and Fort Edward.
Sunday, August 15, 1898, a branch of the Stillwater and Mechanic-
ville electric railway was opened from Mechanicville to Waterford.
The Waterford & Cohoes Street Railway company was chartered Feb-
ruary 8, 1883, for the purpose of operating a street railroad between
Waterford and Cohoes. The road was built in 1884 and August 19 of
that year was leased to the Troy and Lansingburgh Railroad company.
The Schuylerville & Greenwich Electric Railway company received a
charter in 1896 granting the right to construct an electric railway line
from Schuylerville, in Saratoga county, to Greenwich, in Washington
county. The road has not yet been built.
Second Period of the Century, 1831 to the War of the Rebellion— Days of Great
Prosperity at Saratoga Springs— Reconstruction of the Early Hotels and the Build-
ing of Many Handsome New Ones— Dr. Clark's Waterworks System— Banks,
Churches and Schools— Foundation of Temple Grove Seminary— Societies Organ-
ized—The Numerous and Important Manufactures of Ballston Spa Established
During This Period— The Ballston Spa National Bank— Religious and Secret So-
cieties—Academies, Schools and Churches Established Throughout the County—
The Development of the Water Power of the Hudson and the Kayaderosseras.
In following the career of Saratoga county through the period be-
ginning with the commercial, revolution wrought by reason of the con-
struction of the first railroads in the county and ending with the
memorable straggle known as the Civil war, or war of the Rebellion, in
which the lives of many gallant sons of the county were sacrificed,
one is impressed by the fact that the peaceful development of the in-
dustry and commerce of the county, coupled with the establishment of
SARATOGA SPRINGS, 1831—1861. 185
numerous fine schools and academies and religious societies, was riot
marred by any of the unpleasantnesses which characterized so many
other communities during the same period. In the principal villages of
the county — Saratoga Springs, Ballston Spa, Mechanicville, Waterford,
Stillwater and Schuylerville — this growth naturally was more marked
than elsewhere in the county. In the rural districts little else trans-
pired excepting the increased cultivation of the soil.
In the village of Saratoga Springs the most important changes and
improvements were to be seen in the erection of a large number of
splendid hotels for the accommodation of the rapidly increasing num-
ber of summer visitors, and the laying out of the beautiful Congress
park, which for many years has been such an attraction at this world-
famed resort.
The most important of these magnificent hotels are the United
States, the Grand Union and Congress hall. There are several others
noted for their sumptuous entertainment of guests, though not so com-
The Grand Union is the oldest of the Saratoga hotels. The story of
the erection of the original hotel by Gideon Putnam has been told in a
preceding chapter. It was first locally known as Putnam's tavern, and
above its entrance was a quaint sign intended to represent the entrance
of Israel Putnam into the wolf's den. After the death of Gideon Put-
nam in 1812, his widow conducted the establishment for several years.
In 1836, Rockwell and Washington Putnam, two of her sons, purchased
the interests of the remainder of the family, named the hotel Union
hall, and continued the management until January, 1849. In that
year Henry H. Hathorn succeeded to the ownership of Rockwell Put-
nam's interest. The next spring, before the opening of the house
uader the new management,Washington Putnam died, and his widow and
Mr. Hathorn conducted the establishment as Putnam & Hathorn until
January, 1853, when Mrs. Putnam disposed of her interest to Seymour
Ainsworth. After one season's management by Hathorn & Ainsworth,
Mr. Hathorn, in January, 1854, sold his interest to George R. Putnam,
son of, Rockwell Putnam, and Putnam & Ainsworth were the pro-
prietors for two seasons. In January, 1856, Charles H. Payn purchased
Mr. Ainsworth's interest, and Putnam & Payn managed the hotel until
May, 1864, when the entire property was sold to Warren Leland.
During these years many improvements were made to the property.
In 1842, for instance, the building had a frontage of one hundred and
fifty-four feet on Broadway, the south wing extended one hundred and
twenty-two feet on Congress street, the north wing extended westward
eighty-seven feet, and was joined to a structure containing lodging
rooms, called the " garden house. " This was eighty-five feet long and
thirty feet wide. The sale in 1849 was made on a basis of a valuation
of $40,000. In 1854 the valuation was above $80,000, while ten years
later, so great had been the improvements and the general increase in
values, that the figures had risen to $200,000. The year after Warren
Leland purchased the property he bought the Ainsworth property
adjoining and added it to the hotel. He also took into partnership
with him his brother, Charles Leland, and the firm of Leland Brothers
continued to make great improvements and additions to their property.
Several pieces of adjoining property were purchased, an opera house
was constructed on the grounds, many thousands of dollars were ex-
pended in new furnishings and luxuries such as Saratoga never before
had seen, the old front was superseded by a new one, and the Grand
Union of old was no more. But these extraordinary expenses quickly
exhausted the resources of the Lelands, who were too progressive for
the times, and in the spring of 1873 their rapidly increasing troubles
culminated when the entire real and personal property was sold at
auction, by order of the United States District Court. It was pur-
chased by Alexander T. Stewart, the merchant prince of New York,
for $532,000, and he announced his intention of making it the largest
and most complete summer hotel in the world.
With this expectation Mr. Stewart bought about a dozen pieces of
property adjoining the hotel, for which he paid $100,000. But the
owners of two lots desired by him refusing to sell, he was compelled to
abandon his original project. Determined to do all he could to im-
prove his new possession, he removed the Ainsworth building on the
north of his property and erected a front there to correspond with the
front of the south half of the building, which had been erected by
Leland Brothers. He also completed numerous other improvements
begun by his predecessors before their failure. The hotel to-day is
substantially the same as when Mr. Stewart had effected the changes
therein which are here described — one of the most elegant and com-
modious summer hotels in the country, its only superiors being those
which, in later years, have been erected in various parts of the country
on more modern principles of architecture.
The early career of Congress hall, the erection of which was begun
SARATOGA SPRINGS, 1831—1861. 187
in 1811 by Gideon Putnam, the builder of the Grand Union, has been
described in a preceding chapter. Samuel Drake, who managed the
hotel for several years for Guert Van Schoonhoven, the owner, his
uncle, retired in 1828, when it was leased by Joseph and James R.
Westcot. It was enlarged in 1831 by the erection of an additional story
to the south wing. Stephen S. Seaman and Calvin Hunger became
propietors in 1836 or 1837. Soon after Seaman died, and Mr. Munger
managed it until his death in 1846. In that year Joshua Collins opened
it as a temperance house. Various persons conducted it until 1854,
when' it was purchased by Henry H. Hathorn. Reformed a partner-
ship with H. P. Hale, and they made many improvements, including
the erection of an additional story on the north wing and a ball room.
This hotel was burned in 1866, after which the present handsome edifice
was constructed. Like the Grand Union and the United States, it has
since ranked as one of the best summer hotels in the country.
The establishment of the magnificent United States hotel by Elias
Benedict in 1834 has already been noted. Numerous additions and im-
provements were made up to 1865, when, while it was in the height of
its early glory, it was destroyed by fire. John Ford, the first proprietor,
was succeeded in 1830 by James M. Marvin. For one year after that
date Ford & Marvin were the proprietors. In 1831 Samuel Drake, an
early proprietor of Congress hall, was associated with Mr. Marvin in
its management, but in 1832 the latter was sole proprietor. The fol-
lowing year it was managed by Joseph and James R. Westcot and John
C. Dillon. In 1834 Mr. Marvin again took possession, and from 1835
to 1837 he was assisted by Stephen S. Seaman. In 1838 the latter was
succeeded by John Thomas of Albany, and for four years Thomas &
Marvin were the proprietors. In 1842 Judge Thomas J. Marvin pur-
chased the interests of Mr. Thomas, and the Marvin brothers main-
tained the house until the death of Judge Marvin in 1852. From that
time until the burning of the United States, June 18, 1865, it was
managed by James M. Marvin.
As to the ownership of the hotel during this time, Judge Marvin
bought the property of Mr. Benedict, his uncle, in 1832, the year fol-
lowing selling a half interest to Lewis Benedict of Albany. These
owners then allowed Elias Benedict to come back into the firm by pay-
ing one-third of the expense of the improvements made. Elias Bene-
dict's heirs dying, James M. Marvin secured their interests, thus
leaving the house owned in equal shares by Thomas J. Marvin, James
M. Marvin and Lewis Benedict.
It is a noteworthy fact that it was just one century after John Arnold
of Rhode Island had built his rude log tavern at the Springs when the
new United States hotel was opened for guests, to take the place of the
one destroyed by fire. Built of brick, after the Norman style of arch-
itecture, the hotel at that time undoubtedly was without a superior, in
point of elegance and comfort, in the world. It covers and incloses
over seven acres of ground, and even to-day, after a life of a quarter
of a century, it still ranks as one of the most attractive and commodious
summer hotels in the country.
The Marvin house was started in 1833 as the Railroad house, and its
first proprietor was Mr. Caldwell. In 1853 it was purchased by Philip
Snyder, who built a new hotel, called the Marvin house, on the site.
June 18, 1869, it was burned, but Adam and Daniel Snyder, the pro-
prietors, at once rebuilt it at a cost of $100,000. It was opened to
the public July 33, 1866.
The American hotel was built about 1840 by George W. Wilcox,
who, with his son-in-law, E. Darwin Pitkin, conducted it for many
years. William Bennett subsequently succeeded to the management.
The Clarendon hotel was built in 1860 by Mrs. Mary I. Jones, and
opened that year by Alexander Putnam. Charles E. Leland purchased
it in 1873, after having managed it as lessee for eight years.
The Worden, which has been conducted for several years by William
W. Worden, is the leading hotel which remains open all the year round.
It stands at the northwest corner of Broadway and Division street.
The Windsor, on the corner of Broadway and William street, was
built in 1876, and ranks among the finest hotels of its size in the State.
Like most of the others, it is closed during the winter season.
The Adelphi hotel was built in 1877, on Broadway at the head of
Phila street. It remains open all the year.
The Commercial is another hotel which remains open for guests
twelve months in the year. Great improvements were made in this
hotel in 1898-1899 by the proprietor, John Wandell.
Among the other hotels in the village may be mentioned the Colum-
bian, an attractive resort ; the Holden house, the Waverly, the Albe-
marle, the Bates, the Empire, the Continental, the Everett, the
Heustis and the Mansion house.
The rapid growth of the village after the building of the first three
great summer hotels in the first quarter of the century necessitated a
number of public improvements. The most important of these was
inaugurated in 1833, when Dr. John Clark, son of Saratoga's most pub-
SARATOGA SPRINGS, 1831—1861. 189
lie spirited man, began the construction of an elaborate water supply-
system — elaborate for those days, at least. On the hill in the southern
part of the village, on the present site of Congress Spring park, he
erected, in that year, a tower about fifty feet high. He also laid
wooden conduits through the streets of the village, from which connec-
tions were made by individuals and for fire purposes. By means of
pumps water was raised through pipes to the top of the wooden tower,
in which was a reservoir, and passed thence, by gravity, into the con-
In 1847, this reservoir and the pressure being unequal to the de-
mands made upon it, a large reservoir was built about two miles from
the village, in the town of Greenfield. The water was carried to the
village through iron pipes. But this supply, too, soon proved insuffi-
cent, especially during the summer, and another reservoir, for fire pur-
poses only, was placed between the first one and the village. This
proved almost useless, however, by reason of the small supply of water
and the low pressure. No change in the system was made, however,
until the amendment of the village charter in 1866. Before this date, a
fire department, consisting of hand engines, with other essential appa-
ratus, was organized. This, too, had undergone material changes.
In 1840 an association was formed having for its object the establish-
ment of a new cemetery, which was laid out in that year and named
Green Ridge cemetery. The remains of many persons who had been
buried in the old Sadler burial ground, the Putnam burial ground, and
elsewhere, were transferred to the new site, and a number of hand-
some monuments were placed there to mark their resting place. In
August, 1844, the body of William L. Stone, the author, was interred
in Green Ridge — the first regular burial in that cemetery. Many of
the most noted personages of the earlier days of the county also are
buried there.
The business men of Saratoga, realizing how great would be the
benefits accruing therefrom, joyfully hailed the organization of the first
banking institution in that village in 1848. This bank, a private insti-
tution, was established in accordance with the general banking law of
the State by Thomas J. Marvin and James M. Marvin of Saratoga
Springs and Rufus H. King and J. B. Plumb of Albany. It had a
nominal capital of $60,000, and started in business with Judge Thomas
J. Marvin as president and James M. Marvin as cashier. The office of
the bank was at first in the old insurance building on the southeast
corner of the United States hotel property. Soon after beginning busi-
ness John S. Leake of the New York State bank of Albany was engaged
as cashier. By 1852 the increasing business necessitated a change in
the bank, which then increased its capital stock to $100,000 and reor-
ganized as an "associate bank," with John Beekman Finlay as presi-
dent and John S. Leake as cashier. Four years later Dr. Samuel Free-
man became president, remaining in that office until his death in 1870.
He was succeeded by James M. Marvin.
In 1878 Augustus Bockes was made president and his son, William
Hay Bockes, became cashier. In 1894 James M. Marvin again became
president and fills the position at the present day. Henry B. Hanson
is vice-president and William Hay Bockes cashier. The capital stock
of the bank was increased in 1885 from $100,000 to $125,000. The
bank owns its banking house on the southeast corner of Broadway and
Phila street.
Another important step in the direction of public improvement was
the organization, in 1854, of the Saratoga Gaslight company. This
concern was incorporated with a capital stock of $75,000 and these
directors: L. H. Tupper, J. M. Corliss, T. M. Lockwood, S. S. Dauchy,
John S. Manning, S. G. Clements and R. D. Bardwell. In the year of
its organization the company began the work of erecting a large gas
manufacturing plant and laying pipes through the streets of Saratoga
Springs for the purpose of distributing the commodity to the patrons
of the company."
A circuit called Saratoga was organized by the M. E. church in 1791,
taking its name from the county. Methodist services were not intro-
duced into the town until 1829, when Rev. Mr. Stebbins occasionally
preached in the place, there being but two resident Methodists there at
the time. In 1830, under the ministry of Rev. Dr. Stoiuel Luckey,"
■ This company was reorganized in 1876 with a capital stock of $40,000 and these officers: Will-
iam Bennett, James R. Chapman and Charles H. Holden. March 1, 1887, the name was changed
to the Saratoga Gas and Electric Light company, the addition to the name showing the expansion
of the business. The company failed November 29, 1893, and went into the hands of Lafayette -B.
Gleason of New York city as receiver. April 7 on default of $11,000 interest and maturing bonds
the concern was sold to the bondholders' committee. In March, 1897, the company was reorgan-
ized under the name of the Saratoga Gas, Electric Light and Power company on a financial basis
of $200,000 first mortgage bonds, $300,000 preferred stock and $100,000 common stock. The present
officers are: President, Edgar T. Bracket! of Saratoga; vioe-presidentj Alexander W. Smith of
New York; secretary and treasurer, Osborn W. Bright; superintendent, Patrick F. Roohan of
2 Samuel Luckey, D.D., was born at Rensselaerville, N. Y., April 4, 1791, and entered the
traveling ministry of the M. E. church in 1811. In 1832, two years after the organization of the
church at Saratoga, he was elected principal of the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary, and in 1836 he
SARATOGA SPRINGS, 1831—1861. 191
the first M. E. church edifice was erected. Up to the inauguration of
the annual conferences of the M. E. church in 1835, Saratoga Springs
was one of the appointments of what was then called Stillwater circuit,
comprising Greenfield, Wilton, Schuylerville, Malta Ridge, Clifton
Park, Stillwater and Saratoga Springs. For three or four years before
this Rev. J. D. Moriarty preached here. On the former date the con-
gregation worshiped in the old church on North Broadway. In June,
1840, the conference made Saratoga Springs a regular station, with
Ephraim Goss as missionary in charge. The church edifice, built in
that year, was dedicated in 1841.'
In 1834 the first mass ever celebrated in Saratoga Springs was con-
ducted by Rev. John Kelly, pastor of the Roman Catholic church at
Sandy Hill. For seven years after that date there was no resident
priest here and no stated time for the services, which were held from
time to time. Rev. Father McCloskey, who became pastor of the
Schenectady church in 1838, celebrated mass occasionally, as did Rev.
Peter Havermans of Troy, and others. The former took the first steps
toward organizing the congregation. September 13, 1839, John Costi-
gan purchased of Thomas J. Marvin the lot on which St. Peter's church
now stands, with the building on it, known as the Lyceum. This was
at once converted into a Catholic house of worship ; but it was not until
September, 1843, that the young church had its first regular pastor.
In that year Rev. Anthony Farley became the first priest in charge,
but in May of the following year was succeeded by Rev. Father Dono-
hue. He was succeeded in November, 1844, by Rev. Bernard Van
Reeth, who in turn was succeeded in the summer of 1847 by Rev.
Thomas Daly. In July, 1850, Father Cull assumed charge, and at once
set himself to the task of building a new church for his flock. This
was dedicated August 15, 1853, by Monseigneur Bedini, then apostolic
delegate to the United States, and Archbishop Hughes. Father Cull
was elected editor of the Christian Advocate and Journal, in New York. Shortly retiring from
the editorship he returned to the Genesee conference, where he remained until his death October
11, 1869. He also served as a Regent of the University of the State of New York.
1 The first house of worship, erected in 1830, stood near the corner of Broadway and Green-
field avenue. It was used as an academy by E. K. Bangs, and later as a boarding house, after
the society abandoned it in 1839. The church built in 1840 and 1841 was dedicated July 33 of the
latter year by Dr. John Kennedy of Philadelphia and Dr. Noah Levings of New York, Rev. Ste-
phen Remington of Schenectady preaching the sermon. The church struggled under a heavy
debt for many years after this, and it was not wiped out until 1865, during the pastorate of Rev.
C. F. Burdick. In 1855, while Rev. Dr. Bostwick Hawley was pastor, the house of worship was
considerably enlarged and otherwise improved. The church was rebuilt on Washington street
in 1870 and dedicated by Bishop James, March 20, 1871.
did not stop when he had built the church. He also procured a pastoral
residence and cemetery, purchased the Hugh Dennin property, spent
a considerable sum on improvements thereto, and introduced a branch
of the Sisters of St. Joseph, to take charge of the parochial schools.
He was one of the most valued members of the community for many
years. "
Saratoga Springs has ever been celebrated for its excellent schools
public and private. One of the best known and most widely patron-
ized private schools in the State of New York for many years was the
boarding and day school for young ladies opened by the Misses Way-
land in Saratoga in 1831. It stood on the corner of Broadway and
Washington street, the site now covered by a portion of the Grand
Union hotel. The number of pupils was always limited, and every
lady placed in charge of the Misses Wayland was educated as in a
home." The second noted private school at the Springs was that opened
in 1854 by Mr, Carter, also for the education of young ladies. Rev.
Luther F. Beecher became Mr. Carter's partner in the enterprise the
year following, and in 1856 they built the institution at Temple Grove.
The school did not pay, and nine years afterward the building was sold
for hotel and school purposes combined. This undertaking, too, was
not successful and the school was suspended.'
Other schools existed in this village during the period under discus-
sion, but the school of the Misses Wayland and Temple Grove Semi-
nary were the most important in the village. Miss Martha Thompson,
daughter of Dr. Thompson, had a young ladies' school in the northern
* Rev. Father Cull died January 3, 1873. Five years before that date he retired from the active
work of the priesthood, and in January, 1868, Rev. Father Sheehan succeeded him. In 1870, dur-
ing the pastorate of the latter, the church was incorporated under the title of St, Peter's church,
by Bishop John J. Conroy of Albany, Edgar E, Wadhams, V, G,, M, Sheehan, the pastor; John
Foley and B, McGovern,
' This school was removed in 1875 to Putnam street, in the rear of Congress Hall, Three
years later its doors were closed by reason of changes in the family circle which rendered this act
' Rev. Charles F, Dowd saw a future for a ladies' seminary here, however, and in 1808 he pur-
chased the Grove property, made extensive alterations and additions to the building, and
equipped it thoroughly for the purposes for which it was originally intended. In 1869 the school
was incorporated under the supervision of the Regents of the University of the State of New
York. The ofiHcers of the school named in the charter were: President, Rev. CharlesP. Dowd,
A. M,; vice-president, Re'v. John Woodbridge; Benjamin F, Bancroft, treasurer; Henry M. Dowd,
secretary; Hon. Frederick A. Conkling, Rev. P. R. Day, Rev, L. M, Woodruff, Rev. John P, Gib-
son, Hon. Charles S, Lester, Alexander Cherry, Prof, Hiram A. Wilson, Charles N, Lockwood
and Paoli Durkee, trustees. The grounds of the seminary occupy the entire square on Spring
street, between Circular and Regent streets. Prof. Dowd retired from active control of the Semi-
nary in 1898, leaving it in charge of his son, Frank D, Dowd.
SARATOGA SPRINGS, 1831—1861. 193
part of the village for' several years. Elijah K. Bangs, who bought
the old Methodist meeting-house for a school building in 1839, had
already been maintaining, for three years, an excellent school for boys.
From 1838 to 1839 he had a school at Hempstead, Long Island, but in
the latLer year returned and reopened his Saratoga school, teaching
here until 1845. Paoli Durkee opened a classical school for boys in
1849, maintaining it for nine years.'
Rising Sun lodge, F. & A. M., whicli was removed from the town of
Wilton to the village of Saratoga Springs in 1824, had a precarious ex-
istence for many years. During the period of the great anti-Masonic
agitation it ceased to exist, from 1830 to 1835. In the latter year an
attempt to revive it failed, and this experience was repeated several
times until December 16, 1844, when the Grand lodge granted a dis-
pensation for the organization of a lodge to be known as Union lodge,
which was to cease May 15, 1845. On the day preceding that date a
petition requesting the revival of Rising Sun lodge was sent to the
Grand lodge. This prayer was granted and the next month the lodge
was revived and renumbered as Rising Sun lodge No. 103, F. & A. M.
Since that date it has continued in successful operation, and to-day is
one of the strongest Masonic lodges in the State. The charter memr
bers of the revived lodge were G. M. Davison, Robert McDonnell,
Alvah Marvin, Gardner Bullard, D. D. Benedict, Joseph White and
Joseph M. Wheeler. D. D. Benedict was the first worshipful master.
Rising Sun Chapter No. 131, R. A. M., was instituted February 2,
1847. The charter officers were: H. R, Joseph M. Wheeler; K., D.
D. Benedict; S., Richard L. Allen.
Cryptic Council No. 37, R. & S. M., was instituted February 1, 1870.
The charter officers were: T. I. M., C. H. Holden; R. I. D. M., L. B.
Putnam; I. P. C. W., G. H. Gillis,
Washington Commandery, No. 33, K. T., was organized September
14, 1864. The charter members were Hon. Reuben Hyde Walworth,
H. V. Sayles, C. H. Holden, George B. Fish, H. A. Van Dorn, L. B.
Putnam, W. R. Winchell, T. G. Young, C. E. Durkee, C. H. Brown,
Charles Carpenter, R. C. Blackall and F. T. Parkman. The command-
ery has since become one of the strongest in this section of the State.
The following have been the commanders : 1864-1865, George B. Fish ;
> After the latter year this school was successively taught by Rev. Mr. Proudfit and Mr. Robb.
The late Rev. Dr. J. N. Crocker, a Presbyterian clergyman, had a good school here for several
years. There were many oth^r ^rnall private schools in the village.
1866-1872, Charles H. Holden; 1873, F. D. Wheeler, jr.; 1874, George
H. Gillis; 1875, Charles H. Sturges; 1876, John L. Perry; 1877, Charles
H. Holden; 1878-1885, Robert C. McEwen; 1886-1887, Charles H.
Holden; 1888-1889, J. M. Colcord; 1890-1891, H. L. Waterbury; 1892-
1893, A. P. Knapp; 1894, John Bennett.
Saratoga lodge No. 15, 1. O. O. F., was instituted November 17, 1843.
The present charter was granted December 1, 1850. The first officers
elected were: N. G., C. W. Burlingame; V. G., A. S. Piper; R. S., C.N.
Maynard; P. S., O. T. Sparks: treasurer, A. R. Barrett; trustees, F.T.
Hill, A. S. Hays, A. J. Holmes.
Saratoga Division, Sons of Temperance, was instituted in 1842 or
1843, but ceased to exist after a few years. Another division was or-
ganized in 1858 and still another in 1868. The latter died out about
While Saratoga was prospering as a summer resort, Ballston Spa was
enjoying great industrial advancement. When Hezekiah Middlebrook
constructed a dam across the Kayaderosseras in the northern part of
the village and erected the old "Blue Mills," as they are known to this
day, he assisted materially in giving added momentum to the wave of
prosperity which had begun to be felt in the growing village. These
mills were extensive grist mills, and for years were the most important
in the county. The original grist mill erected by Daniel Thomas was
located about a third of a mile further up the stream.
In 1836 Jonathan S. Beach and Harvey Chapman bought seventy-two acres of
land, east of Milton avenue, between Malta avenue and the railroad, near North
High street, including all the water power of the lower dam now occupied by Mr:
West. Soon after this purchase they built the west mill of the three on the island ;
this was opened and operated as a woolen mill for a few years, but finally discon-
tinued. About the year 1840 Beach & Chapman erected the second or middle build-
ing upon the island ; they sold it in a short time to P. H. McOmber, and he trans-
ferred it finally to Samuel H. Cook. This was a cotton mill and it was in operation
down to the year of 1861. In the year 1844 Beach & Chapman erected the third mill,
the one now run by Mr. West as a paper mill ; they soon sold' this, with the water
power and land still remaining to them, to James M. Cook. This was also a cotton
mill, and was operated until 1861. All of this island property was then bought by
Jonas Hovey.
The Ballston Spa Mill Company was formed in 1838 to 1840, consisting of Jon-
athan S. Beach, Harvey Chapman, James Thompson, John W. Thompson, George
Thompson, Lebbeus Booth and others ; they bought the land and water-power west
of Milton street, north of Gordon creek, and south of the Blood and Thomas prop-
erty. This was purchased of the Middlebrook family. In early times Daniel
Thomas and Hezekiah Middlebrook had owned together a very large tract in and
BALLSTON SPA, 1831—1861. 195
around the northern portion of the present village. They divided the property,
Middlebrook retaining the water-power and Thomas taking the lands, covered then
with valuable pine timber. In after years the water privileges became far more val-
uable than the other. The Ballston Spa Mill company did not continue as a cor-
poration, but the parties named above as joint proprietors erected the Union cotton
mill, sometimes known as No. 1. The mill was operated by Ziba H. Cook and
others for manufacturing print cloths until about the year 1855. The same proprie-
tors built the brick mill on the hill, the one now occupied by Mr. West in the man-
ufacture of paper bags. This was opened for a knitting mill, operated by H. Chap-
man & Son, also by Bassett and Hiro Jones; the latter owning the real estate. It
was sold, as was the other factory, to Jonas Hovey in 1864-65. Mr. Hovey, having
thus become the owner of all these mills, operated them, to a greater or less extent,
until the time of his death in 1873. In connection with his extensive operations
here, he built the residence now owned by George West. On this house is said to
have been expended $50,000.
Bfeach & Chapman also built about the year 1850 a woolen mill, known as the Glen
woolen mill property, now owned by Edwin H. Chapman. It has been occupied by
Chapman and others as a blanket and cloth mill to the present time.'
About 1850 Messrs. Booth, Wait, Moore, Wakeman and Thomas
opened an extensive oil -cloth manufactory, which was operated for a
quarter of a century, turning out large quantities of a high grade of oil-
cloth." Several other manufacturing concerns were doing business in
town before the war, but those referred to were considered the most
The hamlet of Bloodville, now a part of Ballston Spa, has been an
important manufacturing point since 1824. In that year Isaiah Blood'
began the erection of a scythe factory, in partnership with his father,
Sylvester Blood. The latter in that year purchased the splendid water
power on the Kayaderosseras creek at that point, manufacturing scythes
at that place in connection with his old factory below Ballston Spa.
About 1837, having purchased the interest of his father, he greatly
increased the facilities of the plant, and added a department for the
manufacture of axes. He erected a large factory just below the scythe
' Sylvester's History of Saratoga County.— 1878.
' This factory was turned in 1875 and never rebuilt.
^Isaiah Blood, born at Ballston, February 13, 1810, was a son of Sylvester Blood, who began
the manufacture of scj-'thes about 1805 two miles south of Ballston Spa. In 1831 he married Jane
E. Gates of Ballston, and soon formed a partnership with his father. In 1837 he bought out the
latter's interest and at once began enlarging the business, adding a department for the manufac-
ture of axes. He was a lifelong Democrat. In 1847 he was elected supervisor of the town of
Milton, which generally gave a Whig majority; in 1851 was elected to the Assembly from the first
Saratoga district ; in 1859 was again chosen supervisor ; in the same year was elected to the State
Senate from the fifteenth district ; in 1869 was again elected senator, and died November 29, 1870,
before the expiration of his term. Albert P. Blood of Ballston Spa, who died in April, 1898, was
a son.
shop for this department,' and immediately gave employment to a
greatly increased force of men. He continued to increase the output
of his great plant until his death in 1870, when the concern passed into
the hands of his son-in-law, Henry Knickerbocker of New York.'
Ballston Spa enjoyed home banking facilities at an early day. The
Ballston Spa Bank, the first in town, was organized in 1838 by the elec-
tion of these directors: James M. Cook, Isaac Frink, Anson Brown,
Lebbeus Booth, Jonathan S. Beach, Samuel Freeman, Eli Barnum,
John W. Thompson, Stephen Smith, John Kelley, Harvey Chapman,
Philip H. McOmber and Samuel Hides. They elected James M. Cook
president, Isaac Fowler cashier, and John J. Lee teller. May 15, 1839,
the bank opened its doors for business."
Three churches were erected in Ballston Spa during the period to
which this chapter is devoted. These were the Presbyterian church
which is still standing, the Methodist church and the Catholic church,
which have since been superseded by handsome new edifices. The
First Presbyterian church was organized in June, 1834, by families who
had been attending services at Ballston Centre and Milton Centre. At
the preliminary meeting held May 10, 1834, sixty six members pre-
sented letters from the two churches named and signed the member-
ship roll. July 8 following Philip H. McOmber, Jonathan S. Beach,
Edward W. Lee, Moses Williams, James Comstock and Christopher
Earle were elected trustees. The following year the house of worship
was erected at the northeast corner of High and Bath streets, at a cost
of $10,000, and was dedicated in November of that year. In 1856 a
parsonage was purchased at an expense of nearly $3,000, and in 1860
Samuel H. Cook erected a chapel on Milton avenue, on the site of the
present chapel.' The Methodist Episcopal church was not formally
' The plant is now owned by the American Axe and Tool company. The real estate of the
corporation is valued at $79,450.
' In 1865 the institution was reorganized as a national bank, taking the name of Ballston Spa
National Bank. Its capital stock is $100,000. The presidents havu been : James IM. Cook, 1839-
1856 ; John W. Thompson, 1856-1893 ; George L. Thompson, 1893-1896 (the year of his' death) ; An-
drew S. Booth, 1896 to the present time. James L. Scott, vice-president, acted as president for a
short time in 1896 during the last illness of President George L. Thompson, who died December
39, 1895. The cashiers have been : Isaac Fowler, 1839-1856 ; John J. Lee, 1856-1887 ; George L. Thomp-
son, 1887-1893 ; Thomas Kerley, 1893 to the present time. William Ingham and William H. Ball
are the present vice-presidents, Egbert Clute is teller, and C. O. MoCreedy, jr., clerk.
' This chapel was torn down several years ago and a new one erected in its place. The
pastors have been: Revs. James Wood, Samuel J. Prime, A. T. Chester, Daniel Stewart, George
T. Todd, Nathaniel S. Prime, Richard H. Steele, Nathaniel B. Klink, David TuUy, S. Mattoon, S.
A. Hoyt, jr., David Murdock, A. R. Olney, D. D., and Henry L. Teller, the present occupant of
the pulpit.
BALLSTON SPA, 1831—1861. 197
organized until 1836, though a class existed in the village as early as
1823, when Ballston Spa and Saratoga Springs were together for one
year, with William Anson and Elisha P. Jacobs, supernumerary, as
preachers. After this nothing is known except that a preacher named
Clark held class meetings until August 25, 1836, when a society was
organized. It purchased the old academy building, which stood near
the spot now occupied by the D. & H. railroad turntable, moved it to
the corner of West High and Charlton streets and remodeled it into a
house of worship. Rev. Noah- Levings preached the dedicatory ser-
mon. In 1845 a brick church was built on the site of the present edi-
fice on Milton avenue, and the old academy building was sold to the
Catholic congregation. '
There is little to be learned by whom Catholic services were held in
Ballston Spa prior to 1849, but at this date we learn that Father Haver-
mans celebrated mass on Ash Wednesday. The meetings were held at
this time in the old Methodist meeting-house which the Catholics had
purchased. The cornerstone of a new church was laid in December,
1859, under the pastorate of Father Cull, and was at that time located
on the east side of Church street, the property which is now owned by
ex-Sheriff D. F. Winney, and subsequently removed to its present
location, which property was purchased at a cost of $10,500. In 1867
Rev. Anthony McGough became pastor of this charge, prior to which '
it had been under the supervision of the Saratoga Springs pastorate.
Father McGough remained in charge until 1873, when he was suc-
ceeded by Rev. Father Bayard, who continued in charge until October
6, 1878, when Rev. Bernard J. McDonough commenced what has
proved a most acceptable and fortunate pastorate for St. Mary's so-
ciety. An idea of the wonderful and continuous growth of this society
is gained from the fact that its membership now numbers more than
two hundred and fifty families.
The new church edifice recently Completed is one of the finest in
Saratoga county, having cost over $60,000. It was designed by Archi-
1 In 1892-1893 a handsome new church, of brick, was built on the site of the old one, during the
pastorate of Rev. Joseph C. Russum. Half the coat of its construction was contributed by ex-
Congressman George West, a member of the church. The corner-stone was laid October 19,
1893, and the church was dedicated October 2.3, 1893. January 4, 1893, N. R. Vandenburgh, one of
the contractors employed in building the church, fell from a plank in the incomplete building
and fractured his skull, which caused his death January 7 following. The first pastor who served
this church exclusively was Rev. S. L. Stillman, Who came in 1846 and remained one year. Dur-
ing the pastorate of Rev. W. H. Washburn, 1883-1885, West chapel was built through the liber-
ality of Hon. George West.
tect E. W. Loth of Troy, N. Y. , and erected under the supervision of
Dennis Manogue of Ballston Spa. The foundation of this imposing
structure wis commenced July 29, 1895, this being the day that marked
the close of a quarter of a century of active work in priesthood by the
pastor, Rev. Father B. J. McDonough. The church is situated at the
corner of Milton avenue and Van Buren street. Its dimensions are:
Length, one hundred and twenty-five feet; width, sixty-eight feet;
gables, sixty feet high; tower, one hundred and seventy-eight feet
high. Its style is Gothic and its furnishings are in hard wood.
The early schools of Ballston Spa and the establishment of the pres-
ent Union school system under the direction of Prof. Thomas C.
Bunyan have been described in a preceding chapter. In addition to
the admirable public schools of the village, there is an excellent and
well-patronized private school, which has been conducted for several
years by Miss Almeda James.
An institution which once gave promise of becoming an important
feature among the many worthy enterprises of Saratoga county was
the "State and National Law School," established by JohnW. Fowler
in the old Sans Souci hotel at Ballston Spa in 1849. In his history of
the Bench and Bar of Saratoga County Enos R. Mann refers to this
school as follows :
Mr. Fowler opened it with a full corps of competent professors and secured an
abundant patronage. Among the graduates may be mentioned the names of Col.
Slocum of the 1st Rhode Island Infantry, who fell at the head of his regiment fight-
ing at Bull Run ; Governor Gilbert C. Walker of Virginia, Judge Abraham R. Law-
rence, Surrogate Delano C. Calvin and Gen. Roger A. Pryor of New York, and ex-
Judge Samuel D. Morris of Brooklyn — an alumni that would reflect honor on any
institution. At the commencement in 1850, there were present ex-President Van
Buren, Governor Hamilton Fish, and the great Kentucky commoner, Henry Clay.
The latter made a memorable address to the students, addressing through them for
the last time the young men of America in words of earnest counsel to be true to
themselves and their country. But the projector of this law school, to balance all
his other attainments, lacked what Gen. McCook called a " level head." He was
very improvident, knowing nothing of the financial problems conducive to success,
and. after three years of active and useful life, the institution went into bankruptcy.
Franklin lodge No. 90, F. & A. M., was chartered by the Grand lodge
June 3, 1842. It succeeded and took the name of Franklin lodge No.
37, which, founded in Ballston in 1794, forfeited its charter in 1834.
Some of its original members were also identified with Friendship
lodge No. 118, of Milton, which surrendered its charter in 1836."
' These lodges are referred to more at length in a preceding chapter.
BALLSTON SPA, 1831—1861. 199
For a period of seven years, from 1835 to 1842, there was no Masonic
organization in Ballston Spa. Nearly all the members of Franklin
lodge, No. 37, and of Friendship lodge. No. 118, became members of
the new lodge, which has maintained its regular communications in
this village to the present time.. In the proceedings of the Grand
lodge, under date of June 3, 1842, is found the following:
The Committee on warrants reported in favor of granting a warrant to constitute
a Lodge at Ballston, in the county of Saratoga, by the name of Franklin Lodge, of
which Bro. Wm Saunders is to be first Master; Bro. Wm. Hawkins, S. W., and Bro.
Joseph Jennings, J. W., and that the property of the late Franklin Lodge, No. 37,
be returned to said new Lodge, on payment of the usual fee for the Warrant.
Franklin lodge has numbered among its members several brethren
who have attained high positions among the fraternity, and in the
civil walks of life. Of the latter Bro. James M. Cook, who received
the Masonic degrees in this lodge, was for several years superintendent
of the State Banking Department, and also represented his district in
both houses of the State Legislature. He was buried with Masonic
honors, and his remains now rest in the cemetery in this village.
Among those whom the craft have delighted to honor, we find the names
of W. Bro. George Babcock, at one time grand commander of the
Knights Templar in this State ; W. Bro. Seth Whalen, district deputy
grand lecturer for two years, and master of the lodge for seven years;
and R. W. Jonathan S. Smith, district deputy grand master,'
' The iirst ofttcers o£ Franklin lodge, at the time o£ its organization, were: William Saunders,
W. M.; William Hawkins, S. W.; Joseph Jennings, J. W. In 1843 these officers held the same
chairs, in addition to which William Ford was treasurer, Stephen Fox was secretary, Stephen
Seaman was S. D., Reuben Thompson was J, D. and Joseph Kelso was tiler. Since that date the
masters of this lodge have been: 1844, William Hawkins; 1845, Joseph Jennings; 1846, Abel Meeker;
1947, S. A. Emerson; I»i8-l»t9, Reuben Westcot; 1850, Abel Meeker; 1851, Harvey N. Hill; 1862,
Abel Meeker; 1833, George Babcock; 1854, Harvey N. Hill; 1855, Abel Meeker; 1856-1857, Harvey N.
Hill; 1858, George H. Millham; 1859, George W. Ingalls; 1860-1862, Harvey N. Hill; 1863, S. H.
Drake; 1864, P. G. Newcomb; 1865, Graham Pulver; 1866-1867, Seth Whalen; 1868, Benjamin Allen;
1869-1873, Seth Whalen; 1874, Jonathan S. Smith; 1875, Albert J. Reid; 1876, Jonathan S. Smith;
1877-1880, Edward P. Grose; 1881-1882, C. Fred Wheeler; 1883-1884, Frank Jones; 1885-1887, David
Frisbie; 1888-1889, David H. Winnie; 1890, George W. Maxon; 1891, Davie Frisbie; 1892-1894, Will-
iam Spencer; 1895-1898, Albert P. Miller; 1897, Edward P. Grose; 1898, David Frisbie.
Warren chapter No. 2-3, R. A. M., was organized March 30, 1809, in pursuance of a dispensation-
granted to Seth C. Baldwin and others. The preceding year the Mark Mason's lodge, to be known
as Friendship No. 39, had been authorized. The latter ceased to exist when" Friendship lodge, F.
& A. M., surrendered its charter in 1835. No officers were elected by Warren chapiter in 1813, and
the Chapter remained dormant from 1828 to 1840, when William Hawkins was chosen H. P. for
the balance of the year. The following is a list of the high priests of the chapter, with the year
each was elected: 1809, Eliakim Corey; 1810, William Anthony; 1811, Amos Alcott; 1812, George H.
Benham; 1814, Nathan D. Sherwood; 1815, Nathan Warden; 1816, Philo Hurd; 1817-1818, William
Hawkins; 1819, Philo Hurd; 1820, William Hawkins; 1821-1823, Jonathan Edgecomb; 1823, William
Clark; 1824-1826, L. B. Langworthy; 1837, John Dix; 1838, Jonathan Edgecomb; 1846, William Haw-
A lodge of Odd Fellows was organized in Ballston January 9, 1844
as Kayaderosseras lodge No. 17, I.O.O.F. The charter members were
David Maxwell, Samuel H. Cook, William T. Odell, James G. Stebbins,
William Smith and Edward Gilborne.'
Waterford made great industrial strides during the period from 1831
to the beginning of the war of the Rebellion. During these thirty
years a large number of manufacturing industries were established in
town, some of which are still maintained on the same lines as those on
which they were founded, though under different management. At
the opening of this period several concerns were located near the
hydraulic canal and elsewhere. The stock, die and tool works founded
in 1829 by Daniel B. King, brother of Fuller King, the projector
of the hydraulic canal; and the Waterford soap and candle factory,
opened about 1830 by Joshua and Elisha Morse, were among the
most important enterprises here at this time, aside from those men-
tioned in an earlier chapter. It was in the buildings occupied by the
latter concern that the great fire of 1841 began. Some time between
1830 and 1834 the Franklin ink works were established. This plant
subsequently was devoted to the manufacture of lamp black alone. The
Button fire engine works, which since have become known as among
the most celebrated in the United States, were established in 1834 by
William Piatt & Co., L. Button being a member of that firm. The
first works were located on the King hydraulic canal, but the site was
afterward occupied by the Gage machine shop. In 1850 the Button
concern abandoned water power and adopted steam in its place, mov-
ing the plant to the foot of Third street. The Gage machine works,
founded in 1835 by George Gage, were operated by him up to the time
kins; 1847-1848, Reuben Westcot; 1849, Abel Meeker; 1850-1851, Harvey N. Hill; 1852, Reuben West-
cot; 1853-1854,-H. N. Hill; 1865, Abel Meeker; 1856-1864, H. N. Hill; 1865, Jesse S. L'Amoreaux; 1866-
1869, Graham Pulver; 1870-1884, Jonathan S. Smith; 1885, George E. Terry; 1886, Edward F. Grose;
1887-1891, William Spencer; 1893-1892, David Frisbie; 1894 to the present time, William Spencer.
1 The noble grands of this lodge, in the order of their service, were : Samuel H. Cook, David
Maxwell, William P. Odell, P. H. Cowen, William Smith, Lorenzo Kelly, John J. Lee, Henry
Wright, Edward Gilborne, G. V. Mix, Harrison Emerson, Squire Barrett, George Thompson, Sel-
den A. Emerson, Spencer Twitchell, John McKown, John Wilder, James Ashman, James W. Mor-
ris, Amos W. Cook, Daniel W. Culver, Abraham Carey, Lawrence W. Bristol, George Babcock,
H. P. Jones, A. J. Goffe, Isaac D. Gibbons, H. C. Hakes, Edson O. Arnold, William W. Simmons,
Cornell M. Noxon, Nelson H. Huested, Isaac H. Sears, James W. Culver, C. H.Van Valkenburgh,
E. C. Foster, John C. Sullivan, Henry A. Mann, Burdick F. Davis, Joshua B. Boss, William W.
Day, John H. Westcot, Edwin Miller, Josiah B. Hall, John C. Newman, John F. Bortles, James S.
Garrett, C. C. Hill, J. P. Weatherwax, E. A. Frisbie. This lodge was dissolved in 1865, and five
years later Kayaderosseras lodge No. 270 was instituted. Ballston Encampment, No. 72, organ-
ized November 9, 1854, was continued but a few years. The Odd Fellows' lodge at Ballston owns
a handsome building, containing lodge rooms and a commodious hall, built In 1891.
WATERFORD, 1831—1861. 301
of his death, a period of nearly half a century. They afterward became
the property of members of his family. In the same year the man-
ufacture of nuts was begun in a building owned by Mr. Gage, by a
man named Brooks, and continued after the latrer's death by his sop.
The year 1847 was also marked by the establishment of three impor-
tant industries in the village. These were the stock and die factory
founded by James Holroyd, for the manufacture of dies for the use
of blacksmiths and machinists, and for gas and steam fitting;. the Rock
Island flouring mills, established by J. B. Enos & Co., and the iron and
brass foundry and machine shop founded by C. W. Eddy (afterward
the Mohawk & Hudson Manufacturing Co.'s plant). The first mills of
J. B. Enos & Co. were burned in 1862 and new mills erected. Hol-
royd's first buildings were torn down in 1864, when new ones were
About four o'clock on the afternoon of Saturday, July 11, 1841, fire
was discovered in a stable in the rear of the Episcopal church on the
west side of Third street, between Broad and Middle streets. A strong
wind was blowing from the northwest and the sparks and flaming
brands were carried across Third, Second and Broad streets. The
village fire department had a hand engine, but its efforts to stay the
ravages of the fire were futile. When it was seen that the greater part
of the village was doomed unless help were forthcoming, the near-by
cities and villages were notified, and soon nine engines from Troy,
Lansingburgh, Cohoes and West Troy were in the village directing
their efforts toward subduing the flames. The fire was under control
about six o'clock that evening, but not until the Episcopal church,
twenty-eight stores, thirty residences and seventy other buildings had
been reduced to ashes. The loss was estimated at over $150,000 — not
a large amount for these days, but a tremendous loss to Waterford in
Half a century ago — in 1848 — a number of Masons residing in Water-
ford, applied for and obtained a dispensation from the grand master of
the State of New York and proceeded to organize a lodge of Master
Masons. Of those who formed the new lodge, which was instituted
Decen;ber 28, 1848, as Clinton lodge. No. 140, F. & A. M., seven were
members of Phoenix lodge No. 58 of Lansingburgh and two were
brethren from Old Orange lodge No. 43, which was in existence long
before the great anti-Masonic excitement which followed the mysterious
disappearance of William Morgan of Batavia in 1826. James M,
Austin was the first master of the newly organized lodge. His great
ability and untiring zeal for the welfare of the new lodge singularly
qualified him for the position, which he held for four consecutive years.
He afterward became grand secretary of the Grand lodge of the State
of New York. The other officers on the foundation were: John
Hinde, S. W. ; John Fulton, J. W. ; F. W. Allen, secretary; John
Higgins, treasurer; Joseph H. Cudworth, S. D.; John MuUiken, J. D. ;
Samuel Landsborough, S. M. C. ; Joseph M. King, J. M. C. ; John Roe,
tiler. Following is a complete list of the masters of Clinton lodge, in
the order in which they held office :,
James M. Austin, John Fulton, John Higgins, Rev. R. L. Schoonmaker (after-
ward grand chaplain of the Grand lodge), D. M. Van Hovenberg, Edward Lansing,
Thomas Breslin, Russell Porter, S. A. Northrup, Horace T. Stiles, William Hum-
phreys, Marvin T. Scott, John E. Gage, John Polhamus, Henry De Freest, Emanuel
Mead, George L. Rogers, Frank B. Barnfatber, Roland H. Stubbs, M. D., Charles
L.i Mitchell, George E. Holroyd, William A. Dennis, John W. Ford, Samuel Snyder,
William Roberts, Samuel Snyder, William Saxe.
Charles H. Vanderwerker, secretary of Clinton lodge, has served in
that office for sixteen consecutive years. During that time he has also
been secretary of Waterford chapter.
Waterford chapter No. 169, R. A. M., connected with Clinton lodge,
was organized February 14, 1860.
The most important venture in the industrial line in the village of
Mechanicville during this period was the establishment of the American
Liiien Thread company's plant in 1850 by a company of which Samuel
Chase was president and Lewis E. Smith secretary, treasurer and gen-
eral manager. Power was derived from Anthony's kill, which also
supplied a grist mill owned by this company. A preparing mill, a saw
mill, with sixteen acres of land and about forty-five tenement houses,
were also owned by this company, the location of whose plant at that
point undoubtedly did more toward the upbuilding of the village of
Mechanicville than any other enterprise up to that period. The village
as it stands to-day is of practically modern growth, and more extended
reference to its industries has been left for a succeeding chapter.
The town of Halfmoon, in which part of Mechanicville is situated,
had excellent educational facilities in these days. Among the town
superintendents of common schools, under the then existing laws, were:
James B. McKean, 1844; Reuben Stewart, 1845; Nathan F. Philo,
1846; George W. Peake, 1847-1850; Nathan F. Philo, 1851; John O.'
MECHANICVILLE, 1831—1861. 203
Mott, 1852; John Cassidy, 1854-1856. Beginning with June, 1856,
supervision by assembly districts followed. The most noted school in
Mechanicville in these days was the Mechanicville academy, which was
founded in 1860. This institution was situated on Main street, near
the Hudson river, and was at first surrounded by a beautiful grove.
Lewis Smith, prominent as a manufacturer and a public spirited cit-
izen, was the first president of the academy, Rev. Edward Noble the
secretary, J. Wesley Ensign the treasurer, and the remaining trustees
were Isaac Clements, B. B. Hutchins, Isaac M. Smith, Joseph Baker,
John C. Holmes, Samuel B. Howland, E. A. Lindley, Bloom Baker
and Robert Moon. The school enjoyed a prosperous career for many
years. '
The First Baptist church of Halfmoon, at Middletown, which was
organized about 1835, was one of the successors of the old church at
Newtown. The latter society had ceased to exist and its house of
worship had been torn down several years when the society at Middle-
town was organized. Rev. Elisha D. Hubbell first served the Middle-
town church as pastor. The house of worship was built in 1834-1835
and dedicated in the latter year. St. Paul's Roman Catholic church of
Mechanicville was organized in 1845, and a church edifice was erected
in 1852. The Presbyterian church of Mechanicville sprang from the
Congregational church of Stillwater, which worshiped in the old
"yellow meeting-house " referred to more at length in an earlier chap-
ter. The two societies worshiped together for many years.
In 1852 the Crescent Methodist Episcopal church was organized by
the election of these trustees : William Carey, John B. Schermerhorn,
Silas H. Sweetland, Seymour Birch and Nathan F. Philo. The first
house of worship was dedicated in the winter of 1853 by Bishop Janes.
Until 1859 Crescent was alone as a pastoral charge, but in the latter
year it was united to the Halfmoon circuit. In 1865 it was again made
a distinct charge.
The earliest secret society in Halfmoon was the Odd Fellows' lodge,
1 Bernice D. Ames, for many years principal of the Mechanicville academy, was born at Shore-
ham, Vt.. December 26, 1817, and died at Mechanicville, January 5, 1876. He was graduated from
Middlebury college, Middlebury, Vt.,, when twenty-six years old. During the next three years
he was professor of Latin and Greek in the seminaries at Fort Plain and Fort Edward, N. Y.
During 1863 and 1864 he was principal of the Providence Conference seminary at East Greenwich,
R. I. He became principal of the Mechanicville academy in 1868 and continued in that position
until his death in 1876, when his widow, Sarah E. King-Ames, was elected to succeed him. She "
remained as principal until 1889, when the academy building was burned and the career of the in-
stitution closed.
established at Mechanicville September 4, 1845, as Mechanicville North
Star lodge No. 174. James Lee was the first noble grand. This lodge
ceased to exist after a career of about ten years. A division of the
Sons of Temperance was organized at Mechanicville about 1848. This,
too, ceased to exist after a few years. '
The village of Stillwater always has been more or less noted for its
manufactures, though these were limited in number until after the
middle of the present century. The mills of the Schuyler family lo-
cated at this point were of considerable importance for many years.
After they were burned in 1817 Philip J. Schuyler built a new mill,
part of which was used as a grist mill and part as a clothing mill. A
new saw mill was also erected there about the same time. In 1838
Ephraim Newland and John F. Wetsell purchased the entire Schuyler
property at that point and continued the mills this family had owned
for so many years. At this time Stillwater had been a place of consid-
erable importance for several years. In 1833 a wooden bridge" had
been erected across the Hudson, and this brought to the village a great
deal of trade from the east side of the river, which up to that time had
gone to Fort Edward, Schuylerville or Troy. About 1847 the local indus-
tries were increased by the erection of a paper mill by William Mosher
and Elihu Allen. They employed about a dozen hands, beginning
their work by manufacturing wall paper. These were the principal
industries of the place until after the beginning of the war of 1861-1865.
During this period an academy was conducted for several years in
Stillwater. This institution, known as the Stillwater academy, was
founded about 1847, and for a while was under the care of the Regents
of the University of the State of New York. The brick building it
occupied stood near the Baptist church. Almon Richards was its
principal for a long term of years. This finally became a private semi-
nary, which declined, and the building was used for the occupancy of
select schools until the organization of the union school system in 1873.
The Second Baptist church of Stillwater was the only religious soci-
ety organized during this period of three decades. The society was
organized by members of the First Baptist church in 1836, and the first
' In 1866 another division was organized with E. O. Rowland as W. P., Dr. F. K. Lee as W. A.,
George R. Moore as secretary, and J. Frank Terry as conductor. .The charter was surrendered
February 25, 1869, when Union lodge No. 836, Independent Order o£ Good Templars, was organ-
ized, with J. Frank Terry as chie£ templar. This lodge gave up its charter at the end o£ a year.
' This bridge, with the hotel near by, was burned in 187.5. The following year an iron bridge
was erected in its place.
SCHUYLERVILLE, 1831—1861. 205
house of worship, in the village of Stillwater, was dedicated February
23, 1837, Rev. Dr. Weatch of Albany preaching the sermon.'
Three Masonic bodies existed in Stillwater between 1791 and the
anti-Masonic movement of 1830. Reference is made to them in an
earlier chapter. Montgomery lodge No. 504, F. & A. M., was in-
stituted June 37, 1860, by a dispensation from the Grand lodge. The
charter officers were: Rev. W. J. Heath, W. M. ; P. Mosher, S. W. ;
D. F. Wetzel, J. W. ; John A. Quackenbush, treasurer; H. H. Mont-
gomery, secretary; John V. W. Vandenburgh, S. D. ; H. Badgley, J.
D. ; Nathan Taylor and George K. Deming, masters of ceremonies; J.
W. Buffington, tiler.'
Schuylerville, like Stillwater, is and for many years has been princi-
pally noted for its manufactures. Nearly^ perhaps quite a century and
a half have passed since the pioneer Schuylers established their first
mills on the site of the historic village which has since borne the name
of that noted family. Philip Schuyler, a descendant of the original
manufacturer, built a large mill a little further south in 1828, which,
in 1857, was purchased by the Saratoga Victory Manufacturing com-
pany and for many years operated as a cotton factory by this corpora-
tion. This company established its first mills at Victory Mills in 1846,
the original capital invested being about $425,000. The works have
been greatly increased and improved since that year, over half a cen-
tury since.' Lawrence's old woolen factory was another important in-
dustry of these days. It was located in Philip Schuyler's old distillery
building. In a part of the same building and the basement of the
woolen factory adjoining, David B. French of Argyle, N. Y., estab-
^ After having been used by this society for thirty-iive years, the first house of worship was
abandoned and a new one dedicated September 3, 187.3, duringthe pastorate of Rev. Thomas Cull,
Rev. John Peddie preached the dedicatory sermon. The pastors of the church have been: Revs.
Isaac Westcott, from organization to January 12, 1851; M. G. Hodge, June 7, 1851, to March 25, 1854;
A. A. Sawin, May 26, 1855, to February 1, 1856; J. I. Pulton, April 26, 1856, to March 1, 1859; J. O.
Mason, July 31, 1859, to August 1, 1880; J. C. Stevens, November 3, 1860, to May 1, 1865: Charles J.
Shrimpton, June'24, 1865, to October 80, 1869; Thomas Cull, November 5, 1870, to May 10, 1874; Dr.
Thomas MacClymont, September 20, 1874, to Ov:tober 1, 1877; Dr. Isaac Westcott, supply March 2, 1878,
to September 6, 1879; Daniel Corey, November 1, 1879, to September 26, 1881; Albert P. Brigham,
August 27, 1882, to September 6, 1885; Edson J. Farley, April 29, 1889, to January 19, 1893; RoUand
J. Thompson, May 1, 1893, to October 1, 1895; Harvey W. Choller, April 1, 1896, to the present time.
In 1885 a parsonage was erected at a cost of $3,000.
2 Montgomery chapter was instituted by a dispensation granted November 28, 1870; but the
charter was not granted until February 8, 1871. The first oflScers of the chapter were : D. Van
Wie, H. P.; P. Van Veghten, K.; C. S. Ensign, scribe; J. G. Lansing, treasurer ; L. Vandemark,
3 The plant of this company is a very extensive one, employing hundreds of hands. In 1897
its real estate holdings alone were assessed at $270,500.
lished an iron foundry in 1833. This became one of the most impor-
tant foundries north of Albany. '
The rapid and substantial development of the manufactures of Schuy-
lerville and Victory Mills resulted in a demand for home banking
facilities. Therefore, in 1853 William Wilcox opened a private bank
having a capital of $50,000. Three years later it was merged into an
organized institution known as the Bank of Old Saratoga. This con-
cern had a capital of $100,000. William Wilcox was president and
Giles S. Brisbin was cashier.
Among the local organizations formed in this period was Battle
Ground Division No. 247, Sons of Temperance, organized April 19,
1847, numbered several prominent men among its members. George
Strover was the first presiding officer. The other charter members
were Walter Mott, Richard S. Sheldon, Joseph T. Smith, John A. Clapp,
James G. Stebbins, Joseph Darby, John B. Brisbin and William Be-
ment. This society suspended its meetings after a career of three years.
St. Stephen's Protestant Episcopal church of Schuylerville dates
from 1838, when Rev. Reuben Hubbard began conducting services
from house to house. From 1844 to 1850 services were held in the
academy building. The society was formally organized March 2, 1846,
when these officers were chosen : Wardens, Jesse Finne and James Pick-
ering; vestrymen, John Finne, Joseph Finne, Benjamin Losee, James
Pickering, George N. Gates, James E. Stebbins, John R. Preston and
Henry W. Merrill. The cornerstone of the house of worship was laid
Tuesday, June 2, 1868, Dr. Charles H. Payne having donated the
amount required for its construction. The stone was laid by Rev. P.
B. Gibson, and Rev. J. Ireland Tucker of Tro}' preached the dedicatory
sermon. The ground on which the church was erected was the gift of '
the Victory Manufacturing Co. The edifice was opened for worship
Christmas day," 1868, and consecrated by Rt. Rev. William C. Doane,
bishop of Albany, February 24, 1870.
The Church of the Visitation (Roman Catholic) was established dur-
ing this period. A congregation existed as early as 1850. Father
1 Mr. French retired in 1865, being succeeded by David Craw & Co.
2 The society was without a rector from 1850 to 1867, when Rev. George Fisher began a two
years' pastorate. The subsequent rectors have been : Rev. John H. Babcook, who came April
20, 18T0 ; Rev. John Walker, June 5, 1870 ; Rev. Dr. George W. Deane, October 19, 1875 ; Rev.
H. C. E. Costello, September 18, 1880 ; Rev. George L. Neide, 1881-1884 ; Rev. H. C. Hutchings, 1884-
1886 ; Rev. Allan B. Clark, June 37, 1886, to July 1, 1888 ; Rev. J. F. Esch, January 1, 1890, to July 1,
1892 ; Rev. W. F. Parsons, July 1, 1892, to 1896 ; Rev. Eleutheros Jay Cooke, Dec. 1, 1896, to present
MILTON, 1831—1861. 207
Roach was the first resident priest the parish had. The first land was
purchased in 1850, being two lots, from Hugh Thorp and Deborah, his
wife, by deed, dated March 4, 1850. These lots were purchased in the
name of Bishop McCloskey. The second two lots were purchased by
Father Tull September 13, 1854, from Michael Kelly and wife of Schuy-
lerville. A temporary church had been built in 1850. The parish had
no resident priest till 1860. These lots purchased by Father Tull, were,
on December 27, 1859, deeded to Bishop McCloskey. Father Tull re-
mained but two years and was succeeded in 1861 by Father H. B. Fin-
negan. He remained till his death, October 18, 1883.'
In the town of Milton there was considerable industrial development
during the three decades from 1831 to 1861. In 1840 Rowland & Kil-
mer built a large paper mill at Rock City Falls, on the bank of the
Kayaderosseras. This mill was burned in 1844, and was rebuilt the
following year, by Kilmer & Ashmun. This firm was almost imme-
diately succeeded by Buchanan & Kilmer, and later by Harlow, Kilmer
& Co. Upon the death of Mr. Kilmer it was sold to George West of
Ballston Spa. About 1846 Isaac Rowland, jr., remodeled the old grist
mill at Rock City Falls and converted it into a paper mill. The enter-
prise did not succeed at first and was sold soon after its establishment
to Buchanan & Kilmer. It subsequently became the property of
Chauncey Kilmer & Son. This was the second mill in the United
States which entered upon the manufacture of straw print. For many
years Samuel Haight conducted an extensive tannery at Milton Centre,
employing about a hundred hands.' At Craneville a paper mill was
established about 1860. It subsequently became the property of Hon.
* The old church was burned in 1870, and all the old records were destroyed. The cornerstone
o£ the present structure was laid in 1872 by Bishop Conroy of Albany. Father McGuire of St.
Patrick's church of Albany delivered the sermon. In 1873 Rev. Father McNierney of Albany and
Rev. J. J. Swift of Troy succeeded in raising $50,000 towards paying for the new edifice. Father
Pinnegan died October 18, 1883, and was succeeded by Rev. Francis McGuire, now rector of the
cathedral at Albany. He remained four years, namely, to 1887, when Rev. J. J. Hefternan, on
March 4, 1887, came to the parish.
The congregation of Notre Dame church (French Roman Catholic) was formed by seventy-
flve or eighty families from Victory Mills, Thomson's Mills and Sohuylerville, in 1889. Many of
them had formerly been members of the Church of the Visitation. The new congregation was
greatly encouraged by the Victory Manufacturing Co., which donated a lot on which to erect a
house of worship. Work upon the church was begun in the fall of 1889 and the structure was ded-
icated by Rt. Rev. Francis McNierney, bishop of Albany, May 30, 1890. Father Peneaux was then
the priest in charge. He has been succeeded in turn by Father Patreau, Father Vellevue and
Father Prud'homme.
3 This industry is now located at Ballston Spa, where it is conducted by Theodore S. Haight
and Vassar Haight, sons of the founder of the business. Matthew Vassar, for many years a mem-
ber of the firm, retired in 1898.
George West. The manufacturing plants at Bloodville and Factory-
village, in operation during this period, have been referred to in a pre-
ceding chapter.
March 2, 1844, a number of persons who affiliated with the Methodist
Episcopal denomination met at Rock City Falls and organized a church
there. March 9 the following were chosen as trustees ; Seth Whalen,
Charles R. Lewis, Joshua Swan, James Mcintosh and Harlow Kilmer.
A house of worship was begun in May of that year and completed in
time for occupancy in the fall. This house of worship was the suc-
cessor of an older one built at Swan's Corners in 1811.
Ballston has always been an agricultural town principally, and there
is little to be said of its history during these thirty years. In 1848 a
paper mill was established at Burnt Hills. The employes were princi-
pally Englishmen, most of whom were members of the Church of Eng-
land, and soon after their arrival they organized Calvary Protestant
Episcopal church. This society was incorporated May 7, 1849, princi-
pally through the efforts of Rev. Edward Davis and Cady Hollister, the
proprietor of the paper mill. The house of worship was completed in
the summer of 1849 at an expense of $2,500, a large part of which sum
was given by Rev. Mr. Davis, and the first service therein was held on
Christmas day of that year. July 11, 1850, the church was consecrated
by Rt. Rev. William R. Whittingham, bishop of Maryland. It was
considerably enlarged and improved in 1858. The rectory, built in
1856, was presented by the family of Mr. Davis. The first wardens of
the parish were Daniel K. Smith and William Wheeler.'
The Christian church at East Line was founded about 1858. The
celebrated Rev. Josiah G. Holland preached the dedicatory sermon.'
The society died out after an existence of about fifteen years, when the
church was abandoned. This society originated among members of the
Christian church at Burnt Hills, which was established about 1848.
The tremendous water power furnished by the falls in the Hudson
river where it passes along the northern boundary of the town of Cor-
inth was utilized for manufacturing purposes at an early day; but, as
has been told in earlier pages, from 1830 to 1859 the early mills built
at that point were not operated. In the latter year Thomas Brown of
Niagara Falls purchased the property, built a large raceway to con-
• Rev. Edward Davis served as the rector of Calvary church until a short time before his
death in 1863, acting as rector of the church at Charlton at the same time.
" Mr. Holland was an editor of the Springfield, Mass., Republican at this time. He afterward
became editor-in-chief of Scribner's Monthly, of which he was one of the founders.
EDINBURGH, 1831—1861. 209
duct the water to his works, and then constructed a plant for the
manufacture of edged tools. He began to operate this plant in 1860,
but the Civil war causing a great rise in the price of iron and labor, the
concern was closed, and no further industrial development took place
there until the close of the war. In 1855 Powell & Co. built a small
tannery at South Corinth, on the Kayaderosseras creek.
The Methodist Episcopal church of Corinth was not erected until the
summer of 1858, though a class had been formed there as early as 1830
and meetings held in the meanwhile. In September, 1858, the church
was dedicated. Rev. Mr. Robinson preaching the sermon. Rev. P. M.
Hitchcock was pastor at that time. The Sunday school connected
with the church was established in 1850.
Corinth lodge No. 174, I. O. O. F., was chartered August 7, 1853, the
first officers being: N. G., Darling P. Mallery; V. G., Zina Mallery; R.
S., Luke C. Bartlett; F. S., William Ide; warden, Silas Allen; con-
ductor, John M. Ellsworth.
Charlton always has been essentially an agricultural town, with few
manufactures. Among the churches of the town the Methodist Epis-
copal society was organized about 1838. Among the pastors have
been Rev. John H. Coleman, Rev. S. S. Ford and Rev. David T.
Galway's principal industry being agriculture, little is to be said of
the development of the town in the middle period. The manufactures
have always been few and not very important. At Mosherville a
foundry and plow shop was established about 1847. There is the usual
complement of saw mills, grist mills and wagon shops. The Methodist
Episcopal church at East Galway, organized in 1858 as a class by Rev.
J. B. Wood, was an offshoot of the church at Rock City Falls. Philip
Smith was the first class leader, and he and William Cole, F. Walter,
W. T. Crouch, S. V. R. White, Enos Mead, John Tubbs, Peter P.
Smith and Pardon Allen constituted the first board of trustees. The
house of worship was erected and dedicated in 1859, the dedicatory
sermon being delivered by Rev. Taylor Lewis of Troy.
Three wooden ware factories located at Batchellerville were the prin-
cipal industries established in the town of Edinburgh before the war.
That village at one time was quite prosperous and gave promise of be-
coming a village of considerable size and importance. In 1833 the
place consisted of a saw mill, a grist mill and two dwellings. In that
year Ambrose Batcheller bought the mills, and the place became known
as Batchellerville. In 1837 Sherman and Samuel Batcheller built a
shop for the manufacture of wooden ware. This shop was burned and
rebuilt in 1851, and again in 1859. In 1848 a saw mill which stood on
the site occupied by the wooden ware factory of Lucien De Golia was
torn down and the latter establishment erected. This building was
burned about 1888. Sherman Batcheller built another factory in 1853,
which became the property of Mr. De Golia five years later. In 1865
Samuel Batcheller sold his factory to Benjamin R. Jenkins, who in
turn sold it to Noyes & Early, Mr. Jenkins removing to Conklingville.
In 1860 Henry C. Whitney purchased of Sherman Batcheller the fac-
tory the latter had built in 1853. In 1864 it was sold to Cyrus Sumner,
in 1868 to George S. Batcheller, in 1869 to King, Steers & Person, and
in 1870 to King, Snow & Co. In 1858 Levi Porter and Lucien De
Golia began the manufacture of washboards in the old factory bought
of Sherman and Samuel Batcheller. The dam and shop were destroyed
by a flood in 1863. Immediately afterward Mr. De Golia built a large
establishment a short distance farther down the stream. This was
burned in 1876, but immediately reconstructed. All these buildings
have since been burned.
Malta's industries have always been small, excepting farming. Grist
mills and saw mills have existed since the early settlement of the town,
but little attempt at other manufactures has ever been made. The
Presbyterian societ}' organized at Malta in 1843 was the outgrowth of
the Presbyterian society of East Ballston, founded in 1793. The old
Union church at Maltaville is said to have been built and dedicated in
1806. A number of men were out working on the road, and while they
were resting some one proposed that they build a church. Before they
left the subject that day they had laid their plans where to build, of
what size and style, and that they would get what oak timber they
needed from an oak grove that stood some distanfce north and west of
the spot where they built. There was also plenty of yellow pine in the
place then, so that they did not lack for material of the best sort; the
small timbers of the floor, braces, etc., were sawed at the mill close by.
The first existing record of the church was made March 8, 1831. The
members, differing very little in their discipline, agreed to come under
the Presbyterian rule. They were mostly Congregationalists from New
England and descendants of the old Dutch called Dutch Reformed.
In 1837 Rev. Clark Lockwood became pastor. In 1842 he was suc-
ceeded by Rev. Thomas Rawson of Albany. He was followed the next
MOREAU, 1831—1861. 211
year by Rev. Prentice W. Marsh, under whose pastorate a Presbyterian
church at Dunning Street was built and under the control and integral
part of this society at Malta, till, according to this record, the society
divided February 15, 1845, and the old church took the name of the
Congregational society of Malta. The new church was made ready for
use previous to 1844. The house of worship, upon the disbanding of
the Presbyterian society, was occupied for several years by the local
Methodists. The building is now in ruins.
In Northumberland the Methodist Episcopal church of Gansevoort
was erected in 1839 and the Reformed church of the same place the
year following. The Methodist Episcopal society had then been or-
ganized for several years. The corner stone of the Reformed church
was laid in June, 1840, and the edifice was dedicated February 4, 1841.
Rev. John Birkley was the first pastor.
Home lodge No. 398, F.& A. M., was organized June 38, 1856. The
first master was Gilbert Purdy, and the other charter members were
Robert Washburn, P. D. Esmond, H. Reynolds, M. D., Jeremiah Ter-
hune, John Terhune, John Burke, Payne K. Burt, George W. Lincoln
H. D. Curtiss and David DeGarmo.
The history of the industrial development of the town of Hadley dur-
ing this period is practically a history of the village of Conklingville.
This village was founded in 1848 by Gurdon Conkling, who, beginning
that year, built there a large tannery, a store, a hotel and several resi-
dences. Twenty years before a dam and two saw mills had been built,
but it was left for Mr. Conkling properly to develop, the resources of
the locality. The first dam, with the mill at the south end, built in
1831 by Isaac Barber, was carried away by a flood in 1848, when the
new industries were at once established by Mr. Conkling. Within a
dozen years the place had grown to considerable proportions, and sup-
ported a variety of manufacturing industries. Gurdon Conkling's tan-
nery, built in 1848, subsequently was operated by several different pro-
prietors. It employed a large number of hands from the beginning,
tanning hides which came from all parts of the world.
The Wesleyan Methodist church of Hadley was organized in 1844,
when Walter R. Sutliff was chosen class leader. The house of worship
was built in 1845.
Aside from agriculture, the industrial development of Moreau during
this period was confined principally to the village of South Glens Falls
and vicinity, where a number of lumber mills were established. The
village was laid out in 1837. Folsom's cotton factory, which burned
in 1832, for many years was an extensive plant.
In 1843 a Methodist class was organized at South Glens Falls, but it
was 1869 before a chapel for worship was erected. The Methodist
Episcopal church at Fortsville was founded during this period.
The manufacturing industries of Greenfield have never been very
important. At Porter's Corners Asahel Porter had a distillery and tan-
nery, which long since were burned. In 1836 John W. James built a
dam across the Kayaderosseras creek at Jamesville (which was named
in his honor) and erected a paper mill — the first mill built in this county
for the manufacture of paper by machinery. He also built several
residences for the use of his employes. About twenty years afterward
he failed in business and returned to New York, where he previously
had been in business. Soon afterward the mill was rebuilt, but was
again burned, when the vacant power was purchased by West & Brown.
A glass factory was also established in the northwestern part of the
, town about 1850, and about it sprang up a little village named Mount
Pleasant. This industry subsequently was removed to a point on the
Delaware & Hudson railroad just south of Saratoga Springs, and Mount
Pleasant was abandoned.
Among the churches of this town, the Methodist Episcopal church of
Greenfield Centre was built in 1840, and dedicated by Rev. Charles
Sherman December 32 of that year. Class meetings had been held for
many years prior to that date. In 1836 a class was formed at South
Greenfield, and the year following a house of worship was erected, be-
ing dedicated in August, 1837, by Rev. Noah Levings of Schenectady.
This church ceased to exist in 1847. In 1850 the building was sold to
a Unitarian society, which moved it to the town of Milton. The Meth-
odist Episcopal church at Porter's Corners was formed in 1840. The
site for a house of worship was donated by General Isaac I. Yates, and
the structure erected in 1845. The Baptist church of Jamesville,
which sprang from the society which worshiped in the old stone church
at Milton, was organized April 4, 1846. The house of worship was
built by the united society in 1839. Rev. Samuel R. Shotwell was the
first pastor.
In the town of Day, a tannery was built at Croweville in 1856 by
William Fowler, who sold it three years later to Crowe & Kyne. It
gave employment to from fifteen to twenty hands. In 1833 a woolen
factory was built on Paul creek by John B. Yates, but it went to decay
CLIFTON PARK, 1831—1861. 313
nearly half a century since. Lumbering for many years was one of the
principal industries of the town.
Though its house of worship was not erected until 1845-1846, the
First Christian church of Day was organized by Elder H. V. Teal
November J 8, 1833. Rev. Elias Sloat was the first pastor. The Re-
formed Protestant Dutch church of Day was organized by Rev. Dr.
Andrew Yates, at Day Centre, November 14, 1842. A stone church
was built two years later, at a cost of $3,000. Upon the completion of
the structure the Board of Domestic Missions of the Reformed Presby-
terian Dutch church installed Rev. J. A. Lansing as pastor." The
Second Christian church, afterwards called the Christian church of
West Day, was formed December 19, 1857, by Revs. Elias Sloat and
Latham Coffin. The house of worship was commenced in 1861, but
was not completed until December, 1865, when it was dedicated by
Rev. W. B. H. Beach.
Wilton being an agricultural town little is to be said of its industrial
or commercial growth. It is worthy of note, however, that an attempt
was made in 1859 to found a permanent academy in town. In that
year Stephen Fradenburgh of Moreau came to Wiltonville and erected
a building west of the village. In it he opened a school in the fall of
1859, calling it Wilton academy. After a precarious existence of about
two years the enterprise failed for want of financial support.
The Loudon Protestant Methodist church of South Wilton, an offshoot
from the Methodist Episcopal, church, built a house of worship in 1833.
Deyoe Esmond was an early preacher.
Clifton Park, too, is an agricultural town principally, its other indus-
tries being unimportant. The town formerly supported an excellent
educational institution, known as the Jonesville academy. This insti-
tution was founded by Roscius R. Kennedy. It originated in a small
select school opened in 1836 by Mrs. Roger King. In 1840 the school
was removed to the premises where the academy was finally located,
where John Oakley of New York opened it for boarding pupils. In
that year a brick building was erected, suitable for the accommodation
of fifty boarding pupils. In 1841, with Prof. Hiram A. Wilson' as
' From law to 1867 the church was without a pastor. In June of the latter year it was decided
to change the society into a purely Presbyterian one, and to join the Albany presbytery. Rev.
David Edgar became the first pastor of the reorganized society.
= Hiram A. Wilson, son of Abijah Wilson, was born in Winchester, Conn., December 19, 1818 ;
graduated from Wesleyan university at Middletown, Conn., in 1888 ; sailed the same year for
Buenos Ayres, where for two years he conducted the first missionary school in that city. He
principal, it was formally opened as an academy. He remained in
charge until 1860. In 1849 the academy was incorporated and passed
under the protection of the Regents. Upon the retirement of Prof.
Wilson these persons acted as principals: Rev. Messrs. B. M. Hall,
Austin, Fenner, King, Brino, Kempton and Savage. The institution
became financially embarrassed in 1870 and was compelled to give up
its charter, and six years later closed its career. Roscius R. Kennedy,
the founder, who became sole trustee upon its incorporation, was for
many years the principal support of the academy.
October 8, 1836, the M. E. Church at Rexford's Flats, in Clifton
Park, was organized, the first officers being William Shepherd, Roscius
R. Kennedy, Nathan D. Garnsey, Henry M. Hayner and Luther B.
Orcutt. The house of worship, erected the following year, was ded-
icated December 9, 1840.
Half a dozen saw mills and grist mills and one or two tanneries com-
prised the bulk of the industries of Providence up to the time of the
war, aside from farming. Two churches were organized in the town
during the period under discussion. One of these was the Protestant
Methodist church at West Providence, which was formed in 1841-1842.
Rev. Peter Esmond was the first pastor. The church was built about
one and one-half miles northeast of Hagedorn's Mills.' The other
church was the Christian church at Barkerville, an offshoot of the Gal-
way church, and was organized May 3, 1845. The house of worship
was built that year and dedicated in the spring of 1846, Rev. Allen
Hay ward preaching the sermon.
The Saratoga County Agricultural society was organized in the court
house At Ballston Spa June 24, 1841, in accordance with a law passed
May 15, of that year, providing for the formation of agricultural so-
cieties in the various counties of the State. At this meeting Howell
Gardiner of Greenfield was appointed chairman and Archibald Smith
then returned home; May 13, 1841, married Hannah Bosworth of West Hartland, Conn., and in
the fall of that year became principal of the Jonesville academy, remaining nearly twenty years.
He then removed to Brattleboro, Vt., where he became superintendent of public instruction. In
1863 he removed to Saratoga Springs, where he spent the remainder of his life. There he became
president of the board of education and took an active part in the founding of the present public
school system of that village. He was actively interested in the building of tlie M. E. church
there. In the first general conference of the M. B. church which admitted lay-delegates (in 1873)
Prof. Wilson was one of the two lay delegates representing the Troy conference.
' After an existence of thirty years this society died out in the fall of 1871, when a Methodist
Episcopal society was organized, and the church property passed into its hands. Henry T. Tre-
vett and John Shanley were the first trustees, and Rev. Julius Stewart the first pastor. This so-
ciety, too, finally died out.
of Ballston Spa secretary. Calvin Wheeler, A. J. Chadsey, Judiah Ells-
worth, Increase Hoyt and John A. Corey were made a committee to
draft a constitution and by-laws. The first officers of the society,
chosen at that meeting, were :
President, Howell Gardiner, Greenfield; first vice-president, Calvin Wheeler, Provi-
dence ; second vice-president, Jacob Denton, Saratoga Springs ; treasurer, Hiram E.
Howard, Milton ; corresponding secretary, Archibald Smith, Ballston Spa ; recording
secretary, John A. Corey, Saratoga Springs; executive committee, Isaac Curtis,
Stephen Merchant, Ballston; John Low, Henry Ostrom, Charlton; Abijah Peck, jr.,
Henry Palmer, Clifton Park ; David Rogers, Edward Edwards, Corinth ; E. M. Day,
Amos Hunt, Day; Samuel Batcheller, Ira Beecher, Edinburgh; Jesse H. Mead,
Jeremiah Whitlock, Galway; Joseph Daniels, Henry Lincoln, Greenfield; Charles
Stewart, Harmon Rockwell, Hadley; N. G. Philo, Stephen R. Smith, Halfmoon;
John Tallmadge, ' Seneca Hall, Malta; Seth Whalen, George B. Powell, Milton;
Thomas S. Mott, G. P. Reynolds, Moreau ; Walter Doty, Coles Golden, Northumber-
land; William V. Clark, Seymour St. John, Providence; Henry D. Chapman, William
Wilcox, Saratoga; P. H. Cowen, John H. Beech, Saratoga Springs; Lewis Smith,
Yates Lansing, Stillwater; John Knickerbacker, John Cramer 3d, Waterford; John
Morris, Duncan McGregor, Wilton.
For the first two or three years the annual fairs of the society were
held at Ballston Spa, when the society located at Saratoga Springs.
The grounds and buildings thereon were sold in 1870, and in the fol-
lowing year the society leased the grounds known as Glen Mitchell,
where the fairs were held for many years. In 1865 the New York
State Agricultural society held a fair at Glen Mitchell, the Saratoga
County society giving no exhibit that year. In the fall of 1882, largely
through the efforts of Col. F. D. Curtis of Charlton, the fair was located
permanently at Ballston Spa, where it has since been held annually.
The present grounds were purchased in 1890. The presidents of the
society have been :
1843, Howell Gardiner; 1843, Elisha Curtis; 1844, Joseph Danjels; 1845, David
Rogers; 1846, Henry D. Chapman; 1847, Samuel Cheever; 1848^ Samuel Young;
1849, Jesse H. Mead; 1850, Seth Whalen; 1851, Lewis E. Smith; 1854, William Wil-
cox; 1855, Seneca Daniels ; 1856, Chauncey Boughton ; 1857, Nathaniel Mann; 1858,
Oscar Granger; 1859, Isaac Frink; 1860, William Wilcox; 1861, Joseph Baucus;
1863, Sherman Batcheller; 1863, Samuel J. Mott; 1864, Edward Edwards; 1865,
Chauncey Boughton ; 1866-1867, Isaiah Fuller; 1868, Frank D. Curtis ; 1869, De Witt
C. Hoyt; 1870, John Titcomb; 1871-1873, John P. Conkling; 1873, William Lape;
1874, Henry C. Holmes; 1875, Joseph B. Enos; 1876, A. B. Baucus; 1877, Charles
Lela'nd; 1878-1879, Benjamin F. Judson; 1880-1881, Seymour Gilbert; 1883-1885,
Frank D. Curtis; 1886, George West; 1887, William J. Parkinson; 1888, William A.
Collamer ; 1889-1895, William C. Tallmadge ; 1896, George C. Valentine ; 1897-
Henry C. Dater.
We have endeavored to trace, in this and preceding chapters, the
development of various communities of the county along the various
lines of commerce and industry, of education, of religious growth, etc.,
up to the year 1861, when the country was plunged into the horrors
of its terrible Civil war. The hardships wrought by this war, the
scarcity of money, the interruption of commerce and the high prices
demanded, of necessity, for the various commodities necessary to the
operation of manufacttiring plants, as well as to actual existence, ren-
dered the maintenance of many industries unprofitable, and Saratoga
county suffered as did all other sections of the country. Before pro-
ceeding with the story of the modern development of the county,
we shall endeavor to describe, accurately if not with eloquence, the
part which the inhabitants of Saratoga county played in the great,
awful drama of war from 1861 to 1865.
Participation of Saratoga County in the War of the Rebellion— The Seventy-
Seventh and Thirtieth Regiments of Infantry and Their Career During the War —
Morgan H. Chrysler's Second Veteran Cavalry— The One Hundred and Fifteenth
— Other Regiments in which Inhabitants of the County Fought — Officers of the
Seventy-Seventh and Thirtieth, with Promotions, Discharges, Resignations and
Deaths — Names of the Men from Saratoga County Who Fought in the War, and the
Towns Which Furnished Them.
In recording the history of the participation of the inhabitants of
Saratoga county in the great Civil war, or the war of the Rebellion, it
is unnecessary to go into the details of that tremendous crisis in our
nation's career. All know of the causes leading up to that memorable
struggle. After the defeat at the first battle of Bull Run, the North
was greatly humiliated, while the South was correspondingly elated.
The rebels had established their government, with Richmond as their
capital and Jefferson Davis as their president. The first two calls for
volunteers had been met promptly by the loyal States. Anticipating
a further demand for reinforcements for the army in the field, Hon.
James B, McKean of Saratoga Springs, then representing his congress-
ional district (the Fifteenth, now the Twenty-second) in the House of
Representatives, on August 21, 1861, issued a circular letter to his
constituents. It was also published in the Daily Saratogian, of Sara-
toga Springs, and afterward reprinted in many other papers through-
out Saratoga and adjoining counties. The letter read as follows :
Fellow Citizens of the Fifteenth Congressional District:
Traitors in arms seek to overthrow our constitution and to seize our capitol.
Let us go and help to defend them. Who will despond because we lost the battle of
Bull Run? Our fathers lost the battle at Bunker Hill, but it taught them how to gain
the victory at Bemus Heights.
Let us learn wisdom from disaster, and send overwhelming numbers into the field.
Let farmers, mechanics, merchants, and all classes — for the liberties of all are at
stake — aid in organizing companies.
I will cheerfully assist in procuring the necessary papers. Do not misunderstand
me. I am not asking for an office at your hands. If you who have most at stake
will go, I will willingly go with you as a private soldier.
Let us organize a Bemus Heights Battalion, and vie with each other in serving
our country, thus showing we are inspirited by the holy memories of the Revolution -
ary battle fields upon and near which we are living.
Jas. B. McKean.
Saratoga Springs, Aug, 21, 1861.
The effect of this call to arms was electrical. The response was in-
stantaneous and general, not only throughout every town in Sar3,toga
county, but from adjoining counties. Recruiting stations were opened
.in many places. Everywhei^e enthusiasm abounded. From the office
of the adjutant general at Albany orders were issued establishing a
branch depot and recruiting station at Saratoga Springs, and directing
that all companies being organized for the new regiment should ren-
dezvous there preparatory to being mustered into the service of the
United States government. The county fair grounds east of the vil-
lage were selected as a camping ground and soon put in readiness for
the new troops. The place was named Camp Schuyler, in honor of the
gallant General Philip Schuyler of Revolutionary fame. So general
and so rapid was thie response to the call of Mr. McKean, that by Octo-
ber 1 over six hundred men, divided into seven companies, had enlisted
and encamped at this rendezvous. These companies_^elected officers as
follows :
Saratoga Springs company.— Captain, Benjamin F. Judson; first lieutenant. L. M.
Ballston Spa company. — Captain, C. C. Hill ; first lieutenant, N. P. Hammond.
Wilton company. — Captain, Winsor B. French; first lieutenant, John Carr.
Northumberland company — Captain, Calvin Rice ; first lieutenant, James Terhune.
Greenfield company. —Captain, Lewis "Wood; first lieutenant, William B. Carpenter.
Charlton company.— Captain, A. F. Beach ; first lieutenant, N. H. Brown.
Westport company — Captain, R. W. Arnold ; first lieutenant, William Douglas.
After October 1 the following companies entered camp : The Water-
ford company, in command of Jesse White ; the Stillwater and Half-
moon company, in command of John C. Green; the Clifton Park com-
pany, in command of J. B. Andrews; the Edinburgh and Providence
company, in command of John J. Cameron; the Keeseville company,
in command of Wendell Lansing; the Greenwich company, in com-
mand of Henry R. Stone, and the Gloversville company, in command
of N. S. Babcock.
Several of these little commands not being full organizations, the
companies from Waterford, Stillwater, Halfmoon, Clifton Park, Edin-
burgh and Providence were soon afterward consolidated into one com-
pany, which elected J. B. Andrews captain, Jesse White first lieutenant
and John J. Cameron second lieutenant, John C. Green of Mechanic-
ville having been compelled to return home on account of ill health.
The companies from Keeseville and Greenwich also consolidated, choos-
ing Wendell Lansing captain and Jacob F. Haywood, first lieutenant.
Gloversville sent a complete company. Soon after going into camp
the officers secured quarters at Congress Hall, where they studied mil-
itary tactics and received instructions in the manual of arms, sword
practice and army regulations, until the regiment was ready to go
south. Every day recruits were added to the ranks, and the company
orgianizations were finally completed.
Several changes in officers were made. Winsor B. French, who had
entered camp as captain of the Wilton company, holding the rank of
fourth captain, resigned at the request of Colonel McKean and be-
came adjutant on the latter's staff, with the rank of first lieutenant.
On account of age and ill health Wendell Lansing resigned as captain of
the company recruited from Keeseville and Greenwich, and Frank Nor-
ton of Greenwich was chosen to succeed him. James Terhune, first
lieutenant of the Northumberland company, resigned and was succeeded
by George S. Orr. Each company by this time having full ranks, the
organization was completed and the captains drew by lot their places in
line, as follows:
Company A.— Captain, Read W. Arnold; first lieutenant, William Douglas; sec-
ond lieutenant, James H. Farnsworth ; all of Westport, Essex county.
Company B.— Captain, Clement C. Hill; first lieutenant, Noble P. Hammond;
second lieutenant, Stephen S. Horton ; all of Ballston Spa.
Company C. — Captain, Benjamin F. Judson; first lieutenant, Luther M. Wheeler;
second lieutenant, John Patterson ; ail of Saratoga Springs.
Company D. — Captain, John Carr ; adjutant and first lieutenant, Winsor B. French ;
second lieutenant, Chester H. Fodow; all of Wilton.
Company E. — Captain, Lewis Wood, Greenfield ; first lieutenant, William B. Car-
penter, Providence ; second lieutenant, Halsey Bowe, Saratoga.
Company F. — Captain, Judson B. Andrews, Mechanicville ; -first lieutenant, Jesse
White, Waterford ; second lieutenant, John J. Cameron, Saratoga.
Company G. — Captain, Calvin Rice, Northumberland ; first lieutenant, George S.
Orr, Gansevoort ; second lieutenant and quartermaster, Lucius E. Shurtleff, Galway.
Company H. — Captain, Albert F. Beach, Ctiarlton ; first lieutenant, N. HoUister
Brown, Charlton ; second lieutenant, George D. Storey, Malta.
Company I. — Captain, Franklin Norton, Greenwich; first lieutenant, Jacob F.
Haywood, Keeseville ; second lieutenant, Martin Lennon, Keeseville.
Company K. — Captain, Nathan S, Babcock ; first lieutenant, John W. McGregor ;
second lieutenant. Philander A. Cobb; all of Gloversville.
The following field and staff officers were then appointed :
Colonel, James B. McKean, Saratoga Springs ; lieutenant colonol, Joseph C. Hen-
derson, Albany; major, Selden Hetzel, Albany; surgeon, John L. Perry, M. D. ,
Saratoga Springs; assistant surgeon, George T. Stevens, M. D., Westport; chaplain,
David Tully, Ballston Spa; adjutant, Winsor B. French, Wilton ; quartermaster,
Lucius E. Shurtleff, Galway.
These officers were all duly commissioned by Governor E. P. Mor-
gan and, with the enlisted men, on November 23, 1861, mustered into
the service of the United States for the whole period of the w,ar. Five
dayp later the regiment, which had been given the number of seventy-
seven," marched out of camp and started on the journey to Washington.
On account of sickness and absence on furloughs a few men in each
company were not able to leave with the regiment. First Lieutenant
Noble P. Hammond of Company B was left at Camp Schuyler and a
few days later left for the front in charge of those whose departure had
been delayed by these circumstances.
The Seventy Seventh Regiment proceeded to Albany over the line
of the Rensselaer and Saratoga railroad, passing, through Ballston Spa,
1 The Seventy-seventh Regiment was also popularly known as "the Bemus Heights battalion,"
a name which had been given to it while in process of organization by James B. McKean. The
numerical strength of the regiment when fiuUy organized at Camp Schuyler was as follows :
Total strength, eight hundred and sixty-four men, divided as follows : Field and staff, eight ;
Company A, eighty-seven ; Company B, ninety-four ; Company C, eighty-one ; Company D,
eighty-three; Company E, eighty-three; Company F, eighty-five; Company G, eighty-eight:
Company H, eighty-three ; Company I, eighty-two ; Company K, ninety. These figures include
the oiHcers, three to each company.
Mechanicville and Waterford. All along the route of travel the regi-
ment received a continued ovation. At Albany the journey was con-
tinued to New York by boat down the Hudson river. In the metrop-
olis a number of people who formerly resided in Saratoga county
banqueted the soldiers, and presented to the regiment a handsome
banner and guidons. One side of the banner contained a representa-
tion of an engagement in which soldiers of the Revolution, led by
Washington, were fighting under the old flag with thirteen stripes and
the Union Jack. On the other side was pictured Burgoyne's surrender
under the new flag, the Stars and Stripes, which was first unfurled in
battle at Bemus Heights.
December 1, 1861, the Seventy-seventh Regiment arrived at the na-
tional capital and went into camp at Meridian Hill, about two miles
north of the city. Here it remained until February 15, 1862, when it
crossed the Potomac and joined the Third Brigade of the Second Divi-
sion, at Camp Griffin. The regiment remained a part of this brigade
and division until the close of the war. This brigade also included the
Thirty-third and Forty-ninth New York and the Seventh Maine Regi-
ments, and was in command of General Davidson. The division was in
command of General William Farrar Smith, popularly known as " Old
Baldy." From here, on March 8, the division proceeded to Manassas.
No enemy being found there, it was decided to proceed by way of
Fortress Monroe and the Peninsula against Richmond. Moving down
the river, the Seventy-seventh debarked at Hampton, a small village
west of the fort. On the 26th of the month a reconnaissance in force
was ordered,' but there was no engagement with the enemy until April
4. On that day the Confederates were found entrenched at Lee's Mills,
about three miles west of Yorktown, their earthwork extending across
the peninsula, about seven miles. In the first skirmish Private Frank
Jeffords of Company C was killed, the first death in battle in the Sev-
enty-seventh Regiment. The regiment remained in this locality about
* Dr. George T. Stevens of Westport, who was assistant surgeon on Colonel McKean's staff,
writing at the close of the war of the movements of the regiment, said: " In this advance or re-
connaissance of the whole army the qualities of the indi vidual soldiers composing it were brought
out in bold relief. During the months we had been in winter quarters many officers and men
had established marvelous reputations for bravery and hardihood, merely by constantly herald-
ing their own heroism. But from this time these doughty heroes went back. Officers suddenly
found cause for resigning, and enlisted men managed to get sent to the rear, and never showed
their faces at the front again. On the contrary, sonie who were really invalids insisted on drag-
ging themselves along the column, fearful that an engagement might take place in which they
would not participate. A sifting process was thus commenced throughout the whole division,
and, to its honor, the poltroons were very soon sifted out; and from that time forth Smith's
Division never afforded a comfortable resting place for men of doubtful courage."
a month, and during this time many deaths from fever occurred. May
3 and 4 the enemy retreated to Williamsburgh, whither the Union
forces followed them, engaged them in a long and severe battle, and
drove them from the field. During this fight, however, the Seventy-
seventh was not called into action.
May 15 the army advanced to White House, on the Pamunkey river,
where part of it was reorganized, the Second Division becoming apart
of the Sixth Corps of the Army of the Potomac. May 23 the regiment
reached Mechanicsville, a small village within sight of Richmond. This
place was defended by the Seventh and Eighth Georgia Regiments and
a battery. The latter opened fire, which was quickly returned. Soon
Colonel McKean was ordered to charge the village with his regiment.
As soon as the order was given the men of the Seventy-seventh rushed
forward with a yell, charging furiously and noisily down the little hill.
The rebel infantry, well nigh paralyzed by the onslaught, fired one
volley and fled precipitately, as did the rebel battery.'
Until June 5 our army remained in this vicinity, principally in the
captured village. June 5 it was ordered to Golden's Farm, on the south
bank of the Chickahominy. Then did the regiment realize that it
would not then, at least, participate in the advance upon Richmond.
For about three weeks the regiment lay at this point, little of moment
occurring until Colonel McKean, broken down by illness, was obliged
to leave the regiment. Other officers and a large number of enlisted
men also fell victims to swamp fevers and other great hardships, and
the ranks of the Seventy-seventh were greatly depleted.
In the lull that followed the battle of Fair Oaks or Seven Pines, May
31 and June 1, in which McClellan succeeded in driving the Confeder-
ates back, though he did not achieve a decisive victory, he formed the
design of changing his base of supplies from the White House, on the
Pamunkey, to some suitable point on the James river. The movement
was one of the utmost hazard, and before it was fairly begun General
Robert E. Lee, who on June 3 had succeeded General Joseph E. John-
ston as commander-in-chief of the Confederate army, the latter having
been severely wounded in the battle of Fair Oaks, on June 35 swooped
down on the right wing of the Union army at Oak Grove, and a hard-
fought battle ensued without decisive results. . On the next day an-
other desperate engagement occurred at Mechanicsville, and this time
■ This engagement was a part of the general movement of the Army of the Potomac against
the rebel capital.
the northern forces won the field. The result of this great fight was
heralded as a great victory for the Union army, and the joy of the
victorious forces knew no bounds. Everybody believed that the cap-
ture of Richmond was but a matter of a few hours — that the onward
march of the victors would be irresistible.
But the hope was not fulfilled. On the following morning the brave
Confederate leader renewed the struggle at Gaines's Mill, winning a
victory. On the 28th there was but little fighting. Meantime the
Seventy-seventh had been told to prepare quietly to retreat on a moment's
notice, preparing the way by destroying all but the necessities and the
most valuable effects of the soldiers, and leaving the tents standing.
About three o'clock on the morning of Sunday, June 29, the entire
Second Division quietly marched to Savage's Station, where on that
day they assisted in the repulse of the rebel forces. All that night
they marched toward White Oak Swamp, which was reached at day-
break of the 30th. After a brief respite the rebels opened a terrific
artillery fire upon the division, throwing it into the utmost confusion.
Before its batteries could return the fire with any appreciable effect,
the horses were killed and most of the cannon rendered useless. The
whole division was thrown into a panic, and at once retreated, led by
the Seventy-seventh Regiment. This battle is known as that of Frazier's
Farm or Glendale.
On that night the Second Division, with the rest of the army, reached
Malvern Hill, just south of the great White Oak Swamp, on the north
bank of the James, twelve miles below Richmond. Although this posi-
tion was protected by the Federal gunboats in the river, General Lee
determined to carry the place by storm. Accordingly, on the morning
of July 1 the whole Confederate army rushed forward to the assault.
The Sixth Corps held the right of line, and was not actually engaged.
All day long the furious struggle for the possession of the high grounds
continued. Not until nine o'clock at night did Lee's shattered columns
fall back exhausted. For seven days the terrific din of battle had been
heard almost without cessation. No such dreadful scenes had ever be-
fore been enacted on the American continent !
This practically ended the campaign. The Federal army had lost
more than 15,000 men, and the Confederate losses had been still heavier.
The capture of Richmond, the great object for which the expedition
had been undertaken, seemed further off than ever, and all the moral
effect of a great victory remained with the exultant South. July 2, the
day following the battle of Malvern Hill, General McClellan retired
with his army to Harrison's Landing, a few miles down the river.
The Seventy- seventh Regiment had suffered terribly from battle and
the ravages of disease. It went to the Peninsula with nearly a thou-
sand men, but by the middle of June but a quarter of that number
were in condition for active service. Many had been killed in battle,
others had died of fever, and others lay desperately ill or wounded.
Yet the losses in battle had been the least considerable, though the
regiment had always been in close proximity to the enemy. Colonel
McKean, stricken with typhoid fever, had been removed to Washington
and thence to his home at Saratoga Springs, to the profound regret of
himself and the officers and men of his regiment.' Sooii after a de-
plorable accident occurred. Second Lieutenant Halsey Bowe of Com-
pany D, one of the most popular young men in the regiment, had
returned to the camp July 18, after an absence of several weeks, fully
restored to health. The following day, while in a tent conversing with
several other officers, he was fatally wounded by an accidental shot
from a pistol. He died in Philadelphia August 16.
Besides the forced retirement of Colonel McKean, several other
changes occurred among the officers of the regiment about this time.
Among them Lieut. -Col. Joseph C. Henderson resigned June 19, and
Quatermaster Lucius Shurtleff resigned June 21. Maj. Selden Hetzel
had been dismissed by order of the secretary of war. May 15. Surgeon
John L. Perry had resigned, February 1. Chaplain David Tully
resigned July 8." Winsor B. French of Wilton, who had entered the
regiment as captain of the Wilton company, but who, at the solicitation
of Colonel McKean, had resigned to become adjutant on his staff, with
the rank of lieutenant, was promoted to major June 1 and to lieutenant-
colonel July 18.
August 16 the regiment left Harrison's Landing and proceeded to
Hampton, near Fortress Monroe, where transports were waiting to
carry the Sixth Corps to Alexandria, where it arrived August 23. Its
next engagement was in the battle of Crampton Pass, following which
it participated in the battle of Antietam. Lee's invasion of Maryland
1 When Colonel MoKean tendered his resignation, Secretary Stanton, instead of accepting it,
granted him an indefinite leave of absence, and advised him to go to his home at Saratoga
Springs and try to regain his health. He did so, but his health did not soon return. So ill was he
that for six years he was unable to practice his profession. In July, 1863, while confined to his
bed, he again tendered his resignation, which was finally accepted.
2 Several other less important changes are noted in succeeding pages in this chapter.
was being pushed with all the haste possible. In the Confederate gen-
eral's rear was McClellan's whole army. On the night of September
14 Lee fell back to Antietam creek and took a strong position in the
vicinity of Sharpsburg. On the morning of the 15th there was some
sharp but desultory fighting between the Union and Confederate
cavalry. During the afternoon the Federal advance, coming in on the
Sharpsburg road from Keedysville, received the opening salutes from
the Confederate guns on the Antietam. But nightfall came without a
serious conflict. On the following morning there was great activity of
preparation in both armies. Later in the day General Hooker's corps,
on the Union right, was thrown across the stream which separated the
combatants and brought into a favorable position for action. In this
quarter of the field the Confederate left under General Hood was
assaulted and driven back a half mile in the direction of Sharpsburg.
The rest of the day an irregular cannonading was continued. During
the night General Mansfield's corps crossed the Antietam on the north
bridge and joined General Hooker.
On the morning of September 17 both commanders had their armies
well into position, the Union forces being strongest in number and the
rebels having the advantage of an unfordable stream in their front. It
was of the first importance that General McClellan should gain and
hold the four stone bridges by which only his forces could be thrown to
the other side. General Burnside, who was ordered to take the lower
bridge, cross over, and attack the division of A. P. Hill, encountered
unexpected delays and was greatly retarded in his movements. On the
right Hooker renewed the battle at sunrise, and until late in the after-
noon the conflict raged with almost unabated fury.
In this engagement Captain Babcock of Company K was in command
of the Seventy-seventh. The regiment rushed forward and received
the fire bravely, and though far ahead of all other regiments, it stood
its ground and steadily returned the fire. Volley after volley cut down
the soldiers, still they never wavered in their unprotected position until
ordered to do so by General Smith. When it formed again it had
thirty-three men killed or wounded. But the advent of the corps to
which it belonged had decided the contest upon the right of the line,
and after the first charge of the Third Brigade the battle lulled. Be-
fore the next day General Lee withdrew his shattered forces from their
position and recrossed the Potomac into Virginia. This conflict cost
each army more than ten thousand men, but was indecisive in its
Before the army left Harrison's Landing Major French and Lieutenant
Caw were sent to Saratoga Springs to recruit for the Seventy-seventh.
Soon after their arrival a war meeting was held, and a large number
of men enlisted. In October, 1862, these officers, with the new recruits,
rejoined the regiment, when the former, now Lieutenant-Colonel
French, took command of the regiment and reorganized it. Companies
F and K were consolidated, the latter was replaced by the new com-
pany from Schuylerville, and the remainder of the new recruits were
assigned to Companies D and L Soon after the first battle of Fred-
ericksburg occurred, but the regiment, being held in reserve, met with
no losses. It soon after went into winter quarters at White Oak Church,
where it remained until spring.
On the second day of May, 1863, the Army of the Potomac once more
crossed the Rappahannock and the valiant Sixth Corps was ordered to
carry the heights of Fredericksburg by storm. The Seventy-seventh
Regiment led the Third Brigade as a skirmish line, crossed the plain
at double-quick and in perfect line, under command of Lieutenant-Colo-
nel French. Inspired by the coolness and bravery of the latter officer,
the men acted as if they were simply manoeuvering for practice, with
no thought of an enemy. In the face of an awful hail of musketry,
grape and canister the brave fellows charged onward. Men fell every
instant, but others sprang into their places and with cheers continued
to lead the assault, their bayonets fixed determinedly. Their rush was
splendid, irresistible, and the rebels retreated in confusion. The Sev-
enty-seventh, unwavering in its advance, was the first to reach the
summit of Marye's Hill, where it captured two heavy guns, great num-
bers of small arms, a stand of colors belonging to the Eighteenth Missis ■
sippi Regiment, and a large number of prisoners, among whom was Colo-
nel Luce, commander of the latter regiment. The Seventy-seventh lost
heavily, but it covered itself with glory in making one of the most
brilliant and successful charges of the war. Among those killed was
Captain Luther M. Wheeler of Company I, who fell at the foot of
Marye's Hill.
The following day the fight was resumed and the Sixth Corps was
compelled to fight Lee's entire army; but again the Seventy-seventh
Regiment held the left front of the line and maintained its position as
firmly as a stone wall. A few days afterward the regiment, with the
rest of the army, went into camp near White Oak Church, where it
remained until ordered to pursue Lee into Pennsylvania. In the march
to Manchester, Pa. , they forced their way over a hundred miles in
four days, and then, almost exhausted, they were compelled to proceed
at once to the relief of General Reynolds at Gettysburg. All night
and all day they picked their way through fields, over fences and ra-
vines, up hill and down, marching thirty-six miles in fourteen hours
with almost no food or drink. This corps was not called into actual
action in this terrible battle of the first three days of July, but was held
in reserve until Lee's shattered legions began their retreat, when it
followed the rebel forces over the mountains to Waynesboro.
The remainder of the summer and the fall were passed in compara-
tive quiet by the Seventy-seventh, which proceeded by easy stages to
the Rapidan. While encamped for three weeks at Stone House Moun-
tain the line officers of the regiment presented to Colonel French a
handsome sword, following which were festivities of a most pleasing
Winter was now coming on. On December 1 the short campaign of
Mine Run began, followed by the return to camp at Brandy Station.
Here the Seventy-seventh held the extreme right front in the attack,
and when the army retreated across the Rapidan it acted as rear guard
to the entire corps.
May 4, 1864, the regiment broke camp at Brandy Station and marched
across the Rapidan, participating actively the following day in the first
of the great battles of the Wilderness. On the 8th they reached Spott-
sylvania, and two days later took part in one of the most terrific and
bloody charges of the war. The Seventy-seventh, and eleven other
picked regimentSj were placed under command of Colonel Upton, who
led them in a charge against the right centre of the Confederate line.
It was desperate work, and the rebels would not retreat until forced to
do so at the point of the bayonet, in a hand-to-hand fight; but the first
intrenchment, then the second, and finally the third were captured and
the rebels driven from their rifle-pits. The fire of the enemy was ter-
rible and did great havoc, but not a man faltered for an instant. The
enthusiasm in the face of such deadly peril was tremendous. The Union
ranks were frightfully reduced, however, among those killed being
Captain William B. Carpenter of Company D, and Second Lieutenant
William F. Lyon of the same company.'
May 11 occurred the fight in the " bloody angle," when the regiment
' Lieutenant Lyon was officially reported as missing, but is believed to have been killed in
tbis action.
fought hand to hand with the enemy. In all the awful "battles of the
Wilderness " the regiment participated, generally standing the first
shock of battle, and likewise sustaining severe losses. This experience
was repeated at Petersburg on June 10, when the ranks of the regiment
were still further thinned out.
On July 9 the First and Second Divisions of the Sixth Corps started
for the defense pi Washington against the threatened attack under
direction of General Early. On this day the Seventy-seventh Reg-
iment left the Army of the Potomac forever. It arrived at the national
capital July 13, where it received a perfect ovation from the inhab-
itants, who had been fearful of being compelled to flee from the city.
General Early had stationed his forces in front of Fort Stevens, and
Colonel French was ordered to take the Seventy-seventh New York,
the Forty-ninth New York and the Seventh Maine Regiments and dis-
lodge the daring rebel commander. Colonel French's command made
a brilliant charge, which was witnessed by President Lincoln and other
prominent officials who were in the fort, putting the rebels to flight.
Still the latter made a stout, though brief, resistance, firing as they re-
treated and doing great damage to the pursuing brigade.
The " campaign in the valley," which virtually ended the war, gave
the noble Seventy-seventh Regiment one more opportunity to add to the
many laurels it already had won. After helping to drive Early from
before Washington the regiment, with the Sixth Corps, was assigned
to the Army of the Shenandoah, which had been placed in command
of the valiant Gen. Philip H. Sheridan, succeeding General Wright.
Its first engagement, as a part of this army, was the battle of Win-
chester. The troops placed at Sheridan's disposal numbered nearly
40,000, and with these he at once moved up the valley. On Septem-
ber 19 he came upon Early's army at Winchester, attacked and routed
him in a hard-fought battle. In this fight the Seventy-seventh again
met with heavy losses. After Winchester, Early retreated to Stras-
burg, where he occupied a very strong position; but Sheridan, un-
daunted, assailed his position and once more routed the daring rebel
On October 19 the regiment took part in the famous battle of Cedar
Creek, "with Sheridan twenty miles away." At a point when the vic-
torious rebel column were driving the disorganized fragments of the
Eighth and Nineteenth Corps through the ranks of the Sixth corps, the
latter band of veterans, " the wearers of the Greek Cross, whose fame
was already among the choicest treasures of American history, was to
show to the country and the world an exhibition of valor which should
tower above all the grand achievements of the war. The corps, num-
bering less than 12,000 men, now confronted Early's whole army of
more than thirty thousand men, who, flushed with victory, already
bringing to bear against us the twenty-one guns which they had just
captured from the two broken corps, rushed upon our lines with those
wild, exultant yells, the terror of which can never be conceived by those
who have not heard them in the field. With fearless impetuosity the
rebel army moved up the gentle rise of ground in front of the Sixth
corps, and the attack from one end of the line to the other was simul-
taneous. It was like the clash of steel to steel. The astonished col-
umns were checked. They had found an immovable obstacle to their
march to victory.'"
The greatest shock of the attack fell upon the Second Division. Bid-
well's Brigade made a desperate charge, and the rebels fled in confusion
down the hill which they had just ascended with such confidence. But
our men were driven back by a fearful fire from the rebel artillery. In
the engagement many lives were lost. General Bidwell fell while per-
sonally directing the charge. Captain Martin Lennon of Company I
fell mortally wounded." First Lieutenant William J. Taber of Com-
pany K and First Lieutenant John W. Belding of Company I were
killed while making the charge.
The wounding- of General Bidwell, who was horribly torn by a burst-
ing shell, left Colonel Winsor B. French of the Seventy-seventh in
command of the brigade. Under hig directions the broken line was
once more quickly formed as the rebels advanced again up the hill with
their hideous yell. Once more the brigade stood firm as a rock ; then
came the counter-charge, which once more drove the rebels back in
disorder, down the hill and across the creek. The field was now cov-
ered with the dead and wounded of both armies.
But the Confederates had gained a distinct advantage, and the Union
forces felt they were losing ground, despite their desperate fighting.
The latter retired and the rebels pursued them as far as Middletown,
two miles in the rear, and there, believing the victory complete, paused
to eat and rest. This was Early's fatal error.
After Sheridan had posted his army on Cedar Creek he felt secure,
' Dr. George T. Stevens's account.
' Captain Lennon died from his wounds November 1, 1864.
at least temporarily, and rode to Washington on important business.
In the meantime Early had surprised the Union camp and, as described
in the foregoing, sent the routed troops flying in confusion toward
Winchester, as far as Middletown. On the previous night the gallant
Sheridan had returned to Winchester, and was now coming to rejoin
his army. On his way he heard the sound of battle, rode his magnifi-
cent horse twelve miles at full speed under the spurs, and met the
panic-stricken fugitives not a moment too soon. His approach was
hailed with the wildest cheers and other manifestations of delight on
the part of the well-nigh discouraged Northern troops. As he came
onward at a wild gallop and passed the long trains of ambulances in
which lay hundreds of his beloved troops, with shattered limbs or
mangled bodies, they rose and cheered their commander with the wild-
est enthusiasm.
Reorganizing the line, another advance upon the astonished rebels
was ordered, the Second Division being ordered to proceed slowly.
Colonel French, in command of the Third Brigade, which was sub-
jected to galling fire, with heavy loss of life,' said to General Getty, " I
cannot take my brigade over that field slowly." " Then go quickly,"
responded General Getty. With a rush and prolonged cheer the men
crossed over the field and drove the rebels from their strong position.
Soon the Confederate line was put to rout, the Sixth Corps pursuing it
through the valley in one of the wildest races ever beheld in any battle.
For three miles they chased the panic-stricken rebels, capturing hun-
dreds of prisoners and many batteries without stopping to reload their
guns. This ended the battle and the participation of the gallant Sev-
enty-seventh Regiment in the war.
Soon after this the regiment was ordered to Saratoga Springs, where
it arrived November 33, 1864, after three years of hard fighting. It
was received with a remarkable demonstration on the part of a large
concourse of people from all parts of Saratoga and surrounding coun-
ties. But the regiment was a regiment in name only. Of the thirteen
hundred and sixty-nine men who, three years before, had left for the
front amid huzzas of the assembled multitude, but fourteen officers
and one hundred and five men had returned !
iln this charge the color-sergeant of the Seventy-seventh Regiment fell dead. Another ser-
geant who seized the flag also fell. Adjutant Gilbert F. Thomas, a handsome and brave young
officer, seized the fallen flag, shouted, '■' Forward, ^iien! " and instantly fell, pierced by a buUet.
Thomas was promoted to a corporal in Company C January 6, 1863, and to second lieutenant May
1, 1863.
These survivors of this awful struggle were escorted to the public
hall where they were welcomed by the president of the village, John S.
Lake, on behalf of the citizens of Saratoga Springs. After a prayer
by David TuUy, the first chaplain of the regiment, an address of wel-
come was delivered by Colonel James B. McKean,' to which Colonel
French responded. Dr. Luther F. Beecher read a poem of welcome
which had been composed by Mrs. M. C. Beecher. In the evening the
returned heroes were banqueted at the American hotel, when speeches
were made by Hon. C. S. Lester, Hon. James M. Marvin, Hon. A.
Pond, Hon. James M. Cook, William A. Sackett, W. M. Potter, officers
and soldiers of the regiment aud others.
December 13, 1864, the regiment was mustered out of the service of
the United States; but the war not yet having terminated, many of the
men who had enlisted during the previous winter re enlisted and, with
the recruits added to the regiment in 1862 and subsequently, were or-
ganized into a battalion under Captain David J. Caw and remained at
the front until the close of the war. December 9, 1864,- this battalion,
with the Sixth corps, returned to Petersburg. While engaged in that
vicinity March 25, 1865, several men were killed, including Captain
Sumner Oakley and First Lieutenant Stephen H. Pierce. In the final
charge at Fort Fisher April 2, the battalion and the Forty-ninth New
York led the way, helping to capture thousands of prisoners, many
stands of colors and many guns. Following this came the fight at
Sailor's Creek, and finally the surrender of the Army of Virginia, which
closed the war. The battalion soon afterward returned to Albany,
where it was mustered out June 27, 1865. The one thousand three
hundred and sixty-nine members of the regiment were reported as fol-
lows when the mustering out occurred, December 13, 1864:
> James B. McKean was born at Hoosick, Rensselaer county, N. Y., August 5, 1831, a son of
Rev. Andrew McKean and Catharine Bedell. Subsequently the family removed to the town o£
Saratoga, thence to Halfmoon. While here he taught in the Jonesville academy and other
local schools. When twenty-three years of age he was elected colonel of the One Hundred and
Forty-fourth Regiment of the New York State militia, receiving his commission from Gover-
nor Silas Wright. In June, 1847, he began the study of law with BuUard & Cramer, at Water-
ford ; was admitted to the bar March 5, 1849, and opened an office at Ballston Spa. June 20,
1850, he married Katharine Hay, daughter of Judge William Hay, and the following year re-
moved to Saratoga Springs. Prom 1855 to 1858, inclusive, he was judge of Saratoga county, hav-
ing been elected on the first Republican ticket ever nominated in the county, probably in the
State. In 1865 President Lincoln sent him to Spanish-America to exchange, the ratifications of
a treaty with Honduras. In 1870 President Grant appointed him chief justice of the Supreme
Court of Utah Territory, in which office he served five years, subsequently engaging in the
practice of his profession in Salt Lake City.
Mustered out with the regiment 105
Transferred to battalion and left in field (veterans) 151
Transferred to battalion and left in field (recruits) 364
Killed in action 83
Died of wounds received in action 40
Died of disease 140
Missing in action, most of whom supposed to be dead. 25
Died in rebel prisons 30
Deserted 61
Discharged on account of disability.. ^ 300
Discharged on account of wounds received in action 56
Promoted to commissioned officers 24
Total - 1,369
The Thirtieth Regiment, New York State Volunteers, ranked second
to none in faithfulness of service and valorous deeds in time of war.
It was composed of Company A, recruited at Lansingburgh ; Company
B of Troy, Company C of Schenectady, Company D of Saratoga,
Company E of Poughkeepsie, Company F of Saratoga, Company G of
Saratoga county, Company H of Hoosick, Company I of Troy and
Company K of Valatie and Kinderhook. The regiment was organized
by the election of Edward Frisby of Albany as colonel, Charles E.
Brintnall of Troy as lieutenant-colonel, and William M. Searing of
Saratoga Springs as major. The other officers were : Richard C. Bent-
ley of Albany, adjutant; Charles E. Russ of Albany, quartermaster;
Dr. Francis L. R. Chapin of Albany, surgeon; Dr. Julius A. Skilton,
assistant-surgeon; Robert W. Cross, sergeant-major; Bernard Gilligan,
quartermaster-sergeant ; and Thomas Tilley, standard-bearer.
The Thirtieth was organized under the first call of President Lincoln
for 75,000 men to serve two years. The line officers of the several
companies comprising it were as follows:
Company A. — Captain, Samuel King; first lieutenant, John H. Campbell; second
lieutenant, Francis Dargen.
Company B. — Captain, Walter L. Laning; first lieutenant, Philip Casey; second
lieutenant, J. Seymour Scott.
Company C. — Captain, B. M. Van Voast; first lieutenant, M. V. V. Smith; second
lieutenant, Edward Van Voast.
Company D. — Captain, Miles T. Bliven; first lieutenant, Mervin G. Putnam, sec-
ond lieutenant, John H. Marston.
Company E. — Captain, Harrison HoUiday ; first lieutenant, Edgar S. Jennings ; sec-
ond lieutenant, Nathaniel Palmer,
Company F. — Captain, Albert J. Perry ; first lieutenant, Andrew M. Franklin ; sec-
ond lieutenant, James M. Andrews, jr.
Company G. — Captain, Morgan H. Chrysler; first lieutenant, William T. Conk-
ling ; second lieutenant, Asa L. Gurney.
Company H. — Captain, Walter P. Tillman; first lieutenant, Lemuel Ball; second
lieutenant, F. W. Barnes.
Company I. — Captain, John M. Landon; first lieutenant, Samuel W. Potts; second
lieutenant, Alonzo Alden.
Company K. — Captain, Bartholomew Pruyn; first lieutenant, Gilbert W. Becker;
second lieutenant, Adam Lampman.
This organization was completed at Albany, June 1, 1861, when the
regiment was mustered into the service of the United States for the
term of two years. For a while before leaving for the front it en-
camped on the old Rensselaer county fair grounds between Troy and
Lansingburgh. The regiment was armed with ancient flint-lock mus-
kets altered to cap-lock, and on June 26 left Albany for Washington,
by way of the Hudson river. From Washington it made its first camp
at Bright Wood, near where Fort Stevens was built. Frorn there it
proceeded to Arlington, where it was brigaded with the Twenty-second
and Twenty-fourth New York and the Brooklyn Fourteenth (afterwards
the Eighty- fourth New York), making the First Brigade in the First
Division of the First Army Corps.
From this time until April, 1862, the First Brigade spent the most of
its time in building forts and doing picket duty between Washington
and Fredericksburg. In the latter month General McClellan prepared
to move the grand Army of the Potomac toward Richmond, and all
felt that the capture of the Confederate capital and the subjugation of
the rebellious South was a matter of a few months only. This army
numbered nearly 200,000 men. The advance proceeded as far as Ma-
nassas Junction and Centre Hill, the Confederates falling back and
forming a new line of defenses on the Rappahannock. At Manassas
the skirmish line moved forward, and carried the works of the enemy
by assault — only to find that the rebels had fled five days before. Soon
after the entire First Division proceeded to Fredericksburg. It partici-
pated in the action at the latter place, described in the story of the
Seventy seventh's career; then, until August, 1862, it performed picket
duty and made reconnaissances. In the latter month it was joined by
the army of General Pope, engaging under his command-in the battles
of Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock Station, White Sulphnr Springs,
Gaines's Corners, Grafton and the Second Bull Run. It then entered
McClellan's army again and fought in the battles of South Mountain
and Antietam. In the battle of Chantilly, August 30, 1862, Colonel
Frisby was killed, and sixteen other officers and two hundred and four-
teen men were either kiUed or disabled. Lieutenant Colonel Searing
was itpmediately promoted to the command of the Thirtieth Regiment.
From here the army, now in command of General Meade, pursued
the enemy to Fredericksburg, where they were engaged December 12
and 13. Soon after they went into winter quarters at Belle Plain, Va.,
General Wadsworth then being in command.
Among those killed in the battle of Chantilly were Captain Samuel
King and Lieutenant Frank Dargen of Company A. Lieutenant Philip
Rice of Company G (Saratoga) was killed in the night attack at Grove -
ton on August 29. The brigade became popularly known as Hatch's
Iron Brigade or foot cavalry,' being highly complimented for its be-
havior under fire. Early in the summer of 1863 the Thirtieth Regi-
ment was ordered home, and on June 18 was mustered out and dis-
charged at Albany. A number of the officers and men subsequently
joined Lieutenant- Colonel Morgan H. Chrysler, who organized the
Second Veteran Cavalry Regiment, re-entered the service in October,
1863, and served with distinction until the close of the war.
The Thirtieth Regiment participated in the following battles: Fal-
mouth, April 7, 1862; Massapomax, August 6, 1862; Rappahannock
Crossing, August 21, 22 and 23, 1862; White Sulphur Springs, August
26, 1862; Gainesville, or Gaines's Corners, August 28, 1862; Groveton,
August 29, 1862; Bull Run, August 30, 1862; South Mountain and
Antietam, September 4, 1862; Fredericksburg, December 13," 14 and
16, 1862; Chancellorsville, April 29 to May 6, 1863."
While the majority of the inhabitants of Saratoga county who fought
in the war served in either the Seventy-seventh or Thirtieth Regiments,
the county was represented in other organizations. Among these was
' The controversy which for years existed as to which brigade was entitled to be called the
Iron Brigade, was decided in favor of that to which the Thirtieth Regiment belonged, and it is
so recorded in history. The Western Regiments which claimed the title are now known as the
*' Western Iron Brigade."
^A permanent organization of the regiment was effected at Saratoga Springs June 28, 1886.
when the name of " Thirtieth Infantry New York State Volunteer Association " was adopted,
On the official list giving the percentage of josses incurred at the battle of Bull Run, the Thir-
tieth stands third with nineteen per cent. This regiment is one of the few which received from
the United States government a flag of merit.
Colonel Morgan H. Chrysler's troop of veteran cavalry (the Second),
the One Hundred and Fifteenth, tlie Ninety-third, the Fifty- fourth, the
One Hundred and Sixty-second, the One Hundred and Sixty -ninth, the
One Hundred and Fifty third, the Ninety-second, the Fifty-first, the
Twenty second, the Ninety seventh, the Fifty-sixth, the Ninety ^ixth,
the One Hundred and Twenty-third, the One Hundred and Eighteenth,
the Fifty-third, the Thirteenth, the Forty-seventh, the Eighty-third,
the Sixty-third, the Seventy-eighth, the Twentieth, the Twenty-fifth,
the One Hundred and Thirty -fourth and the One Hundred and Twenty-
fifth Regiments, New York Volunteers; the Twenty-fifth, the Sixth
and the Twenty-first Regiments of Cavalry; the Sixteenth Heavy
Artillery Company, the Thirteenth Artillery Company, the First Bat-
tery, the First Rifle Corps, the Veteran Reserve Corps, and perhaps in
some other organizations, as well as in the regular army and the navy.
The Second Regiment, Veteran Cavalry ' was organized at Saratoga
Springs by Col. Morgan H. Chrysler and others, to serve three years.
The companies of which it was composed were raised in the counties
of Saratoga, Schenectady, Montgomery, Clinton, Essex, Warren, Albany,
Rensselaer and Columbia. It was mustered into the service of the
United States from August 16 to December 30, 1863, and was mus-
tered out of service November 8, 1865. Following is a register of the
officers :
Morgan H. Chrysler, lieutenant-colonel, December 14, 1863; promoted to colonel
December 14, 1863 ; brevet brigadier-general and major-general ; mustered out with
Asa L. Gurney, lieutenant-colonel, December 14, 1868; mustered out with reg-
Duncan Cameron, major, December 14, 1863; brevet lieutenant-colonel; mustered
out with regiment.
Edward Van Voast, major, December 14, 1863; mustered out with regiment;
brevet lieutenant-colonel.
John S. Fassett, major, December 14, 1863 ; mustered out with regiment ; brevet
lieutenant- colonel.
Michael A. Stearns, adjutant, December 14, 1863 ; resigned March 29, 1864.
Henry W. Heartt, adjutant. May 18, 1864; deserted to the enemy October 19, 1864.
Robert Barber, first lieutenant, December 14, 1863 ; promoted to adjutant, Decem-
ber 7, 1864; mustered out with regiment.
David Keene, quartermaster, December 14, 1863 ; promoted to captain May 18,
1864; discharged August 27, 1865.
1 The brief history of this and other military organizations subsequently referred to in this
chapter is taken from the official records in the office of the adjutant-general of the State, of New
York at Albany.
Charles P. Carter, quartermaster, May 18, 1864; promoted to captain December
14, 1864; died of wounds July 13, 1864.
Charles W. Johnson, second lieutenant, December 14, 1863; quartermaster, Sep-
tember 34, 1864; discharged August 27, 1865.
Hamilton B. Littlefield, commissary, December 14, 1863 ; discharged July 38, 1864.
Foster S. Taylor, commissary, September 31, 1864; mustered out with regiment.
John L. Perry, surgeon, December 14, 1863; resigned June 12, 1864.
Lucien Dumainville, assistant-surgeon, December 14, 1863 ; promoted to surgeon
June 30, 1864 ; mustered out with regiment.
Ichabod King, assistant-surgeon, November 15, 1864; not mustered.
Galusha B. Balch, assistant-surgeon, January 8, 1864; mustered out with regiment.
Ransom C. Dwyer, chaplain, February 6, 1864; died at St. James Hospital, New
Orleans, June 80, 1864.
Daniel P. Cilley, chaplain, April 32, 1865 ; mustered out with regiment.
Lucius E. Wilson, captain, December 14, 1863 ; mustered out with regiment ; brevet
Thomas F. Allen, captain, December 14, 1863 ; mustered out with regiment.
David Keene, captain, May 18, 1864 ; discharged August 27, 1865.
Joseph Strunk, captain, December 14, 1863 ; mustered out with regiment ; brevet
Gifford W. Chrysler, captain, December 14, 1863; mustered out with regiment;
brevet major.
Smith J. Gurney, captain, December 14, 1863 ; mustered out with regiment.
Henry W. Sanford, captain, December 14, 1863 ; mustered out with regiment.
Charles H. Bentlej', captain, December 14, 1863; mustered out with regiment.
Gilbert W. Becker, captain, December 14, 1863; mustered out with regiment;
brevet major.
William H. Arlin, captain, December 14, 1863 ; missing since June, 1864.
Christopher Dolan, first lieutenant, December 14, 1863; promoted captain July 21,
1864; mustered out with regiment; brevet major.
Andrew M. Franklin, captain, December 14, 1863 ; resigned April 21, 1864.
Thomas B. Smith, first lieutenant, December 14, 1863; promoted captain July 21,
1864; died of disease February 26, 1865.
John J. Baker, captain, December 14, 1863 ; discharged September 33, 1864.
Israel Litno, second lieutenant, December 14, 1863; first lieutenant, July 21, 1864;
captain November 23, 1865; not mustered as captain, commission revoked; mustered
out with regiment.
Mason W. Covell, first lieutenant, December 14, 1863; captain, December 7, 1864;
mustered out with regiment.
Frederick D. Ellis, captain, missing since December, 1863,
Henry L. Jewett, first lieutenant, December 16, 1863 ; not mustered.
Thomas Ledwick, second lieutenant, December 14, 1863; first lieutenant, March
15, 1865 ; mustered out with regiment.
Horace W. Lacca, first lieutenant, December 14, 1863 ; mustered out with regiment.
Delos M. Whife. first lieutenant, December 14. 1863; resigned November 22, 1864.
Charles W. Van Patten, second lieutenant, December 14, 1863; first lieutenant,
January 30, 1865 ; mustered out with regiment.
Albert Westinghouse, first lieutenant, December 14, 1863 ; killed in action Decem-
ber 10, 1864.
Luman L. Cad well, first lieutenant, January 20, 1865; mustered out with regiment.
Dan. D. Stone, first lieutenant, December 14, 1863 ; died on board U. S. transport
" Iberville," bound to New Orleans, April 12, 1864.
Augustus P. Higby, second lieutenant, December 14, 1868 ; first lieutenant, July
21, 1864; mustered out with regiment.
George W. Steele, first lieutenant, December 14, 1863 ; discharged February 26,
Eliakim Chase, first lieutenant, October 10, 1864; mustered out with regiment.
Melville S. Dunn, first lieutenant, December 14', 1863 ; killed in action April 4, 1864.
Henry W. Thayer, second lieutenant, July 21, 1864; first lieutenant, November 23,
1865 ; not mustered as first lieutenant ; mustered out with regiment.
Mason I. Gibson, second lieutenant, December 14, 1863 ; first lieutenant. May 18,
1864; mustered out with regiment.
Thomas Hall, first lieutenant, December 14, 1863 ; died of wounds April 14, 1864.
Charles Palmer, second lieutenant, July 21, 1864; first lieutenant, (but not mus-
tered) November 23, 1865 ; mustered out with regiment.
Henry D.- Doty, second lieutenant, December 14, 1863; first lieutenant, July 31,
1864; cashiered September 39, 1865.
Miles T. Bliven, first lieutenant, December 14, 1863 ; discharged August 9, 1864.
George F. Beach, second lieutenant, December 14, 1863 ; first lieutenant, Decem-
ber 7, 1864; mustered out with regiment; brevet captain.
Henry M. Bailey, second lieutenant, December 14, 1863; first lieutenant July 31,
1864; mustered out with regiment; brevet captain.
Harper W. Rogers, second lieutenant, December 14, 1863 ; first lieutenant Decem-
ber 7, 1864; mustered out with regiment.
Enoch H. Gurney, promoted second lieutenant March 15, 1865 ; mustered out with
George B. Lyon, second lieutenant, December 14, 1868; resigned November
18, 1864.
Darwin L. Weeks, promoted second lieutenant December 7, 1864; mustered out
with, regiment.
Albert W. Thompson, promoted second lieutenant January 30, 1865 ; mustered out
with regiment.
Charles A. Gray, promoted second lieutenant December 80, 1864, but not mustered.
Harrison P. Kingsley, promoted second lieutenant March 14, 1865; mustered out
with regiment.
A. Hallock Holbrook, promoted second lieutenant July 31, 1864; mustered out
with regiment.
William Fisher, promoted second lieutenant December 7, 1864; deserted.
Leroy Hoaglin, promoted second lieutenant May 18, 1864; mustered out with
" Charles W. Howard, promoted second lieutenant December 7, 1864 ; mustered out
with regiment; brevet captain.
George E. Hutchings, promoted second lieutenant July 31, 1864, but not mustered;
killed in action.
W. Scott Whitney, promoted second lieutenant December 7, 1864 ; mustered out
with regiment.
Charles E. Shaw, second lieutenant, December 14, 1863; discharged November
13, 1864.
Sherman A. Case, promoted second lieutenant January 20, 1865; mustered out
with regiment.
George W. Decker, promoted second lieutenant November 23, 1865 : not mustered.
Albert Case, promoted second lieutenant November 23, 1865 ; not mustered.
Enos Van Voast, promoted second lieutenant November 23, 1865; mustered out
with regiment.
Frederick W. Stevens, quartermaster sergeant; brevet second lieutenant.
The One Hundred and Fifteenth Regiment of Infantry was organ-
ganized at Fonda to serve three years. The companies of which it
was composed were raised in the counties of Fulton, Hamilton, Mont-
gomery and Saratoga, then forming the Fifteenth Senate District. It
was mustered into the United States service August 26, 1862, and was
mustered out June 17, 1865. Simeon Sammons of Sammonsville, Mont-
gomery county, went out as colonel of the regiment. He was dis-
charged on account of disability November 19, 1864. Lieutenant-
Colonel Nathan J. Johnson acted as colonel after April 29, 1865, and
was commissioned colonel on the day the regiment left the service, but
was not mustered in as such. George S. Batcheller, then a resident of
Batchellerville, Saratoga county, was the first lieutenant-colonel, his
commission bearing date of August 30, 1862. He resigned November
14:, 1863. Ezra L. Walrath was commissioned lieutenant colonel on
the day the regiment left the service, but was not mustered in. Among
others who served as officers of the One Hundred and Fifteenth were:
Majors Patrick H. Cowan, Ezra L. Walrath and Egbert B. Savage;
adjutants, Thomas R. Horton, Hugh S. Sanford and John A, Collier;
Captain William H. McKittrick, who was commissioned September 10,
1862, and was killed in action at Chapin's Farm, Va., September 29,
1864; Captain Walton W. French, commissioned September 10, 1862,
and discharged June 11, 1864; Captain Cyrus N. Ballon, who was com-
missioned April 6, 1865; Alfred G. Noxon, commissioned May 18, 1863,
and resigned October 25, 1863. Henry W. Heaton, John W. Filkins,
Francis D. Barnum, Levi Sheffer, Aaron C. Slocum, William J. Jen-
nings and George H. Curreen were also officers in this regiment. The
One Hundred and Fifteenth fought in these battles : Maryland Heights,
Olustee, Drewry's Bluff, Coal Harbor, Petersburg, Deep Bottom, Cha-
pin's Farm, Darbytown Road, Fort Fisher and Wilmington.
The Twenty- fifth Regiment of Cavalry, popularly known as the
"Sickles Cavalry," was organized at Saratoga Springs to serve three
years. The companies of which it was composed were raised princi-
pally in the counties of Saratoga, New York, Delaware and Sullivan.
It was mustered into the service of the United States from October,
1863, to October, 1864, and was mustered out June 27, 1865. Gurden
Chapin was the first colonel, his commission dating October 31, 1864,
Aaron Seeley was lieutenant colonel. The regiment had at various
times these majors: Samuel W. McPherson, afterwards breveted lieu-
tenant colonel; Charles J. Seymour, Clinton G. Townsley, John L. V.
Danesi and Charles F. Willard. Samuel W. McPherson, William A.
Brusle, jr., and Robert M. Cumming each served as adjutant. The
other staff officers were: Quartermaster, Isaac V. Truss; commissary,
Edwin Dunn; surgeon, James D. Jones; assistant surgeons, George
Sumner and Arnold Dufloo; chaplain, Ethan Ray Clark.'
The Thirteenth Regiment of Infantry was organized at Elmira, was
mustered into service May 14, 1861, and mustered out May 13, 1863.
Isaac F. Quimby was the first colonel. He was succeeded in turn by
John Pickell and Elisha G. Marshall. The Twentieth Regiment of in-
fantry was organized in New York city, was mustered into service May
6, 1861, and mustered out June 1, 1863. The Twenty-second Regiment
was organized at Albany, was mustered in June 6, 1861, and mustered
out June 19, 1863. The Twenty-fifth Regiment was organized in New
York city, was mustered into service in June, 1861, and mustered out
July 10, 1863. The Forty-seventh Regiment was organized in New
York city, was mustered into the service in September, 1861, and mus-
tered out August 30, 1865. The Fifty first Regiment was organized in
New York city, was mustered into the service from July 27 to October
23, 1861, and was mustered out July 25, 1865. The Fifty-third Regi-
ment was organized in New York city, was mustered into the service
from August 27 to November 15, 1861, and was mustered out March
31, 1862. The Fifty-fourth Regiment was organized in New York city,
was mustered into the service from September 5 to October 16, 1861,
and was mustered out April 14, 1866. The Fifty-sixth Regiment was
organized at Newburgh, was mustered into the service from July 31 to
December 10, 1861, and was mustered out October 17, 1865. The
Sixty-third Regiment was organized in New York city, was mustered
into the service from August 7 to November 13, 1861, and was mus-
tered out June 30, 1865. The Seventy-eighth Regiment was organized
in New York city, was mustered into service from October 1, 1861, to
April 12, 1863, and was consolidated with the One Hundred and Second
Regiment June 29, 1864. The latter regiment was mustered out July
21, 186.5. The Eighty-third Regiment was organized in New York
city, was mustered into the service from May to August, 1861, and at
the expiration of its term of service the veterans and recruits were
transferred to the Ninety-seventh Regiment. The Ninety-second
Regiment was organized at Potsdam, was mustered into service Janu-
ary 1, 1862, and mustered out January 7, 1865. The Ninety-third
Regiment was organized at Albany, was mustered into service from
October, 1861, to January 1862, and was mustered out June 29, 1865.
The Ninety-sixth Regiment was organized at Plattsburgh, was mus-
tered into service from February 20, 1862, to March 7, 1862, and was
mustered out February 6, 1866.' The Ninety-seventh Regiment was
organized at Boonville, was mustered into service from September, 1861,
to February, 1862, and was mustered out July 18, 1865. The One
Hundred and Eighteenth Regiment was organized at Plattsburgh, was
mustered into service August 30, 1862, and mustered out June 13, 1865.
The One Hundred and Twenty-third Regiment was organized at Salem,
Washington county, was mustered into service September 4, 1862, and
mustered out June 8, 1865. The One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Regi-
ment was organized at Troy, was mustered into service August 29,
1862, and mustered out June 5, 1865. The One Hundred and Thirty-
fourth Regiment was organized at Schoharie, was mustered into service
September 22, 1862, and mustered out June 1, 1865. The One Hun-
dred and Fifty-third Regiment was organized at Fonda, and was mus-
tered into service October 18, 1862. The companies of which it was
composed .were raised in the counties of Saratoga, Fulton, Montgomery,
-Clinton, Essex and Warren. Duncan McMartin, the first colonel, was
succeeded May 26, 1863, by Edward P. David, who was breveted brig-
adier-general. The regiment was mustered out of service October 2,
1865. It saw service in the battles at Sabine Cross Roads, Pleasant
Hill, Marksville, Cane River, Mansura and Alexandria, La. The One
Hundred and Sixty-second Regiment was organized in New York city,
was mustered into service from August 22 to October 18, 1862, and
mustered out October 12, 1865. The One Hundred and Sixty ninth
Regiment was organized at Troy, was mustered into service from Sep-
tember 25 to October 6, 1862, and mustered out July 19, 1865.
1 This regiment participated in thirty-one battles.
The Sixth Regiment of Cavalry was organized in New York city,
was mustered into service from September 12 to December 19, 1861,
and was consolidated with the Fifteenth New York Cavalry as the Sec-
ond New York Provisional Cavalry June 17, 1865. The Twenty-first
Regiment of Cavalry was organized at Troy, was mustered into service
from August to October, 1863, and was mustered out by detachments.
The Sixteenth Regiment of Heavy Artillery was organized in the
State at large, was mustered into the service from September 28, 1863,
to January 28, 1864, was mustered out August 21, 1865. The Thir-
teenth Regiment of Heavy Artillery was organized in New York city,
was mustered into the service from August, 1863, to September, 1864,
and transferred to the Sixth New York Artillery June 27, 1865. The
First Battery of Light Artillery was organized at Auburn, was mustered
into service November 23, 1861, and mustered out June 23, 1865. The
First Regiment Mounted Rifles was organized in New York city, was
mustered into service from August 31, 1861, to September 9, 1862, and
was consolidated July 21, 1865, with the Third Regiment New York
Cavalry, as the Fourth Provisional New York Cavalry.
The story of Saratoga county's participation in the war of the Rebel-
lion would not be complete without more than a passing mention of
the famous Ellsworth Zouaves, or the Eleventh New York Volunteer
Infantry, organized in New York city in April, 1861. But before
speaking in detail of this regiment, which in itself was not of particu-
lar interest to the people of Saratoga county except that it was organ-
ized and commanded by Col. E..E. Ellsworth, let us look into the life
of the young commander.
Ephraim Elmer Ellsworth was born in the town of Malta April 11,
1837, the son of Ephraim D. Ellsworth. As a boy he served as a clerk
in a store at Mechanicville. At the age of sixteen years he went to
Troy and continued in mercantile life. But this was not a pursuit to
his liking, and he journeyed to New York. Finding competition there
too great, in the spring of 1859 he went to Chicago and began the study
of the law in the office of J. E. Cone. While pursuing his studies he
gained a wonderful knowledge of the manual of arms and became an
expert fencer.
All this while he was suffering the pangs of poverty, and almost
starvation. Many a night he threw himself on the floor of Mr. Cone's
law ofiSce, hunger-stricken and wearied to exhaustion. He had organ-
ized a company of cadets, and before long Chicago was singing the
praises of the Ellsworth Zouaves. So great did the degree of perfection
of these Zouaves attain, that in the summer of 1860, in response to
many requests, Ellsworth made a tour of the country at their head,
scoring an unbroken series of triumphs.
After this tour young Ellsworth became one of the most talked of
young men in the country. While on his return to Chicago from the
East he met Abraham Lincoln, then a candidate for the presidency.
Mr. Lincoln offered Ellsworth a place in his office, and the offer was
quickly accepted. After Mr. Lincoln was elected to the presidency
Ellsworth received at his hands' a commission as lieutenant in the army,
and was detailed for special duty in Washington. When the war be-
gan he was anxious to enter into active service at once. To do this he
therefore resigned his commission as lieutenant, went to New York
city and obtained permission of the chief of the metropolitan fire de-
partment to recruit a regiment from among the firemen. The request
being granted, he sent to Chicago for some of the men of his old Zouave
company, and they joined him at once.
The rapidity with which this regiment (the Eleventh New York Vol-
unteer Infantry, usually called the New York Zouaves) was recruited
is shown by the fact that Ellsworth arrived in New York April 17, 1861,
and April 29 the new regiment of eleven hundred men embarked on
the steamer Baltic for Washington. They were mustered into service
by General Irwin McDowell in the presence of President Lincoln in
front of the capitol May 7, the first regiment mustered in "for three
years, or during the war," previous enlistments having been for three
May 24 the Eleventh was transferred to Alexandria, Va. In that
place Colonel Ellsworth, leaving Lieut. -Col. Noah L. Farnham in com-
mand, accompanied by Sergeant Frank B. Marshall and a squad of
men proceeded to the Marshall house to remove a rebel flag which
floated from the top of that building. After sending Sergeant Mar-
shall back to the regiment for Company A, he went inside of the hotel,
posting one of his escort at the door, another on the first floor, another
at the foot of the stairs, and Corporal Frank E. Brownell, of Troy, N.
Y., on the .third floor. Colonel Ellsworth then ascended to the top of
the house to obtain a view of the surroundings and remove the obnox-
ious flag. Securing the latter he started to descend the stairs, when
he heard the report of a gun. Hastening down, he came around a
turn in the stairs just in time to receive the second charge from a
double-barelled shotgun in the hands of James W. Jackson, the land-
lord of the Marshall house. The gun was aimed at Brownell, who had
knocked the gun up. '
Hardly had the shot been fired when Corporal Brownell leveled his
gun at the assassin and fired, killing him instantly. It was sub-
sequently learned that the murderer was crazed with drink, having
been on a prolonged debauch.
Many criticisms of Ellsworth have been published, accusing him of
tyranny, vanity, undue pride and foolhardiness. But all such criti-
cisms, it is now generally believed, had their source either from those
who had suffered from a necessary discipline, agreed to by themselves
and afterwards violated, or from the friends of these men. Not one
surviving member of his Zouaves, who remained faithful to the end,
agrees with such criticism. On the other hand, they accord to the
heroic Ellsworth unparalleled fixedness of purpose, industry and clear-
headedness in all matters pertaining to military affairs. They believe
that on the roll of great captains, when the greatest of all wars closed,
the name of Ellsworth might have stood second to none, had it not
been for his untimely end.
Ephraim D. Ellsworth, father of Col. E. E. Ellsworth, was born in
the town of Halfmoon, May 22, 1809. Previous to his nineteenth year
he learned the tailor's trade at Waterford and afterwards worked at it
in Troy and Jonesville, this county. In 1836 he married Phebe Den-
ton of Malta, and located at Mechanicville to carry on his trade, resid-
ing there the remainder of his days, excepting ten years spent in the
service of the government. November 16, 1861, President Lincoln
commissioned him captain in the ordnance department and he was
assigned to duty at Fortress Monroe. This was six months after the
assassination of his son. Captain Ellsworth soon resigned this position
and was placed in charge of the Champlain arsenal at Vergennes,
Vt., where he remained about ten years, returning to his home at Me-
chanicville in the fall of 1871.
The following is a list of the officers of the Seventy-seventh Reg-
iment, New York Volunteers, with promotions, discharges, resigna-
tions and deaths, from November 23, 1861, to the close of the war:
James B. McKean, colonel, resigned July 27, 1863.
Joseph C Henderson, lieutenant colonel, resigned June 19, 1862.
Selden Hetzel, major, dismissed by order of the secretary of war. May 15, 1863.
Lucius ShurtlefE, quartermaster, resigned June 31, 1862.
John L. Perry, surgeon, resigned February 1, 1863.
Augustus Campbell, surgeon, resigned February 7, 1863.
John M. Fay, assistant surgeon, dismissed March 3, 1863.
David TuUy, chaplain, resigned July 8, 1863.
Winsor B. French, adjutant, promoted major June 1, 1863; lieutenant-colonel, July
18, 1863 ; colonel, August 25, 1863 (not mustered out as colonel, regiment being re-
duced below minimum number of men); breveted brigadier-general United States
Volunteers for gallant and meritorious conduct on the field; mustered out with reg-
Nathan S. Babcock, captain, promoted major, August 31, 1863 ; mustered out with
William H. Fursman, first lieutenant Company K, promoted adjutant, May 3,
1863; resigned February 13, 1864.
Lawrence Van Demark, second lieutenant Company C, promoted first lieutenant,
and adjutant, February 13, 1864; resigned September 30, 1864.
William W. Worden, sergeant Company C, promoted second lieutenant, Novem-
ber 33, 1863; adjutant, October 34, 1864; mustered out with regiment.
Thomas M. White, private Company C, promoted commissary sergeant, Feb-
ruary 37, 1863; second lieutenant, February 10, 1865; first lieutenant and adjutant,
March, 1865 ; mustered out with battalion ; breveted major for services rendered in
battle April 3, 1865.
Jacob F. Hayward, first lieutenant Company I, promoted quartermaster, June 21,
1862 ; mustered out with regiment.
George T. Stevens, assistant surgeon, promoted surgeon, February 27, 1863; mus-
tered out with regiment.
Justin G. Thompson, assistant surgeon, November 17, 1863 ; transferred and mus-
tered out with battalion.
Norman Fox, jr., chaplain, appointed from civil life, December 10, 1863; mustered
out with regiment.
Job S. Safford, promoted from sergeant Company F, to sergeant-major.
Seymour Burch, sergeant-major, discharged February 1, 1863.
Wendell Lansing, commissary-sergeant, discharged.
Aaron B. Quivey, private Company C, promoted commissary-sergeant, June 5,
1862; discharged March 1, 1863; re enlisted and killed on picket, May 18, 1864.
Luther F. Irish, principal musician, discharged.
Isaac D. Clapp, corporal Company C, promoted sergeant-major, May 15, 1863; ad-
jutant, June 1, 1863; captain, June 6, 1863; major (but not mustered), June 13, 1864;
mustered out with regiment.
William A. De Long, assistant-surgeon, appointed from civil life, March 3, 1868 ;
mustered out with regiment.
Charles D. Thurber, private Company D, promoted quartermaster-sergeant; sec-
ond lieutenant Company E ; quartermaster ; mustered out with battalion.
Andrew Van Wie, private Company C, promoted principal musician, July 1, 1864.
Alexander P. Waldron, private Company D, promoted hospital steward, Septem-
ber 8, 1863.
Sidney O. Cromack, sergeant Company B, promoted sergeant-major, May 3, 1863 ;
first lieutenant, June 5, 1863; discharged March 11, 1865.
George H. Gillis, sergeant Company C, promoted sergeant-major, November 17,
1862; second lieutenant, February 25, 1863; mustered out with regiment.
Edward S. Armstrong, corporal Company C, promoted quartermaster-sergeant,
January 1, 1862; first lieutenant Company B, May 19, 1863; discharged January 14,
Thomas S. Fowler, private Company D, promoted quartermaster-sergeant, April
3, 1862 ; second lieutenant, October 2, 1863 ; discharged on account of wounds Au-
gust 12, 1864.
Gilbert F. Thomas, corporal Company C, promoted second lieutenant, May 1,
1863; killed in action at Cedar Creek, October 19, 1864.
Charles H. Davis, sergeant Company D, promoted adjutant of battalion, February
18, 1865 ; captain, April 22, 1865 ; mustered out with battalion.
Obed M. Coleman, private Company C, promoted quartermaster-sergeant.
Edward H. Thorn, private Company C, promoted commissary-sergeant.
David J. Caw, private Company H., promoted second lieutenant, May 21, 1863;
first lieutenant, September 23, 1862; captain, December 10, 1862; major, December
30, 1864 ; lieutenant-colonel, December 24, 1864 ; colonel (but not mustered) July 6,
1865 ; mustered out with battalion.
Company A. — Captain Read W. Arnold, resigned April 3, 1863. First Lieutenant
William Douglass, resigned April 21, 1863. First Lieutenant Stephen S. Hastings,
resigned December 33, 1863. Second Lieutenant James Hj. Farnsworth, resigned
February 8, 1862. Captain George S. Orr, promoted from lieutenant April 3, 1863 ;
lost right arm at Cedar Creek ; mustered out with regiment. Captain Charles E.
Stevens, promoted from ranks to second lieutenant March 31, 1863; first lieutenant,
January 38, 1863; captain, September 16, 1864; commissioned colonel (but not mus-
tered) ; mustered out with battalion. Second Lieutenant Lewis T. Vanderwarker,
promoted from private January 37, 1863 ; first lieutenant, November 10, 1863 ; mus-
tered out with regiment. Second Lieutenant Sorell Fountain, promoted from pri-
vate April 33, 1865 ; mustered out with regiment. First Lieutenant Adam Flans-
burgh, promoted in battalion.
Company B. — Captain C. C. Hill, resigned July 1, 1863. Captain Stephen S. Hor-
ton, promoted from second lieutenant to captain July 35, 1863; discharged May 31,
1863, on account of wounds received at Antietam. Captain Frederick Smith, dis-
missed. First Lieutenant Noble P. Hammond, resigned July 34, 1862. Second
Lieutenant G. R. McGunnigle, dismissed. Second Lieutenant Sidney O. Cromack.
(See Staff.) Second Lieutenant William H. Quackenbush, promoted February 16,
1865 ; mustered out with battalion.
Company C— Captain Benjamin F. Judson, resigned March 29, 1863. Captain
Luther M, Wheeler, fitst lieutenant, promoted captain March 39, 1863 ; killed in ac-
tion at Fredericksburg, Va., May 3, 1863. First Lieutenant John Patterson, resigned
September 8, 1863. Captain E. W. Winne, first sergeant, promoted Second lieuten-
ant March 39, 1863; first lieutenant, September 8, 1863; captain Company F, May 9,
1863 ; discharged September 9, 1864. Second Lieutenant Gilbert F. Thomas. (See
Staff.) Second Lieutenant Stephen H. Pierce, transferred to battalion ; promoted
first lieutenant March 15, 1864; killed in action March 35, 1865. Second Lieutenant
David Pangburn, promoted from sergeant.
Company D. — Captain John Caw, resigned at White House, Va., May 18, 1863, on
account of disability and died before reaching home. Captain Seth W. Deyoe, pro-
moted from first sergeant to first lieutenant November 38, 1861 ; captain, September
8, 1862; discharged on account of wounds received in action, July 36, 1864. Second
Lieutenant Chester H. Fodow, resigned May 31, 1863. Second Lieutenant Robert
H. Skinner, promoted June 4, 1863; discharged on account of wounds received in ac-
tion, March 13, 1868. First Lieutenant Joseph H. Loveland, promoted captain, No-
vember 3, 1868 ; mustered out with regiment. Captain Sumner Oakley, sergeant,
promoted first lieutenant September 6, 1864; transferred to battalion January 30,
1865; killed in action, March 35, 1865. Second Lieutenant Robert E. Nelson, ser-
geant, promoted second lieutenant. May 25, 1864; first lieutenant August 20, 1864;
transferred to and mustered out with battalion.
Company E. — Captain Lewis Wood, discharged on account of disability, October 4,
1863. Captain William B. Carpenter, first lieutenant, promoted captain December
35, 1863; killed in action May 10, 1864. Second Lieutenant Halsey Bo we, accident-
ally shot in camp at Harrison's Landing, Va., and died of the wound in Philadelphia
August 16, 1863. First Lieutenant Henry C. Rowland, promoted from sergeant
January 33, 1863 ; mustered out with regiment. Second Lieutenant William F. Lyon,
promoted March 17, 1863; missing; believed to have been killed in action May 10,
1864. Second Lieutenant Charles D. Thurber. (See Staff.) Second Lieutenant
Thomas M. White. (See Staff.) First Lieutenant James A. Monroe, promoted
from first sergeant November 15, 1864; mustered out with battalion.
Company F. — Captain Judson B. Andrews, resigned July 16, 1862. Captain Jesse
White, promoted from first lieutenant, September 33, 1863, discharged for disability,
February, 1863. Second Lieutenant Emmett J. Patterson, resigned December 18,
1863. Second Lieutenant Thomas S. Fowler. (See Staff.) Second Lieutenant John
J. Cameron, died on the Peninsula May 6, 1862.
Company G. — Captain Calvin A. Rice, dismissed by order of secretary of war,
October 4, 1862. First Lieutenant Edward S. Armstrong. (See Staff.) Second
Lieutenant William K. Young, resigned April 15, 1863. Captain George Ross, ser-
geant, promoted second lieutenant, January 23. 1863 ; first lieutenant, March 17, 1863 ;
captain, December 28, 1865 ; mustered out with battalion. Second Lieutenant George
H. Gillis. (See Staff.) Captain Orin P. Rilgg, sergeant, promoted second lieuten-
ant, April 28, 1863; captain, December 10, 1863; killed in action May 13, 1864.
Company H, — Captain Alfred H. Beach, resigned January 28, 1862, on account of
physical disability. Captain N. HoUister Brown, promoted from first lieutenant,
January 30, 1863; resigned December 36, 1862. First Lieutenrnt George D. Story,
promoted from second lieutenant January 30, 1862 ; resigned May 31, 1862. First
Lieutenant Frank Thomas, promoted second lieutentant from first sergeant. Com-
pany C, January 23, 1863; first lieutenant, March 13, 1863; discharged August 10,
1864, on account of wounds received in action May 10, 1864. Captain David J. Caw.
(See Field.) First Lieutenant Alonzo Rowland, appointed second lieutenant from
civil life, August 10, 1863 ; promoted first lieutenant, November 15, 1864; mustered
out with battalion. Second Lieutenant William Caw, promoted from sergeant,
January 20, 1865 ; mustered out with battalion.
Company /.—Captain Franklin Norton, resigned in August. 1863, and appointed
lieutenant-colonel, One Hundred and Twenty-third New York Volunteers. Second
Lieutenant Carlos Rowe, promoted sergeant, June 1, 1863; second lieutenant. May 1,
1863; mustered out with regiment. First Lieutenant Jacob F. Hayward. (See Stafif.)
First Lieutenant William E. Merrill, promoted second lieutenant, November 15, 1864 ;
first lieutenant, April 23, 1865; mustered out with battalion. Captain Martin
Lennon, promoted from second lieutenant, December 10, 1862; died November 1,
1864, from wounds received at Cedar Creek October 19, 1864. First Lieutenant
John W. Belding, promoted first lieutenant, March 19, 1863; killed at Cedar Creek
October 19, 1864.
Company K. — Captain Nathan S. Babcock. (See Field.) First Lieutenant Ansil
Dennison, sergeant, promoted second lieutenant, February 6, 1863; first lieutenant,
March 11, 1863; died February 28, 1863, from wounds received in action at Antietam.
First Lieutenant William Fursman. (See Staff. ) Captain John R. Rockwell, dis-
charged for disability October 2, 1863. First Lieutenant John W. McGregor, dis-
charged February 10, 1862. First Lieutenant Philander A. Cobb, discharged May
11, 1863. Second Lieutenant Cyrus F. Rich, resigned on account of physical dis-
ability November 30, 1862. Second Lieutenant Stephen Redshaw, dismissed Octo-
ber 31, 1863. First Lieutenant William J. Tabor, promoted from sergeant. May 3,
1863; killed in action at Cedar Creek, October 19, 1864, Second Lieutenant Jeremiah
Stebbins, promoted from sergeant. May 9, 1863 ; mustered out with battalion.
The following are the names of 'the officers of the Thirtieth Regi-
ment, New York Volunteers, with promotions, discharges, resignations
and deaths:
Edward Frisby, colonel, killed at battle of Bull Run, August 30, 1862.
William M. Searing, major, promoted lieutenant-colonel March 32, 1863; colonel
September 20, 1862 ; mustered out with regiment.
Charles E. Brintnall, captain, promoted lieutenant- colonel May 31, 1861; resigned
March 11, 1862.
Morgan H. Chrysler, captain, promoted major March, 11, 1862 ; lieutenant-colonel
September 20, 1862 ; mustered out with regiment.
Albert J. Perry, captain, promoted major October 29, 1862; mustered out with
regiment; brevet lieutenant-colonel.
Richard C. Bentley, adjutant, promoted major Sixty-third Regiment February
16, 1863.
Alonzo Alden, second lieutenant, promoted adjutant June 10, 1863.
Miles T. Bliven, captain, dismissed December 31, 1861 ; commissioned adjutant Octo-
ber 37, 1863; resigned January 17, 1863.
Zebulon M. Knight, adjutant, mustered out with regiment.
Charles E. Russ, quartermaster, promoted to captain and acting quartermaster
August 5, 1863.
Stephen W. Trull, quartermaster, mustered out with regiment.
Francis L. R. Chapin, surgeon, mustered out with regiment.
Julius A. Skilton, assistant surgeon, promoted surgeon Eighty-seventh Regiment
January 17, 1863.
Fowler Prentice, assistant surgeon, promoted surgeon Seventy-third Regiment
March 39, 1863.
R. M. Deering, assistant surgeon, mustered out with regiment.
Horace T. Hawks, assistant surgeon, mustered out with regiment.
Nathan G. Axtell, chaplain, resigned October 8, 1863.
Samuel King, captain, died September 1, 1863.
John H. Campbell, first lieutenant, promoted captain October 39, 1863; mustered
out with regiment.
Warren L. Lansing, captain, mustered out with regiment.
J. Seymour Scott, second lieutenant, promoted first lieutenant November 1, 1861 ;
captain January 27, 1863; mustered out with regiment.
Barent M. Van Voast, captain, dismissed March 7, 1863.
Mause V. V. Smith, first lieutenant, promoted captain May 13, 1863; resigned.
Samuel D. Potts, first lieutenant, promoted to captain February 19, 1863; mus-
tered out with regiment.
Edgar S. Jennings, first lieutenant, promoted to captain January 37, 1863 ; dis-
missed April 4, 1863.
Harrison HoUiday, captain, died September 17, 1863, of wounds received in action.
Joseph Williams, first lieutenant, promoted captain October 17, 1863; mustered
out with regiment.
Robert B. Everett, captain, transferred to Seventy-sixth Regiment May 25, 1868.
Asa L. Gurney, second lieutenant, promoted first lieutenant December 12, 1861 ;
captain April 9, 1862 ; mustered out with regiment.
John Van Rensselaer, captain, not mustered.
Walter P. Tillman, captain, mustered out with regiment.
John M. Landon, captain, mustered out with regiment.
Bartholomew Pruyn, captain, discharged October 3, 1863.
Adam Lampman, second lieutenant, promoted first lieutenant January 27, 1863;
captain February 19, 1863; mustered out with regiment.
William Shelley, first lieutenant, mustered out with regiment.
Philip Casey, first lieutenant, died October 4, 1861, at Upton Hill, Va.
Harrison Holt, second lieutenant, promoted first lieutenant, February 19, 1868;
discharged March 18, 1863.
Bernard Gilligan, second lieutenant, promoted first lieutenant. May 9, 1863 ; mus-
tered out with regiment.
Edward Van Voast, second lieutenant, promoted first lieutenant. May 18, 1863;
Clustered out with regiment.
Mervin G. Putnam, first lieutenant, resigned January 13, 1863.
John H. Marston, second lieutenant, promoted first lieutenant, January 37, 1863,
but not mustered as such.
James M. Andrews, jr., second lieutenant, promoted first lieutenant, March 13,
1863 ; mustered out with regiment.
Alfred Sherman, second lieutenant, promoted first lieutenant, October 37, 1863;
dismissed March 5, 1863.
Theodore Buckman, second lieutenant, promoted first lieutenant. May 9, 1863;
mustered out with regiment.
Andrew M. Franklin, first lieutenant, discharged September 11, 1863.
Philip Keller, first lieutenant, transferred to Seventy-sixth Regiment, May 25,
William T. Conkling, first lieutenant, died November 28, 1861, at Washington,
D. C.
Walter Cutting, second lieutenant, promoted first lieutenant, April 9, 1863; captain
and aid-de-camp, July 13, 1863.
Thomas Smith, first lieutenant, mustered out with regiment.
Lemuel B. Ball, first lieutenant, resigned October 11, 1861.
Sylvester W. Barnes, second lieittenant, promoted first lieutenant, October 39,
1861 ; dismissed September 18, 1863.
Robert W. Cross, second lieutenant, promoted first lieutenant, October 37, 1863 ;
dismissed December 13, 1863.
Thomas Hall, first lieutenant, mustered out with regiment.
Charles Roth, second lieutenant, promoted first lieutenant, March 4, 1863; mus-
tered out with regiment; brevet major.
Gilbert W. Becker, first lieutenant, mustered out with regiment.
Francis Dargen, second lieutenant, killed August 30, 1863, at Bull Run, Va.
William D. Jones, second lieutenant, not mustered.
. Andrew Smith, second lieutenant, mustered out with regiment.
William L. Peck, second lieutenant, not mustered.
Alexander Gillespie, second lieutenant, mustered out with regiment.
George H. Overocker, second lieutenant, resigned December 30, 1863.
Herbert H. Bryans, second lieutenant, mustered out with regiment.
Nathaniel Palmer, second lieutenant, cashiered January 30, 1863.
William Buchanan, second lieutenant, transferred to Seventy-sixth Regiment,
May 34, 1863.
Robert G. Noxon, second lieutenant, transferred to Seventy-sixth Regiment, May
25, 1863.
John W. Gafney, second lieutenant, not mustered.
Philip Rice, second lieutenant, killed in action, August 39, 1863.
William S. Haight, second lieutenant, mustered out with regiment.
Henry Osborn, second lieutenant, resigned December 30, 1863.
David Burnham, second lieutenant, mustered out with regiment.
William Morse, second lieutenant, killed in action at Bull Run, August 30, 1862.
Michael Long, second lieutenant, transferred to Seventy-sixth Regiment, May 35,
George Trainor, second lieutenant, not mustered.
It is a matter of great and everlasting regret that the officials of
many of the towns in Saratoga county did not keep an accurate list of
the names of the brave men who went to the front for the defense of
the Union between the years of 1861 and 1865, In 1875 the State en-
acted a law directing the compilation of a record of the soldiers in that
war, by every town and city in the State ; but some towns either neg-
lected to write such a record or since that time their officers have lost
it. The following list of names is the most accurate obtainable.' The
names are given under the headings of the township in which they re-
sided at the time of enlistment. Those whose names are marked with
asterisks died in the service :
Francis I. Allen,
James H. Adams,
James A. Andrews,
William H. Austin,
Reuben Alden,*
John Adams, jr.,
Reuben Alden, 3d,
James M. Andrews, 2d,
Henry Adams,
James W. Austin,
R. Alden,
John Adkins,
William Adkins,
James F. Austin,
Sylvester Andrews,
John Abbott,
William Beardsley,
John Betts,
Julius P. Bennett,
Pennis S. Barringer,
Charles H. Benedict,
John H. Briggs,*
Clarence Bruce,
Mansfield Bruce,
Halsey Bowe,*
George BuUard,
William H. Brown,
John W. Belding,*
Jeremiah Baker.
Herbert H. Bryant,
Lewis Brassel,
Lester D. Bardwell,
Saratoga Springs.
Peter Bell,
George Bourne,*
Samuel Burpee,
Norman Bennett,
Frederick Bennett,
Royal B. Brown,
James Burke,
John Berigin,
William G. Bryant,
Cassius M. Busbee,
Richard A. Betts,
John A. Brown,
George W. Brisbin,
Rollin D. Baker,
Luther Bingham,
Louis L Bruso,
William H. Brown, 2d,
Alfred M. Baldwin,*
Ambrose Blodgett,
Spencer L Blanchard,
John M. Bennett,
Charles Bacon,
Lewis H. Balch,
Charles Blanchard,
Elon BuUard,
Charles K. Burnham,*
Erskine B. Branch,
George Bellamy,
John Boyd,
Timothy Brophy,
Charles G. Bemens,
George Brooks,
Schuyler Boyce,
Amasa Bartlett,
William H. Blackwood,
George N. Blackwood,
Arthur L. Burns,
Norman Barnum,
Edgar A. Burt,
Dennis G. Bushnell,
John Ballard,
L. D. Bardwell,
Samuel B. Burk,
Richard A. Betts,
John Beach,
Smith Brill,
Miles T. Bliven,
John Brainard,
William Beagle,
Richard Brewer,
Silas B. Blowers,
Duncan Cameron,
Lewis E. Close,*
Enos Crandall,
Michael Costello,
Paul Crandall,
John Collins,
Edward Curry,
Thomas Costello,
Wilbur M. Clark,
Selden Colebridge,
Patrick Colophy,
Hiram E. Collins,
Joljn Croate,
' We are indebted to Sylvester's History of Saratoga County tar these names of residents of
Saratoga county who participated in the war of the Rebellion. The author advertised the list
tor correction in each town, and it undoubtedly is as nearly correct as will ever be obtainable.
Thomas Casey,
Henry B. Clute,
John G. Casey,
John H. Cozzens,
William. Carlow,
Augustus Cook,
Isaac D. Clapp,
James E. Couch,
James Church,
Simon Cary,
Albert Close,
Charles Cook,
John J. Cameron,*
Isaac L Crook,
Piatt Clute,
Richard C. Cary,
James M.Cole, jr.',
William R. Chase,
George W. Carragan,*
Henry Clayton,
Daniel Casey,*
Timothy Conners,
Timothy Cady,
William Cheeney,
Theron Conklin,
Thomas Cochrane,
James Connelly,
Thomas Clark,
Michael Casey,
George R. Chase,
Selden C. Clabridge (?),
Patrick Curran,
James Curran,
John W. Case,
Richard Clary,
Obed M. Coleman,
William Cole,
Benjamin Crandell,
William Conklin,
Thomas Cahill,
Michael Clerman,
George M. Close,*
James L. De Graff,
Ruloff H. Deyoe,
John N. Delo'ff,
Jacob A. Deyoe,
William Dutcher,
William Dingham,
Elijah Dean, jr.,
Charles Davis,
John H. Derby,
John B. Darrow,*
Alexander Dunn,
Darius L. Davis,
Henry C. Darrovr,*
Andrew J. Dowen,*
John H. Dowen,
William Dowen, jr.,
Barnett Dowen,
John D. Dowen,
Josiah Dowen,
Seth Duel,
George W. Dingman,
William D. Doolittle,
William Doe,*
William H. Deyoe,*
Chester Dowd,*
Michael Danby,
George Derby, jr. ,
Edwin Delong,
Beecher Deming,
Horace Deming,
John M. Dubois,
Charles B. Deland,
John Deyoe,
William Devine,*
John Dumphy,
John Digraan,*
Thomas Dunnigan,*
Jacob A. Deyoe,
Patrick Dolan,
Tlfomas Delany,
James Deneffe,*
John Donahue,
Peter Davis,
Samuel E. Davis,
Charles W. Derby,
George Deuel,
Eh Dietz,
William H. Dwyer,
John E. L. Deuel,
James Evans,
Harry W. Eggleston,
Theodore Eggleston,
George Elliott,
Jarvis Emigh,
Oliver Evans,
Charles Esmond,
Clarence E. Elems,
Charles Elems,
James Eames,
Gilbert Edmonds,
Sampson Ellis,
Austin Elmer,
Andrew J. Freeman,
John W. Freeman,
George S. Freeman,
Charles Fitzgerald,
William Flood,*
Lawrence Funk,
Clinton B. Fay,
Thomas S. Fowler,
John W. Fay,
Lucas A. Folmsbee,
John Flaherty,
William Foley,
Andrew M. Franklin,
Henry D. Forbush,
Charles Fryer,
Michael Fitzgibbons,
William Foyle,*
Edward H. Fuller,
Leonard Fletcher,
Winsor B. French,
Horatio N. Finch,
Francis W. Fletcher,*
George Farrar,
Jacob A. Garey,
James Gailor,
Joel G. Gailor,
Clarence F. Goodspeed,
Stephen H. Guest,
Henry G. Gurney,
Henry Gilbert,
Smith J. Gurney,
Frank Gilbert,
David H. Graves,
Elijah H. Garner,
John A. Gilbert,
George H. Gillis,
George Gick,
Truman I. Gilbert,
John A. Gazeley,
Lorenzo Gregory,
Charles H. Goss,
James Goss,
Samuel Gilbert,*
James Green,*
Horace B. Gilbert,
James Garry, jr.,
Lodwick S. Green,
Thomas Greenleaf,
J. T. Goodspeed,*
Joseph W. Height,
Benjamin B. Hyde,
Elisha Hewitt,
Dennis Heenan,
George Hagadorn,
John H. Houghton,
Harman Hagadorn,
John Hardy,
Griffin Haight,
Jerome Hudson,
John W. Ham,*
Edwin Ham,
Smith Herrick,*
Benjamin A. Harrington,
Richard Hutchings,
Elias Hunter,
Charles H. Hodges,
Francis W. Horton,
William Hall,
James R. Hinds,
James Hendrick,*
Delos Hammond,
Warren C. Hall,
Myron B. Hall,
Henry Haas,*
William H. Hall,
Jefferson J. Hyde,
Charles N. Hall,
James G. Hall,
Charles Hudson,
William H. Hoffman,
William J. Hammond,
Thomas Hoey,
James R. Hinds,
Alexander Hays,
William Hoffman,*
Aaron Hase,*
Jonathan Hopkins,
Horace Hamell,
John Hall 3d,
Henry Hunt,
Harmon Holt,
William Hays,
John H. Hudson,
Hiram Hendrick,
Henry Hagadorn,
Alden S. Huling,
Edward M. Holcomb,
John Handley,
James H. Huested,
Joel Hays,
James H. Hudson,
Christopher C. Hill,
Edmund J. Huling,
Ferdinand Height,
Charles W. Hemingway,
George Ingersoll,
George W. Ingersoll,
James B. Johnson,
Frederick U. Jordan,
Horace L. Jordan,
David E. Johnson,
Jeptha Johnson, jr.,
Enoch I. Johnson, -
Henry Johnson,
Frank H. Juncket,
Benjamin F. Judson,
Michael Jennings,
Harvey Jones,
John G. Kitchner,
Peter Knickerbocker,*
William Kimpton,*
William Kelly,
Thomas Kelly,
John Kelly,
Horace Kelly,
Morris Kelly,
Robert Keith,
Daniel W. Kendall,
John Kennedy,
Charles Ketchum,*
Peter Kemp,
Martin Lowery,*
David W. Langdon,
George Lawrence,
Peter Lyons,
Martin De Lacture,
Joseph Larose,
James A. Lee,
Alexander Lee,
George B. Lyons,
Luther M. Loper,
Francis Leroy,
Edward Lorance,
Oscar F. Lockwood,
George Laney,
John Layan,
John La Clare,
Joseph H. Loveland,
Edwin Lawrence,
James M. Lowery,*
Timothy Lowery,*
Francis Le Clerk,*
James H. Leggett,*
Franklin E. Lawrence,*
John Lowery,
William A. Langdon,
Frank Loveland,
Andrew M. Lee,
David McNeil,*
John G. Michaels,
Herman McPherson,
Andrew Mcllwain,
Florence McCarty,
Nicholas D. Maffitt,
Levi Mcintosh,
John J. Monroe,
William H. Monroe,
Ira McNeil,
George B. Mingay,
Warren E. Miller,
Allen Mcl^ean,
William H. McClean,
John D. McDonald,
John Miller,
James McDonaldson,
Edward Marsham,
Patrick McDonald,
William McGovern,
William McDade,*
Michael McDade,*
William McCall,
James B. McKean,
James Minnick,
Peter Murphy,
Charles Myers,
Justus J. May,
Riley Miller,
Allen McLain,
George Moore,
Edward McNary,
Peter McCue,
George H. Miller,
Hiram Myers,
Isaac Myers,
Lafayette Myers,
Alexander Martin,
William L. Monroe,
Charles C. Morehouse,
Adreal Moore,
William Marshall,
William Morrison,
George H. Morris,
James Mingay,
Thomas Mathew, jr.,
Michael McCormick,
Moses Milliman,
Erastus Mitchell,
John W. Murray,
John C. Marston,
Joseph Muirer,*
George McGovern,
Tunis Nesbitt,
Austin Nash,
Martin V. Norton,*
Charles Nevins,
Martin Nash,*
Thomas Ostrander,
John Obein,
John Oheren,
Frederick N. Owen,
Samuel Osburn,
Thomas Putnam,
John R. Peace,
Abram Price,
George H. Putnam,
George H. Potts,
Charles Phelps,
George Pitkin,
Nathan G. Phelps,
Henry F. Putnam,
Edward S. Pearsall,
John Patterson,
Emmett J. Patterson,
Stephen H. Pierce,*
George E. Pulling,
John L. Perry,
James Plunkett,*
Hugh J. Patterson,
William Poucher,
Mervin G. Putnam,
Albert J. Perry,
Hiram Augustus Peck,
William C. Putnam,
William Putnam,
John M. Putnam,
Jerome Purdy,
George F. Peruvielle,
Robert S. Prior,
Horatio G. Peck,
Albert I. Quimby,
Simeon D. Russell,*
George R. Reno,
John Redmond,
John Rose,
Gilbert N. Rose,*
Sherman Raymond,
John Reed,
Simeon W. Rowley,*
Gideon M. Rowley,*
Henry C. Rowland,
Orrin R. Rugg,*
Charles O. Richardson,
Alexander Rouch,
James Ryan,
James Reagan,
Joseph H. Rogers,
Edwin Rasell,
Lester Rose,
Solomon W. Russell,
Charles N. Reno,
Cornelius Rose,
Hiram Root,
Louis Sicard,*
Josiah Stiratton,
Franklin Spicer,
Frank Snow,
Thomas B. Smith,
Frederick Suntler,
Henry St. Clair,
James M. Steenburgh,
Elisha A. Steen,
William O. Sullivan,
Abram B. Smith,
William H. Sexton,*
Andrew J. Smith,
Robert H. Skinner,
Daniel Smith,*
James H. Smith,*
Elum Sustin,
Andrew J. Smith,
Edward W. Smith,
Dennis B. Smith,
George H. Scidmore,
James Stevens,
Thomas H. Sexton,
Charles E. Sexton,
Benjamin F. Stillwell,*
James Stevens,
Benjamin F. Slecht,
Charles Sexton,
Howard T. Sexton,
Lewis J. Smith,*
Thomas Stewart,
John Sagon,
Henry H. Shill,
John Smith,
Don D. Stone,*
John H. Shaft,
William H. Salisbury,
Oliver Smith,
George R. Smith,
Edward Silvey,
James E, Snyder,
Riley V. Suydam,
Abner Smith,*
George A. Smith,
Egbert B. Savage,
Charles S. Sherman,
Edward Squires,
Nelson Swan,
William M. Searing,
Owen Sullivan,
Edward Sullivan,
Charles H. Tompkins,
Peter Taylor,* •
Edward H. Thorn,
John Thornton,
R. S. Tourtellot,
John Turner,
Michael Teathers,
William Taylor,
John Tompkins,
Charles DeForest Thurber,
William J. Taber,*
George Thompson,
Jesse B. Thorn,
Stephen Trumble,
William B. Thorn,
Jacob Thompson,
Edward Van Rensselaer,
Newman Van Wie,
Charles W. Van Petten,
Joseph Valentine,
Frederick Voxman,
Abram L. Viele,
John R. Valentine,
William W. Worden,
William H. Walker,
Augustus R. Walker,
Oscar B. Walker,
James H. Wilson,
D. J. Wheeler.
George H. Weeks,
Andrew J. Williamson,
Thomas M. White,
Luther M. Wheeler,
Henry Whitman,
Andrew A. Weatherwax,
John W. Whittaker,
James Welch,
Hiram Weatherwax,
Jerome Weatherwax,
Patrick Winn,
Samuel Wilcox,
Thomas J. Wheaton,
Dennis Welch,
Frederic G. Woodward,
George H. Winne,
Charles Welch,
Andrew Weed,
Joseph H. Weatherwax,
David W. Weatherwax,
Wallace W. Wickham,
Alexander K. Waldron,
Lewis Wood,
Alonzo Williams,
Elisha A. Waters,
Henry W. Whitman,
John Weeks,
Thomas A. White,
Addison Walker,
Daniel Webster,
Robert Williams,
Bernard Winn,
Edwin Washman,
Samuel Weeks,
Andrew J. Weed,
James Wiley,
Charles H. Wildy,
Daniel G. Wager,
Luke Welch,
John Washburn,
George Washburn,
George A. Webb,
James B. Walley,
John C. Winney,
Bruce Winney,
Smith C. Whitcomb,*
Edward W. Winne,
William K. Young,
George Young,
George Young, jr. ,
Uriah Young,
William H. Yale,
Frederick Zwanker,
Gustavus Zack.*
Edward S. Armstrong,
Thomas Andrews,
Frazer Atkins,
William Abbs,
Andrew J. Armstrong,
William G. Bradshaw,
Alexander j. Beach,*
Jay Burnham,
Henry W. Burnham,
George H. Briggs,
Abram G. Bradt,
William Bradt,
George H. Bradt,
John Barnhart,
George W. Bigelow,
William G. Ball,
Marcus S. Barrows,
Frank Clark,
W'illiam Davis,
Thomas H. Dorsey,
Apdrew J. Dubois,
Josiah Dean,
James Dunk,
Christopher Emperor,
Warren Earls,
John Emperor,
John S. Fuller,
David Frisbie,
James Grooms,
Patrick Goon an.
Stephen S. Horton,
George Hughes,
Philip M. Hill,
Joshua Heritage,
Frank Harris,
George Hoyt.
Edwin C. Hoyt,
Thomas Harris,
Joseph F. Jones,*
DT K. Smith Jones,*
Ransom Knight,
Michael Kildea,
Otis King,
John Kildea,
John Kearnes,
Alfred H. Kingsley,
Hugh Kelley,
Truman M. Loveland,
John Lanehart,
Jacob Lansing,
Moses Lewis,
Richard Millard,
Frederick Martin,
William H. Mcintosh,
Richard L. Mcintosh,
Edward Middleton,
Patrick McGarr,
John Morris,
Dennis Avery,
Russell Avery,
Dennis Aley,
Jacob H. Aley,
Madison Aley,
William Armstrong,
Dudley Avery,
Calvin B. Allen,
Harlow Abbott,
Alexander Annable,*
Solomon Ageter,
David Avery,
Charles Barbour,
John Burdick,
Charles H. Bartlett,
James Bourne,*
Abraham Brewer,
Alonzo D. Bump,
Edward Baker,*
Charles D. Brown,
David Borst,*
Benjamin A. Briggs,
George M. Boise,*
Cornelius P. Brewer,*
John Brainard,
Frederick Burdick,
Lorin Brown,
William Brewer,
Nelson Bonder,
George W. Brazier,
Robert Barber,
Charles Massey,
Samuel H. Nelson,
Samuel Nelson,*
Beekman Near,
Adam Niles,
William H. Quivey,
Aaron B. Quivey,
Patrick Reidy,*
Horace L. Stiles,
George E. Springer,
Hiram R. Sweet,
William Schism,
William H. Brewer,
Edwin W. Burrage,
Charles H. Bordwell,
Seymour Burch,
Henry Baker,
Levi Clapper,
Henry Crandall,
Joseph Cartright,
Louis Colburn,
Alonzo B. Carpenter,
Alonzo B. Clark,
Albert H. Clements,
Edward Conners,
Volney Craw,
John Chapman,
John J. Clements,
Daniel A. Cole,
McKendrick Curtis,
James Clark,
James Curtis,*
Asa J. Clothier,
Norman Casler,
Enos Crowningshield,*
Francis Cooney,
Thomas Cooney,
John Cooney,
John Conners,
Philander A. Cobb,
Charles Chedell,
William Cooney,
John Spicer,
John H. Shivis,
Benjamin J. Severance,
James D. Thompson,
Alonzo Vandenberg,
James "H. Vanderwerker,
William W. Worden,
William Wait,
John J. Wood,
Gilbert Warren,
Jacob Wager,
Norman F. Weeks.
Nelson W. Cadman,
Ephraim P. Cooper,
Henry Culver,
Patrick Cooney,
Charles Davis,
Robert Dixon,
James Dawenson,
Dennison Dodge,
Chauncey Dudley,
Pliny F. Dunn,
Andrew Duval,
Harrison Davenport,
Charles S. Dudley,
Emery Doolittle,
John Davenport,
Martin Davis,
George Davenport,
David Davenport, •
Andrew B. Deuel,
Edward Dunston,
John Dance,
George Delavarge,
William Diamond,
Jonathan Dean, jr.,*
Edward Dwyer,
Joseph A. Eastman,
Thomas Elems,
EUery Elems,
Isaac K. Finch,*
John Flanders,*
William H. Fursman,
James O. Fairchilds,
John H. Forester,
Michael Falon,
Michael Fitzgibbons,
Thomas Fox,
Daniel Flanagan,
Stephen Frost,
Jonah D. Groesbeck,
William Green,*
Albert S. Green,
Joseph A. Green,*
Earl Green,*
Wells Green,
Patrick L. Gilroy,*
Patrick Galvin,
Morgan L. Holmes,
George R. Holmes,
Newton C. Harris,
James H. Hazard,
Henry Haas (or Hass),*
Jerome Hudson,
Erebus Hulburt,
Jacob F. Haywood,
Joseph Hazeltine,
Edward Hickok,
William H. Harrington,
Charles Hart,*
Warren M. Haight,
Thomas Hoyt,
Griffin Haight,
Richard Hays,
George Hess,*
Eugene Hopkins,
Frank Hall,*
John H. Hilkey,*
David R. Husted,
Mansfield M. Harrington,
Sylvester S. Haight,
George H. Hammond,
Joseph H. Hays,
Jonathan Hopkins,
Alonzo Hammond,
John W. Hines,
Thomas Hallagan,
William H. Hamilton,
Thomas Harlow,
Corwin Holmes,
Jerome Huet,
Alvin S. Hemstreet,
William Ingham,
John Jones,
Philip Johnson,
James JefiEords,
Francis I. Jeffords,
Ebenezer Jacquith,
Oliver Jones,
Lyman Jones,
Samuel D. Jeffords,
James Knowlton,
William Kelley, '
Naphthali W. Kenyon,
John Kern,
John Kritley,
Elisha Lohnes, ■
Andrew V. Leonard,
James Lynch,
John Lee,
Adelbert Lucas,
Joseph Laport,
George D. Lovejoy,
Nathan Munn,
James H. Myers,
Edwin A. Merchant,*
John McMurray,
George H. Myers,
Michael Munster,
John McClellan,
John Moon,
Michael McGuire,
Warren E. Miller,
Patrick McDaniel,
Joseph Meurer,*
William McGovern,
William McCall,
Henry Munn,
Edwin McCullough,
Lewis Martin,
William H. Marsh,*
Alexander Maltby,
Edward Murray,*
Willard McCreedy,
Melvin McCreedy,*
George McCreedy,
Henry McCreedy,
Robert McPherson,*
Hugh McMahon,
James Mason,
Samuel McCreedy,
John W. McGregor,
Edward P. Marshall,
James A. Monroe,
William McNulty,
Thomas Mushgrove,*
Edwin Marshall,
James McLane,
Nathan Munn,
Charles H. McNaughton,
James H. Myers,
John Moore,
, John A. Myers,
John McLarnon,
Prosper Morrison,
Wesley Mott,
George McGovern,
Albert Ogden,
Charles M. Osborne,*
James O'Brien,
Henry Owen,
Sumner Oakley,*
Benjamin Orton,
John S. Osborne,
William H. Osborne,
Aaron Osborne,
James Palmer,
Henry Plant,*
William Pike,
Lorenzo Phillips,
David A. Pennock,
Fletcher B. Pennock,
Philip Purdy,
Jerome Purdy,
Henry Pratt,
Patrick Quigley,
James Robertson,
Thomas Ryan,
George Rice,
Henry Robertson,
John R. Rockwell,
Patrick Ryan,
John H. Radley,
William Richards,*
Joseph Rested,
John Rowlej', jr.,
Jonathan I. Rhodes,
John A. Reuchler,*
Cyrus F. Rich,
George Root,
R. H. Saint,
William Slocum,
James Strong,
Morris Sullivan,
Franklin Short,
George R. Smith,
Henry B. Shreeves,*
Edward Smack,*
John Stone,
Pierpont Stickney,
Jerome Snow,
Eli W. Smith,
Seneca Smith,
Murty Sullivan,
John Sanborn,*
William H. Smith,
John G. Strang,
Samuel S. Squires,
Henry Simpson,
Adolph Schmidt,
William M. Searing,
B. H. Searing,
Matthew Simonds,
Charles Stahr,
Rensselaer Stafford,
George Sutfin,*
Adna Abbs, jr.,
William Arnold,*
Charles Andrews,
Alonzo Allen,
Arnold T. Ayers,
Braman Ayers, jr.,
William Abbs,
William Campbell,
Ephraim J. Tripp,
William Bartel,
William Borttill,
» Four o£
George T. Stevens,
Lucius E. Shurtliff.
Arthur Scott,*
Franklin Stay,
Daniel C. Simonds,
James A. Stearns,*
Hiram Storrs,
Ernest Schmidt,
Frederick Straucher,
Joseph Swarts,
Edward L. Smith,
George Smith,
Frank Thomas,
Gilbert F. Thomas,*
Frederick Tombs,*
Kenyon Tefft,
Israel F. Tanner,
Samuel W. Tanner,
James Tighe,
Henry Tovee,
Reuben K. Thompson,
Loren M. Toms,*
George Thompson,
Levi Van Schaick,
Lewis Wood,
John Williams,
Hiram K. Wilcox,
John Wright,
Thomas Whitman,
Jarhes H. Whaley,
William Wildey,
George H. Welch,
Hiram Weaver,
John B. Welch,
Joseph Welch,
Stephen Welch,
Andrew J. Weed,
Charles H. Welch.
De Witt C. Winney.i
Gardner Winney,
Bruce Winney,
Francis K. Winney,
John C. Winney,'
Washington H. Wood,
Leroy Whitman,
Hamilton White,
John A. Walrath,
H. W. Wright,
Lucius E. Wilson,
Robert Van Slyke,
Warner Van Valkenburgh,*Titus C. White,
Gordon Van Valkenburgh, Silas S. White,
Richard Van Antwerp, Henry Wilbur,
Benjamin Viele, Clifford Weston,*
Samuel Van Order, Charles Wilsey,
Seneca Van Ness, Thomas White.
Daniel E. Bortell,
Thomas C. Black,
Marcus Burras,
James Bortell,*
William A. Baker,
William G. Ball,
George Bolton,*
Isaac Boise,
William H. Boise,*
Nathan Brown,
Andrew Brower,
> Killed June 25, 1876, at the Custer massacre,
these representatives of the Winney family were brothers.
David Borst,
James W. Bacon,
Case Ballou,
Edwin Bobenreath,
Alexander J. Beach,
John H. Briggs,
Miles E. Burby,
William Barrett,
George Bowers,
Thomas J. Bradt,
James Conlan, ,,
William Craig,*
Joseph Cromack,*
Charles P. Cornell,
Lewis Calkins,*
Benjamin H. Carr,
Clark Collins,
George H. Curreen,
Patrick Cannon,
Philip S. Christy,
Mark Cochran,
James W. Cole,
Eugene N. Carroll,
George Cruise,
James Cuyler,
Jared L. Crouch,
Charles M. Carter,
Hubert Curtis,
William J. Chilson,
Thomas Craig,
John Crouch,
Egbert W. Davis,
Robert N. Delong,
Joseph R. Day,*
Benjamin H. Day,*
Truman Deuel,
Stephen Davis,
James Dunk,
John Duckett,
Wesley J. Date,
Henry C. Delong,
Henry C. Dye,
Robert Delong,
Henry Davis,
William Eastbam,
Nathan Eldredge,
Alfred Eighmy,
Edward Estabrook,
Patrick English,
Leonard Englehart,
Warren Earl,
James Emperor,*
Schuyler Freeman,
William D. Freeman,
Cyrus M. Fay,
Robert Fox,*
Andrew J. Freeman,
George F. Foster,
James V. Fogg,*
Herman C. Fowler,
Samuel Farnsworth,
Collins Foster,
John Fuller,
A. M. Fitzgerald,
Elenah Gildersleeve,
David E. Goffe,
Gottfried Gleesattle,
George T. Graham,
Justus M. Gilson,*
Frederick Gleesattle,
James K. Gillespie,
John Greer,
Harley Groesbeck,
David Galusha,
Terence Gregg,
John Goeghan,
George R. Goodwin,
Dudley Goodwin,
John Hegeman,
Charles Howard,
Ozias Hewitt,
Clement C. Hill,
Noble G. Hammond,
Alanson F. Hatch,*
Amasa A. Holbrook,
Otis Holbrook,*
Cornelius S. Huyck,
Edward Hall,
Dallas Hoyt,
Alexander C. Holmes,
William H. Hewitt, jr.,
James A. Hanna,
Seymour Harris,
Smith Harlow,
Orrin Hill,
William B. Horton,
John B. Harlow,
John M. Hammond,
George L. Hayes,
Andrew Hassett,
William Hall,
John Howard,
Frederick Hope,
Stephen Harris,
Nicholas Hudson,
Alva Hickok,
William H. Hewitt,
Martin Hunter,
Thomas Harris,
George W. Ingalls,
Edwin R. Ingalls,
Benjamin J. Jones,
William J. Jennings,
William H. Johnston,
James Jermain, -
Frederick Keenholtz,*
Christopher F. Keenholtz,
Oscar Kemp,
Edwin L. Lockwood,
George D. Luffman,
Lewis Lakey,*
Francis Love,*
Matthew Love,*
Moses Lewis,
John E. Lansing,
Lewis Lane,
George Le Clare,
Jesse R. Lewis,
William Lewis,
Henry Lowery,
Joseph Lewis,
Wallace Morrison,
John Mitchell,
Alexander Morrison,
Thomas Mainhood,
Alexander Slead,
David D. Miller,*
Alexander Mcintosh,
John F. Mosher,*
Frederick Morehouse,
John Mosher,
George Milham,
Ferdinand Miller,
James McNab,
Wallace Mcintosh,
John S. McKnight,
Patrick Murray,
James B. McLean,
E. Wilson Merriam,
Charles MasSey,
Samuel Massey,
James C. Milliman,
H. T. Medbery,
Robert E. Nelson,
Henry O'Neil,*
Elijah Olmstead,*
Leonard Osman,*
John O'Neil,
W. H. Owen,
Charles A. Perry,
Robert Porter,
Archibald Phillips,
Anson J. Palmatier,
Alfred Pickett,
Cyrus Padelford,
Reuben Parkhurst,
Isaac Porter,
Charles Pettit.
Asahel W. Potter,
Henry Packard,
Albert J. Reid,
Patrick D. Rooney,*
James E. Reed,
Frederick Smith,
Benjamin T. Simon,
Lafayette Schermerhorn,*
Arnold Spicer,
Paul Settle, jr.,
Charles Shiegel,
John Southwart,
Simeon Sill,
Lorenzo Smith,
Philip SchaflEer,
John W. Arnold,*
Lucian Annable,
John R. Armstrong,
Loren Abel,
James Anthony,
Charles D. Atkinson,
Adolphus Arnold,
Julius P. Bennett,
George Bostwick,
Orramel T. Bostwick,
William Burger,
James Bloomingdale,*
John Burras,
Archibald Brown,
Elijah Sherman,
Edward C. Slocum,
Thomas S. Stairs,
John P. Staples,
John G. Sternbaur,
Harris T. Slocum,
Benjamin Severance,
Martin V. Sheffer,
Hiram Sweet, jr.,
Charles H. Sullivan,
Horace Salisbury,
Hiram P. Sherman,
Darius Shill,
Tobias Salisbury,
Charles Searles,
Zagar Strong,*
Gideon A. Tripp,
Flavius A. Titus,
Ira Tripp,*
James D. Thompson,
George W. Trumble,
Royal M. Tenny,
Ephraim Tiff,
Isaac Thorp,
Miletus Taft,
Sandy R. Van Steenburgh,
Asa Van Dyke,
George Van Dyke,
William R. Van Arnum,
Jacob H. Van Arnum,
Stephen F. Baker,
Benjamin A. Briggs,
Henry Bradt,
Levi A. Brooks,
William R. Britton,
John Barnes,
Charles H. Betts,
James Buchanan,*
Thomas J. Bradt,
John D. Bristol,
Lysander Bortle,
Joseph M. Bullock,
William M. Carl,
William S. Comstock,*
John H. Van Steenburgh,
Michael Van Horn,
George L. Van Steenburgh,
James E. Webster,*
Joseph S. Wayne,*
Edmund Williams,
George M. Wood,
Horace Weaver,
Samuel H. Weldon,
Datus E. Wilbur,
James M. Wood,
James A. Wager,
Eugene Werner,
Jeremiah Wager,
Albert L. Wood,
Norman Wood,
Charles F. Wait,
Isaac Warn,
Albert A. Weatherwax,
John Walls,
Alonzo M. Weatherwax,
William Weatherwax,
William Webb,
John R. Wilbur,
Atwood Wilbur,
Lee Whalen,
Daniel Webster,
George Webster,
Harvey Young,
Waldo Young,
Slocum Clark,
Seth Codman,
Michael Cary,*
Joseph Clark,
Chauncey Crandall,
George Carr,
Thomas H. Curley,
George H. Collamer,
William S. Comstock,
Jesse D. Comstock,
Joseph Caho,
Charles Conner,
Edwin C. Collamer,
Thomas Collamer,
James Cowhey,
Charles Devoe,
John Dyer,
Thomas Delany,
Lorenzo Delun ,
Eli D. Eitzo,*
Thomas Elms,
William C. Ensign,
Thomas Emperor,
Charles Elms,
Clarence Elms,
Charles B. Fellows,*
Simon Flansburg,
William Francisco,
Adam Flansburg,
Peter Folmsbee
(or Formsby),
Jacob Force,
Elisha R. Freeman,
John Flynn,
Henry G. Force,
Augustus Farrimar,
George Fry,
Arthur W. Force,
John Guest,
Hubert Gallup,*
Michael Goodwin,
William H. Gorham,
Stephen Guest,
James Gilbert,
Lewis G. Gorham,
George H. Golden,
Stephen C. Hanson,
Henry Hagadorn,
Charles Hart,
George F. Houghtaling,
Theodore Hermance,
Ashton M. Howard,
B. A. Harrington,
George W. Hurley,
Alonzo Howland,
George W. Hammond,
Walter Hewitt,
George Houseman,
Isaac V. Hammond,*
Richard Hutchins,
Sylvester S. Haight,
Thomas Jones,
Allen Jones,
William D. Jones,
Charles JefEers,
Martin Jackson,
Thomas Keller,
Isaac Kipp, jr.,*
Tunis Kipp,
John H. Kipp,
George Kline,
Abel J. Loren,
Abram Lent,
Abraham Latham,*
George E. Lane,
Reed Loomis, -
Mark Merger,
Orin Myers,
Peter M. Mooney,
Thomas Myers,
Lafayette M. Myers,
Henry Milliken,*
Francis I. Montgomery,
Alfred Milliken,
Charles Milliken,*
Amos McOmber,
Isaac Myers, jr.,
Leander Milliken,
Thomas McCue,
Andrew M. Carlin,
George B. Myers,
Charles Mott.
Samuel McGowan,
James Nolan,
Michael Nolan,
George W. Ostrander,
Elias T. Overocker,
James F. Outing,
De Witt C. Overocker,
Thomas F. Outing,
William N. Overocker,
Robert E. Parker,
James E. Poucher,
Seneca Poucher,
Samuel Porter,
Horatio G. Peck,
Isaac Porter,
David Pangburne,
William Poucher,
Henry Parris,
John Phelan,
James Parker,*
Peter M. Post,
Henry O. Packard,
James Palmer,
William H. Quackenbush,
Tunis W. Quackenbush,*
Michael Quinlan,
William R. Rogers,
Albert A. Rudd,
Samuel W. Seymour,
John Smith,
George Snow,
Harlow B. Spencer,
Andrew Sterrett,
William Shein,
Nelson W. Stearns,*
Russell Seymour,
Henry H. Shell,
William Smith,*
Francis D. Short,
George Snyder,
James Smith,
Edward Smith,
John Stewart,*
Job S. Safford,
Warren Seymour,
Frank Thomas,
James Taylor,
David A. Thompson,
William Taylor,
Benjamin Thackery,
Israel Tanner,
Truman M. Tourtellot,
Samuel Van Norder,
Henry J. Van Wie,
Cornelius Vandenburg,
Barnard Van Auder
(or Van Norder),
Andrew J. Van Wie,
William N. Viele,
Newman Van Wie,
Lawrence Vandenmark,
John Van Wie,
Charles Vandeburg,
A. J. Walker,
Horace Wing,
Charles Webb,
Michael Wall,
Richard Walsh,
Joel S. Alexander,*
Oscar Alexander,
William H. Alexander,
William G. Barhydt,
Walter Barnard,
John Barnes,*
Frank D. Barnum,
Albert Fisk Beach,
Aaron Berger,
Henry Bethman,
Patrick Bolin,
Samuel C. Bradt,*
Lewis Broughton,
Thomas Broughton,
Nathan H. Brown,
Edward Cain,
I/evi Callen,
William H. Cath,
David J. Caw,
George Chambers,*
Isaac H. Conde,
John H. Cook,*
James Cooney,
Abraham Coonradt,*
Philip S. Coonradt,
James H. Corl,*
Gilbert C. Davidson,*
Thomas Delong,
James Drummond,
Arthur Ashdown,
John R. Britton,
Ira Billingham,
Nelson Batt,
Courtlandt Backman,
James H. Bratt,
Benjamin Bace,*
Charles Bace,
William H. Westcot,
Lewis C. Ward,
Charles Wilsey,
John J. Williams,
MelvinW. Wilson,
James L. Dows,*
William Foyle,*
James W. Finch,
John L. Fort,*
Oren Fowler,*
Lawrence Gardiner,
Garrett S. Grovenstein,
Harvey B. Grovenstein,
John Grovenstein,
William C. Harmon,*
William H. Hart,
Henry W. Heaton,
Francis Haynes,
George Houseman,
Leroy Hoyt,*
Orey Hudson,
Briggs N. Jenne,
Oscar I. Jenne,
Edward O. Jennings,
William H. Jones,
Charles H. Jones,
Michael Kildea,
Alfred H. Kingsley.
Joseph F. Kingsley,
James D. Knight,
Andrew Manning,*
John Martin,
David Millard,
John C. Morehouse,
Joseph Black,*
Sylvester Black,*
Martin Cody,
William Curtis,
John W. Clute,
Hiram Clute,*
Patrick Conway,*
Henry Dummer,
Lee Whalen,
Gardner Winney,
De Witt Winney,
Edwin Williams,
John A. Whitman.
Charles H. Murray,
John W. Owen,
William H. Owen,
John C. Quinn,
John Rector,*
Henry C. Riley,
James Riley,
John D. Riley,
Simon Riley,
Charles W. Rowley,
Charles R. Severance,
Henry A. Smith,
William H. Smith,
Louis W. Stanhope,
Lorenzo Smith,
Thomas Stairs,
George Tanner,*
Frank Underbill,*
James H. Underbill,
Frederick Valentine,
John Van Evera,
Peter Wager,
John W. Ward,
Manly Warren,
Barent Wemple,
George C. Wilder,*
William E. Wilder,*
James K. Wilson.
John Dugan,
Abram Devitt,
A. L. Estabrook,
J. H. Francisco,
James Frazier,
James H. Gettings,
Thomas H. Glavin,
John Halpin,
Lawrence Wiggins,
James 1. House,
Baker Honsinger,
Patrick Hussey,
Henry W. Hart,
Joseph Harriman,
Samuel Johnson,
Charles N. Kilby,
Daniel Lavery,
Edward Lavery,
Oscar E. Little,
Patrick Morrissey,
Patrick McCall,
John Murray,*
John M. Martratt,
Matthew H. Martratt,
Patrick McCartey,
Charles E. Martratt,
Charles Ogden,
Benjamin O'Connor,
George H. Parkman,
James W. Parks,
George W. Porter,
Edwin Porter,
J. G. Porter,*
Samuel H. Peters,*
Newton Peters.
George L. Rogers,
Oliver Shaw,*
Ezra T. Stone,
Harrison A. Stone,
Martin Slatterly,
Ralph A. Savage,
John W. Schofield,
Charles A. Schofield,
. John Singleton,
Charles W. Shepherd,*
Henry Simpson,
Duane Shepherd,
John Ten Broeck,
John H. Van Orden,
James Van Orden,
Barna Vandekar,
Joseph C. Vandewerker,
Schuyler Vandekar,
William Van Antwerp,
T. B. Vandekar,*
John H. Vandewerker,*
Jesse White,
Martin Welsh,
Joseph Wright,
Edward White,
Giles B. Wood,
Lewis Wells,
Daniel G. Waldron,
William Welch,
Ira M. Wilson,
Lemand Wager,
John Wright,*
Edward Welch,
Lewis B. Wells.*
Oscar L. Ackley,*
Judson B. Andrews,
John M. Brewer,
Joseph H. Bullock,
Charles H. Betts,
Ebenezer C. Broughton,
Augustus W. Bayard,
George E. Brockway,
George W. Bortle,
Charles Burnham,*
Rev. Fred N. Barlow,
James H. Clark,
George D. Cole,
Rev. Sylvester W. Clemens,
William S. Clemens,
George Carr,
Henry G. Craig,
Simeon W. Crosby,
Henry Clark,
Aaron Dillingham,*
Thomas Donahue,
Charles W. Dusten,
Henry B. Dummer,
Thomas Empterns,
William H. Evartts,*
John W. Filkins,
Ambrose Fowler,
Peter Folmsbee,
E. Raymond Fonda,*
Abram Filkins,
Losee Filkins,
George Freeman,
Isaac L. Fonda,
Alfred Gould,
Fred S. Goodrich,
William H. Gorham,
Edward Greene,
Henry Haylock,
George T. Hoag,
George H. Houghtaling,
James K. P. Himes,*
James H. Hicks,*
John Hoover,
Henry Honeyer,
Edward Holland,
Isaac V. Irish,
John Irish,
Patrick Kelly,
James T. Kennedy,
George Kilmer,
John Kelly,*
Aaron Lewis,
William B. Look,
Philip Link,*
Abbott C. Musgrave,*
John Mulligan,
Charles H. Milliken,*
Leander Milliken,
John McGuire,
Alfred G. Noxon,
S. Mitchell Noxon,
Alfred Phoenix,
George W. Pettit,
Hiram Richardson,*
William Ryan,
Frank Short,
William Smith,*
Henry Sampson,
Marvin Steenburgh,
Henry Shouts,
Andrew H. Smith,
John P. Silvernail,
Duane Shepherd,*
Almon E. Stone,
Jacob Sever,
De Witt Sickler,
Samuel W. Seymour,
Samuel D. Stevenson,
John Smith,
Solomon P. Smith,
Chalsey W. Simmons,*
Frank Smith,
Benjamin Thackrah
(or Thackeray),
Elias D. Tuttle,
Thomas Thackeray,
George Vandercook,
Warren Van Olinda,
George T. Van Hoesen,
Van Dervort,
James Wilson,*
John R. Wait,
Samuel A. Winslow,
James Wade,
Albert Wood in.
Merritt B. Allen,
Samuel Allen,*
Thomas Armer,*
Gideon A. Austin,
Orville W. Austin,
Vernam Barber,*
Henry Bertrand,*
George Bevin,*
Henry Boughton,*
Henry Bolton,
Miles Bowen,
Smith Briggs,*
Michael Brusnihan,
Hiram Broughton,
John E. Cavert,
Nicholas Cavert,*
James Clancy,
J. W. Clark,*
John Clifford,
John Clifford, jr.,
George Colony,*
Almonte Crater,
David B. Crittenden,
James Driscoll,
Richard Dunberg,
Charles S. Fisher,*
Henry Fisher,
Thomas Fitzgerald,*
Edward Fosmire,
Frederick Foss,
William Foss,
Alonzo Hermance,
Alfred Hickok,
John H. Hicks,
John P. Hudson,
Nathan B. Hudson,
John Hunter,
James Ireland,
William Ireland,
Robert Kelly,
Oliver Lansing,
William Leach,
Everts Lingenfelter,
John Lowry,
Joel McCouchie,
Terence McGovern,
Thomas McGovern,
Alonzo H. McKee,
Samuel McKinney,*
Ezra McOmber,
George A. McOmber,
Simeon D. Mirandeville,
Henry Morgan,
Charles Mow,
John C. Mow,
James Norris,
John Norris,
Benjamin C. Northrup,
William Orr,
Charles Ostrander,*
Calvin W. Preston,
Frederick W. Putzar,*
Frederick Quant,
Patrick Ready,*
James Reese,*
James Reese, jr.,
Matthew Relyea,
William Relyea,
John L. Root,*
Seth B. Root,
John Rubach,
Simon Ryan,
Daniel Shayne,
Thomas Shayne,
Michael Sheehy,
Lucius E. Shurtliff,
John A. Smith,
William Sullivan,
Henry Tanner,*
William Tompkins,*
William Turner,
Cornelius Ty meson,
Eldert Tymeson,*
Charles F. Wait,
George W. Welch,
John W. Whitmarsh,
Walter W. Zears,
Charles Cornell,
James Cowhey,
Charles H. Crouch,
Christopher Hyer,
Lyman E. Miller,
William R. Miller,
W. W. MiUiman,
C. Palmatier,
Horace A. Post,
John Shear.
William Henry Ames,
Thomas Andrews,
Thomas Barney,
David W. Barry,
General George S. Batchel-
Commander Oliver H. Bat-
cheller, U.S.N.,2
Preserved A. Benson,
Wesson Benson,*
George W. Bidwell,
David L. Bowman,
Amos O. Brown,
Calvin Brown,
Daniel W. Barney,
Amos Burk,
Carmi Betts,
John Booth,
Daniel Cady,
Timothy Cady,*
John G. Casey, \
Lorin Cole,*
William T. Conkling,*
Charles D. Cozens,
Addison L. Davenport,*
John S. Dean,
Asa Deming,
Asa Deming,
Ezekiel Deming,
Horace Demingi
John H. Deming,
Mansfield A. Deming,*
Simeon Deming,
James B. Douglas,*
Anson J. Downing,
George T. Downing,
Morris J- Drymau,*
William Dullard,
George M. Evans,
George Fox,
John Freeman,
Leman Frost,
Otis Frost,
John G. Graves,*
Julian W. Graves,
William Graves,*
William Greenfield,
Abner Hall,
William B. Hall,
Emery W. Hosley,*
George L. Hayden,*
Charles D. Herrick,
Joseph M. Herrick,
William Douglass Herrick,
Charles J. Houghtaling,
John H. Hulburt,
George W. Hutchinson,
Charles W. Jenkins,
William H. Jenkins,*
Nicholas Jensser,*
David W. Jones,*
Willard Jones.*
George B. King,
John S. King,
Samuel W. King,
Warren E. Kinney,
Charles W. Knight,
Jesse Lewis,
William H. Lewis,
James Lockwood,
Jesse Low,
David E. Lyon,
Louis Mackay,
Henry C. McCuen,
James McLean,
Jonas McLean,
Jesse Moore,
Frankhn Morrill,
Edward Mott,
Levi Myers,
John H. Noyes,
Newton S. Noyes,
Charles A. Perkins,
Henry P. Perry,
Franklin Priest,
George R. Priest,
Peter S. Putnam,
Edwin C. Resseguie,
Henry Rhodes,
Samuel Rhodes,
William Rhodes,
Francis Rice,
Michael Rice,
John Ross,
Hayden Shew,
Mahlon Robinson,
Amasa D. Shippey,
Robert P. Smith,
Joseph H. Snow,
George Steele,
Lyman Steele,*
William F. Stewart,*
James Tabor,
Foster Taylor,
Charles E. Thorn,
Smith Travis,
' Georg-e S. Batcheller was lieutenant-colonel of the One Hundred and Fifteenth New York
Volunteers; was afterward made inspector-general of New York State, and later was appointed
a judge in the International Court at Cairo, Egypt. He has also served 'several terms in the
New York State Assembly, has been United States minister to Portugal, and assistant -treasurer
of the United States, and is now serving his second term as judge of the International Court at
^ Oliver H. Batcheller was graduated from the United States Naval academy at Annapolis,
Md., and became a lieutenant in the navy. He served with Farragut at Mobile and Port Hudson,
was promoted to be lieutenant-commander, and later was put in command of the Navy yard at
Charlestown, Mass.
James Varney,
Russell Varney,
Thomas J. Wheaton,
John H. Whitaker,*
Henry W. Whitaker,
Charles D. Atkinson,
Philip J. Austin,
Charles Atkins,
Chauncey L. Beebe,
Charles C. Clark,
Charles S. Dunham,
Albert Dunning,
Frederick W. Andrews,*
Horace Ballou,
Aaron Bratt,*
Timothy Brewer,
Archibald E. Brooks,*
George Brooks,
Francis Brower,
David T. Burnham,
Daniel Cady,
Henry W. Cass,
Charles Chapman,
Asa J. Clothier,
J. S. Clothier,
William M. Clothier,
Dwight Combs,
Justin Combs,*
Charles Davis,*
R. H. Densmore,
S. T. Densmore,*
Peter Deuel,*
Elijah Earls,
James Early,
Luther Frazier,*
Truman Gray,
William H. Austin,
Joseph W. Abiel,
Thomas H. Adock,
Isaac Bemus,
Myron White,*
Wing A. White,
Frank Whitney,
Hartwell H. Whitney,*
John H. Wickus,*
George D. Fish,
Erastus H. Harder,
William H. Kane,
Charles W. Miller,
William McCarty,
Abner Mosher,
Edward Olmstead,
Joseph Pairer,
Byron Guiles,
Samuel Guiles,*
Harmon Hagadorn,
John Haggerty,
Ambrose C. Hickok,
Solomon Hickok,*
Daniel B. Ide,
Gilbert C. Ide,
Havillah J. Loop,
F. La Pierre,
George B. Lyon,
William P. Lyon,
Henry W. Mallery,
Levi Manning,
Hugh McCouchie,
Joseph McCouchie,*
John Merritt,
J. I. Monroe,
William H. Monroe,
Frederick Parkman,
George Place,
Isaac Plue,*
John Redmond,
Philip Rice,*
Edward Brady,
James C. Brisbin,
Lewis A. Burdick,
John Brainerd,
Paul R. Williams,
John Wood,
Norman B. Wood,
Theodore Worden.
William H. Rose,
George D. Story,
Eugene Shears,
John Stewart,
Sidney Smith,
Michael Van Horn,*
George W. Vail.
John St. John,
Darius Schofield, M, D. ,
Chauncey Searls,
Augustus Sherman,
Alexander Showers,
Joseph H. Showers,*
Thomas Smith,
Joel Taylor,
James Turner,
Reuben Varney,
Alexander Walker,*
David L. Walker,
Epaphroditas Walker,'
Romaine Walker,
Benjamin Wheaton,
Emory J. White,
Myron W. Wilcox,
Hamilton B. Woodcock
Henry J. Woodcock,
Hiram Woodcock,*
Jesse F. Wood,
William Woodward,*
Uriah Young.*
John P. Bijrns,
George H. Brown,
James Burns,
James Baths,*
Frederick Bocher,
John Burke,
John A. Chase,
John Case,
James H. Carr,
Rodolphus Cook,
John Conners,
John C. Coon,
Su'mner S. Clark,
Joseph Carney,
William CofEnger,
Alfred Chase,*
John Donnelly,*
Henry J. Davis,*
George H. Ellison,
William Ellett,
William T. Fuller,
Thomas S. Fuller,
Walter GifBord,
David Galusha,
Charles Goodwin,
Edward Gawner,
James Galusha,
James K. Galusha,
George M. Galusha,*
James Harrington,
John Horrigan,*
James Hays,
Thomas Hackett,
Joseph M. Hays,
Henry Kurd,
Philip Harder,
George Hanner,
Frank Hall,*
Charles Juba,
Patrick Keney,
Franklin Kirkham,
Warren Baker,
Amasa Bartlett,*
Charles Blackwood,
George N. Blackwood,
William Blackwood,*
Edward Blower,
John Brown,*
Joseph Campbell,*
George D. Lovejoy,
Charles Leack,*
Francis Leack,
William Limber,
Octavius Landon,
Amos Laduke,
Leander Laduke,
Michael Labare,
David Laraw,
Abraham Y. Lansing,
Ambrose McOdock,
Victor Matott,*
James McLane,
Charles W. Mott,
Hugh McMann,
Peter Murphy,
Ambrose Matott,*
Timothy Madigan,
Joseph Merchant,
William McCartey,
Edward Moran,
Thomas Money,
Henry M. Moody,*
William H. McLane,
Samuel McGown,
Jacob Newman,
Moses Newell,
Thomas Newalk,
Taylor I. Newell,
George S. Orr,
John L. Osborne,
Aaron H. Osborne,
Hiram A. Perkins,
Charles E. Phillips,*
George H. Pearsall,
John W. Palmer,
Daniel Peck,
Dennis Costello,
William Dingman,*
John W. Dubois,*
Samuel Ellis,
Elam Evans,*
George Evans,*
Samuel Evans,
John J. Flanders,
Joseph Pepo,
Reuben E. Robinson,
Daniel Reardon,
Harper N. Rogers,
John Robinson,*
Calvin A. Rice,
James Shaw,
James G. Scott,
Alvin Smith,
Sanford Shearer,
Samuel A. Shaver,
Joseph Smith,
Washington Sherman,*
Jaipes Shurter,*
Patrick Savage,
James M. Terhune,
Loren M. Toms,*
Reuben K. Thompson,
Patrick Toumey,
James H. Terhune,
William Vanduzen,
Charles Van Kleeck,*
Taylor Vandewerker,
Sidney Vandenburg,
James Van Wagner,*
Lewis W. Vandenburg,*
James P. Vandewerker,*
James C. Vandenburg,*
Lyman Vandenburg,
Dennison J. Willard,
Isaac H. Wilson,
Shallum We^,
William Wildy,
John P. Winney,
Henry Wilder,
Patrick Welch,
Ch3,rles Wheeler."
Jonathan Flanders,
John Gilbert,
Briggs Gray,
George Harrington,*
Eugene Holland,
John Holland,
Charles Jeflfers,
RoUin Jenkins,
Joel J. Loveless,
William Mahar,
John McCormick,
Zabin Mills,*
William Newton,*
Charles H. Palmer,*
Mandelbert J. Palmer,*
William H. Palmer,
John Peart,
Joseph Reed,
Frank Rice,*
Wade Rice,
Michael Ahr,
Henry H. Barker,
Albert M. Burroughs,
Walter D. Barnes,*
Charles Brice,*
Thomas E. Brice,
George Burnham,
Frank Breese,
James C. Brisbin,
Joel Brown,
William H. Bennett,
Charles H. Brodie,
Walter Brodie,
George W. Campbell,
Luther Church,
Charles Cutler,
Reed Church,
Patrick Callan,
C. M. Cool,
Patrick Conoly,
Asa J. Clothier,
Walter Dwyer,*
Ransom O. Dwyer,*
Abraham L. Davis,
Stephen Decker,*
Josepli Dorvee,
George De Long,
Henry H. Day,
William Dorvee,
John Davis,
Philip Donahue,
Joseph Ross,
Samuel Ross,
Edwin Ruthven,
Wesley Scovill,
Edward Sherman,
Zabin Shippey,
Irving Simpson,
Charles Stewart,
Daniel A. Stewart,
Truman B. Stewart,
Walter Sutliff,
Alonzo Ensign
David Ellison,
A. Ellison,
James Ellison,
Danford Edmonds,
Danford Edmonds 2d,
Tobias Fralenburgh,
Henry G. Gurney,
Enoch Gurney,
Truman Gilbert,
Frederick Gleesattle,
John W. Hilton,
John Hilton,*
Timothy Hodges,
George E. Hutchins,
Lewis Hamlin,
James Brisbin,
Clark Hawley,
William Higgins,
Richard Isby,*
Joseph Jump,
Sylvester Jacobus,*
Samuel E. Kidd,
Andrew J. Keys,
Franklin Kirkham,
N. J. Latimore,
Joseph La Rose,
Samuel Malison,*
Daniel Morse,
Daniel E. Morse,
Michael Mehan,
Newton F. McOmber,
Henry Townsend,*
Cassius Varney,*
Obadiah Varney,*
Simeon Wait,*
Michael Ward,
Frederick Washburn,
Henry Washburn,
Ira Washburn,*
Elbridge Wheelock,*
William Wheelock,
Ariel Loveless,
Richard M. Sprague.
William McNeil,
Jeffrey Merrill,
Henry Merrill,
George Merrill,
John McGinnis,*
William McCormic,
Tabor Newton,
William T. Norris,*
Henry C. Newton,
Andrew Normand,
William Orton,
Albert H. Ott,
Morgan L. Purdy,
George Purdy,
Solomon H. Parks,
Wallace Parks,
Lawrence Palmer,
George H. Putnam,
Edward Pearson,
George Ross.
Joseph R. Rey,
William Rising,
James Reynolds,
Reuben Robinson,
Benjamin Robinson,
Nathaniel Rice.
Charles Sill,
William Sweet,*
Milton F. Sweet,
Rowland Sherman,
James M. Shurter.*
Dudley E. See,*
George W. Smith,
James Smith,
Reuben Sherman,*
Levi Shaffer,*
Jacob A. Sisson,
George H. Skym,
James C. Smith,*
Ira Scott,
George Sumner,
Seneca Ackley,
Henry Allen,
James Armstrong,
Lewis S. Bailey,
Charles N. Baker,
Henry Baker,
Isaac Baker,
Stephen F. Baker,
Lester D. Bardwell,
William Bartman,
William Beardsley,
Charles Bemus,
Alfred Bender,
Oliver Bennett,
James Benson,
George C. Bentley,*
Henry Bentley,
Washington P. Bentley,
Andrew Benton,
George Bishop,
Silas E. Blowers,
Frank L. Brewster,
Charles Brown,
John Brown,
Willard Brown,
William J. Brown,
John T. Bryant,
James H. Burdick,
Lewis A. Burdick,
William H. Burdick.
George Scott,
Martin Snyder,*
Franklin Smith,
George Sleight,*
George Storer,
George C. Tucker,
Jesse Thompson,*
James C. Vandenburg,*
Lyman Vandenburg,
Jesse Burlingham,
Charles Burpee,
Frank Cady,
John Cady,
Oscar Cady,
Alexander Campbell,
Henry C. Campbell,
Albert Carp,
Truman Carpenter,
Joel Carr,*
Charles Chapman,
Morgan H. Chrysler,'
Wilbur M. Clark,
Robert B. Conde,
John Conklin,
Joseph Conners,
John Connery,
Richard B. Coutant,
Zina H. Cowles,*
Jeremiah Coy,
Zera Coy,
Samuel S. Craig,*
Enos Crandall,*
Joseph Crandall, jr.,
Paul D. Crandall,*
Commodore P. Curtis,
Winslow J. Dake,*
Darius S. Davis,
Frederick O. Day,
Elias Washburn,
C. Frank Winship,
James White,
Lloyd Weston,*
William H. Yattaw,
John J. Yattaw,
Christopher Yattaw,
Robert Yattaw,
Hiram Yattaw.
Elijah Dean, jr.,
Sylvanus T. Densmore,'
Dennis Desmond,
Edwin B. Deuel,
James C. Deyoe,
Andrew J. Dorman,
James Dorley,*
Andrew J. Dowen,*
Ezra W. Drake,
William H. Drake,
Augustus Dunham,
Charles S. Dunham,
Holtum Dunham,
Thomas Dunn,
Stephen Eddy,
Henry Elliott,*
James Emperor,*
George D. Ferris,
Simeon E. Ford, •
John Gibbons,
Andrew W. Gifford,*
Allen S. Glenn,
James D. Goodhue,
Robert B. Goudie,
Alonzo Green,
Davis Green,*
Oscar F. A. Green,*
William Green,*
William W. Green,
Asa L. Gurney,
^ Colonel Chrysler, who entered the service as captain of Company G, Thirtieth New York
Volunteers, enlisting May 7, 1861, was promoted to major March 11, 1862, and to lieutenant-colonel
September 20, 1862. He was mustered out with his regiment June ^, 1863, and soon after re-en-
listed as colonel of the Second New York Veteran Cavalry. He was severely wpunded through
the chest at Atchafalaya Bayou, La., July 28, 1864, and was soon after brevetted brigadier-gen-
eral, and was mustered out of the United States service November 26, 1865.
George W. Gurney,
George Hagamore,
George Hanse,
Clinton Harris,
Ezra Harris,
JohnS. Harris,
John T. Harris,
Lyman W. Harris,*
Mark C. Harris,
Morris Harris,
George W. Hazard,*
James H. Hazard,
Hiram Hendrick,
James Hendrick,*
Herman Hermanghans,
John Hill,
John W. Hill,*
Josiah Hill,
Seth Hill,
George H. Hodges,
John G. Holsapple,
David A. Hopkins,
Nelson Hopkins,*
Silas Hopkins,
John J. Hindson,
James H. Huested,
Henry J. Hurd,
Charles E. Ingerson,
James H. Ireland,*
Michael Jennings,
George W. Johnson,
Henry Jones,
Henry F. Jones,
John Jones,
Lewis S. Jones,*
Oliver Jones,
Thomas J. Jones,
William Jones,
Leonard J. Jordan,
William Jordan,
John Kelly,
Oscar Kemp,
John Kennedy,
Edward M. Kerriett,
Jonas Kested,
John Killiard,
Benedict A. King,
Isaac King,
Herman Laner,
David W. Langdon,*
Charles Lee,
Martin Leonard,
Henry M. Lewis,
Moses Lewis,
Henry L. Lincoln,
Sidney D. Lincoln,*
Sigsmund Lockhart,
Zebbee Lockwood,
John Louther,
Daniel W. Lovell,
Henry Lynett,
James S. Lyon,
John Mack,
Nicholas D. MafEett,
Frank Mangin,
Henry Marcellus,
Hiram Marks,
Andrew Martin,
Harrison H. Mastin,
Henry Mastin,
Florence McCarty,
George McCollum,
John McCollum,
Melvin McCreedy,
George H. McLaughlin,
David McNeil, jr.,*
Charles Merritt,*
Samuel C. Miller,
David A. Millis,
John Mitchell,
Frank Mooney,
Frederick A. Morehouse,
Charles W. Mosher,
David Mosher,*
Eugene Mosher,
Hiram Mosher,
Lewis Mosher,
Michael Mullin,
Allen Munroe,
John Nelson,
Richard Newman,
John O'Brien,
Henry C. Old,
Thomas Olson,
Martin V. B. Ostrarider,
Cyrus R. Padelford,
James S. Palmer,*
William H. Palmer,
Charles L. Parker,*
William Parker,
William B. Parker,*
George N. Peacock,
Andrew J. Peckham,*
Abram F. Price,*
James H. Rawling,
Robert S. Remington,
Edwin C. Rhodes,
Daniel Rose,
Jarvis W. Russell,
John N. Rose,
Lester Rose,
Lewis H. Rose,*
William A. Rose.
Francis M. Rowland,
Joseph G. Rowland,
John S. St. John,
William G. Sears,
Frank Seeley,
John Seeley,*
John Thomas Seeley,*
William J. Seeley,*
Cyrus ShiflEer,
John H. Shaft,
Thomas R. Skinner,
William J. Snyder,*
Gilman Spaulding,
Arnold Spicer,
Thomas Spaulding,
Albert Standish,*
George W. Steele,
John Stevens,
Alfred Stewart,
Norman Stuart,
Charles I. Stoddard,*
Charles S. Taylor,*
James S. Taylor,
William O. Taylor,
Michael Tethers,*
Thomas L. Thomas,
Charles A. Thornton,*
John Thornton,
John S. Tinney,
Edmund B. Tourtellot,
Truman M. Tourtellot,*
Charles W. Townsend,
Charles W. Trumble,
Mark I. Trumble,*
John Van Antwerp,
Charles Van Petten,
Edward Van Rensselaer,
Benjamin Van Steenburg,
Elbert J. Watson,*
George Webb,
Dudley G. Allen,
John Beers,
Elijah Bennett,
Richard Bills,
Rufus Black,
Silas C. Blowers,
Harmon Bovencamp,*
Henry Bovencamp,
Aaron Bradt,*
John Bradt,
Elnathan Bristol,
Peter Butler,*
Henry Clute,*
James Colson,
John H. Colson,
John S. Colson,
Byron Daniels,*
James Daniels,
Edwin Delong,
Lafayette Delong,
Andrew Deming,
Edgar L. Deming,
John Deming,*
Gordon Dimick,
George Dickerson,
Joseph Ellison,*
Elam F. Evans,*
James N. Webb,
John Webb,*
Thomas H. Webb,
James Webster,
George L. Wendell,
Edwin E. West,
Harvey L. Whipple,
Henry Whitman,
James H. Wickin,
Daniel Williams,
Henry E. Williams,*
Gilbert F. Edmond,
Michael Flansburgh,*
Julian Graves,
Daniel Guiles,
Irving W. Guiles,
George Guiles,
Rensselaer Havens,
Charles Herrick,
Thomas Hopkins,
Wendell B. Howe,*
William C. Howe,
William A. Hunt,
David Kinney,
Jonathan Kinney,
Abram R. Lawrence,'
Philo Roswell Lawrence,
C. F. Marcellus,
John H. Mason,
Edward Mattison,
Zera H. Mattison,
John Michaels,
Rienzi Michaels,*
Ambrose Milliman,
Cutler Milliman,
William Milliman,
John McGuire,
Zabin Mills,*
Samuel Williams,
William Williams,
William N. Williams,
Charles Willis,
James H. Wilson,
William G. Wing,
Henry C. Wood,
Frederick G. Woodward,
William H. Wood,
John E. Wood worth,*
Henry Young.
Abijah Ovitt,*
Chauncey Palmer,
Arunah Perry,
George Pixley,
James Pixley,
William Pixley,
Edwin Rhodes,
John Ross,
Charles Ryther,
William Scott,
Samuel B. Shepard,
Dennis Springer,*
John Stead,*
Beecher Truax,
Henry Truax,
John W. Van Arnum,
John Vanderhoof,
Ransom Varney,
Solomon Wheeler,
Timothy White,
Lorin Woodcock,
Stephen Woodcock,
George Woodworth,
Charles A. Yates,
Edgar F. Yates,
William H. Zenstine.
William Brown,
Edward Bobenreath,
Andrew Brisbin,
Lorin Brisbin,
John R. Burnham,
William Baker,
■Also served in the Florida war and the Mexican war.
John Brainard,
Richard Brewer,
Claudius Baker,
John Carr,
Noah B. Clark,
George Carr,*
James Cannon,
Seth W. Deyoe,
James G. Deuel,
William Dorvee,
Michael Dowling,
Henry Deyoe,*
Alfred Dran,
John Deyoe,
Peter A. Deyoe,
William H. Deyoe,*
Mynard C. Deyoe,
Lewis Deyoe,
James Ellison,
Winsor B. French,
Charles H. Fodow,
Walton French,
Luke Folmsbee,
Walter Freeman,
Dorson Falloon,
Thomas Farrell,
Henry N. Gilbert,
Jesse Gower,
George Green,
Albert Gruber,
Edgar Hain,
Alonzo J. Hubble,*
John J. Hudson,
Isaac S. Hodges,
Miles Hudson,
Otis T. Hall,
Charles Holden,
Solomon Holden,*
William Harvey,
Aaron Irish,
Aftus H. Jewell,
Sidney B. King,
George Lawson,*
Edwin A. Lockwood,
Antoine Lapoint,
Alexander Lamara,
Henry Laroy,
Edwin McPherson,
Henry M. Myers,
Charles Munn,
Hanford Myres,
Cornelius Myres,
David McNeil,
Ira McNeil,
William Miller,*
John McGovern,
Joseph Martin,
Stephen Nisbeth,*
William E. Newton,
John S. Nobles,
Robert Price,
Frederick N. Perkins,*
Harmon E. Perry,
Robert Pryor,
John Powers,
Arthur Perry,
Harlaem E. Potter,
Gardner Perry,
James A. Padelford,
Harvey A. Reed,
John H. Reynolds,
Charles H. Ruggles,*
John H. Rose,
Warren L. Smith,*
Alfred M. See,'*
Daniel Steenburgh,
Isaac W. Souls,
Peter Schermerhorn,
Hiram Tyrell,*
William Taylor, jr.,*
George Van Antwerp,*
Stephen O. Viele,*
Lewis T. Vanderwerker,
George H. Wildey,
Richard B. Wood,
Lloyd Weston,
Henry Weatherwax,
Elias Washburn,
Eugene M. Warner.
Samuel Allen,
John Anderson,
Peter Butler,
Jeremiah Baldry,
Joseph P. Bowers,
Samuel S. Butler,
William Butler,
Anthony S. Badgely,
Martin V. B. Billings,
David Borst,
David Barker,
John Barker,
Henry Clark,
John Cudahy,
Clifton Park.
Abram Clark,
Albert Carnall,
Van Rensselaer Conklin,
Ransom Conklin,
Levi Clapper,
Sidney T. Cornell,
George W. Cornell,*
Jacob H. Clute, jr. ,
Charles H. De Graff,
Robert De Graff,
George Davis,
Levi De Graff,
Edward H. Dater,*
David H. Dater,
William H. Evarts,
Edward Evans,
William Filkins,
John Fisher,
Peter Friel,
George Gregory,
Wesley Heyner,
James Haley,
Thomas R. Holland,
William H. Haylock,
James Johnson,
Albert Jofles,
John Jones,
Lyman Johns,
Christian C. Kellogg,
John Kelley,
John H. Lapius,
Michael Lamey,
Andrew S. McEchron,
Christopher Mulligan,
Robert McPherson,
Matthew Mulligan,
John Mulligan,
Benjamin Northrup,
Henry C. Peterson,
William D. Peterson,
James Roach,
Reuben Stokam,
Lewis Shouts,
Peter B. Simmons,
John Simmons,
William Van Saulsbury,
Orlando Swartwout,
William H. Shouts,
Andrew Stewart,
Jeremiah Stebbins,
William Taylor,
William D. Town,
Christian Walker,
Alexander H. Wicks.
James Allen, *
Joseph Armer,
James F. Austin,
Eli Bailey,
John G. Baker,
James C. Barber,
David S. Barker,
Ira J. Barker,
William W. Barton,
Wilson Barton,*
Arnold Bates,
Austin Bates,
Charles H. Bates,
Dennis Bates,
George Beeman,
James H. Bell,
James C. Benson,
Asa C. Bentley, jr. ,
George H. Bentley,
Gilbert Bentley,
Hector Bentley,
John H. Bentley,
Joseph J. Bentley,
Nathaniel S. Bentley,
William A. Bentley,
Charles Betts,
Francis C. Betts,
Wilhelm Bink, '
Charles A. Briggs,*
Noah D. Bronson,*
Eli Brooks,
James B. Brooks,*
Uriah C. Buck,
Norris Burfit,
John Burns,
- Providence.
Nelson W. Cad man,*
Seth Cadman,
William B. Carpenter,*
John W. Clark,*
Henry Clunis,
John M. Clute,
Simon Cohen,
Arnold Cole,
Charles Cole,*
James W. Cole,
William Cole,*
William B. Collins,
Charles Colony,*
James S. Colony,*
George Colony,*
Edward J., Colony,*
John H. Cook,
Thomas Cooper,
William H. Cornell,*
John Costello,
Michael Costello,
Thomas Cunning,
John L. Dalton,
Robert Dawson,
Charles E. Duel,
Thomas Donahue,
Edward Dumphrey,
Mason Delano,*
Waldron G. Evans,
William George Evans,
William W. Finch,
John Flanagan,
Timothy Foley,
William M. Fowler,
James French,
Henry Frey,
Levi Garwood,
Edward H. Gates,
Elbridge Gates,*
Hiram Gifford,*
Russell W. H. Gifford,
Irving Gre^en,*
Chauncey Hagadorn,
H. Seymour Hall,
Michael Harrigan,
Benjamin E. Harrison,
Edward Hayes,
Alfred Hickok,
Ferdinand Hoffman,
John Holland,
Joseph W. Honeywell,*
James H. Jeffords,*
Orville F. Jeffords,*
Samuel King,
Edward Laporte,
Peter Lasher,*
Addison Like,
Stephen Marihew,*
Thomas McCormick,
Terence McGovern,
Thomas McGovern,
James McMahon,
Michael McWiUiams,*
Philip Mead,
Michael Miller,
Thomas Mina,
A. N. Morgan,
J. Morgan,
Ephraim D. Mosher,
Lewis Mundell,
John Nadew,
Elijah Olmstead,*
Jacob H. Olmstead,
Edward Orry,
George Packer,
Richard Parker,
William W. Pease,
Benjamin Perry,*
John A. Pettit,
William A. Pulling,
William Reed,
Larry C. Rice,
Edmund Ricketson,*
Joseph H. Rogers,
Robert Russell,
George S. Schermerhorn,*
Daniel C. Sherman,*
Jethro P. Sherman,
Philo D. Sherman,
Solomon Sherman,
William H. Sism, '
Alonzo P. Slocum,
James A. Slocum,
Peter Smith,
William W. Smith,
David Sowl, jr.,
Francis Sowl,
John Sparks,
Henry H. Tabor,
P. D. Thompson,
Alonzo P. Van Epps,
Levi Whistler,
William J. Woolsey,*
Daniel Wylie.
The Latter Years of the County's History, and the Causes of Its Prosperity Since
the Days of the Civil War— The Development of the Older Industries and the
Establishment of New Ones— The Manufacturing Centres— New Churches— Growth
of the Educational System— Newspapers, Past and Present — Financial Institutions
-^Some of the Leading Public Institutions— Clubs, Societies, etc. — Centennial Cele-
brations of 1876 and 1877— Anniversaries of the Battle of Bemus Heights and the
Surrender of General Burgoyne — The Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument at Ballston
Spa — Death of General U. S. Grant — Other Happenings of Interest.
To write anything more than a brief outline of the development of
the various industries of the county of Saratoga since the period of the
Civil war, with the many and varied changes in its large number of in-
stitutiojis — educational, religious, eleemosynary, philanthropic, com-
mercial— would require a vast amount of space and many years of hard
labor in its compilation and publication. It is doubtful if the public
interest in such an undertaking would be sufficient to warrant the un-
dertaking. In the succeeding pages we shall endeavor to trace, in out-
line, the history of the county as a whole, illustrating its growth along,
the lines and omitting, as far as possible, the minor details of an unes-
sential character. Of the numerous manufacturing industries of the
various communities of the county, brief historical sketches of the most
important appear. No effort has been made to go into details regard-
ing all the industrial enterprises of the county, the aim of the author
being simply to preserve, for future generations, such data as will best
serve to illustrate the building which has been erected on the founda-
1861-1898— MANUFACTURES. 273
tion laid by the forefathers — not to inspect every timber which has
entered into the industrial, educational, social and political fabric of
which it is composed, but to paint, in epitome, the various steps taken
toward the upbuilding of the still unfinished structure.
The beginning of the war of the Rebellion, the most awful civil war
in the history of modern nations, found the county of Saratoga mak-
ing rapid strides in all directions. New manufactures were springing up
everywhere. Capital was being invested with lavish hands in a score
or more of communities in all sections of the county. The water
power on the Hudson was being still more carefully harnessed for the
service of mankind ; the agrarian communities — which ever have dom-
inated the county — were beginning to realize, more than ever, the
value of improved transportation facilities, growing markets and good
prices ; the summer resorts in the county were reaping splendid har-
vests, and many other things were contributing to add to the wealth
and general prosperity. But the existence of a fierce internal war was
most disheartening, and all industry suffered a severe check. The up-
building of most of the enterprises which have made the county
famous in modern years has occurred since the war, with the single ex-
ception of the paper manufacturing industry; and even in this de-
partment it was not until some time after the close of the war that
great industrial strides were made, with a single exception, which is
noted later on.
The industrial centres of Saratoga county are Ballston Spa, Mechan-
icville and Stillwater, Waterford, Schuylerville, Saratoga, and South
Glens Falls. For many years one of the principal industries of the
county has been the manufacture of paper. Until recent years the
various mills in the county manufactured the coarser grades of paper,
such as manilla and news paper; but in recent years the finer grades
of writing paper have also been turned out in immense quantities.
Probably no community of equal size or population in the country is
so widely noted for paper manufacture as Saratoga county and the
section adjoining it to the north and northeast. Hon. George West of
Ballston Spa is at the head of a concern which in itself owns and oper-
ates eleven mills, which are situated on the banks of the Kayaderos-
seras creek.
Mr. West came to Ballston Spa in 1861. Having learned the best
processes for the manufacture of paper, he entered the employ of C. S.
Buchanan, proprietor of the paper mills at Rock City Falls. A year
later, in June, 1862, with a capital of only about $3,000, he purchased
the Empire paper mills at Rock City Falls. From the start his success
was pronounced, for the paper he made was of a very superior quality
and the demand for it was heavy. Soon he was compelled to increase
his facilities. In 1866 he built the Excelsior mills and dam at Rock
City Falls, and about the same time became a partner in the purchase
of the Angell paper mills at Waterford. In 1870 he retired from the
management of these mills in order to devote his entire attention to his
properties in Saratoga county. The same year he bought the mills at
or near Middle Grove, rebuilt them, and at once purchased the Pioneer
mill at West Milton. But so rapid was the increase in the demand for
his paper that in 1874 he found it expedient to purchase the Eagle mill,
located two miles above Ballston Spa. The following year he bought
the Island mill in Ballston Spa, formerly owned and operated by Jonas
A. Hovey as a cotton mill. These three buildings were immediately
converted into a paper mill. About the same time he purchased the
cotton mill known as the Union mill and the woolen mill near it, both
of which were soon devoted to the manufacture of paper, paper bags
being manufactured in the old woolen mill. For many years Mr. West
manufactured manilla paper exclusively. All his mills are located on
the banks of the Kayaderosseras creek. He is reputed to be the heavi-
est individual paper manufacturer in the United States.
The tannery of Haight & Co. at Ballston Spa is one of the most im-
portant industries of Saratoga county and one of the largest tanneries
in the country. This industry was established at Milton Centre about
1830 by Seth Rugg. It was subsequently owned by Mr. Morey, then
by Jacob Adams, who sold it to Samuel Haight. Mr. Haight greatly
increased the business and in 1883 moved it to its present location in
the village of Ballston Spa. For several years Matthew Vassar was in
partnership with Mr. Haight, up to the time of the death of the latter,
October 6, 1891. The firm is now composed of Matthew Vassar, H.
Vassar Haight and Theodore S. Haight, the two latter being the sons
of the late Samuel Haight. The tannery operated by them employs
about 300 men, and contributes immensely to the prosperity of the
The National mill at Ballston Spa, which manufactures manilla box
board, and produces about nine and a quarter tons per day, was pur-
1861-1898— MANUFACTURES. 275
chased in the spring of 1892 by the National Folding Box and Paper
company of Hartford, Conn. Many improvements have been made
since that time, including a new dam constructed in 1895 at a cost of
$8,000. The mill was formerly known as the Idlewild mill It was at
first owned and operated by John McLean, then by John McLean and
Harvey J. Donaldson, and later by Mr. Donaldson and Harvey M.
While Mr. West was investing so heavily in paper mills others were
establishing paper mills and other industries in various parts of the
county, though on a smaller scale. In 1865 Thomas Brown, of Niagara
Falls, who six years before had purchased the old woolen mills at Cor-
inth, and established an edge-tool factory, built a large woolen mill
there, which began operations in 1866. This mill was run by him for
over three years. On the evening of November 7, 1869, Mr. Brown
was mistaken for a burglar or incendiary by his night watchman,
while coming from his mill, and shot, his death occurring a few
moments later. The factory was burned in 1870, but was soon rebuilt
a short distance south of the original site. Until 1874 it was operated
as a woolen mill, but in the latter year it was purchased by the Hudson
River Pulp and Paper company and used by that concern for a store-
The latter corporation began operations in a large new mill Septem-
ber 1, 1869, at first manufacturing wood pulp. The year following it
bought the old edge-tool factory and began in it the manufacture of
printing paper. In 1873, the demand for its product increasing, a new
mill for the manufacture of the finer qualities of printing paper was
erected, and began running in May, 1873. In April, 1877, the large
mill was burned by spontaneous combustion, but soon after rebuilt.
The tannery at Corinth built in 1855 by Powell & Co. was burned in
August, 1874, but was immediately rebuilt by Rugg & Co. of Schnec-
lady. About 1875 Morgan L. Prentiss began the manufacture of bolts
and nuts and other carriage iron in the building which originally was
built by Washington Chapman, in 1805, for a woolen factory.
At South Glens Falls the Morgan Lumber company operated four
large lumber mills as early as twenty years ago. In connection with
this industry this corporation also began, about the same time, the
operation of a planing mill and a box factory. The Glens Falls Paper
company, which began business at this point neary a quarter of a cen-
tury since, has become one of the most extensive manufacturers of
paper in the country. In 1872 Reynolds, Dix & Co. began working a
large marble and stone quarry, sending the surplus limestone to lime
kilns. Stone works had been established there as early as 1836 by
Julius H. Rice.
In 1863 Henry Poor & Son of Boston purchased the Lynwood tan-
nery at Conklingville, which was established in 1848 by Gurdon Conk-
ling. The new proprietors, possessed of abundant capital, made
numerous improvements and increased the facilities of the tannery
until it became an enterprise of considerable importance. In 1872
James L. Libby of New York established a paper-box factory at Conk
lingville, employing from seventy to eighty hands. The wooden-ware
works in this village, operated for many years by Benjamin R. Jen-
kins, formerly of Batchellerville, who died in 1877, were established
soon after the war, and from time to time their capacity was increased
until, in recent years, they have become a mammoth enterprise, em-
ploying more than a hundred hands.
Lewis E. Smith of Mechanicville for many years had charge of the
works of the American Linen Thread company of that village, begin-
ning with 1853. The company manufactured all kinds of sewing and
machine threads, and employed from one hundred and fifty to two
hundred hands.
Mechanicville's manufactures are mostly of modern growth. The
immense plant of the Duncan company, established in 1888, located on
the banks of the Hudson river, just north of the village, in the town of
Stillwater, is one of the most important industries of its kind in the
country. It owns besides 'its mammoth mill, a large and finely con-
structed dam in the Hudson, which furnishes most of its power.
South of the village is located the extensive power house of the Hud-
son Power and Transmission company, incorporated in 1896. This
plant, including a fine dam across the Hudson, was completed in 1898.
The building is supplied with generators, operated by water power,
which develop electricity and transmit it by means of many wires to
the works of the General Electric company at Schenectady.
Among the other manufacturing concerns in Mechanicville, many of
which have been established within the last decade, are the knitting
mills of W. B. Neilson, Mechanicville Knitting company. Sagamore
Knitting company; the shoddy mill of Cunningham Bros. & Whitbeck;
the sash, door and blind mills of Barnes & La Dow and J. B. Orcutt &
Son; the plant of the Fiberite company; the Mechanicville brewery;
John Smith's machine shop, and the foundry of Longstaff & Son.
1861-18!)8— MANUFACTURES. 277
The G. F. Harvey company, naanufacturing chemists, of Saratoga
Springs, though of modern establishment, has risen to a position of
great prominence in the business v/orld. This company was incorpo-
rared May 13, 1890, by George F. Harvey, S. A. Rickard and Edgar
T. Brackett, with a capital stock of $^00,000. The stock was increased
to $850,000 April 4, 1895, and upon its increased valuation the com-
pany has paid an annual dividend of five per cent, each year. The
present officers of the company are: S. A. Rickard, president; L. H.
Cramer, vice-president and treasurer; James Mingay, secretary; E. T.
Brackett, attorney. The business of the company extends over the
entire United States, including the manufacturing branch at Mille
Roches, Ont. It has sixty-six salesmen constantly traveling, who make
daily reports to the head office at Saratoga Springs, or those who travel
in the Canadas to the branch house at Mille Roches. The company
employs over one hundred hands at its factory, and as its entire busi-
ness is conducted with customers out of town, all the money paid for
help every Saturday (which amounts to nearly $1,000) is from funds
brought in from outside. The company has over thirty thousand cus-
tomers upon its books and its business is constantly increasing. It is
the intention, within a very short time, to establish a western depot,
not for the purpose of manufacturing, but for distributing goods to cus-
tomers remote from the home office.
Stillwater's manufactures have made the place noted. The paper
mill established in 1847, which has been referred to in a preceding
chapter, was the first extensive industry at that point. It had not been
in operation long before the splendid facilities at that point were no-
ticed by capitalists and manufacturers elsewhere. About 1863 Gardner
Howland & Sons built a large paper mill opposite Baker's lock. This
was burned, but at once rebuilt, and the business continued on a larger
scale than ever. In 1866 D. & W. Penible established the straw-board
mill there. In 1873 Newland & Dennison established a mill for the
manufacture of knit underwear, and Ephraim Newland in the same
year built a mill for the manufacture of hosiery and underwear. The
water power in the Hudson at this point is utilized by nearly all the
manufacturers in town, and is capable of still greater development.
Waterford had become an important manufacturing centre long be-
fore the war. Numerous changes have been made since that time,
however. In 1864 Levi Dodge purchased the feed mill formerly owned
by Henry Lape and converted it into a straw-board factory. This
building, probably the oldest on the hydraulic canal, was originally
used as a button factory, then as a barley mill, then a feed mill, and
finally a card-board mill. The old mill was burned and a new one was
erected in 1874, passing into the hands of the Saratoga County bank of
Waterford, and being operated by Edwards & Younglove. In 1864 E.
Van Kleeck began the manufacture of brushes, but the business was
removed to Lansingburgh a few years later. In 1870 Holroyd, Safely
& Dowd remodeled the old flouring mill of T. M. Vail & Sons and con-
verted it into the Alaska knitting mill. In 1877 it passed into the con-
trol of the Hudson Valley Knitting company. The Massasoit Knitting
mills were erected in 1872 on the foundation of the old Shatemuck
flouring mills, and were placed under the management of E. G. Mun-
son. The Mohawk & Hudson paper mill was established in 1873 by a
stock company, but soon afterward was sold to Frank Gilbert of Troy,
who still operates it, turning out large quantities of printing paper.
The Waterford sawing mills, established in Cohoes in 1835, were re-
moved to Waterford in 1873, when the plant was greatly increased in
size. The Globe iron foundry was established in 1873 by Robert Pink-
erton in a building formerly occupied by the Button Fire Engine com-
pany. The Pilot knitting mill was started in 1875 by Van Schoonhoven
& Co.
The Eureka knitting mills were established in 1881 by John W. Ford
and John H. Pynes, the latter succeeding to the sole control in 1891.
The manufacturing facilities are comprised in a three-story brick build-
ing, covering an area one hundred and fifty feet square.
The Waterford Knitting company was incorporated in 1885 with a
capital stock of $50,000. The oflScers are: President and treasurer,
Thomas Breslin; vice-president, Charles L. Mitchell; secretary, C. C.
Ormsby; superintendent, Michael Organ. The mill is a four story
brick building eighty by one hundred and twenty feet in dimensions.
The Bishopton knitting mill was established in 1886. It is owned by
L. Kavanaugh and managed by C. H. Kavanaugh.
The Kavanaugh Knitting company's mill was erected in 1891. It is
a handsome three-story brick structure, having a large square tower on
the front elevation.
The paper-box manufactory of Sidney D. Sault was established in
1892 at Cohoes but soon afterward removed to Waterford, where the
proprietor now has a finely equipped plant.
The Clyde Knitting company is the successor to the Meeker, Spotten
1861-1898— MANUFACTURES. 279
& Meeker compaay, which was organized in 1892 with John H. Meeker
as president and James H. Spotten as treasurer. This concern failed in
1896, and in November of that year the mill was sold to the- Clyde
Knitting company,. which occupies the same building. The latter com-
pany is officered as follows: President, Thomas Breslin; vice-president,
Samuel Bolton, jr.; secretary, James H. Shine; treasurer, John H.
The Clover Knitting company is the successor to the Hudson Valley
Knitting company. The latter company failed, and in the summer of
1897, after the mill had been idle for about a year and a half, the Clover
Knitting company began operating it. The officers of the latter com-
pany are : President, Peter McCarthy ; vice president, Thomas Breslin ;
treasurer, John H. Pynes; secretary, Robert E. Stover; superintendent,
G. M. Langner.
The Ormsby Textile company was incorporated in 1893 and began
operations in 1895 in a large new mill located on King's canal. This
mill is a four-story and attic building, constructed on the slow-burning
principle. The officers of the company are : President, Thomas Bres-
lin; vice-president, Charles L. Mitchell; secretary, Michael Organ;
treasurer, Charles C. Ormsby.
The plant of the Eddy Valve company comprises a group of sub-
stantial brick buildings, and its products comprise a general line of
valves from half an inch to 56 inches in diameter. In addition to the
company's own plant its management also controls the operations of
the Mohawk & Hudson Manufacturing company of Waterford, iron and
and brass founders. The officers of the company are: President,
John Kinckerbacker; vice-president, H. C. Rogers; treasurer, T. A.
Schuylerville has also been, for many years, one of the leading in-
dustrial centres of Saratoga county. Its early enterprises have been
referred to in the preceding pages. One of the many resources from
which the village derives a benefit is the paper mill. This industry
was established in 1863-1864 by D. A. Bullard & Co. as the " Schuyler
paper mill." In 1870 Mr. Bullard purchased the interests held by his
partners and introduced his sons into the business.
From time to time during this period industries of various kinds were
established at other points in the county, but those mentioned were the
most important. While the commercial interests of the community
were being cared for, the inhabitants were not unmindful of the men-
tal and spiritual welfare of the rising generation, as is illustrated by
the increase in the number of religious institutions, the establishment
of new schools and the great improvement of the old ones.
Several new churches were organized during this period in Saratoga
Springs. March 8, 1865, witnessed the founding of the First Congre-
gational church at Saratoga Springs. Rev. E. N. Sawtelle, D. D. , the
first pastor of the church, was installed in April, 1865. The church
edifice was not erected until 1868. Nearly all the original members
were from the First Presbyterian church, and the first trustees of the
new society were Dexter H. Knowlton, Lewis E. Whiting, Waldo M.
Potter, Solon B. Bushnell, Hiram P. Trim, Abisha Bailey, Jacob Myers,
Andrew Hall and Joseph A. Shoudy.
In 1869 a number of members of the First Presbyterian church who
resided at an inconvenient distance from their house of worship formed
a new society, which subsequently became the Second Presbyterian
church. August 31 of that year the corner stone of their chapel was
laid by Rev. Dr. John Woodbridge, then pastor of the First Presby-
terian church, and the edifice was dedicated by him January 30, 1870.
Rev. James N. Crocker was at first placed in charge of the mission
work. The church was not regularly organized until August, 1871,
when John Newland, B. M. Fay and B. F. Edwards were installed as
elders. August 28 Charles F. Dowd, George S. Batcheller, John New-
land, Adam B. Smith, Alexander Bennett and Samuel H. Freeman
were elected trustees. The church was received under the care of
the Albany Presbytery October 10, and October 22 Rev. James N.
Crocker was instetlled as the first pastor.
The First Free Methodist church was organized October 2, 1865 ; the
house of worship was built in 1869, and dedicated January 8, 1870, by
Rev. B. T. Robert. The first pastor was Rev. A. B. Burdick, and the
first trustees F. A. Town, Seneca Weed and Seth Grawberg.'
The African M. E. Zion church was organized in June, 1863, by Rev.
J. Boler, who, with A. Freeman and J. Lewis, constituted the first board
of trustees. The house of worship was dedicated in 1863 by Bishop
William H. Bishop. In November, 1866, the building was destroyed
' The pastors are as follows : Revs. A. B. Burdick, D. M. Sinclair, William Gould, James
Odell, Harry Mathews, B. Winget, James Odell, O. W. Young, W. H. CUrk, Almiron Smith,
Zenas Osborne, M. D. McDougall, H. W. Fish, A. B. Burdick, D. C. Johnson, M. N. Downing, W.
H. Clark.
1861-1898— CHURCHES. 281
by fire, but was rebuilt the following year and dedicated by Bishop J.
J. Clinton.
The Second Baptist church was organized as the Union Avenue Bap-
tist Sunday school by members of the First Baptist church, February
7, 1874, after services had been held in various places for nine months.
February 22, 1876, the society was duly organized as the Second Baptist
church. Rev. Daniel Corey, the first pastor, began his labors in April
The New England Congregational church of Saratoga Springs was
organized March 1, 1880. The main part of the present house of wor-
ship was erected that year, and the chapel in 1881. Rev. Thomas W.
Jones served as pastor from 1880 to 1888; Rev. Clarence F. Swift from
1888 to 1896; and the present pastor. Rev. William Orr Wark, began
his labors in January, 1895.
The Congregational Methodist church of Saratoga Springs was or-
ganized September 30, 1896. The church edifice was commenced April
8, 1897, and dedicated August 15, 1897. Its cost, including the lot,
was $8,700. Rev. L. C. Pettit has been the pastor since the organiza-
tion of the society.
All the churches at Ballston Spa were erected before the war. In
1876 a number of Spiritualists of that village erected Centennial hall,
which for several years was devoted to services of that sect, but in
recent years the building has been devoted to various purposes.
The only church organized in the town of Halfmoon during this
period was the M. E. church at Smithtown. In the town of Stillwater,
the Presbyterian church at Ketchum's Corners was incorporated Jan-
uary 22, 1866, when Tyler Dunham, Edward Moore and William Flag-
ler were elected elders and John H. Brightman deacon. The house of
worship was dedicated December 12, 1866, by Rev. A. M. Beveridge
of Lansingburgh. Rev. William M. Johnson was the first pastor.
Until 1874 the Catholics of Stillwater attended church at Mechanic-
ville. In that year a separate society was formed at Stillwater, the old
edifice of the Protestant Episcopal society was purchased and a society
The Episcopal church at East Line, in the town of Ballston, was
established in 1876, under direction of the Rev. William Delafield,
rector of Christ Episcopal church at Ballston Sp^. Services have not
been held there regularly for several years.
In Corinth, the Free Methodist church at Jessup's Landing was or-
ganized as a class in November, 1867.
In the fall of 1868 Rev. C. T. V. Eastman, rector of the Church of
the Redeemer at Northampton, Fulton county, organized St. John's
Episcopal church at Conklingville. Thomas Gillespie and Samuel
Kinnear were the first wardens, and James Parker, John Hall, sr.,
Thomas Evans and William W. Foulks the first vestrymen. The
corner stone of the house of worship was laid by Bishop Doane of
Albany September 17, 1870.
The Methodist Episcopal church of Day Centre was formed as a class
in October, 1865. The church was erected in the fall of 1868 and ded-
icated the following winter. Rev. J. K. Wager was its first pastor.
St. Paul's Catholic church at Rock City Falls was built early in 1873,
and the society regularly organized and incorporated in July, 1874, by
Rev. Father McMenomy, who attended it while residing at Saratoga
Springs. The church was dedicated by Bishop McNierny, in Septem-
ber, 1877. Rev. Father Smith, then Rev. Father Mullany, were the
first pastors, the latter being the first resident priest. He was suc-
ceeded in 1884 by Father Donahue, who attended Gal way as a mission,
and built the church there about 1884. Father McGeough of Ballston
Spa bought the land where the present St. Mary's church in Galway
now stands. In May, 1888, Father Quinn succeeded Father Donahue.
Father Quinn established his residence at Galway, and Rock City Falls
then became a mission to Galway. In October, 1897, Rev. Father
Barrett of St. Mary's church, Troy, became pastor of the two churches.
The Wilton Methodist Episcopal charge comprises the three churches
of that denomination within the town — at South Wilton, Gurn Spring
(formerly Kent), and Wilton (formerly Wiltonviile). The house of
worship at Wilton was built in 1860, during the pastorate of Rev. R. G.
Adams, At Gurn Spring a church was erected in 1886 during the
pastorate of Rev, Charles B. Lewis. The old "Union church " is now
the property of the town and is used as a town hall. For many years
the M. E. society at South Wilton has been quite strong. About 1888
the interior of the church was entirely renewed at considerable expense,
and during 1897-98, under the pastorate of Rev. William H. Edwards,
it was repainted. The latter is the present pastor of these churches.
A Methodist Episcopal church was built at Middle Grove, in the
town of Greenfield, in 1888. The present pastor is Rev. George M.
1861-1898- SCHOOLS. 283
For years the youth of Saratoga county have enjoyed educational
advantages unexcelled by those of any other community in the country.